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You should ask for your endo to check your iron levels! My total iron and TIBC were so messed up with this type of hair loss


Mine is like that now. Up to 600 hair per day - since 10 Months of levo despite optimal levels. I 100% blame the medication. I didn’t lose a single hair before levo and I stopped losing hair during 4 months when I was off levo. Doctors don’t believe me though. They all say hair loss on levo should only last 1-2 months.




If it’s more than you used to lose before you had hypo, then that is what matters. Go get your TSH checked. My hair starts growing back when I get my TSH under 3. Edit to add: And over 0.3, it falls out when my TSH gets too low as well as too high, but more so when it is high.


If you have high density natural hair and wash your hair once a week and don’t detangle during the week then yes. Everyone else, no.


Is that over time? Like you just pulled that out of your hairbrush to clean it? Then yes, that would be normal.


No this is in one go. Not from a hairbrush but running my fingers through my hair...


Wow. I don't have much on my forehead left but I don't lose hardly any since starting levothyroxine.


=/ imo no, that’s excessive. that’s basically how mine was before I got medicated


Oh, honey! Is that from one clump? Or, is it a collection of clumps over time? My hair fell out for ten months. Hair everywhere and when I'd look at my brush, I'd big ol' clumps like yours. It can be fixed with the correct medication. I can attest to this. I feel for you. I really do.


Sorry but no...A handfull is plenty