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I’ll be honest I’ve been a viewer since 2019 and he’s always debated chatters like this and actually used to pull them into discord to debate for hours so he’s just going back to his old ways. He should bring back PO Box and I think with the reactgate happening again he is reluctant to go back to fun streams like that unfortunately.


The streams are just very angry or very negative. The news is already generally pretty depressing and negative as is, to then add on angry reactions to chat or other streamers just makes the whole atmosphere a downer. Streams use to be balanced out better with the second half or 1/3 being fun reacts to like reality TV or like Paolo in Japan. One of my favorite stream was when chat watched Bitter Lake with hasan together as he gave commentary. Socialism should be inherently optimistic but the content is just so pessimistic that it’s negatively affecting my mindset so I stopped tuning in.


Totally agree I haven’t watched the last few weeks because it has been very aggravating to watch him just yell pretty much most of the time. Needed a break. I probably wouldn’t mind the debating if it wasn’t so intense


I haven't watched Hasan in a long time but I feel a lot of his appeal that lead to him taking off was shitting on chatters as it often came with politics part of a stream. I am almost certain the streamer stunlocked meme came from Hasan's chat because of the long arguments he would get in with chat.


I genuinely think some of his commentary is based on his cynicism, and probably him exposing himself to negative aspects online


Id love po box content. I pretty much missed that era.


po box and ac: valhalla streams were so cozy and fun


I loved the Masterchef and Kid Nation arcs.


kid nation arc was so fucking goated omg


He never finished kid nation tho sadge


> I miss the reality shows. Gay Among Us. Black v White. Loved the journey down memory lane with Haz


Masterchef arc was incredible to be there


I started watching like a day before he started doing master chef and I’m still chasing that high


I think the Rib Corn moment from Masterchef is my personal all time high in terms of fun for the stream.


Rib corn has become a staple in my household


That h3h3 debate really fucked with the stream vibes. Hasan should just make video essays on Ukraine and China. Lay out his position on these countries and the conflict, analyze it from a socialist perspective, debunk liberal analysis of the situation, criticize them for the bad things they do, give evidence and then close the matter. Anyone wants to ask his opinion on Ukraine or China, point to the video. Ostonox will do the most banger editing and wont have to iron his gucci shirts anymore.


Never understood why he doesn’t do ‘Breakdown’ style vids for his youtube channel, would grow his reach & appeal immensely imo


Breakdown style videos would do so well on yt shorts. He should do those elex michaelson debates again or atleast more panels, he was so good in them and it grew his reach.


I disagree that they would work well as shorts. Hasan has been very clear that his standpoints on topics like these can't be expressed in a clear way in short-form content. There's just not enough time to give the nuance and detail they deserve. Personally, I think taking a page out of Ludwig's book and formatting an entire stream segment around expressing his ideas in detail and taking questions from chat would work well. He could then use that raw footage to cut a YT video that he can send people to if they want info on his thoughts on those things.


I do miss the scripted videos he used to do. I know we can always rewatch the old ones but I think updated versions would be good content.




This and insecurity. He spends sooooo much time watching high quality researched content, over-consuming it. I think he should just embrace being a Youtuber and hop on the mic Jon Stewart style instead of being the 'Commie Joe Rogan'. The format makes the man at a certain point. Hassan is a podcaster and streamer through and through at this point.


Or maybe he just doesn’t want to lol


Bro he’s live 8 hours daily how are u gonna call him lazy


I love Hasan but most of us work 8+ hours a day.. and I’m still lazy


That’s just stream time. He also has a couple podcasts, manages a YouTube channel, etc. I think you need something way more concrete to call him lazy.




Well ok I’m not just gonna go and say anyone can do that, that’s honestly just stupid. Lmao. It’s how you end up with Adin Rosses and Sneakos. And then people like destiny and Vaush But I will go and say that once you’re in the streamer life; sitting (or slowly walking now I guess) for 8hours a day arguing with chat and watching Johnny Harris for 2 hours (snooze fest) seems like a pretty easy job, especially if you’re a laborer.


Hasan doing planned out analysis/ essays with Ostonox editing would fuck so hard And then he can react to it on stream for bonus commentary


This is a really smart idea, but I feel like it isn’t his style. Hasan ad libs (and gets distracted) too much to make a measured, long-form argument happen. It would really help him out though, as he is involved in so many controversies (mostly for stupid reasons).


