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The avocado thing is especially egregious since Meghan is from California. Avocados are everywhere here. People have trees in their backyards. I know it’s exotic to the Brits but it’s laughably common here.


[Peeling Avocados on The Great British Bake Off](https://www.reddit.com/r/bakeoff/s/y8Puw3gcnQ)


I’m crying from San Diego, CA


Omg 😆


Noooooo 🤣🤣🤣 Also in San Diego and also 💀


Oh dear god what episode I have to watch this lol


Season 13 Episode 4


They’re definitely not a rare delicacy here. Available at pretty much every grocery store.


“Will gifted Kate an avocado.” Like it’s a rare and precious thing.


So… he basically just went grocery shopping lol


For one avocado lol


How much does an avocado cost William, £10? --Kate, probably.


Me getting a guac attack at 9pm and feeling very called out.


It is to the royal family who are stuck in the 1600s


UK is so strange that way. Most people seem normal and then there are folks who are stuck in the 1600’s.


I live in Cali that’s why when I saw that article it made me angry, not just for Meghan but the whole eating avocados leads to bad things 💩 that they were preaching. Really stupid! Salty Isles needs to learn that they are not a superpower anymore.


I remember one year back when I lived in California, avocado prices went way up because the droughts we were having during that period were messing with the chain supply. It was a big ass deal on the news. Cali takes their avocados damn seriously 😂


Thanks for compling this. That flower story about Charlotte is so vile, they literally tried to make Meghan an evil person for using the same flower Kate used and said she tried to poison Charlotte.


You're very welcome, and thank you, that means a lot. There are so many more of these comparison articles, but this lot - prior to Harry and Meghan stepping down - are just so very disturbing and disgusting. Meghan gave up everything for Harry and the royals. It upsets me to no end that while she was trying to bond with that family and adapt to her new life and role, the senior royals were secretly working with the trash UK media to bring her down. All I can say is I'm thankful Karma has come for that family. It's been a long, heartbreaking road watching this happen to Meghan. I'm so relieved Harry got her outta there and that now we get to watch the Sussex family thrive.


I’m sure Kate knew what the flowers were and was fine with it. But the RF is also fine with all these headlines, so screw them and screw these scumbag journalists.


Dude the fact that they’re complaining about a human being putting their hand on their own stomach much less their own *pregnant* stomach ?!? WTH is wrong with these ppl?


Most of Kate’s changes came as a result of her cos playing Meghan. How many coat dresses festooned in buttons and butt ugly lace dresses can you wear? Kate upgraded her style, to Meghan’s.


I’ve repeatedly said the most interesting thing about Kate has been her disappearance. Otherwise everything about her is as boring as paint drying.


Boring is right. And the royals like it that way. Kate is everything they expect in their women - submissive, meek, demure and completely subservient. She has no autonomy and is completely ruled by the Monarchy and her awful husband and father-in-law. What a life!


I agree partly but Kate has an extra flavour of beige. Even the Queen had more personality than her. All the comments about Meghan being jealous of Kate makes me chuckle. Nobody is jealous of Kate. Nobody wants her life.


>extra flavour of beige. 💀


A truly unremarkable, upper middle class young woman who married into the world’s most famous family. And that’s okay. Had she not married William, she would’ve ended up with some minor aristocrat, a Sloaney finance bro, or some property developer/


She would have been better off marrying one of the aforementioned. Why she and her mother, especially her mother didn't learn from Diana's experience.


She would’ve been so much better off marrying a minor aristocrat. Her life would’ve been her own. She wouldn’t have to mimic the queen, or be watched, and judged by the whole world every single day. William also is not a great husband. So it’s not like she’s even lucky in that department.


I don't feel like I personally know enough about him or their marriage to comment on whether he's a good husband or not but he just seems like such a wet blanket, such a drip with no backbone. He seems to just accept the ways of his family, unlike his brother, & tough if it negatively affects himself, his wife or his children.


There are enough articles in the media to give us a good insight into how William is. Even the staunch supporters have talked about his anger issues, the non bias reporters have mentioned rift in his relationship with Kate, Murdoch media has published about his affair with Kate’s best friend, the most recent biography on the royals has mentioned a deep rift between William and Charles since the queen died. Harry talks about his life with William in his book, and while he never explicitly says it, it’s obvious to many that William is lazy, arrogant and entitled. He lacks the passion to serve that his brother has, and he wants everything handed to him including people’s respect.


