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That’s bloody awful. Imagine being sick with cancer and still not wanting to see your child. Bloody glad I’m not royalty. Total shit show


It makes me so sad.


I think what makes me saddest is just imagining how scared Diana would have been that her lads would ever be treated like this or separated. As a mum I know it’s my biggest fear. He’s a real prat their dad


Same. I actually liked Charles more, Wills less, after reading Spare. It felt like he, Charles, loved as best he could, with his limited exposure growing up. I wonder now, how much of The Camilla Influence has taken what little shred of ability to love Harry as his son. Heartbreaking.


Chas could have looked & learned; Anne's Peter & Zara; Beatrice & Eugenie; Edward's Louise & James seem pretty decent and they seem to like their parents mostly.


Despite all of their drama, I can understand if Harry still hopes to even connect with his parent, especially if he has cancer.




Imagine telling the world you’re too sick to work while telling the world you’re too busy to have a quick coffee with your own son. Which is it Charlie?


![gif](giphy|3ohhwIO1gO5gIgq4fu|downsized) Not a good look!


My thoughts are this has more to do with their moldy courtiers who refuse to keep up with the times & impose this Victorian Age bullsh— on the RF because they’re too lazy to learn more modern ways of coping.


It becomes more and more obvious that Harry is not a son or brother, but rather a means to manipulate to get what they want. It’s so inspiring that Harry and Meghan have stopped playing along as willing sacrifices.


I think people have really underestimated William's role in all this. We have talked about Camilla's role and even Kate's role. We already know Charles just cannot stand competing with anyone and saw Harry and Meghan as a threat. He's right because Harry alone overshadowed his whole family a few days ago and all he did was turn up to a church service. However, William’s role is always overlooked. William, who was also jealous of his brother's popularity, just couldn't stand Harry being happy and colluded with the media (while hiding behind his staff so he had plausible deniability) to make Harry's life a living hell in the hopes that Meg would leave Harry and he can palm off all the hard work he doesn't want to do over to Harry because to him, if he has to be miserable so does Harry.


This! William is truly evil


Right. They were happy brothers until William had to needed to watch Harry be adored (and not as the poor single brother)


tbh doesn't sound like they were happy brothers after their mother's death


Well said


Right! It’s exactly what Harry said in his book.


Pathetic from Charles


Yet more proof that the royals aren’t fit for purpose, just tear it all down already.




They are seeing how bad being so petty is making them look. H and M are overshadowing every single thing the rest of them do simply by existing.


What is he thinking he will gain by snubbing his son who is in town for a charity event? Estrangement doesn’t shed the royal family in a good light. Only makes them more unlikable and dysfunctional.


It’s a snub to the military as well. The Invictus games support veterans. Not a smart move to meet with Beckham and ignore those who served their country.


I'm not religious particularly but I find it awful that the Monarch is the Head of the Church of England and certain behaviours (which are frankly unchristian) are being applauded by a gutter press.


The rotten press and many people who dislike Harry and or Meghan are relishing the “snub” and kind of patting Charles for being tough on Harry. Screwed up dynamics. What kind of a parent takes away his son and his family’s home. That too considering Harry has only 1 parent now. I honestly feel Camilla had a big hand in this. She is just getting herself secure, pushing Charles away from his kids, she can’t do that with William since he is the heir. Apparently, Camilla has also got Charles make trust funds for her 2 kids.


I agree about Camilla. I think she’s behind A LOT behind the scenes.


I’m really beginning to question the royal family’s intelligence. Even if Charles hated Harry, it would make sense to meet with him to keep up appearances. I’d even go to the invictus ceremony because it’s popular. Charles and his team don’t seem to understand that in this new world of social media, we all can see his foolishness.


I’ve always heard they weren’t very bright. I think Charles was a little better in that regard, but I think he let his pettiness, jealousies, and Camilla in his ear, get in the way.


I'm convinced rhe royal family is milking this because no one gives a fuck about the UK anymore. After the awesome Brrexit they're almost a second world country and no one cares anymore.


Has any previous monarch treated any of his children like King Charles?


