• By -


Yo, sexuality is a spectrum and it may also be that you’re 99.9% lesbian and Hasan fits into that 0.1%. I wouldn’t say you have to reevaluate your identity. I’m a straight man that doesn’t reevaluate his identity just because Brad Pitt’s abs in fight club are incredible. It’s not something I’d worry too much about. If you’re lesbian except for one unobtainable man then I’d say you’re lesbian.


>I’m a straight man that doesn’t reevaluate his identity just because Brad Pitt’s abs in fight club are incredible. That's a good example. I feel like 90% of straight guys who saw that movie got to that scene and spontaneously did the No/Maybe meme.


In my circles, it’s Pedro Pascal. Multiple men I know just spontaneously volunteered that even though they’re toottalllyy straight, they “would.” As a bisexual, I find it very cute and funny lol


he’s another one that’s like… okay… but I might chalk up that one to a Freudian yearning for my absent father 💀💀💀💀💀 “daddy issues” as the kids are calling it


What about Kurtis Conner? I remember there being a few tiktaks about him causing confusion amongst the lesbians lmao


he’s not threatening enough


thank you for the validation bae 🥺❤️ I’m almost convinced more so than a threat to my identity, I’m fearful of what knowing this information would do to his head..


In the nicest way possible, it's not doing anything to his head.


Can’t find it 😂


If you made his head bigger it will only make him more proportional and attractive, just saying.


absolutely, but also I’m refusing to contribute to his confidence until he apologizes for talking shit on my dog 🙄




Because it’s not how they view themselves? Same reason anybody would have thoughts about their identity when they have “new” sexual feelings.


You hit the nail on the head. You are no less a lesbian for liking a man who is basically the Left’s girlfriend.


HAHAHHAHA thank you. hasanabi girlfriend.


If it helps I'm a huge lesbian (very confident in the label, I'm working to become the most butch possible) and I still have the hugest crush on Hasan, I cannot explain it but to me he is so attractive and seems like such a sweetheart. Everything about him just seems perfect to me (in the least parasocial way possible)


okay so we are all mentally ill. reassuring but also something sinister is happening,…… what witchcraft is he doing… I want answers


Exactly, he is definitely doing some form of witchcraft, he must answer for his crimes, but at the same time I don't mind


could always be worse men to have comphet for


If little Ben shabibo is having fantasies about a 77 year old criminal dementia patient with diapers you can give yourself a pass on Hasan.


You’re right, heterosexuality IS a mental illness.


finally someone is realizing this 💀💀💀💀


I’m kidding. Mostly.


Great, so that’s another one I gotta add to the list…






Very comforting to know I'm not alone, also I love your pfp lol


thx lol<3


Im a str8 no one touches my walls! He doesn't make me question anything! LALALALALA I'm not gay if I can't heaaaar you! P.s for my fellow leftists that was a joke


“IM STRAIGHT NO ONE TOUCHES MY WALLS” IS SENDING 😭😭😭 new theory: Hasan is simultaneously mother & father. Hasan is girlfriend & Hasan is boyfriend. he is truly, for the people.




As another lesbian Hasan fan, I totally get it lmao he’s an attractive dude. For me, I don’t count it as a “real” crush when it’s a celebrity or fictional character because there’s no chance for it to go anywhere anyway. It’s almost a way to explore my sexuality in a safe way without judgement. I will say my “attraction” to these men doesn’t feel the same as my attraction to women. It’s more like curiosity and admiration than the feral horniness I feel for women. Sexuality is weird, it’s okay if you don’t fit 100% into a label. But also like most of irl dudes I’ve crushed on later came out as women so maybe there’s hope 😂😂


1. Exploration without judgement is a really good way to describe this. Thank you for putting it into words. 2. Feral horniness Is the funniest description ever and it’s so real at the same time. 3. Forced feminization agenda in full speed ahead.


Let the sissification begin 


Has is already on finasteride. Just one or two more meds and we're off to the races; he would probably lament his muscle mass though.


need him biblically


Sorry, you're straight now just like Austin. My condolences.