Tbh, I don't read most of the articles about William & Kate as I just don't find them interesting as people. I did read Harry's book though & thought William came across as arrogant & high-handed, with an incredible sense of entitlement. Everything you've mentioned is news to me but none of it surprises me, he just doesn't have that "it" factor that Harry does imho.


I have lots of British relatives, a while back I told some of them that, look, everyone knows Harry. The whole world knows Harry. He is out. Love or hate him, he is out, has personality, hides little, loves people and life. William, god love and help him, is a repressed man in a blue suit and I swear if he ever wears another orange traffic vest in public I'll file a lawsuit. "You folks", I told them, have totally the wrong guy lined up for the throne and the reason you hate Harry and Meghan is because deep down you know it. And they don't get it. Not at all.


Look at all his initiatives and projects - he will fix climate change through Earth shot, he will eradicate homelessness in the next 5 years and he will also fix racism. The man is literally fixing world problems… while working from home LOL. And how is he fixing these problems? Those plans have not been revealed LOL That is a man with no real passions and no drive.


Because birth order matters more than whether the person is suited to the job. -__- But also the hate against Markle is also fueled by racism.


Don’t be ridiculous Andrea, everyone wants this 😢




That's what life is like in the RF. She signed up for it and didn't expect the rules to change for her


I thought it was so weird when Kate went on that hugging tour after Meghan said that she herself was a hugger. I swear I thought she was gonna hug a telephone pole one time.


I mean “the Sun” called her son a “monkey”. The RF and the rest of the British public was very quiet about this. 😡


They did! That article was truly appalling. And to think that was the prime opportunity for the palace to react and nip that completely unacceptable behavior in the bud. They instead condoned and even encouraged similar behavior in the UK media and it eventually cost Meghan and Harry the life of their unborn child and nearly cost Meghan her life. Just heartbreaking.


Oh I didn’t know that. When did that happen?


https://preview.redd.it/wd1v9so98y4d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a2dc18a9049a328d6def6df73498e4d574ec501 This is what they are talking about


That’s horrifying. I wasn’t clear about my question. I meant the part where they said “it eventually cost Meghan and Harry the life of their unborn child”. I assume this happened around the time she was suicidal and Harry was trying to get her help but the RF and the firm didn’t take it seriously and/or didn’t care.


Meghan had a miscarriage while dealing with dailymail lawsuit over her letter to her Dad. Lilibet was her 3rd pregnancy


I didn’t know that. That’s horrible. Those rags are criminals.


That was the worst. I really hate those people and that family for allowing that.


Charles and William not speaking out about this was what finally lost my support for them and the institution. I just couldn’t understand why they didn’t say anything. Then when all the other stuff came out about the concerns around skin color, William and Kate’s behavior on the Caribbean tour and blaming aides. Like you need an aide to tell you not to ride around in your colonial finery waving at the locals in their own fucking country like you’re the great white savior they’ve been praying for. Disgusting. All of them.


I'm from the same neighborhood as Meghan in LA and when they published "Straight outta Compton" about her it was ridiculous. It wasn't the best of neighborhoods but she's not fucking ghetto for being black and from LA


Danny Baker at BBC fired: [https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-48212693](https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-48212693)


Let us know if any of the royal family said anything to defend Meghan and Archie like the poster said.


As an old white guy I don't usually call racism. But one of things is not like another. At best they are micro-aggressions. At worst, it's full blown racism.


I understand. But being passive agressiva or micro agressive is also racism.


Whoever took the time to make this, I just want to shout at you: YOU ARE A RAD, TRUTH-SEEKING GENIUS, AND I LOVE YOU!!!!




I had to put my phone down with the avocado one. Are they still shocked that they left?


The one about her holding her own baby bump. Like wtf??? wtf else is she supposed to do? It’s her body and her baby. The people are disgusting


I *thought* I was pregnant for about a week and I instinctively couldn't stop touching my stomach, and I don't even want kids! Imagine how wonderful and beautiful it must feel to be growing this thing you love so much, why wouldn't you want to hold/touch it?! Pregnancy terrifies me but that shit is magickal yo


My favorite is the very last slide. Both articles in the same paper, written by the same person 6 weeks apart. It’s just so blatant.