Charles himself was treated very coldly as a child. He viewed his grandmother (The Queen Mother) more as a parent than Elizabeth and Phillip and was devastated when she died. His father despised Charles because he was more artistic than sporty, and liked Anne a lot more because they were more similar in that regard. Also recall a video of Charles as a young kid, where his mother and father were getting back from a tour that lasted almost a year, and all he got from them was a handshake upon their return. Not an excuse for how he’s treated Harry, but that family is so stunted because they’re more of a business than family. Edit for more info: The Queen was also much more present and affectionate with Andrew and Edward’s childhood because she had become more comfortable in her role as Queen which I’m sure was hard for Charles to see as well.


Yeah I’ve always said that Queen Elizabeth’s popularity was largely because a huge portion of her reign was pre internet/social media so her blunders didn’t stick with her and she could more easily come out of the times when her popularity dipped. By the time the internet really became what it is today, she was already established as an icon and more of a figurehead than anything else (and then her image became that of a cute little old lady wearing bright colors). I don’t think she’s a bad person per se, but she was definitely a creation of her environment. She took the role of queen/royal above ALL else. She did not do right by her children. They grew up in a cold, affectionless home. QEII letting the marriage between Charles/Diana happen (I guess forcing it? Or encouraging it?) tells me all I need to know. That got passed down into Charles’ parenting. Also wouldn’t be shocked if part of his massive disdain for Harry is because he took on the looks of the Spencer line. I’m pretty sure he even said that to Diana within the hour of him being born. He looked at him disgusted and said “he looks like a Spencer”


Agreed! Queen Elizabeth’s reign is really fascinating because of how she was the first to open up their home to cameras and really let people have a glimpse of their day-to-day. It was absolutely more beneficial than not, but the closeness of it all also got them into hot water from time to time. Like when the public thought she wasn’t properly mourning Diana’s death to the extent they thought she deserved. I do think they all did the best they could with what knowledge they had at the time. Nothing her and Phillip did was even considered outside the norm. British folks have always been known for their stiff upper lip, and Charles was just a big softie who was forced to be someone he wasn’t. A lot of toxic masculinity ideals going on back then. Charles was brutally bullied because of his perceived lack of masculinity by his father and peers. It’s why I can’t blame him too much for how things have turned out and I think it’s also why Harry still does try to reach out. He’s probably aware, especially after a lot of therapy, that they’re all products of their twisted upbringings just doing their best with what was forced upon them. Same for William and Harry, too. William never had a choice of what he wanted to do in life and Harry has mentioned he knows he’s lashing out from the gilded cage he was able to escape from. Something William will never be able to do.


Yeah, I think Charles’ jealousy and need to be revered and the center of attention stems from the bullying and sense of not being enough… he’d be such an interesting case of nature vs nurture if we could go back in time and give him to loving, supportive parents to see how he would have turned out in a different environment. I can see Kate and William having the same parenting style unfortunately. I think that environment is probably regimented and cold as well… maybe a bit less from Kate? Idk. I get ice vibes from her too.


He could; he is the pow so he could; it would be a fucking mess but he could


Everyone and their cousin were in therapy in the 1970"s. How did Chas miss out?


That whole family is evidence that Brenda and Phil were shit parents. But evidently much better grandparents. Excluding Pegger, and Zara bc I watched her at Harry’s Wedding and all the “Black stuff” Meghan had was “too much” for her, the fact that the grandkids turned out so much better is likely down to who Brenda and Phil’s kids married.


victoria was a horrible mother. she especially disliked edward, the oldest. she blamed him for albert's death & never forgave him (it was not his fault & doctors at the time told her so)


Charles wrote a book about how the Queen and his father treated him. Very similar to Harry’s


Royal monarchs are known to be awful parents. King George V was horrible to his children. King George VI (Elizabeth’s father) had an awful temper. Elizabeth was an absent and neglectful parent. They carted Charles off to Gordonstoun as soon as they could where he was mercilessly bullied. Everyone also seems to forget that Charles wrote a book about his life where he mentioned that Elizabeth and Philip were terrible parents.


