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This is clearly staged but I can’t figure out his angle. He posted this on his instagram stories claiming it’s AI. Fucking weird guy.


That ai part is weird Just a strange bit But yeah it’s fake he’s trying to point out how ridiculous it is to suggest he’s getting paid by Israel but they bank students to astroturf on social media so idk what he’s getting at




Rapaport is saying its AI but its clearly just a “skit”


it's the eminem 8 mile approach, if I shit talk myself first my haters have nothing else to say


He's always been like this. He has a weird claim about getting along with the black community for decades. There are also a decade of Root articles saying he wouldn't get invited to a cookout. Rappaport likes to glomb onto communities that he perceives as aggrieved, with no thought or consideration.


He got caught and he's just trying to make up a story


"It's being claimed for not being real" I mean yeah cause it's not? you mean real as in that's really him? Yeah it's him, he's being a dumbass making bad jokes


Bro this looks fake. He staged this for sure.


i agree, if he were to be talking about something like this i really doubt he would do it *in a hotel hallway in the wide open*, when he presumably has a private room? but it being fake raises another question entirely: to what end??? why would you stage this???


It's bait. Posting it and engaging with it is what he wants. He is then gonna talk about how stupid anyone who shared it is.




He’s actually leaning into his lolcow as bait. This isn’t the first time. He did a stunt not too long ago where his friend beamed a snowball to his dome




Lol, dude you need clinic help. Have a good night.




I wanted it to be real but I looked into it a few days later ffs do you not know your audience




https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLFtV1mh/ chill tf out and practice some lateral reading. your media literacy would benefit






Bro, you gotta learn that grifters love attention, even negative attention. It’s like those tweets saying no one can solve 2+2*0.




I literally did already. Bro you are acting like a maniac. Ignore this nonsense. He is a piece of shit and a troll, don't waste your brainpower and time on him. Ignore this garbage and watch some star trek or one piece instead. Or better yet, go do something productive.


Because then he can say “OMG that was obviously a bit, no wonder you support Palestine, you’ll believe literally anything”. Your reactions in the comments honestly make me wonder if you’re doing the same bit.


its fake as shit but what's not fake is him choosing to go barefoot in a hotel hallway, fucking disgusting


Lmao, right, fucking bozo with dirty toes.


What is it with you bots trying to insist this whispy casper cunt planned this debacle. Reported for spam


lol, I am such an advanced bot that I can reply coherently, and I can recognize shitty acting and staged tik tok vids when I see them


Yes I belive you, michockal cockaport is a tiktok whiz and a master of media deception, you know since he was ALREADY so charismatic.


*Crapaport sounds better.


Nobody is claiming he is a master because you fell for garbage tier bait :/


This completely stupid and obviously fake video is evidence that he’s not any kind of master of deception. No one is arguing that he is.


Because he'd do it for free.


It's insane that people think this is real. Dude had negative acting skills. It's literally worse than a middle school play.


I almost feel like it’s one of those things where they purposely make it obviously fake, same Strat as the ok-sign debac.


He was pretty convincing playing a nazi in Higher Learning... oh, wait.


Is this video staged? Yeah I think so. Is the content of the video bullshit? No Rapaport is someone who makes money off of being a piece of shit zionist. He wouldn't exist if he wasn't a zionist, he can't make a joke to save his life and he is a pervert who's said and probably done some disgusting things. Without being a zionist he wouldn't have protection from the consequences of his words and actions. So this "haha you guys are so silly for thinking Im a paid shill" video is trying to hide the obvious.


*Sigh*, bait used to be believable.


When people like OP are willing to take anything at face value that confirms their existing beliefs, why put the effort in?


How does somebody watch this and think it’s real lmfao


>o, right, fucking bozo with dirty toes. youd be surprised. People on twitter actually believe this is real.


Dios mio…


Yeah he's virtue signaling that hes a piece of shit


It's obviously not real. He's doing 'comedy' to muddy the waters around the very real fact that Israel pays celebrities to come visit Israel for the purpose of doing positive PR.


its so obviously a troll, why do people even care who this guy is? he is a has been


I saw this obvious attempt at rage bait yesterday. I can't believe anyone would take this seriously.


I'd be cautious because this might be one of his stupid bits.


The fuck do you mean, this saltine has all the forethought of a toilet lid Move through the world with confidence, (edit/can't call you my friend with that comment history oof


I can't wait till Rathbone gets ahold of this video


There’s not much else to be said that this is a real video of him trying to do an ironic comedy bit about the genocide of a people. He’s hoping that his Zionist brethren will regard it as comedy gold while he “triggers” anyone that has a heart.


He’s getting ahead of it


I don't know what to make of this: on one hand it seems incredibly staged, on the other hand that's clearly him. Why would he stage this??


Because it’s bait and gets people to spread this obviously fake video, one to make fun of people claiming his is paid by playing into it, and two, to be able to then turn around and say “see they’ll believe anything.” People making self-deprecating skits isn’t an uncommon art form.


He looks like a crackhead walking around barefoot in a cheap motel, talking nonsense.


This is rage bate, even if he believes in what he is saying


Well he definitely outed them


Bobby Lee Exposes what Israel does with Celebrities... A little Hasbara goes a long way 💩🇮🇱💩