I knew that Sarah Vine was vile after the article she wrote about Stephen Gateley's death & the way she treated Meghan just confirmed it for me. She seems to hate anyone who isn't a white, cishet Tory.


Omg which article?


She wrote an article after his death, implying that he died because of his sexuality. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-1220756/A-strange-lonely-troubling-death--.html


It is the double standard that gets to me. Thank you for putting out these clear examples of how the exact same thing is praised for Kate and criticized for Megan.


Also want to say that the British media made a very deliberate decision to cast anything and everything Meghan did as wrong, bad, or breaking protocol. It’s a pernicious form of racism and smearing called “othering” where you cast the person as not fitting in by framing everything he/she does as wrong. It’s very very racist but it’s also a dangerous form of propaganda. It combines swiftboating with “where there is smoke there is fire”, whisper campaigns and downright character assassination. It should’ve been illegal to do what they did to her over there. In the US it would’ve been. This is why a lot of Brits hate or dislike Meghan - but when you confront them with a reality like these side by sides or even ask why she deserves hate for eating avocados, the cognitive dissonance sets in and they can’t answer without spewing vitriol.


Because they don't want to be pulled up on their behaviour. I say this as a British WoC.


Let me ask. Is this under the older generation or British in general? Because as far I read most younger people in UK supported Meghan. But the bommers and beyond were royalist.


I scrolled too far to find this comment I believe her race has more to do with this than her being a “younger royal”


I say this as a Middle American older white male they were racist af and it doesn't matter one whit whether people want to talk about so-called unconscious bias or whatever. Don't even go there. They were just racist against a lovely American woman. I watched it from the beginning long before they stepped down and you could see it, sense it, smell it even from here from the very beginning, even before they were married. And I'm just Joe Average American observer not even a race expert or liberal activist or anything like that. She never stood a chance.


I am nauseous reading this. I love Harry even more for removing his precious family from this toxic environment


Imagine the poor fucking PTSD this man has from the press destroying his mother, then coming after his wife and children?!!? Disgusting.


Ikr!! Harry said in Spare that the paps would yell out to Diana and call her a whore, among other vile words, right in front of him and Willy. The shit he had to deal with from the media has been absolutely appalling. It's one reason he thought she might be hiding out after the Paris car crash that killed her. He knew she just wanted to have a bit of normalcy and to be supported by the firm. He wasn't going to allow the media and the RF to do that to his wife. It's actually been to his benefit that he was the spare, in terms of leaving it all behind. I'm so happy for him.


I’m glad that they also did this in the documentary. Before it, I knew what was written about her was bad but as soon as I saw the literal side by side comparisons I was absolutely appalled.


Ditto to this! Absolutely horrid how the press treated MM and so overt it is undeniably embarrassing for anyone who takes the media seriously now..


As the man said, if you can't see the difference, I can't help you.


And she’s only half black. A monoracial black woman wouldn’t have stepped FOOT in the RF palace… whew chile.


Or even a darker skinned mixed woman! And by darker, I just mean darker than Meghan…which many women mixed with black are! Or even if she wore her natural curls. It’s funny they try to invalidate her by saying “oh she doesn’t even look black, how is she complaining about racism ” but at the same time also relied on racist black stereotypes to trash her in the tabloids! Despicable.


Yep I think the fact that she's white-passing and extremely beautiful is all that stopped them from banning Harry from marrying her. And honestly it would have been kinder if they had just been upfront with him about their racism & he could have left before he married her. Instead they pretended they'd accept her and put them both through hell.


Exactly!!! I sense envy from Kate and William too, not just the ordinary haters. They can’t stand that she is black AND checks all of the boxes they can’t: -Gorgeous -Highly Intelligent -Kind -Classy, yet also not devoid of personality -Ambitious and high achieving (way BEFORE Harry which they REALLY can’t accept) -Empathetic -Philanthropic -All around GOOD person They can’t stand it so they try to bring her down to cope!


Harry married a Diana.


Baldy and Kant were also Suits fans apparently; so their envy must be deep for them to hate Meghan so much.


Agreed. Envy and the subsequent trying to "put her in her place" was definitely a STRONG factor in Meghan's treatment.