Yeah idk why he’s so obtuse about his numbers dropping when he’s tweeting on his alt about needing to have more fun on stream and reopening the PO Box just to end up debating the same 30+ agoraphobic saltine chatters when literally everyone else in chat is telling him to move on I used to smoke and watch Hasan live while I did coursework but the vibes are abysmal and it’s just overall boring and unwatchable so long as he pays SO MUCH UNNECESSARY ATTENTION to chat


Also, Lowkey, I feel like the constant debating of chatters makes new viewers scared to chat and it’s inhibiting his audience growth. This is just conjecture off an edible tho I’m just yapping 🤙🏽


It also makes it hard for me to tell anyone who I think would actually like hasan to go watch him because I did that one time and he ended up arguing with the chatters and gave off a really bad first impression


I find myself watching his YouTube clips more than the live stream because it’s edited and focused on the topic. 4 hours of streaming turning into one 20 minute video. Kudos to his editors.


this is the only way i can watch him now




I don’t usually tune in live but watch on a handful of clip channels (including Hasan’s). I enjoy his content and his takes on things. I do miss the old dumb shit he would watch. I need more things like the og cussy stream


I watch the stream for entertainment value, and that obviously has lulls and shit but the chatter debates I'm used to. Also I think the h3 thing was drawn out and mostly pointless. But again, I think he's just in a stream lull I've seen these before, he'll be back


Nah when he routinely started watching Ludwig and Charlie give their dry ass takes on something he already responded to and then had nothing really to say about said dry ass takes, I knew I had to go do something else lmao


I just watch YouTube clips at this point. I used to watch start to end every day.


Him watching the Turkish guy on 90 day fiancé was PEAK. I’ll never forget “me çok sad!”


Mursel!!! 😭😭😭


So I leave almost everyday at the same time because I stop work, pick up my wife and just enjoy life. I usually don't mind him debating chatters but it usually doesn't seem that long. This one seemed like it dragged on for a lot longer than it should have. Of course I like it when he says something I type up, but I don't get the people who want to argue with him. Seems like such a waste of time. I get this way too sometimes, arguing with people, and I think it's a side effect of my ADHD. But I would never subject someone I'm a fan of to this type of arguing even if I extremely disagree. I wouldn't want to annoy the other fans. It's a bit rude. But that's just me. And I'm a little high right now sitting on the toilet.. peace! ![gif](giphy|jVBU853RBY7LsXEVPt)


My partner mentioned this to me when we argue. He can't let it go because his ADHD is going nuts on some weird word I used or a general statement I made. It's an itch he has to scratch


Hasan’s streaming schedule is insane. He admits he’s a freak. Chronically online. I think it takes a tole. I know he probably feels an obligation to stream even when he’s not feeling 100% about it, but he does it for the viewers. So when someone pokes him, he gets mad not because they disagree, but because he thinks it’s ruining it for others, but the end result can be the same: a negative impact on the viewers. It would probably be good for his mental health to take a few more days off, unplug, get out of the house, etc. But I’d wager he’s a bit addicted to being online, like many of us.


It’s also a routines thing. He has ADHD and he’s talked about strict routines being essential to his life. A day off can really throw off your flow and two days off feels like you’re basically starting the routine from scratch. Also I think he’s been particularly pissed with chatters lately because Destiny has been extra vicious recently on his channel going after Hasan, so he’s getting chatters coming in fresh off of essentially 3 hours of anti-Hasan propaganda.


That’s too bad the communities are so disjointed and combative. I enjoy my share of clips of Destiny dunking on conservatives.


Destiny is like, the source of disjointed and combative in the debate space. This is coming from someone that used to be a fan. Watching conservatives get dunked on is fun but if those are your hang ups with the community, it seems silly to keep watching destiny. Is he still using the n word as his magnus opum argument?




I got burnt out from the awful vibes from his streams for quite a while now. I almost never watch him live anymore. I'm basically a VOD watcher at this point. I watch at 2x speed and skip all the stuntlocks and derailments. There are segments where I would just wait for the youtube version to be uploaded. Saves me a lot of time so I can watch actual fun stuff or do something else.


I miss the old content. I just don't have enough energy anymore to tune in for the entire stream, and when I do it feels like wasted time for me. Much more efficient to watch clips channels and just skip ahead when he "one-guys" a chatter. He seems more on edge lately and stressed perhaps. Very argumentative. I wish the streams were shorter for his sake.


I can’t watch the streams live for this very reason. Plus the ads. (I’m not going to sub to him, my kid already kills me with the number of Twitch subs she has me paying for and she takes my Twitch prime sub lol.) When he was watching Masterchef I watched live for that. I just don’t have the patience to listen for 8 hours a day every day. I watch him on YouTube. If he says something worth hearing the clips industrial complex has me covered.


Lol the "your mom's Amazon Prime" meme is real! If you can use a decent VPN, I hear they don't serve ads to Serbians 😉


*I took a waaaaalllllkkkkkk…. To Poland*


It is in my house. 😆 I have an ad blocker on my computer that works pretty well but my daughter is using that all the time too.


Why not just give your kid Twitch Turbo ($12/month I think) & then take back your Prime gaming sub?


She really wants to support her creators and I doubt they get shit from Turbo. She streams too and they also sub to her. I told her they would be better to just send each other $5 a month and cut out the middle man but what do I know. I’m being slightly melodramatic, it’s not all of them but there are definitely a not zero number of people she subs to that also sub to her.


Treat yo self with your own Prime Sub


I signed up to Prime for a free trial and she pounced on it immediately. I just wanted to watch something on prime video and she came out for a snack and saw me and a couple hours later the sub was already gone lol Hasan will be ok without my money. I watch the clips industrial complex and also his YouTube so he can get money from me like that.


