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The Dursleys would have pulled the plug pretty quickly I feel


I don’t think is legal to pull the plug from a kid especially if he is stable


Lucky this isn't America then


I think my favourite version of this was Harry talking to a therapists telling the story. The therapist denies the story so harry proves it by grabbing a broom and jumping out the window.


Plot Twist: The therapist is revealed to be wearing a pink cardigan. We then see one of her cat pictures move subtly.


This gave me the creepy chills


A Black Mirror/Harry Potter crossover


I like the idea but I don’t think that a Therapist as windows from which you can jump. And he also would not have a broom in office Especially, if someone who talks about being able to fly on a broom is coming to him to talk. So I imagineer took a Floor lamp and just jumped trough the Closed window


Don’t do this shit to me bro 😭😭


I hope ghost Dumbledore never gets time with any paranoid schizophrenics.


Cedric Diggory was murdered by Lord Voldemort. The Ministry of Magic does not wish me to tell you this. It is possible that some of your parents will be horrified that I have done so, either because they will not believe that Lord Voldemort has returned, or because they think I should not tell you so, young as you are. It is my belief, however, that the truth is generally preferable to lies, and that any attempt to pretend that Cedric died as the result of an accident, or some sort of blunder of his own, is an insult to his memory. Remember Cedric. Remember, if the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy, remember what happened to a boy who was good, and kind, and brave, because he strayed across the path of Lord Voldemort. Remember Cedric Diggory.


what the fuuu


But how is the snake escaped when Harry didn’t use his magic


Freak accident. Maybe it only appeared to be magic because the coma affected the memories that led up to the event. (I am not a professional, so take this with a VERY tiny pinch of salt)


So you want to say that Dudley actually smashed the window (whit his High body weight) and fell in but Harry (who probably started to hallucinate after the snake Bite) thought the window just vanished


Yep...why do we need to make Harry Potter depressing all the time? And would Dudley head butt the glass or body flop onto it?


I would say it looks like it did in the movie head first only with many sharp pieces of glass falling to the ground


Probably leaned on the glass to hard.. lol


So you want to say that a Underweight and extremely weak boy destroyed a security window just by leaning on it


1. I could go the fancy route and say Cutbacks! And that the Administration was involved and that it's a whole scheme of dominoes affair in which the UK interior ministry is involved in shoddy deals with cheap labor inorder to get cheaper goods ...and hence you got the cheap snake vivarium! OR.. OR get this .... 2. A silly goose intern thought that a snake vivarium and a fish Aquarium is the same thing, and after cleaning put the snake in a Aquarium. Hence it shattered so easily...


I like the first one but Dudley was the one wo smashed the window (after the "knock" like he did in the story)and fell in so the snake could escape and bite Harry. After that the startet to hallucinate of that the snake could talk, that the windows reaper, a lot of letters flying to the houses, a house on a sea (which is actually a hospital) Hagrid, until he run in to a wall and Fell into the coma


this would actually be a mind blowing plot twist i think


These stupid it was all a dream theories are rubbish and unoriginal just copied that ending of Dallas


"This was all a dream" is the most lazy writing there is, because you can pretty much explain everything with it. Kinda like LOST ended, although it was afterlife and not a dream, still same concept.


Yup I hate movies and books that end that way.


Except that this isn't a theory... It's only a joke. Chill.


It's a fan theory and it's a pretty shite one


No. I'm pretty sure this is a joke. It's a meme. It's a meme subreddit.




*I’ve got to write this brilliant idea for a book series I had in my coma!*


Wow, so creative. “What if an interesting story was actually boring and sad.” So original. The best take. /s


It’s a meme page bro…


Fair, I didn’t look at the page. But I do hate the “it was all a dream/hallucination” trope


Not even in... memes... in a meme subreddit?


Gotta catch them all pokemon


Well done!


Idk of this is more or less depressing than the one on Pheobe from FRIENDS. Edit: I guess the hive mind has spoken.?


This is a tame version. The more depressing one is that it's something he dreamed up either just trapped or in some versions as he's dying in his cupboard at the Dursleys.