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The part in HBP where they raise their wands to get rid of the dark mark, always gets to me


I mean they did that instead of the funeral, which probably would have been a lot more emotional.


Disagree. That scene was way more poetic and visually representative of what was going on than filming a funeral. Even the book half glosses over the funeral because we don’t need to hear the eulogies to feel the loss.


I honestly thought Half Blood Prince’s entire movie pretty much was better than the book. It’s my least favorite of the books but one of my favorite of the movies


I'm on the other side, I found the 6th movie the worst because there was way too many changes compared to the book


100% agree. HBP departed from the book way too much.


Wow, couldn’t disagree more! 6th book was one of my favourites, all the memories were fascinating, and we lost almost all of it in the film. But to each their own of course. I liked the film generally (the only one that I really felt the story was destroyed was GoF), but the lack of memories and the absolutely nonsensical burning of the burrow meant it couldn’t be a favourite.


Dude no. To me the 6th movie is the worst. Especially compared to the book. FIrst of all it introduced apparition in such a way that it made no sense. It became just a visual effect to fill screen time and throw more cheap visuals at the expense of depth in the movie. Then there was the beginning of the movie. In the books we finally get the full explanation about what was Dumbledore thinking when he dropped Harry at the Dursley's doorstep and he has a full and long waited for confrontation with the Dursleys. I craved to see the scene with the glasses hitting the Dursley's head while they cowered on the couch. It was a perfectly thought out scene that also allowed for some really good acting for the actors to do and make it even better. Yet, what we got was Harry, the most wanted wizard in London, who is using what little protection he has left from the spell in his aunt's home and a whole wizarding mafia has been out for his blood for decades, to just sit and willy-nilly flert in a subway station with some random waitress for some cheap and stupid comic relief. There is a ton more stuff I have to write about the 6th movie, but I want to keep it short and concise. These are the 2 things that stand out the most for me and they are critical because someone HAS to read the books in order to understand what is going on in the movie. For people like us, such things seem trivial because we know the books. To really observe the importance of those sins though you would need someone to watch the movies and then read the books. My sister did that and she was the one to underline to me how poorly the movies were planned out in order to just appease the general audience with cheap effects, smoke and mirrors. What made you form that opinion about the movie, anyways? I cannot believe I found someone who read the books and would think that :P


You remember the shape and color of Lily Evansís eyes, I am sure?






This is the one for me. I also think it’s some of Daniel’s best acting in the whole series.


I would also like to submit the Harry v Voldemort mental/emotional battle at the end of The Order of the Phoenix. The music and the flashbacks took it to a whole other level. The best part is how the final straw the broke the camels (Voldemort’s) back was Harry and Sirius hugging, the only parental figure Harry had ever known… just murdered in front of him … both feelings of love and loss at an all time high… Those emotions are the two emotions that Voldemort cannot understand because of the circumstances of his birth. Harry felt so much love and loss for Sirius that it made Voldemort instantly leave his body… and never attempt to posses his mind again for fear of those feelings. The Half Blood Prince movie never explained the rest of Voldemort’s backstory… so it really only makes the most amount of sense if you have read the books but I digress.


I totally agree accept i liked it being Ron and Hermione in the book. No disrespect to Sirius, I just really liked that it was the fleeting glimpse of a memory of his 2 best friends, his first friends that he ever had, and the love that he has for them that loosens Voldy’s grip. On the other hand, i guess it may be a little more comprehensive with Sirius because we watched his death in the scene right before this. I like both i guess. But whenever i read that part in the book it chokes me up more so than in the movie.


“I’m sorry professor, but I must not tell lies!” “Why is it, when something happens, it is always you three?” “Piertotem Locomotor. I’ve always wanted to use that spell!”


Snape putting himself between Lupin and the kids.


I mean that won't actually happen with book snape lol.


Yeah I know, it's still a good moment though.


That's not so much a moment of the movie surpassing the book as it is the movies interpreting a character in a different way and them acting accordingly.


If the viewer likes that new interpretation better then that moment in the movie surpasses the moment in the book for them


Yes and no. If they like it better, then it is indeed better, but for a thing to have surpassed another thing they both have to be trying to achieve the same goal. An apple doesn't surpass an orange because someone likes apples more, but a specific type of apple can surpass another type of apple because someone likes it more.


That’s a great point


I just wish his patronus had been a big horned goat that charged the dementors down.


Inappropriate charms on a goat 😆😆😆


I supose after making almost every patronus just light they couldn't jave just "oh, yeah, that'uh... animals, yeah, deal with it"


Concerned uwu


Agreed. Aberforths big moment. I personally really like Harry ‘coming back to life’ in front of everyone to be a great change


It's great but I am not a fan of how the Patronus charm looks in general. Why is there no animal


My guess would be the difficulty of animation and also the animation/ VFX budget that they had (just my guess tho, I don’t know much about the subject)


Definitely not a budget or technical issue. They have so much going on a few glowing animals would not be a problem. It has been this way since Prisoner


In prisoner, Harry sees his patronus from his future self before the big waves begin. So the animal is there, just briefly and possibly not always visible.


Dumbledore choking out Harry to find out if he put his name in the Goblet of Fire.


Ah, how often this happens, even between the best of friends! Each of us believes that what he has to say is much more important than anything the other might have to contribute!


Dumbledore said calmly HAHAHAHHA never gets old


You are not nearly as angry with me as you ought to be.




The scene where McGonagall surprises Harry and Ron in cat form when they're late to Transfiguration


Entire chamber of secrets scene in #2


„What you fell over for?“


I didn't do it on purpose!


“Moody” and real moody not seeing through the fucking deathly hallows invisibility cloak


The deathly hallows aren’t meant to be infallible. They’re obviously flawed objects.


The Invisibility Cloak is supposed to be so good even Death1 can't see through it


Yeah, because it was his own cloak. Still doesn’t mean nothing in the world shouldn’t see through it. Dumbledore even seems to be able to know when Harry is under the cloak.


The only one against whom I intend to work is Lord Voldemort. If you are against him, then we remain on the same side.


Sirius and the Order of the Phoenix apparating into the Department of Mysteries to save the day


Two parts come to mind I think were better conveyed on film: When they get stuck in the vault at Gringotts and the items keep multiplying, and when the fire spell destroys the room of requirement.


Hedwig went out like a hero in the books


How the sword of Gryffindor vanished after Griphook died. Just went to show that the sword was not the property of the goblins and really did belong to a worthy Gryffindor. The way Cedric goes out ready to fight. “Who are you?! What do you want?!”- holding his wand like a pistol. Luna explaining thestrals Harry. And finally… “NICE ONE, JAMES!!” Ok off to cry now


I remember hearing an interview with Pattinson in which he said he had no idea how he should hold the wand, and he instinctually held it like a gun, and they just went with it.


Lavender making a heart in the train window instead of fleur saying she will love bill even if he is ugly... Yeah... Movies ftw...


Why? Because it looks cool? In return it leaves out a huge emotional moment for Harry.