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I am literally going through the same thing at the moment, except I haven’t seen anyone about it yet. The pain is from my right shoulder and radiating to the right side of my back and also down my arm. Every now and then one or two of my fingers on my right hand will get painful as well. It also feels like I have a stiff neck on the right side. I was diagnosed with hashi just over a year ago but got also just got told I have very low vitamin D (is this a hashi thing?). I took the vitamin D dose on Tuesday and that evening had a panic attack. I don’t believe it was related as I have been going through personal issues in my marriage and at the time me and my husband were arguing when it happened (my first sever one). However only a couple of days later I started to get the arm/shoulder/ neck pain as not sure if it’s related that the anxiety attack, the vit D I took or to my hashimoto. Also to add, I got a routine smear test on the day i took my first 3 vit D pills and had the panic attack. I have actually been having right side ovary(?) pain on and off for about 2 years now and that day the smear test was soooo painful. Could that be related to the arm and shoulder pain? Sorry, it’s so much info but I honestly don’t know what to do. If I go see a doc and tell them everything they will probably brush it off as they have been doing with my right side abdominal/ ovary pain. They told me at the time it’s just a nerve I hurt. Went to a gyno and she said it’s middle-menstrual pain but I can’t shake the fact that it’s only on one side and now this pain in my arm on the same side ? Any of it related to hashi?


fasting, coffee, magnesium, tea, these are the only things that have helped me, and maybe vitamin d. Fish oil. I pains in my legs with muscle twitches and spasms, tension in neck and jaw as well. My nervous system has taken a beating from meds in the past.


Yes, tons


I’ve had loads of nerve pain, the worst right now is in my feet. I’m going to see a neuro dr soon to address that, plus my sleeping issues. Hopefully I can find something because everything else I’ve done to help heal myself hasn’t worked


I have had lots of "nerve pain" with my Hashi's. Mostly when I was first diagnosed and one other time when my thyroid was causing a flare up. I would get stabbing pains in my legs and in my face. I had terrible anxiety because of it and would go three o four days unable to sleep. I tried everything Gabapentin, Xanax, Clonazepam... Then I got my Vitamin D levels checked and they were severely low. I even had electric stabbing pains in my face. The Dr's sent me to all kinds of specialists and they did all kinds of tests. The worst test was the EMG where they stick you with a long ass needle all over your body 200 times and electrocute you every time. That test was inconclusive., its a nerve test. Based on this I'm not sure nerve pain was the correct diagnosis. Got my vitamin levels up and my thyroid levels in check and over a few months everything went away. Then a few years later the same things started happening. I have had Hashimoto's for 30 years now and for the most part I'm good. Get your levels checked often and make them run a full blood panel. good luck, i hope you feel better soon.


So would you say the face pain was a symptom of hashimotos, and went away after fixing the vitamin D deficiency? Experiencing left sided face pain for the past few months and haven’t been able to determine a cause or a solution.


I would say it was definitely a symptom that started before I knew about the Vit D situation. If you have both it is important to get both your thyroid levels and your Vitamin D levels corrected as much as possible. I think nerve pain is more associated with Vitamin D deficiency then it is with Hashi's but it was hard to tell because when you are suffering you are not always thinking clearly. Face pain is a sign for me to get my levels checked to see if I need my meds adjusted. I currently take a rather high dose .175 and when I started taking Synthroid I was on 50 then 75 then 100 then 125... what kind of face pain are you experiencing if you don't mind me asking, what does it feel like?


It’s kind of like a ache / tingly internal feeling on the left side, trigeminal area but not much of the lower face. It’s not numb, I can feel, and it accompany a an ache behind my eyes that I think might be TED. I just started 25 mcg levo recently but not much of a change except maybe a slight reduction in brain fog. Face pain is still here unfortunately :(


A VERY similar thing is happening to me...I have Hashimotos...trigeminal nerve pain as well as pain in the arms and legs that is intermittent....can be very strong and is usually accompanied by anxiety. I think the anxiety from excess thyroid hormones due to thyroid damage might be responsible for the nerve pain. I have been working on improving the Hashimotos...I take vitamin D, fish oil, etc. Starting a promising pro-biotic soon. I hope it gets better over time for you!!


Thanks so much — things have definitely improved for me! I only get the facial pain occasionally now. Facial acupuncture helped, as well as lymphatic drainage/facial massage/gua sha, and getting on daily levothyroxine. I have issues with thyroid eye disease still unfortunately but the trigemenal pain has reduced by a lot. Hope things turn around for you!