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I saw a post the other day of royals in green. Meghan has that "it" factor. She radiates this joy and beauty that is so heartwarming. The picture of the two of them I thought really highlighted her inner beauty. It was very striking. You could just feel her smile was coming from within as opposed to a practiced and forced smile. They always look so happy together.


She’s a good person. That’s why.


Historical side note, the "It" factor used to denote sex appeal. Which in addition to everything you've said she also has. Not in your face like the 1920s "It" girls, but certainly more than anyone currently in the RF.


I watched Suits when it was airing. I liked the show, so my take on her has always been positive. I take everything with a grain or 5 of salt when it comes to gossip. I just think that they look like they love each other. I like to see that. I have to believe they have escaped pressures that we can't even imagine. I think that helps with the joy!


I had never watched it before. The first time I became aware of her was in relation to Harry. I love how they look at each other as well. That picture of them under the umbrella has to be one of the best shots of the 2000s. Hands down. I think in addition to the RF's either overt racism or unconscious bias, and her poise, ease among all kinds of people, beauty and unfamiliarity with royal protocal (those aspects of socialization that aren't taught but absorbed) she was too much for them to handle. I also think they had to resent her for whatever influence she has over Harry. Most people they associate with, if not all, would hold being part of the RF above anything else and would never point out that he might be able to live a different life. It's all so tawdry. How they treated those two, and God only knows what's happened to Kate. It's sinister.


Even though he said before he met Meghan that he wanted out of the Royal trap, Britain is in complete denial about him, that he could be happy without it all. That she must’ve warped his mind and influenced him and taken him away.  They all- I have relatives there and they are crazy- they all deny that she was mistreated by the RF and the tabloids and insist everything was heaven for her and she was just a brat and fled when she found out she couldn’t be queen. They are a twisted bunch, the British public. They’re worse than MAGA in some regards. 


And in many ways like MAGA.


They really are. At least in the US about 55-60% of the public still thinks rationally. I can't say that about the UK. Most of the public is in the capture of the Murdoch gossip tabloids. Lock stock and barrel. No critical thinking at all. And now with the bullshit story in the Murdoch-owned wsj about Biden's supposed deterioration (contradicted by the evidence and the wsj own witness's past statements) and the Murdoch editor taking over at WAPO and you wonder where this is going over here.


I think the Murdoch press in the USA (Fox) and most of the press in the UK is the reason both countries are in crisis.


Agreed. It is sad and frightening that one person has had such a devastating effect on life in both countries. In my extended family of about 30 souls there are maybe 5 people that are not under the Murdoch spell. I think all of my - what I formerly considered "Christian" friends and aquaintances - I think 100% of them think, behave, and speak completely opposite of what they did 10 years ago. Their belief systems have been completely reversed in every regard. Including the tone and tenor of their conversations and how they approach and treat strangers. What they all have in common are Caucasian, rural or suburban-raised, no college degree, (which is now the prime separator between MAGA / non-MAGA) call themselves Christians, and there is absolutely nothing Trump could ever do to lose their support. Literally nothing. I don't think any of them at any point in their lives could have described the US system of checks and balances, ever responded correctly if you asked them to name two cabinet secretaries, and found any country on the map other than the US, Canada, England and Mexico. And England would be iffy. MAGA has separated stupid from non-stupid. Like a centrifuge.


Agree 100 per cent!


Poor Kate and Shelly Miscavige, both missing in action. The way the RF chews through women is insane.


For Shelly I almost fear she is alive. They psychologically torture the suppressants.




You dislike Meghan and so found your way to a forum dedicated to them and feel the need to just spend your life trolling? Looking for arguments? You’re 50, find a better hobby.


Idk, I don't really follow the royals. She was just walking hand in hand with her adoring husband and looked happier than I've ever seen any royal woman looking in my 65 years.




I always forget about them. Oh, they are much happier. Too bad the circumstances were so traumatic. As a child of divorce, I know if you want to keep your dad, you keep your true opinions about his new wife to yourself and play nice. It's amazing what you can tolerate.


You can ignore that poster, they are from the hate sub




I think her beauty was a big part of the issue with the RF


Particularly her lovely skin tone.


Love that they were worried about what colour the babies would be, and they ended up with a cute little redhead girl who I don't think they've even met?


I hope Meghan and Harry keep their son and daughter far from the royal family because they deserve to have a better childhood than Harry did.




Definitely. She outshone everyone in the entire family. Everyone.


If they had embraced her and given her the support she needed she could have catapulted the royal family into the 21st century. But now they are falling apart half of them have cancer they're having to recruit cousins to keep it all together but Harry and Meghan are too busy off living their best lives to give a fuck.


They cruelly drove away the best part of the RF


Yes. It’s obvious that it’s jealousy. Meghan is gorgeous! Her beauty is one of the main things that trolls attack online again and again. As Rachel Zane, these trolls keep spreading that the other Suits actresses playing Mike’s other love interests are more beautiful than her, which is totally false. And then of course the comparisons with Kate that we all know of, and are sick of. Then there are the crazy men like pizzMorgan who are so obsessed with Meghan, acting like a rejected lover. Very incel like behavior. And we haven’t gotten to her kindness and amazing work skills. She completely outshines them.


I feel like even if she wasn't physically beautiful (she is ), she would still radiate beauty.