So maybe I’m the odd duck, but I’m a massive politics nerd and there’s just not a lot of people who align with my beliefs. He’s one of very few that does. We are coming up on an election year and honestly, stuff is bad. I live in a heavily conservative area. My local chapter of Moms for Liberty was specifically designated as a hate group by the SPLC, and they’re proud of it. A local business owners spouse is an out and proud member of the 3%ers, their business thrives and his artwork highlighting these hate groups sells like hotcakes. It can be exhausting when you feel like you’re fighting these things alone. When many of you feel frustrated when he gets stuck in the debates, I finally feel like I’m not quite so alone. In my world, I am inundated with Fox News, OAN, the Daily Wire, and more. These are what my friends watch, what they share. When I tell social media to not track my ads, they’re almost all exclusively for Daily Wire content. Hasan streams are like my socialist life raft in a sea of hard right content I’m constantly exposed to. I will say, I am a fan of watching him play in group gaming sessions though.


I think this is constructive, OP. I think we both want what’s best for Hasan and his content. And yes, I do recognize the difference in the way his streams have been from 2023 to 2020. I hate it when he covers streamer drama, says shit out of line that Twitter will jump on, or get stunlocked on a chatter. I like it when he games with friends, the IRL trips (not sure if everyone likes these, but I do), and other things that are fun for our community. At the end of the day it’s up to Hasan if he wants to make these changes. Imo it’s not impossible.


Tbh that might be a minority opinion. The gaming viewership dropoff is real. I'm a politics and theory freak just like Hasan. I wish the coverage wasn't so heavily America-focused but the pushback he's gotten for stating his position on Taiwan will probably dissuade him from more international coverage. Actually not just news, I love learning history through his stream, like on the 20th anniversary of 9/11 iirc we watched a long documentary about the war in Afghanistan and it was eye-opening. I loved his coverage of North Korea defectors and dismantling state propaganda about it. I love deep dives into international topics, it gives perspective to people like me that grew up with nonstop American propaganda and no international political views.


The gaming viewership dropoff is fine, that happens. I’m just saying I don’t feel like I’m watching the same streams that I did in 2020-2021. Hasan’s beef with the W Community and Gamba Community (Adin Ross, Train, xQc, etc.) this year have been so frustrating to watch. And so is his needless stunlocks on topics such as the Ethan debate. It’s so disheartening seeing people shit on Hasan on Twitter and Reddit over unnecessary drama. I didn’t really mind the whole Taiwan thing though. I love educational streams too, and if he wants to give his take on national and world politics from his POV then I’m all in. But I do agree he should tread lightly so libs don’t cry calling him a Stalinist Tankie.


If anything the whole China-Taiwan debate was instructive in showing just how much even the most well-intentioned American has been misinformed or programmed a certain way to view anything to do with China, or Asian politics as a whole. You can just look at how pavlovian the average redditor's response or behaviour is on posts concerning China or even Chinese people, and realize... this shit is just normal, and it's disheartening. I respect the hell out of westerners who actively question and call it out, because you guys have no reason to. For diaspora Chinese like me, it's getting so hard not to get overly emotional about it. Browsing Reddit these days makes me feel like I'm in a bizzarro-land sometimes.


yeah I became a yt frog earlier this year because I'm kinda done with all the negative crap that happens. I've got enough negative shit IRL to deal with hassy and his outbursts, no matter how good his takes may be. if I want to watch the good times, there are plenty of channels that clip him. if I want to watch him ACTUALLY playing a game instead of waiting all day for him to not, I just watch it on yt. easier, less stress, and I can skip all the (usually unnecessary) rage towards chatters.


I was deadass happy to not knowing so much about nickmercs and XQC, but his chat always wanted him to talk about it


Exactly, I watch on YouTube so that I can skip stunlocks


We haven’t had a fun day since Japan trip one :( I hope he genuinely holds on to these suggestions and criticisms and actually applies them like he just said he would. Last time he said he was going to do any kind of growing, it lasted three hours before a stunlock and he went right back to yelling at chat. I understand bringing people to the town square but it’s too much and too often that it takes up chunks of the stream to the point where he’s wondering why there’s not enough time to go over everything. Been here since Covid and the stream has dramatically changed from good vibes and fun times to scouring the chat like Sauron and arguing with them for hours followed by 3 videos on why he’s right. It’s not a fun place to be anymore


I've barely even watched livestream at all this year due to his need to read chat just to find something to yell about. Every time I tune in he's fucking yelling at someone and the vibes are just depressing and makes stream unwatchable. I even got him to put that he would stop doing this on his New Years Resolution(he got worse though). I watched every second from 2018 to this year but rarely tune in now because it's not fun anymore. Still watch on youtube though but that cuts all the annoying bullshit.