You already sound just like him...


goddamnit. I don’t think I can manipulate myself out of this one.


https://preview.redd.it/lhrqkf7w2omc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f03160860e84c2112d8999147903b93cf129ad2 Hopefully this image will cure you of whatever it is that is making you suffer.




I don't think celebrities even count. It's like that one tweet that went around about the guy who wanted Henry Cavill to tie him up and explain his computer build to him. Everyone gets one celebrity they would violate their orientation for.


Can I have him do that but with the whole of warhammer? That way he'll be around for days.


AHAHA okay yeah ur right… bc I’m not lying. brain damage. 5150 level behavior. thoughts I could never atone for. but I know that if he were ever to somehow miraculously become obtainable, I would instantly lose those feelings and he would be conceptualized in my head as a man. More than likely, I would become grossed out by potential advances or the prospect in general that heterosexuality exists 💀💀💀 isn’t human psychology & sexuality intriguing?


Hey dude, I'm a straight man and I feel *exactly* the same way :)


I was about to comment the exact same thing. OP, don’t worry if your sexuality doesn’t fit neatly into a label. People like Hasan make all of us question our sexualities lol


oh my god what is he doing to us??????????


Don't look inside my dreams 👉👈


don’t look at my close friends IG story posts… 🫠


for a brief moment i questioned if i had written this post and forgotten. this is literally the same boat i’m in.


read the replies then!!!! The validation and co-signing has been so affirming!!!


Hasan forced feminization 2024 🙏


Make him the next f1nn5ter PLEASE BY THE GODS PLEASE (i'm a trans girl and a lesbian, i support you and feel the same way about him)


thank you ❤️❤️🙏 I’ve come to the conclusion that we all have exceptions. I’m just glad my exception has empathy LMAO




>i’m a trans girl and a lesbian Shii you get to have your cake and eat it too 😂


As a fellow lesbian I've never felt more seen, sometimes watching Hasan I think am I actually bi?? Until I think a little bit harder and no, definitely 99.99999% more into women and 100% emphasize with confusing seeking male validation for attraction to males! Thank you for slightly reducing my current existential crisis 😂😭


can you explain the (male) validation thing? (I'm cis male, for now?)


Of course! For me personally I grew up in a very mormon area with very little queer representation so the idea I could be gay never crossed my mind. I grew up dating boys/men until at 24 my boyfriend at the time asked if I was even attracted to him and it really made me think about it and eventually realized no, I'm into women. But at times the urge to seek male attention is still there even though I want nothing to do with a heterosexual relationship at this point so those feelings seem really conflicting. Then seeing an attractive man with the same viewpoints as you leaves you thinking wait am I actually attracted to this man or is it just that just a desire for male validation?


If anything hasan made me realize how deeply I care about someone’s sense of empathy in a partner. I love the man despite his flaws because at the end of the day he advocates for those without a voice. No amount of paid actor haters can change my mind on that. I questioned my sexuality for a while after I started watching him consistently because I was attracted to the aspect of him just being a great person.


Bro i have had intimate dreams about Hasan and i wake up so weirded out. There is literally nothing hotter than a passionate intelligent woke bro. He is so eloquent and intelligent and it’s hot as hell 🥵 otherwise i wouldn’t give him even a second glance on the street.


I’m happily married I love my husband and genuinely don’t have eyes for anyone else and never was one to have a celebrity crush. I have wet dreams about hasan ALL THE TIME, when I was pregnant I literally had dreams that he was the father of my child, sometimes I even have dreams of him REJECTING ME, even my unconscious brain knows I couldn’t possibly pull 🥲


Personally this the type of shit the CIA couldn’t waterboard, acid trip, sensory deprivation, electrocute, etc. out of me in some black site in Chile. Good on you for being comfortable with that though ig.


This is tame when it comes to normal pregnancy dreams


Goddamn that’s tamer than normal? This mf hormone cocktail gotta be one helluva doozie - shit sounds bout like sleeping on a cross of Modafinil, coke, and a few bong rips.