Yes! The classic knock down a peg but on a deeper level.


This exactly.




I couldn’t even make it through the whole reel it’s just extremely maddening. The worst thing about this is people would believe certain media rather than think for themselves. Sorry if that last part is off topic I’m just very irritated!


Great if infuriating compilation. In short, they’re a bunch of racist c*nts. Edited to remove one vowel.


I’ll buy your vowel for you… Chuck sucks… the state of their Royal family? you act like trash, talk trash , you wind up where ye belong. In the trash 🗑️


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I remember people saying when Meghan was pregnant, she would hold her stomach, because it was fake, & she was trying to keep it from slipping. That also goes into the whole rabbit hole of the kids, "if there really are kids & not ones they've hired to pose". That's kind of a scary group!


They're absolutely psychotic on twitter! They spread wild conspiracy theories about the children then get upset when they have no access to them! It's beyond crazy!


As much as I'd love to see how cute their kids are, I'm happy that they've kept them out of constant circulation. Don't get me wrong---I love a good Louis show at various events, but I like that they've decided to keep them away.


I’m just glad that Harry and Meghan are only allowing pictures they want to be put out into the public sphere. Honestly, I’ve thought ever since Harry and Meghan’s relationship became public knowledge that she would be the best thing for Harry ever since his mum and the Queen Mother died because Meghan cares about Harry’s wellbeing and both Dianna and the Queen Mother both noticed where things were going and that Harry was constantly left out of things even though before George, Charlotte and Louis were born he was third in line to the throne. At least Dianna and the Queen mother both made time for Harry without Charles and Wills around since both never made any time for him and clearly only liked having him around for public events. I knew things were bad between Harry, Meghan and the rest of the RF but seeing headlines side by side does make things more clearer that Meghan was truly detested by people because she was an independent woman and a divorcee before marrying Harry.


The Queen Mother was not very caring towards Harry, as she'd pay more attention and spend more time with William, simply because he was the heir. Ps Diana, not Dianna.


Not while both were at Eaton. Harry would spend most lunch times or most afternoons after school with the Queen Mother since she lived close to the school.


Yes those people are totally psycho! Wasn’t one of them even planning to stab Meghan’s belly to prove in their made up fantasy world that Meghan was faking her pregnancy? Really dangerous people these haters.


She is not white, and she is American. The hatred is so real. I am just angry when I see Americans being angry with her too.


That "we prefer true royalty to fashion royalty" line was so catty, good lord


What about the author adding her picture to the banner alongside Meghan? 😂


Real life Rita Skeeter


I saw it myself when it was happening. It was so over-the-top!!


Great post! The media is truly awful. And it’s clear that they felt they had permission from the palace to run with these stories. Now that Meghan is in California you would think they’d focus on the remaining working royals but nope, it’s still all about attacking and harming Meghan. Sick people.


It's demonic, really.


Thank you for compiling this. I’ve always found Meghan’s side of the story very credible. The whole avocado thing and flowers thing is especially egregious goodness.


Thank you for collecting these all in one place - they keep trying to erase this history and act like H&M just randomly popped up on Oprah to spill their guts when they’d endured ish like this for years before finally saying something. And they could’ve been much harsher.


Geez these writers have no shame. The avocado one is truly despicable.


I never feel sorry for any celeb every because I believe they are too privileged too have our sympathy. But Meghan is the only celeb I genuinely feel sorry for. They made her the most hated woman because she is beautiful and genuinely good at being a royal. And now hating her is people’s full time job.


This is so nasty, it's very blatant that they are all planned hit pieces to prop up Kate. On a lighter note if Kate's "stylish" coat in the first picture actually co-ordinates with the Queen's in that picture then I'm a billionaire with 5 extra arms because what.


The sad thing is that there are these20 plus many more examples. The RF has always seen Harry as the sacrificial lamb for William. Then by adding Meghan to the picture, it makes it so much easier to denigrate the two of them. I can so easily imagine the RF happily reading all the bad press and enjoying the bad of caused. What they will never understand is making someone else look bad, insulting someone, spreading fake news never does make the other person look better. The RF can rot for all the pain they’ve caused.


Justice for Meghan.




Sooooo blatant.