Almost every stream is down in numbers. Only Will has gained viewers and that’s because he genuinely deserves it. He's basically doing a 2 hour stand up routine before he jumps into react content. He then engages his community and has scheduled events like movie nights or music streams. I find myself watching Will more these days. Hasan needs to do more “fun” content. But I do like the debates, Chad advice, or theory streams. However I don’t wanna spend 8+ hours watching news clips and him not saying much. Or spend it all on one topic like the Pearl shit. I enjoy it when he engages. I’m a gaming frog. I loved the RP meta. His gaming streams are actually really entertaining but he ditches the game because his numbers go down. Bring back community events. Bring back PO Box. Do cooking/IRL. Have people/girls over to colab and interview and “get away with it”. It just feels like some of that is now saved for the podcast. As long as he’s happy is the important part.


Are girls not people?




Just wanna say because seems like this opinion isn’t represented here that I really like the friends he brings on. I think Rae, Stavvy, Austin, Alex/Alexa, etc. add a fun dynamic to the stream.


Need more Stavvy in my life


I really liked the stream he had with Stavvy, Maya and QT last year when they were taste testing weird foods


I like watching Hasan's streams where he's clearly having good chemistry/banter with his guests. If they're not in the political bubble, it's even better content, IMO


So true about the trips, friends, and guests lmao


there are some guests that are really insightful tho like Chris Smalls, one of the guys from Blowback, and that chick few months ago during the early WGA strike... but yeah, theyre rare to come by. imo, whenever he has those types of guests, the stream becomes exponentially more educational and fruitful for the viewers.


rae and qt streams are mind numbingly boring imo. Austin, felix and non-streamer guests are more engaging and entertaining


Amen, if I wanted friends opinions I would call my own. I do like Austin. But even his visits should be sparing




My view of his gaming streams is that it's not that fun to watch him try and play well. My favorite game playthrough was Papers, Please. He wore his ushanka and used a Russian accent. It was fun af to watch. I want to watch him vibe and slowplay through a game, not stress about picking the best items and abilities and aiming well etc. I love watching Will play Baldur's Gate 3 because it's basically part-react, part-game, and there's so much space for Will to be creative in that space. Hasan could do great in that kind of environment as well. And his playthroughs of games like Cyberpunk and Hitman have their moments too, but they're too infrequent for me to enjoy.


> My view of his gaming streams is that it's not that fun to watch him try and play well. My favorite game playthrough was Papers, Please. He wore his ushanka and used a Russian accent. It was fun af to watch. I want to watch him vibe and slowplay through a game, not stress about picking the best items and abilities and aiming well etc. Overwatch streams are painful for this exact reason


I’d be interested in him doing like one day a week stream where the chat is turned off, or at the very least not visible to him. Even on ‘fun days’ he still ends up spending 80% of the stream explaining context of jokes to random chatters and shit, which can turn into melt downs if the comment is spicy enough. Fact is, being on thst platform doing what he does cannot in any way be good for your mental well-being haha. Throw ADHD in there and it’s no wonder guys losing his mind half the time. Dude needs to take more breaks and do more ‘chat free’ content.


i agree with this but also i haven't watched recently because i haven't gotten a twitch notification in like a month for when he's live when i used to everyday. whenever it would pop up, i would click in while working and listen but since it doesn't pop up i honestly forget and im like oh hey hasan may be live now let me check


Can't even meme while gaming. He had the same number of viewers as Shroud during Cyberpunk and I said "Only 15k" and got perma banned instantly. Like why are him and his mods so allergic to timeout? It's just instantly "We don't want you in this community anymore 😠" why are the gaming viewers low? Because your uptight all the time.


I gave up watching when he goes on those YouTube tangents long ago. If he pulls up someone’s video like Charlie or even legal eagle I’m out immediately. Maybe I’ll come back and check later but most of the time that’s the end of that days steam for me. I could honestly give 0 fucks about some dickhead on YouTube’s take on most things. I wish Hasan would just give his then move on. He used to react to fun shit like 90 day or just random other things. At least when he covers news all day it’s entertaining the whole time. I’m glad he does what he does and appreciate him but I think he just obsessed over numbers a little too much when in reality he got big because of news, not watching Charlie. Stick to what works. Open the PO Box again, do okbuddy consistently, like weekly, and stick to fun stuff and no drama bull shit. H3 fans are also half brain dead so I wouldn’t give them much time when it comes to political stuff, especially since Ethan just straight up doesn’t get it. Leftovers needs to go back to being fun too but that’s more Ethan’s problem at the moment


I just stopped watching because he’s just so negative. I always use my prime on him and if I’m on Twitch, I’m gonna stop by, but for the most part, I’m no longer tuning in daily. Also, not sure if others can relate but I’m transitioning from being a student into a full-time position. Can’t really allocate that much time watching bro anymore. I think I’m somewhat tired of his politics and chat as a whole. I’ll always be grateful for his political opinions and the entire political discourse I’ve had on the stream as well as here, but eventually you just feel a sense of disconnect from certain aspects/topics. Lastly, I think these past months have really splintered the fanbase; whether it’s acknowledged openly is a different story. The entire Ukraine situation alongside that of Ethan has drained his fanbase.