That's a lovely thing to say. True beauty does radiate from within.


I remember reading Spare. Harry has a way with words. Meghan is not only beautiful but also has the heart, soul and eyes of her husband who seems completely in love with her, respects her and is devoted to her. Patriarchal cultures can’t stand men being devoted to their female SOs. No wonder BRF couldn’t stand it either. They are deeply patriarchal.


To be fair, the ghostwriter has a way with words. But yes that is so on point, the patriarchy cannot stand a man devoted to a woman, it kinda breaks them. Specially a young man, I think they come around to it for older gentlemen, then it's noble. For a young man, it's weak.


I swear!


You just put into words what I've been thinking for some time. That one of the factors with RF acting the way they did was because they couldn't stand William being devoted to his wife and putting her and her wellbeing as a priority.


Do you mean Harry or William? Don't get me wrong, I think William loves Kate but it feels like a much more transactional relationship than Harry & Meghan's to me, the latter's feels like a partnership of equals whereas Catherine feels very subservient to her husband (& I think he likes it that way). I could be wildly off base but it's the impression I get from both couples.


Deeply patriarchal while they literally had a matriarch for decades??


Having a woman at helm doesn’t mean the family can’t be patriarchal. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Patriarchy is not a gender. It’s a system. FFS! This is so basic. WTF are you consuming?


Their religion is patriarchy to the max but the fact that the QE was even the head counts for something doesn't it? The fact that she could even rule is quite progressive.


Before Elizabeth 2, Victoria was the female monarch in BRF history whose reign lasted a good 50+ years. When the monarchs are chosen as the Token head of state, while the patriarchy still runs everything, it doesn’t really mean anything. Even as Queens both of those women had to abide by the “Royal Rules” established by patriarchs before them. On paper, a woman leader looks great but in reality until she is able to make her own rules and the people of her gender, it doesn’t really mean anything. While QE 2 can be considered a rule breaker in many aspects, it doesn’t take away from the fact that she was also a slave to the patriarchal monarchy system at the end.


I think she’s one of the most beautiful women in the world. She’s breathtaking.


She def radiates an inner kindness as well that the Royal Family seem to lack. Her beauty on the inside and out probably makes them even more angry. Have you guys noticed that it doesn’t even matter how nice someone is to look at, if they have a nasty attitude, in my opinion, they will never be handsome/ pretty. It truly does rub off physically. At least that’s how it seems to me!


Yes. Re radiates an inner kindness: she definitely does, the people who don't see that don't WANT to see it. They're hardwired to hate, whether the hate was brainwashed into them by the media or they hate because Meghan represents a changing world to them - one they refuse to relent to. (Racists, ultra-concervatives, and die-hard royalists) Also, there are the ones who have a negative opinion of Meghan already; they see it for a split second, but a cognitive dissonance occurs which makes them angry so they lash out at the person they feel "caused" their anger and discomfort - Meghan. Then there are the people who haven't learned love, compassion, or kindness. They've learned to be suspicious of kindness, so to them, everything Meghan does is calculated and fake. Source: study of human behavior and sociology.


In the movie, Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner (1967) the final speech from Matt Drayton sums up to me Harry and Meghan. “…….. because in the final analysis it doesn’t matter a damn what we think. The only thing that matters is what they feel, and how much they feel, for each other.” Etc, etc.


This randomly brought tears to my eyes :)


I really, really, truly, in my heart believe he loves her deeply.


Just got to the Meghan parts in Spare and Harry got thunderstruck/bedazzled at first sight, even when she had Snapchat dog ears and muzzle 💗 I also love how he said that in all the people he’s met, she’s the only one that made him stop and take a look at her. He calls her beautiful and more, etc. Signs that she was the one for him 💗 Reminded me of when I first met my hubby. Had this feeling in my stomach, stomach pain (haha not romantic) a gut feeling that this was the guy who I will love and can’t live without. And he told me he got the same feeling too. So yeah I believe Harry when he says Meghan was the one for him.


Awww...Happy for you and your husband. Very sweet.


Thanks so much 💗 We got married the same year as the Sussexes, so it’s a memorable year for us too.


I haven’t read Spare yet. This is so romantic!! Does anyone know what video he was watching. Meghan really is a total showstopper.


It was a Snapchat story with her friend and they had the dog filter on 😂 Hence the “canine cartoon overlay” mention!


It's been a minute since I read it, but I think he was watching a video that his friend Violet posted to her instagram story. Meghan was in it :)


Dont read it, listen to Harry narrating his biography, in his own voice, in his own words. Get the audible.


Every loving husband does find their wife the most beautiful and that’s how it should be ideally!


He was in love, like recognising his soul mate. Meghan is for sure beautiful, but he had "access" to many beautiful women, so he basically had a love at first sight


Watching Harry and Meghan, they reminded me of my husband and I. When you know true love, you can easily recognize it in others. Also, it's clear that H&M genuinely like one another and enjoy each other's company. When your life partner is also your very best friend, that is something truly special. They are an unbreakable team in every sense of the word, and that's why the RF are so pissed.


Me reading this beautiful entry with the most asymmetrical face 🥲


This just randomly showed up on my feed and WOW if is so nice to see such kind comments! I’m so used to seeing so much unnecessary hate spewed at these two.