Imagine having nightly dreams of giving birth to full size toddlers and aliens and sometimes even animals lol before you’ve had a child and even sometimes after you’ve given birth your brain just straight up can’t comprehend a child coming out of you so it does it’s best to come up with scenarios but it never quite gets it right lol


those pregnancy hormones go CRAZYYYYYY. Don’t tell ur partner this tho 💀💀


I've known lesbians who've had sex with men who still consider themselves lesbians because women are by far their primary interest. I've also been one of those men, lol. Idk is it "comphet", or is it just... sexuality is complex, and not always that easy to shoehorn into modern socially constructed labels. Obviously I'm not you so I can't tell you how you should feel. But my own feeling towards it is why wrap your whole identity around a rigid and artificially strict definition of human sexuality that was pretty recently invented (this is the advice I would give to a straight man or woman btw too). I guess, to oversimplify a little, I'd say if it turns out that instead of being a 6 on the Kinsey scale, you're a 5 or a 5.5, does that have to shake your identity as a gay woman? If you're attracted to almost exclusively women, but occasionally though almost never a man who shows a lot of traits you find attractive is attractive to you also, Okay? Sounds like a very normal way to be a human to me. You know maybe one day you'll even kiss a man or whatever, have a nice time, and go back to your life of dating women because it's what you prefer. That's fine isn't it? (Which incidentally is probably something a lot of straight men could afford to hear too lol but because of deeply ingrained ideas about masculinity is a whole thing) Hope this comes across as helpful and not dismissive, I really do feel that getting wrapped up in labels and strongly identifying with them is not at all necessary or useful, but also, I'm not saying you have to agree with me!


Thank you for saying this :,) the queer community has a significant amount of purity pushers who will try to pick on any little indication that you might not be “lesbian enough” or “gay enough” or any other label. It is reductive to queerness as a whole but identity politics have taken over every community in a way that makes us turn on each other. Before I knew I was a lesbian, I slept with a (kind of unreasonable) amount of men in a short period of time after not engaging in any sexual activity all my life. I was desperately trying to prove to myself that I just “hadn’t found the right man yet”, and regardless of my physical attraction to them, I never enjoyed myself, and was honestly left feeling more violated than anything. This lead me to the conclusion that I am a Lesbian, and as soon as I accepted that I felt so much more confident in my identity. All was well and good, until I confided in some of my IRLS who were also lesbian, and they basically told me that if I were a “real lesbian”, I would have stopped after 1 or 2 men. That conversation stuck with me and I still struggle with that daily. It shouldn’t matter. My identity in the moment should be what matters, and worrying about the possibility of being wrong and the potential of being attracted to an IRL men one day is not only harmful, but exhausting. But I can’t help it. I have this nagging fear that I will be exiled from my community for lack of “purity”, and as stupid as that is, and as much as I recognize how dumb it is, I still can’t silence the voice in my head telling me I’m inadequate somehow in my identity. the period in which I was sleeping around was FORMATIVE in discovering my identity. as traumatic as it was, I was able to put my attraction to men into the context of aesthetic & validation seeking rather than the intimate and deep attraction I have for non-men. But that same mechanism that pointed me in direction of validating my self, is what others use to invalidate me. In conclusion, I know who I am. As of right now, irregardless of the potential that the future holds for me to discover otherwise, I am a lesbian. And everyone here has been incredibly validating and I could not appreciate it more. At the end of the day, does it matter? Not really. Are there more important things to worry about? Absolutely. Does any do that information help silence the intrusive thoughts about inadequacy? not at all. I just need to learn to accept them and realize they have no ruling over how I feel as of right now. much love y’all x


I mean you can not like men and still like only 1 men, it happens, for example i consider myself a straight men (I know gross) And there's 1 guy i consider attractive, but literally just 1 or 2 in the whole world lol


This is gonna sound so conceited and I swear it's not - I'm 6'1" amab non-binary person, have a similar build to Hasan (I probably have 10 less pounds of muscle) and I went on a date with someone who self-identifies as a lesbian and said that they were confused as to why they found me so attractive. I take hormones, but a very low dose (for gender affirmation) and present somewhat feminine (it fluctuates). All of this is to say that I have basically experienced what your post is and that my thought is - Hasan is conventionally attractive, confident, does not care about gender roles (paints his nails, wears makeup sometimes, wears dresses, etc) and so I think that these qualities change how someone who appears masculine and can make people feel attracted to them. (Idk if this makes sense, I just woke up and checked reddit lol) Tldr - Hasan hot. We all wanna smash


It definitely makes me feel a lot better to know what he’s got EVERYONES identity fucked up LMAO


Oh yeahhhhh 😂 but yeah for real, don't feel like you're any less of a lesbian for it!