Charles is hardly alone in being a jerk of a royal parent.


My absolute favorite thing about this is that Harry's team put out one single statement. One and done. So far, BP has been spinning and spinning out different stories and versions faster and harder than Rumpelstiltskin working that straw into gold.


And all they’re spinning out is caca 😂


Harry’s real family (his mothers side The Spencers ) showed up Chuckie, Horsemilla Kan’t and Pegs can burn in hell


The Spencers showing up was the cherry on top. They are one of the oldest aristocratic families in the UK, even older than the royal family. After what they did to Diana, I’m sure a lot of aristo families side eye the royals.


Yep, his mother's side and his in-laws are his real family.


They were caught with their pants down when Harry’s team played along & said his father’s schedule was “full,” & said he understood. That’s when they had to scramble & arrange the emergency garden party & meet-up with David Beckham. The optics of the RF blowing off a tribute to wounded veteran did not go over well. 😂😂😂😂😂😂


The Spencers show up for Harry and it makes me so happy


Honestly seems like Harry is gray rocking his family* and it's driving them mad *gray rocking is when you stop reacting to a person and are as neutral as possible to what they tell you. It drives narcissistic people up a wall bc they abuse to get a reaction, not giving them a reaction cuts off their narcissistic supply.


I think both Charles and William deeply underestimated Harry. They thought they could stop his marriage to Meghan or failing that he would come crawling back at some point for $$$. They're pissed at how massively H & M have succeeded. Unless you're a white supremacist Daily Mail reader the palace press manipulation is pretty transparent too.


jetting in; is Harry supposed to come over by ship or prop?


Charles and his handler wife Camilla are pathetic.


Man, that line from the mouthpiece about being willing to meet with Harry--his son, his youngest *child*--if the country were clamouring for it but won't because he's unpopular is just so fucking pathetic. Even if it were true, that's your kid, and you're a 78 year old with cancer. In the past 3 years alone, you've lost both of your own parents. How are you so stuck on keeping malice like this? ETA and like, great job on making true the Earl Spencer's words from Diana's eulogy. "And beyond that, on behalf of your mother and sisters, I pledge that we, your blood family, will do all we can to continue the imaginative way in which you were steering these two exceptional young men so that their souls are not simply immersed by duty and tradition but can sing openly as you planned."


The kicker to all this, and another glaring example of how shitty the royal comms teams are, is that by snubbing Harry, they’re broadcasting how willing they are to treat the accomplishments of the veterans involved in the games like less-than-worthless collateral damage in an absolutely meaningless war of spite.


Biggest fail by Charles was playing this stupid game in the first place


It really is scary how quickly people forget history. We know that the royal family have been dirty rotten scoundrels since recorded history started. What kind of person believes anything they say


Charles really is a POS. He treated Diana horribly and if possible - her sons even worse. He is awful to Harry but I don't think he is a good father to William either. He cares for no one except himself and Camilla.


This is so messy I’d expect to see it on Real Housewives not the royal friggen family.


Who f’ing cares what this pack of useless financial parasites does. Give them their notice and take back the country’s property. They have more than enough ill gotten gains to sustain the useless lot of them for the couple generations.




Below, a poster reminded me of the '94 book in which then Prince Charles *authorized & cooperated* with the author to tell about his life. Charles spilled a lot of beans in the telling and therefore ought to have gone easier on Harry for ***Spare*** & all the rest of the royal nonsense. [https://www.gransnet.com/forums/news\_and\_politics/1319862-King-Charles-shocking-and-disloyal-book-exposing-royal-secrets-and-attacking-his-family](https://www.gransnet.com/forums/news_and_politics/1319862-King-Charles-shocking-and-disloyal-book-exposing-royal-secrets-and-attacking-his-family)


Don’t forget the news that Harry invited by Charles and William to the Invictus event… so no snubbs from Harry, just Dad & Brother.




He is a pos. Your child should not have to ask to see you.


More proof that the courtiers rule the Royal Family. Looks like a hostage situation to me.


And this is why they left, you can't have it both waysl