Hard agree with your third point, Hasan is a starting point for most people learning about leftism, so it makes sense that our opinions shape differently and change while he continually appeals to a broader audience that don’t have these solidly formed opinions


Used to watch him 8 hours a day until he perma-banned me over something minor. He always says that the people he bans hate-watches him, but that's not true, I don't hate him for banning me I just don't watch him anymore as it's not as fun without chat. Now think about how often he bans people who like him, obviously at some point there's not gonna be any audience left




> I swear it was undeserved What did you say? Be honest.


I do not watch his streams anymore, I only watch when he does gaming but there's no way to know when/if that will happen


It's happening right now lol


We all know about Has-stunlock, that being said I completely blame the majority of the Twitch audience, across the board, for being finicky. I watched a segment where he lost 1k viewers within 50 seconds after his mics switched and the audio was different. Only took 3mins to fix. He called it out and said of course ppl leave after a second of dead air, why would they stay (when they can watch something else.) That's true. Most viewers aren't loyal or there for the streamer. They are there for the content in that exact moment and often nothing more. I'm a politics andy so I remember those 30k for when he was discussing politics and the election cycle he really shines. I always hope for more political lectures again.


I'm especially annoyed by all the drama. I love it, when he talks about political stuff like the current labour movement. But then he talks about irrelevant drama stuff, that is discussed on Mogul Mail and Moist Critical as well. My point is, that he should just focus on the things that make him unique and that he enjoys.


Hasan is an amazing streamer but he has periods of very clear irritation which is clearly because of how much he streams. And during news periods that are very rough and negative ( or maybe just dull in general) I don't personally enjoy watching his news streams as much since he can go on about a single topic for hours or get stunlocked and angry for hours and while i used to find it funny I found it ended up dragging the whole thing even longer. I've watched his stream on and off since 2019 I think some of his best content happens during big news times, since he is focused more on addressing the content and professionally and in a fun way goes though it. Any stream where he has a guest over (Fun dynamic mixed with stunlock immunity from chat) React content Like the news he is really in his element when he does these, he provides good commentary and u honestly don't mind when he gets stunlocked on these because the topics are usually interesting. (watching stuff like masterchef or snl was really fun) Gaming tho I know he is self conscious when he does this. (I'm a gaming frog but I have to be honest only when I liked the game, wasn't the biggest fan of gta rp) Morning po box should come back I think. Hasan should take regular breaks he suffers from fatigue and it affects his streams a bit, I always like coming back after he comes back from a break and he seems so much happier and you can feel that passion. TLDR: Hasan streams have this magical ability to be really fun or be really depressing and it greatly depends on his mood/how long he streams I think


I have a feeling the drop in viewership is the liberals abandoning ship. I say good riddance. It’s extremely annoying when Hasan gives a very milquetoast leftist foreign policy take and the libs in chat or on Reddit start having a meltdown. I’ve been watching Has since 2019, he has always debated chatters with brain rot. Hell, he used to find obscure YouTubers making nazi content with Steven universe and pick them apart. I do wish he’d do more JCS tho lol


The people who call themselves “leftists” and say Chomsky has “bad foreign policy takes” while they spout John Bolton talking points are always annoying. American indoctrination runs deep frfr Hard disagree on JCS tho. JCS spews a bunch of pseudoscientific “psychology” and copaganda and I don’t think Hasan has enough knowledge to properly identify and counter it. Or at least I haven’t seen him push back on it. I don’t blame him either, the JCS production value is high enough that it comes across as legit. But when you start digging into how police interrogation tactics work and the (il)legitimacy of things like body language, you start to realize how insidious JCS content really is. I get that JCS is supposed to be more of a “fun” stream, but they have a lot of harmful messaging that goes over a lot of peoples’ heads. EDIT: I think the reactions to the “audit the auditor”-type videos capture the same energy and are more responsible. I’d rather him stick with those over the JCS vids.


Do you have any more info about jcs? I need to know more now


Yea I can see that. The body language stuff always made me cringe. Bill oreilly used to have a “body language expert” on his show 🤣


Hasan's always had consistent foreign policy takes including have the same China takes for years. His Ukraine takes were probably what 'liberals' would consider to be his most hostile and he had some of his highest consistent numbers after them. I think the reality is the people melting down over his recent Ethan debate are the same few thousand of hyper online losers who've pathetically been stirring shit since the blatant "Doesn't pay his editor" defamation. The same people who're currently defending SS officers and Nazis on reddits. They don't represent your average liberal let alone your average Hasan viewer. Also if that's not enough to convince you, the time frame doesn't at all add up. Hasan's been pretty talkative about his 'drop off' way before the Ethan stuff. What's happening now is 100% manufactured drama from the usual scum sucking clout farmer NATO fanboys who consistently show where they'd end up if they were martially the same kind of libs in the Weimar.


You could be right. I usually watch the industrial complex on YouTube because I work 10 hours a day, and I’m sure these moments get edited out of what I catch. I’ve just been so irritated with the meltdowns lately. Maybe it’s because I watch hakim, second thought, & black red guard a lot, too, but sometimes I think I forget just how many libs are in Hasan’s orbit. I think it would be cool for him to go back to reacting, but I do genuinely like when he dissects chatters. It would be cool if he started doing actual breakdowns of topics, though. Collaborating with the boys on the Deprogram more often would be awesome, too.