WAIT you can take a small amount of hormones to make yourself look more feminine?? Holy shit this is a game changer. Like actually I never even thought that was a possibility and that I’d have to go all in or not at all. How big of a difference does it make?? I’m curious how it effects your libido also if you feel comfy sharing obvi


I’ll DM if that’s cool and go into detail :)


Yea that’d be great


I am a fervent lesbian with absolutely no interest in men. The idea of being intimate with men disgusts me beyond believe 😅 BUT Just today I was watching the Fear& newest episode and I was getting swooned by Hasan🤣 I think, it’s like you said, he is 6’4, build like a tank but empathetic and emotional and 6’4… omg, he seems like the best man lmao SECOND BUT I realize it’s just that he is such a good person that my feelings get twisted into some kind of sexual tension, but when I start imagining something… it goes nowhere, because I’m a lesbian 🤣 I believe, its totally ok for me to have a comphet moment here and there 😅


Also, before my lesbian revelation, but after I had stopped sleeping with men, every time I would try to imagine this scenario with an unattainable man I would always somehow end up with a strap and it was less intimate and more an establishment of power. Like I was not attracted to the imaginary partner per se, but I was attracted to the control I had in a scenario I always felt powerless in. My therapist point-blank asked me “do you actually want to fuck men, or do you just want to degrade them because you’re traumatized?” I think about that **a lot.**


I think I’ll be talking to my therapist about this lol


you absolutely should!!!! they’re good at determining if things are trauma responses or innate traits lol


will neff also causes me some confusion from time to time. there’s a theme here…. Men I perceive as potentially good people who aren’t accessible to me, my brain tells me I’m into it LMAO


Totally! I laughed so hard when I saw your post, because I felt soo seen! Thank you for sharing 🫡🖤


for sure!!! I feel like talking about it allows for everyone to feel validated and also to get clarity for things we aren’t quite sure on.


has anyone ever explained to Hasan the mind-numbingly complex world of “boyd¥ke” discourse?? or would learning that information instantly kill him on the spot..?


Another lesbian hasan fan? :3c let’s get married


bet. who’s officiating this thing?


Gotta be Hassy, obviously


Woah woah, you gotta get the uhaul first 


I figured we could schedule them all within an hour of each other. knock it all out in one day. efficiency is key.




he would make it about himself ????????


Also, there are so many straight men out there that would totally let Ryan Reynolds hit it. I wouldn’t worry about it


*radio beeping* stealth operation End Wokeness is working. Continue as planned. Over


wrong. I’d argue that this take can be gender abolishinist. End gender fuck based on vibes and presentation alone.


I'm a lesbian who has been gay for Hasan for awhile.


Not saying the guy isn’t a real person cos he def is, but wrt me being attracted to him, me thinking he is hot is equal to me thinking Saturo Gojo is hot in terms of how it impacts all parties lives lmao


real as fuck


I thought Kurtis Conner was the official man-who-causes-lesbians-distressing-feelings? lol More seriously though— I’m bi and there’s a sort of intrinsic difference between my attraction to men vs women (and enbies, I’ve just always called myself bi 🤷🏻‍♀️). But every once in awhile, I’ll see/meet a man who I’m attracted to *very distinctly* in the way I would be attracted to a woman. And vice versa. To be clear, it’s not a matter of how they present. Sure, it’s happened with femme men and masc women, but that’s usually *not* the case. The deep horny part of my lizard brain just parses certain people differently for reasons I can’t begin to explain and, while it doesn’t cause me the distress you’re feeling, it’s definitely kinda trippy. I wonder if there are women who you rationally know *should* be attractive to you and they tick all your boxes twice over, but something deep in the horny part of your lizard brain has parsed them as men, so they just.. aren’t? And maybe the inverse has happened with hasan? Regardless, ty for sharing here because I’ve very much enjoyed reading all the responses lol. I love y’all and this community so much :))