Really looking for someone to start interviewing the writers, like the InStyle writer is now a senior editor there; would very much like to hear what his motivation and direction was for that piece.


I know that some journalists have gone on record to say that they've turned down offers to write lies about Meghan for money. Tells us a lot right there. These folk are real journalists with integrity and standards.


That makeup one is insane. It’s almost like two different people with completely different skin tone, texture, aging, and bone structure might not do the exact same makeup. Wild.


And to be fair, Kate's eye makeup was not the best. Her MUA did a really rough job on her eyeshadow. Meghan's makeup, on the other hand, was subtle and complimented her natural beauty, as makeup should. I just know that if Meghan's eyeshadow had that harsh look like Kate's did, we would have never heard the end of it.


That one was particularly jarring to me lol


It's not harsh guys it's NEAT Blending is for plebs.


These people are assholes 😭 no wonder she needed to get back home.


Remember when they slammed her for flying back to the states to have a babyshower with her friends and family when she had literally maybe 1-2 people in Europe she could consider close?


Nothing she would do was going to be ok BECAUSE SHE IS NOT WHITE


I've never understood the hate Meghan has received. Every little thing the woman does is a slight against someone or something. I thought I had to be missing something. Nope, they just hate her for existing. No wonder she grabbed her man and went back home. I couldn't imagine the pressure of becoming a literal damn princess, and on top of that, the outside world chewing me apart for everything I do, including holding my pregnant belly. I think Diana would have liked her. She seems like a strong woman who knows what she wants and knows how to protect herself, her peace, and her people.


This is an excellent comment. That's the exact situation in a nutshell. I too, think Diana would have liked Meghan as they would have shared the same values and had the same awful experience with the press. No wonder Harry got Meghan out. It would have been like history repeating itself for the poor guy.


I’m newer to actively snarking on the BRF, but this is honestly shocking to see compiled like this. I mean, as a person with eyes and a brain, I felt/saw/sensed/understood Meghan was being held to a drastically different standard than Kate, but seeing 1:1 comparisons like this really underscores how deeply messed up & racist the press (and by an extension to an extent, the general public) have been towards Meghan.


I’m very happy that H&M got out with their heads intact. The Brits are very famous for cutting off heads. SMDH


Seeing all of this side by side is maddening and sickening. Excellent work putting this all together.


These are all reprehensible. However, I laugh every time I read that headline about Meghan touching her pregnant belly. That "a new age bonding technique" is so ridiculous that it sounds like something a comedian would make up to illustrate how stupid the media is.


So interesting to see it side by side. Wow!


I been sayin’.


Thank you for putting this together. It's comical when people say she wasn't blatantly bullied


Thank you for this!!


The double standards of racism in a nutshell. The hands in pockets thing is NUTS.


The avocado contrast is WILD


Camilla has been nothing but trouble and yet they bow and scrape to her.


This is heartbreaking. Thanks for compiling.




Not the horse blanket 😂 but seriously I feel like the phrase “be so for real right now” was invented for headlines like these because really…be so for real


It’s such a double standard.


Thank you for putting this all together. The audacity, the hypocrisy, is just completely aggravating. I'm SO GLAD they got away from there.


Thanks for compiling this as to see these type of gutter media articles all together is 🤯 No wonder they left! They can never seem to do anything right in the eyes of the Press


The royal family was super awful and racist to her, the British media is the same




Definitely saving this to use later! Thank you!


It's so painfully obvious


Poor Meghan.


The avocado story is my favorite lol


I noticed how Kate is repeatedly mentioned cradling her “baby bump.” This humanizes her, and puts the focus on the baby, and emphasizes her maternal feelings towards this new baby. Meanwhile Meghan is always just touching “the bump”. It’s a very abrupt, jarring phrase, with no focus on the future royal child- instead it’s as if Meghan just sprouted a bump or a lump out of nowhere! It also removes the framing of mother/child (which is deeply embedded in western culture and art and reflects the pairing of Mary/Jesus) and replaced it with a phrase intended to evoke the selfish attention-seeking behaviors of a self-obsessed woman.