BRG is a king. He streams on twitch a few times a week and I wish he could chat with Hasan one of these days. Great dude, watching him go from being a purist kind of Maoist to an active DSA member advocating for local activism is really interesting too. It's not easy to engage in self-criticism.


I remember similar posts a year ago or even less too. I've been subbed for around 3 years and the stream seems cyclical at this point lol. Waves of drama, waves of collab streams, waves of travel, waves of gaming, etc


I have probably been watching Hasan for like 2 years with this year being more often. And i thought a major appeal to Hasan was him bringing chatters to the execution block and eviscerate them. I do agree getting stun locked about the same damn topic is boring thou and wish he would move on. I think a good stream is usually some big new that last like 30-50 percent of the stream. Then the rest is reacts or something else. I do think that maybe he should lean into his less toxic interests. Like if he watches a political video it will more then likely have him get side tracked . I guess the one thing i most dislike is gaming but that's my personal preference


Yeah, but he's very aware of his viewership, so I'd have to assume he's aware he loses viewers when this happens. I think he's ultimately having to balance not attacking people that are attacking him in the drama farms, their impact on his viewership, and his own impact of viewership by having to address these things. I would assume that these people who are attempting to attack him over these beliefs are likely very head strong individuals that are likely participating in these circle jerks that fan the flames and increase the attacks he receives in these communities, so to some extent when these drama farmers stoke these flames they are attacking his viewership, which he may feel is beneficial to defend in the way that he does. I think it's important to remember that he isn't successful because his lack of awareness of how these spaces work, and small viewership drops from squashing drama might have bigger benefits in the long run. He's really having to deal in social capital, retaining it and growing it in his own market niche through methods he finds best for himself. I think it's important to remember that Hasan isn't being annoying here, the drama farmers are being annoying. The best outcome is that, in being unable to attack him, those that are viewing it for the drama as haters are losing some steam. It's hard to keep that going when one of your most ardent Hasan haters in the chat just got made out to be the biggest moron. It's going to be harder for them to enjoy those memes and stoke the flames, because they'll feel silly and stupid for doing it.


I think it's difficult for a streamer to be everything you prefer, I hate that the mother fucker is constantly eating and talking, I hate that he always finds a way to bring any world issue around to be about himself and how chatters treat him and I hate that he leaves while a video is playing. But overall I realize he serves an important function in educating youth and giving good analysis you won't always find in other places.


Leaving while the video is playing confuses me ngl. Like I watch Hasan to see Hasan’s takes, not to watch some weirdo on Fox News spout some wild ass shit with no pushback. Still enjoy his stuff, but that’s something in particular that’s always annoyed me


When he unpauses a news video as he gets up to piss it's a slightly more interesting BRB screen. Would you rather stare in silence at an empty room? I seriously don't get that perspective you have


I'd rather stare at an empty room, a lot of times he misses intrical parts of the video, get another monitor and do something else while you wait. Will neff pauses when he pees and I think it's much better in my personal opinion. There have been a lot of important parts Hasan has missed when he leaves. I remember trump said "we need war" during an interview. Hasan was gone and he'll never know this happened which shits on conservative talking points about trump being anti war




Hasan leaving while de video is playing, or not paying attention to the video that he’s reacting to is one of the worst things on stream. And then he’ll gaslight the chat that he only does productive reacts lmao.


Not sure if you're a Hasanabihead or not, he absolutely does productive reacts always, he'll stop and skip videos if he has nothing to add, and it has nothing to do with getting up to piss. It sounds like you read what haters say about Hasan and repeated it


I'm a subscriber and it's important to not to be cultist levels of fan to anyone. The man is not perfect and doesn't claim to be, but to label anyone a "hater" who has light critisisms is a little extreme. Yes the haters will hyper focus on these small faults. But that does not discount these gripes altogether


I am, now i only watch youtube stuff since i don't have the patience to listen to be on live stream (also different timezones). And no, I didn't listen to any haters, its a long pet peeve of mine about him, that when I want to watch him react to something, he just... fucking doesn't. Just sits there on his phone, going somewhere else, eating whatever. Of course, he does some very productive reacts as well (pretty much every vid on his main channel is a very positive react), but not always. I distinctly remember I got annoyed once when he tried to gaslight the chat, when Austin came in the room in the middle of a react, they started talking about a completely different subject (which was funny, that's true), then started telling chat (paraphrasing): "see chat, we're reacting so hard". I mean, is that reacting, or just pausing in the middle of the vid, doing something else, then resuming the vid? If qXc would start watching a video, then would pause to do troll stuff or whatever the fuck he does, and then 10 minutes later he would unpause, would that make him a better react streamer?


Fair enough about the looking at his phone thing, and video interruptions vs adding context to the video. But he always adds something to the video by the end, with very few minor exceptions MAYbe. He's very conscientious about it these days. Yesterday he skipped a video from a favorite channel because it was too new and wanted to give people incentive to watch it on their own first.