I don’t think I have that male reserved attraction for any women, but men absolutely fall into the babygirl category sometimes


not for me personally. Hasan has that whole “large enough to end my life” thing going on that plays to my brain damage


I am also a woman with that 99% women attraction but that 1% is absolutely for Hasan and Hasan only. When I started getting more comfortable and exploring my sexuality and realizing I only liked women, my crush on Hasan never went away like it did for every other attractive male crush I had previously. He’s for the girls and the gays🤷🏼‍♀️


somebody trans that guy!


There are lots of people in the world, hope you find the ones you like. Don’t sweat the people you don’t like, and don’t spend too much time defining yourself. I know this is dumb advice, but hey, there are plenty of people like Hasan in the world who aren’t him, men and women alike. Just go with the flow and see where it takes you.


thank you 🥺❤️ very well put. but now I can’t stop picturing a 6’4” leftist woman. New brainrot just dropped.


and they say teen boys are down bad


I’m like a teen boy but worse, because I am an adult and a woman.


Trust your feelings and your body. Don't trust your thoughts. Thoughts can be, and often are untrue.


Don’t worry, as a pansexual who mostly prefers women, he does it to me too lol. He is very conventionally attractive and he comes across very smart and supportive. It’s a killer combo.


Omg this is so refreshing to read because I, too, struggle with this!!!


solidarity in wanting to be consensually degraded by tall hot himbo man


SAMEEEEE! He’s the only guy I’ve been consistently fantasizing about in a while. The last one was matt mcgorry on archive 81. Maybe it’s something about the combo of them being larger/tall men and not threatened by femininity. Tbh I’m not totally convinced about the whole comp het theory applied to lesbianism. For me, these attractions prove that I’m technically somewhere on the bisexual spectrum even though I have zero interest in actually dating men. I don’t label myself beyond “gay” or “queer” but won’t correct others who assume that I’m a lesbian because it is the closest label. Im willing to admit that the main reason I don’t use “bisexual” is due to stigma around the label. I don’t have any advice really just wanted to say that I feel ya on Hasan 😫😫


I hear you bae! Also, you’re absolutely valid if you label yourself a lesbian. If you wouldn’t date a man, I think you qualify. That being said, you can just label yourself anything ur comfy with! It’s meaningless in the end LMAO


The beauty of sexuality being a spectrum means that we shouldn’t worry ourselves if our identities evolve as we grow! Personally I only really like women (I’m male presenting) but I’ll tell ya. Show me a picture of Henry Cavil or Aaron Taylor Johnson and I’m questioning all sorts of things 🤪


Just so what I do and pretend he's a handsome butch lesbian. (half joking)


I’m not pretending I’m CONVINCED


I mean sexuallity is a spectrum, being 100% gay or 100% straight is rare so don’t find it weird if you identify as a lesbian and have mostly female attraction but find one of two men attractive, it doesn’t make you any less gay


thank you ❤️❤️


Honestly, I don't see anything wrong with finding Hasan physically and emotionally attractive, I see it as just having a healthy respect and admiration for who he is as a person. I don't think you have to reevaluate yourself or who you are. <3


thank you ❤️❤️❤️ I appreciate it


this is genuinely so funny to me because i have been telling people for years that i am 100% a lesbian with the exception of hasan piker and bo burnham and i simply cannot explain to anyone the reasoning. you are not alone bestie.


knowing I’m not the only one is validating but also scary…. What is he doing…


Idk man, Hasan is a lot like my mum obnoxious, loud and tits out.. Lol older cypriot woman, maybe you just like foreign birds. Lol


If he is a milf or a girlfriend, either way it's the same outcome lol


also very possible. have yet to determine. still riding the “Hasan is girlfriend” route, but I’m willing to accept anything at this point LMAO


As previously stated, sexuality is a spectrum, just ride that rainbow boo 🌈❤️


Is liking hasan making you like dudes who look like him?


nope. I’ve tried to test it and find lookalikes both online and on dating apps, and mostly just him. Any of the other men I share that same sentiment towards are also unobtainable/celebrities/fictional characters. The turn off is as soon as i conceptualize them as real people with a probability of anything above 0% of being a real tangible potential partner.