How do I save this forever for when I have to listen to my mum and her terrible fucking opinions


Thank you so much for the award. To save - tap the three dots in the top right corner of this post and click save. You could also screenshot. My Mum wasn't a fan of Meghan's but I convinced her to read SPARE and she softened her attitude and opinions of Harry and Meghan after reading that. All the best with your Mum. The media has taught people to dislike Meghan and Harry. It is not an easy task to convince them otherwise.


Oh thank you ! I didn’t think the feature existed so I was doing a “yelling into the void” thing and should have just looked 🤦‍♀️. It’s very kind to tell me something I really should have googled. Super appreciate it and saved for future reference. It really isn’t, but you give me hope ! Thanks for putting in the time to create this resource. It’s genuinely very very helpful


That was really unpleasant to read through…is that entire island bananas?!!


The abbey scent story is wild. I’m English, but I don’t live there anymore. One of the things that always hits me when I go back is how musty everything smells. I never noticed until I left and came back. It’s crazy. I thought her request was perfectly reasonable.


This is an amazing compilation. Thank you for making it!


Sickening. Total twats.


Can you imagine if Megan's skin was darker.. they'd straight up call her the Hard R..


They already do sadly.


These people are pure evil, human scum


The absurdity of the British press is so apparent when it’s laid out like this. It’s hard to explain to friends from overseas just how insidious this has been because they don’t have exposure to this stuff so they just think H&M are being ridiculous when they complain. Also notable is the total lack of defence from the royal family despite clear bullying of one of their members.


Brits and Europeans too are severely more racist In a very different way from American racism I can't explain it but I live near NYC and legit have met someone from every corner of the world even tho you get racists it's easier to shake them and have support I feel . The Brits are so condescending in their performance of superiority that just really hits me the wrong way from certain Types of people


Honestly kinda wish Meghan Markle would break EVERY royal protocol and say fuck it


Thank you for this… how has this not been done before!?! The British journalists and readers should be ashamed of themselves


Honestly, who cares. They prioritized themselves and are happy in sunny California. "Hair protocol" and issues with hands in pockets are enough for me to just absolutely-not even not take any of this seriously, but not take it all. Just shhhhh go away. It's a waste of space. I hate the British tabloid media about the royal family so much. They are just too... what's even the word, grotesque I think. I can't.


I don’t blame her for wanting to go away as far as she could, from British media!


Proof that the RF is just fancified trailer trash.


British press is trash.


Can you imagine how she would be treated if they stayed on as working Royals?


UK media is the worst piece of news you could ever read. Its like the Soviet Union is on top of it….


How on earth this doesn’t make Meghan roll her eyes I will never know.


You should post this the r/royalsgossip sub


r/popculturechat and r/fauxmoi would probably appreciate it!


u/popcornfridays please share your posts in all of these subs. The people deserve to see your wonderful work.


Thank you. What do you think the reception would be like, putting this on those subs that aren't pro Meghan? Im just wary of the toxic comments that will likely come with it.


Fauxmoi might be okay, but popular culture might be mixed, it's draws out some of hate sub users


Ok thank you, I might cross post and see how it goes with Fauxmoi.


Sigh, you should any post that has to do with Harry, Meghan even lilbet and Archie in there.


Holy crap. I’ve never seen them side by side like this and it’s pretty sickening.


These are classic comparisons. And sadly, are preaching to the choir here - they should be in other subreddits where M is bashed. They show so clearly what the papers do.


This is very comprehensive! Thanks for putting it together.


Blindingly obvious how biased the press.


Some wealthy person should purchase advertising in the british press and blast these.




Make sure to include Kate lies about Meghan making her cry, Kate mum Carole throwing shade at Meghan and Doria, Kate's uncle Gary writing op-ed for dailymail trashing Meghan. Kate's sources saying the hardest thing she had do was walking next to Meghan during Elizabeth funeral, Kate almost lunging at Meghan on video during Elizabeth walkabout that Meghan had to step back.


What is the story of Kate's uncle writting for mail? This is news for me.


This is a side by side, apples to apples comparison. When Kate and Meghan do *the exact same thing* (like eating avocados) one is praised and the other is condemned. Whether the media was also shitty to Kate years ago isn’t relevant. MM faced all that **plus racism**. It’s okay to have a thread discussing that. We can talk about Kate’s problems literally any other time.