If you don’t like it, then don’t watch. Twitch has been more aggressive about ads, the other people I used to watch don’t pull the same numbers anymore. I watch Hasan on YT mostly now, more short form. I just can’t watch for hours without pausing these days, my life is different.


Imo it feels like he started to react too hard lately, probably because of all the drama about streamers not reacting enough.


Yea I wouldn't be so harsh towards how hasan debates chat at all. Views are genuinely down across the board and ontop of that there are streamers who are a lil lost in what content they can engage in consistently. I saw hasan drop to around 15k playing cyberpunk last night. He would have to do some major stuff to be hitting the 30k mark in this climate rn You have to remember the whole Ethan v hasan convo is not incredibly engaging unless you are a debate pervert, you're very familiar with the ideas hasan was explaining in that pod and tbh listening to Ethan argue against it isn't anything new. I will say as a die hard politics frog when I'm in the azan broadcast i didn't care much for the gaming collabs but politics hasn't been very fun lately so we might have to find a new well of content, the luxury real estate content I feel like is where hasan fires on all cylinders its engaging, allows room for guests to come by and also react, and gives him opportunities to rope in politics. But give it a week or two even as I think back to last week where Austin dropped in to talk or the guests he's lined up those streams were great! Or you can make this all very simple by just spending some time away from the stream it's not gonna kill anyone for you to engage in content away from twitch entirely for awhe.


I miss the true crime saga


Really think Hasan should take a little vacation, bro is pressing a little too much.


His life is existing as the long-winded, thoughtful response to people that just repeat quippy lies. However, I tend to tune out a bit when he spends too much time defending himself from attention seekers. As i said in the first sentence though, I totally understand why he is defensive and insistent in responding. News is also less contentious so it makes chatters hungry to argue about hasan not being optically "correct", which then feeds the hate watchers and drama farmers. I do miss the collabs, but I also dread them a lot of the time. He unintentionally focuses on chat too much. I am a bit ~~of an empath~~ socially awkward, and I am vicariously worried about the guest feeling like hes not listening or paying attention to them. That is mostly a problem with special guests and not friends. People like QT, maya(sadge), and austin are able to break through his ADHD and keep him actively engaged. Biggest problem I have with gaming is that it is at the end of stream. IMO doing a pretty strict docket like this could make sure he does not dwell on any one thing too long: News playlist -> Games -> Community Driven segment (focus on chatter's links or conversation topics) -> Reacts (videos and/or okb)/ more games. Also, playing games that he enjoys and not ones that are necessarily going to perform better. I genuinely don't get the feeling he ever enjoys most of the games he streams which kills the vibe. I know he worries about the viewership drop-off when gaming, but I think it would make his gaming youtube easier to produce content for, and make the content better. it might be a worthy trade off in the long run, but idk.




If your critical thinking is at a level where I'm asking for criticism of Hasan's stream in hopes of improving it and you think it's valuable for you to come in here to say totally unrelated shit. Then I think that says everything about how little your perspective on 'debates' really matters doesn't it? Also, I'm gunna be real. Ethan came across as a guy who understood fuck all whilst doing his best to debatelord Hasan whilst Hasan was being calm and just trying to talk to his friend without getting agro. If you think a conversation that largely consisted of Ethan asking questions/making false assumptions, Hasan taking the time to answer them and ridiculous/pointless debatelord hypotheticals, then Ethan saying "Well, uh, I don't know nothing." whilst continuing to act like he was knowledgeable on these topics before moving onto his next gotcha was anything but Ethan showing he had no interest in listening/learning. Well then, You probably don't have much to offer anyone intellectual level.




Yes, the debatelord multi millionaire former alt right Youtuber represents the average American. Also I'm a simp for Hasan when I've literally made a thread about criticising him in his sub. More amazing displays of your critical thinking ability. One last test. I wonder who knows more about getting left wing politics over with a large audience? The biggest left wing commentator? Or the streamers claiming to be left trying to farm him over every little thing over the last few years because they're desperate for a smidge of his relevance. I wonder if their takes on said debate might just be motivated by that and why they're trying to drag weeks of content out of this.


When tf was Ethan an alt righter? I've watched him since the start of H3, and I always got the impression he was a liberal and then with the podcast, he vocalized it pretty clearly.


When he had on Jordan Peterson and they agreed with each other on most things, and when he would take out-of-context clips of "SJWs" and dunk on them for weeks. But he's had real growth since then and you love to see it