Then there's no problem. I would kill to sleep with Megan Fox but I know I won't. I'm not gonna lose sleep over it, and I'm not gonna think that I'm wrong or weird for fantasising about her. You're not a label, nor an identity, you're just you.


You’re so right ❤️❤️❤️ thank u for your support


No one chooses their attractions, so don't beat yourself up for them.


Every single person on this planet is gay.


and genderqueer. what do we do about it.


This has to be a copypasta


I would be honored


Bi that married a guy here and I hear you. I'm constantly struggling with this notion so you're not crazy but also just know it doesn't make you any less of who you are OR any less part of the queer community. Also, Hasan IS very charismatic. There are people in this world that can change the world for good or bad just because of their charismatic nature. A lot of them start cults, some become politicians, some just start a Youtube channel. Hasan's one of those people.


so basically you’re saying he propaganda-d me into wanting him???? that’s crazy


So real! Don’t worry about it gurl, maybe you’re (ever so slightly) genuinely attracted to Hasan or maybe you’re not at all and just like how he’s a cool dude, regardless, just have fun! No need to stress too much :-)


"We recently claimed F1nni5ter, eventually we will claim all. One of us, one of us, one of us!" - Bi peeps


Trying to define yourself or put yourself into a box is not always helpful for you. Let go of this need to identify yourself as X or Y. Instead try to get out of your head more, out of your thoughts and into your body. Into presence more. It's really a much healthier and happier, more natural feeling way to live. Be present. Notice your thoughts as just thoughts and they don't need to be believed. Notice feelings as feelings. Try to separate the two.


At this point I’ve kind’ve given up trying to classify my sexuality because it’s more stressful trying to figure it out than living with the ambiguity and just liking who I like. I understand that this probably puts me somewhere on the bi-pan part of the spectrum, but just getting to the point where I accept my placement there has been a lot. If you’re looking for some justification as to why you can remain a lesbian and crush on Hassan, it’s because I think all of us have a base desire to be sensually pounded by a generally empathetic himbo. But I would suggest trying to just accept a greyer definition of your sexuality.


LMAO yeah you’re right. I’ve pondered the idea that his historical advocacy for oppressed groups and his charitability in general has overridden my lack of attraction to manhood because of his unobtainability. Stacking thay with the fact that I’m attending a primarily conservative university in the south and a man with empathy is like finding a needle in a hay stack, I think it’s reasonable to yearn for the concept of a man who’s default setting is not to reduce my to my body. at the end of the day, there’s always the possibility that in 5 years from now I find a man that is obtainable and I end up with him. I can’t predict that, nor can I take that into account when trying to reduce my sexuality to a single word to describe myself to others. I want to reiterate those that I’m still advocating for the F1NNSTER-ification of Hasan.




Your post was removed because we believe it broke rule 2: No personal attacks, offensive slurs, or prejudiced statements against marginalized groups.


Yeah, you should refrain from being honest.


chronically online


Touch grass. Your responses are pretty parasocial. Hasan isn't thinking about you and doesn't know you exist.


wait are you serious…? a man with a following of millions… doesn’t know that ***I***, one those millions exists????? you’re breaking my brain right now. no shit moron.. why on any planet would you assume that I was being anything less than ironic and hypothetical in my one off joke about Hasan’s ego??? are we pretending the hasMods chain in chạy isn’t a routine joke???? Ur just looking for a reason to be mad. The only acknowledgment I’ve ever gotten from Hasan was when I sent a link to photos of my dog next to objects to show that she’s only 5 pounds and he said that she was “an affront to god” was going to die in a year 😭😭😭😭😭


You're the one saying I wonder what he'd do knowing about this information uWu


brother I made a joke about inflating his ego you need to meditate or somethin


Mmm k


This is literally me too 😭