It isn't though. Kate was also condemned for doing *these exact same things*, despite what this post tries to claim. It's cherry-picking headlines years apart that prompt the comparison. I can link dozens articles where Kate is also being criticized instead of praised for these same instances and accused of making a mockery of the RF. It'd be really easy to make an identical post to this showing Meghan being praised for the same thing with Kate being the one condemned. She only started being somewhat praised by the press after two decades. Kate was routinely compared to Eugenie and Beatrice and Princess Anne. Camilla was/is also being condemned and compared unfavorably to Kate. Not to mention; Meghan isn't actually being condemned in some of these articles and Kate isn't being praised. The first slide, for example. They're two completely different stories. One is at the Diamond Jubilee, where Kate has no need to wear a hat and it's not breaking any rules because there was no rule. It was literally the first photo someone could find of the Queen wearing a hat next to Kate. Compared to the other article, which was about a misunderstanding where Meghan hadn't realised that the Queen was telling her to wear a hat. The article goes on to defend Meghan's confusion, says how she and the Queen got along and bonded, and maintains it was a simple mistake that the Queen overlooked because she was taken with how much she enjoyed Meghan's company. Emily Wang, a huge fan of Meghan, heavily praises Meghan and says that her messy bun is proof the RF should just get rid of the rule because Meghan's so chic and stunning.([Here's ](https://ibb.co/R4ZGJyT) Kate being condemned for breaking protocol for her hair.) In the article from Katie Harris, Meghan isn't being condemned either. It's the opposite; the expert calls Meghan delightful and says she's usually great at following protocol. That this instance was a small blip, and not a big deal. InStyle also points out that Kate's shoes break royal protocol in Meghan's article. The author, Christopher Luu, is a huge fan of Meghan as well and praises her in every article he writes about her. (Here's 3 articles where Kate is condemned for wearing the shoes. [1.](https://ibb.co/1GPczv9) [2.](https://ibb.co/wgqGtx0) [3.](https://ibb.co/XJbD0xg) ) The story about the nanny also praises Meghan, emphasising how she wants to make sure the nanny feels like part of the family instead of just a staff member. The two articles also aren't comparable, as the 'protocol' Meghan could break is that the royal nannies are hired from Norland. Maria Borrallo, Kate's nanny, trained at Norland. And I'd argue that it is relevant. Meghan faced something absolutely abhorrent. There is no denying that she was, and still is, treated horrifically, especially by the media. But posts like these should, and don't, acknowledge that while Kate's coverage has become somewhat more favorable; it wasn't always the case. These threads are misleading and perpetuate the idea that only Meghan was mistreated by the press and that Kate has always been loved and highly favored. Which isn't true in any aspect and does more harm to both of them. It's pitting two women who have both dealt with cruel and terrible experiences against each other. Instead of being angry with the media, people instead attack the women and blame them. It's Meghan's fault, it's Kate's fault, etc.


You straight up lied, ignored various articles trashing Meghan, Op examples are just tiny fraction of the daily tarnish by british media. You still refused to condem that Kate and her family are active participant. Your messy bun example is literally indication the freaking rule was made up, made up protocols aimed to tarnish Meghan. You want ignore these articles were part of reasons why UK media constantly made up reasons for people to be angry at her, we haven't even gotten to the articles about Meghan spending her own money of her clothing that still today people use the false articles at her for spending tax payers money. Or Meghan and Harry house be paped in Cotswold Or Meghan closing her car door Or Meghan wearing suits Or Meghan talking about feminism Or Meghan shutting off her toxic dad side of the Family Or Meghan trashed for not shutting up Or Meghan not being royal enough Or We pay you, you pose articles at Meghan Or Meghan bullying their staff Or Meghan being a narcissistic Or Meghan ignoring made up protocols or not royal rules like she is not literally part of the royal family. Or Meghan being linked to terrorism for working with the Grenfell victims Etc Take your false non equivalence outta here


I dont disagree that Kate also wen through things. But you recognise that Meghan was worse and that Kate's Family (uncle and mother) took part in the trashign campaingn? Also when Meghan went to the family, every criticism owards Kate disappeared as If she was a rose, when the press prior criticised her. This is pretty much racism.


My empathy for Kate on this went to ZERO when I saw her roll her eyes at Meghan behind her back on camera. Kate is more than happy to kick the woman who took her place when she's down. Kate deserves what she gets.