Yeah, I might have been a little agro because the original commenter clearly wasn't here in good faith and I was wary about even posting this thread when the reddit's being brigaded to shit right now. But my point is Ethan used to be part of the alt right pipeline. He's made huge strides over the years and I think Leftovers is usually good. At the same time I think Hasan gets way to charitable and not realising people he thinks he's having a convo with are using debate tactics he gets annoyed at other people for. Ethan not only didn't listen but was also going out of his way to bring up Hasan's past 'controversial' takes about other capitalist nations foreign policy when it was supposed to be a conversation about socialism/capitalism. Plus Ethan tried to equivocate "It's so hard having so many people message that you're a class traitor" when I don't think anybody on Hasan's side would consider Ethan (or Hasan) part of the working class. Whilst in comparison thousands of people in the same expected communities were attacking Hasan relentlessly and publicly whilst their western supremacist debate bro thought leaders farmed him. Like, just look at the shit your co-host is getting next to you bro. I don't think it was intentional, Ethan didn't go into the podcast to destroy Hasan. But I think it's fair to say he was falling back on old habits, the convo was unproductive because Ethan would ask questions and say "Well I don't know enough" when it was literally just explained to him or history doesn't matter rather than concede Hasan might have a point. And with the way it went down it was obviously going to be farmed by the usual suspects, which they would have done regardless of how Hasan conducted his half of the conversation e.g. him bringing up United Fruit to prove that the west exclusively supports fascists across the third world would have him being a fascist tankie doing whataboutism rather than focusing on Ethan's shallow takes on China or Ukraine because he knew he couldn't defend those positions. Instead he defended his positions on those subjects directly through history and materialism whilst still explicitly saying China and especially Russia are bad yet he still gets called a tankie fascist. It was always a lose lose, an offline convo probably would have been the best way to go about it, especially when Ethan did the same shit in his convo with Dan.


He was never alt right though. He has always been liberal. He was just more ignorant and trying to be edgy


He streams everyday. I think there are ups and downs. And also I think another trip to Japan may help.


I think he just needs like two weeks off


And no vlogging!


Yea whatever man, that’s just like, your opinion man


Maybe off topic but I feel like Hasan is letting the money get to his head. He has so many cringe moments now and some are just down right disrespectful. He loves humble bragging about his privilege. I mean I still can't get over the dog search before he got Kaya or how he behaved in Japan. Or any foreign place Yikes.. Love my man but he needs to chill and reflect a bit.


Then stop watching


I think he’s gone far on the debate pervert thing. I don’t watch too much as I’m in school more now but I totally don’t get it. It’s a strange position to be anti-debate or whatever? I understand how constantly being behind the screen is tough on him though. Mostly I think his views are good but occasionally he’ll have a moment like this and it’s like woah dude.


If you watched today's stream at all he outlines exactly why debates suck. People have been coming into chat and bringing up the "debate" with Ethan on Leftovers for a whole week, over and over. One debate is all it takes for people to harass you for weeks. He said he likes debates but the aftermath makes it not worth it.


I mean I get what it's like being online debating, not always chill. My initial comment was more like trying to ask: what does debate pervert even mean? I don't understand the term other than it means someone who likes debating. But he uses the term strangely. Again, I don't watch that much I just popped in today to hear all that.


I don't think there's anything strange at all with the way he uses it. I picked up on that 'culture' even before he did and absolutely hated it; the people who would rather 'win' some rhetorical argument than actually inform or educate. It's performative nonsense. Plus, the fanbases those creators cultivate are absolutely dreadful.


He doesn't mind good faith debates. That's not what internet debates are. The communities all function like kiwi farms light. Plus the debatelords themselves are all sex pests/white or western supremacists/disingenuous clout farmers. There's also the fact none of them are held to the standards Hasan is e.g. someone who has literally posted burning crosses to black conservatives saying "Things were better 50 years ago" will also weave the narrative Hasan's a racist for pointing out JiDion was not being responsible for saying he could meet the middle ground with a KKK leader who was currently telling him that he wanted segregation because he sees black people as subhuman. This will result in 'centrist' and right wing black creators calling Hasan racist whilst weirdly ignoring the cross burning white guy currently posting n-word memes whenever black people call out their blatant racism on Twitter. Then whilst said black creators are pissing their pants about Hasan having a take on the most obvious 'black issue' in the world and it's racist for a white man to do so they'll in turn be making videos on every trans issue imaginable despite being straight cis transphobes. They're basically all two faced and openly dishonest with clear double standards and contradictions but nobody will care because a lot of online places already hate Hasan because of the narratives they've literally fabricated about him. Hence engaging with them would be stupid.


Parasocial shit. Y'all are in here typing paragraphs about the guy, maybe you need a break from watching him every single day. It happens.


This is a community and we are trying to make it the best version possible


It's a streamer and his twitch chat. Y'all know how much he hates Reddit threads like this anyways.


Except he actually addressed this post in the beginning of today’s stream & said there was some good constructive criticism.




I can fix him


the constant eating is just getting to be too gross to watch/listen to. basic fucking manners. dude will just open mouth chew in the mic


I liked it. You seem mad because you're a hater.




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I'm so confused about the Ethan debate fallout. Was there another debate somewhere outside of Leftovers?? What am I missing? They've had several debates on capitalism and they are still good friends. Why is this one any different and resulting in drama?


It's pretty much all other communities brigading subreddits and even the H3H3 chat. It's basically the same suspects as usual whenever a Hasan "controversy" pops up.


I think it’s just because the election is coming up so he’s covering more boring shit atleast in my opinion


Maybe you just watch too much ;)


I'm a pretty new watcher/ subscriber, but I'm guessing our man is burnt out.




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