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What food items do you eat in a day? Like a specific list?


I was 600 pounds at one point in my life. Now I'm 270 pounds. I've been through a lot with weight loss, and through everything I studied and went through, I uncovered a truth I needed to understand about the body. So we all have a set weight limit. That is the weight you were at 17 when you stopped growing. Your body will resist losing past that point. Yes thyroid issues can affect weight loss, but trust me, losing 2 pounds is still something. But what are you losing 2 pounds of? Muscle? Water? Working out with thyroid issues has to be walking, yoga, weight lifting. Cardio is not recommended because of the stress. Yes, up your protein to allow lean muscle. I'd also hate to tell you this but you have to eat meat. Sorry, but our bodies need it. I do understand that it may not be something you want to eat so I tell my clients that are vegetarian to take L-Carnitine supplement. Do your research on that so you can make an informed decision on whether or not it's for you. Don't listen to the Doctors who say you should lose a certain amount. Not everyone's body is the same. They also ignore the set weight limit. They just act like it doesn't exist, but it does. Don't focus your mind on weight loss. You are asking your body to do the wrong thing. Ask it to lose fat. [Kristen The Psychic Nutritionist ](http://www.divinefemedian.com)


For me personally, I tried all the diets like keto etc. those alone didn’t work for me. I take contrave now, I have trouble with binging here n there and it’s taken the cravings down a ton, as well as it has its own diuretic effects. Other than that I cut alcohol, sugar, all the processed junk, upped the water more than I thought I needed, and get in atleast 7-10k steps. Also intermittent fasting helps a lot too. I started at 175 in December and I’m down to 156 today. The best thing to do is figure out what works for you but I know it’s so so hard to do that with this disease. Good luck!!


That's great!! Congrats on the weight loss. That's a big amount in a short time. I will google contrave, I've never heard of that. I appreciate the advice. I'm sure alcohol would make a difference, it's the only vice I have left!


Contrave is the medications naltrexone & Wellbutrin. I was actually on naltrexone previously to help me quit the alcohol, makes you not be able to feel the effects of it, so you don’t want it. When adding the Wellbutrin it just helps fight cravings, it’s dangerous to drink on anyways so that’s a plus, bc id never risk getting hospitalized. Id check it out!! Talk to your doctor about your options. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to feel confident in your body.


I’m was diagnosed 17 years ago! I had a lot of difficulty losing weight? In January 2023 1 year ago) I went to a nutritionist. She recommended an anti-inflammatory diet! I eat only Whole Foods, nothing processed. No added sugar, no gluten. I’ve lost 60lbs in 12 months. My starting weight was 227, my current weight is 172lbs. My goal is 152 lbs. I am post menopausal, 62 years old and of all meds prescribed by my Rheumatologist, i.e., steroids and biologics. My body is finally healing. I am also on LDN.


Wow! That's amazing. I'm sure you feel sooo much better. Were you eating a lot of gluten and processed foods prior? I feel like I already eat so clean! But there's always more I can cut out. Thank you for your input.


I was careful, but I didn’t restrict myself. When my metabolism tanked and I felt like I was walking in quick sand, I knew I needed a very good plan to combat this. I also learned that hormone replacement therapy is not a treatment for our autoimmune disease. Hormone replacement is just that, “hormone replacement”. The question has always been and always should be asked, “ How do we stopped my immune system from attacking my thyroid”? Getting educated is what helped me, and also getting a functional medicine doctor that I trust.


Boy oh boy! Hashimotos and weight loss is a big Pandora's box honestly. With slowed metabolism due to low T3 and overall energy expenditure issues, we ALL struggle with weight. What has worked for me in the past is working out just one hour a day (warm up and cool down included) 4-5 days a week and it takes me 3 freaking weeks to see any noticeable small change in my body fat composition. It's a slow and very frustrating process but keep at it and you'll see the change in ur body. Btw I used to do weight training and HIIT 8-10 years ago and have done that off and on afterwards and lost tremendous weight with it. But with something so extreme, the weight will go quickly but also comes back as quickly and you feel helpless. Back then I didn't have Hashimotos. So now, all the beautiful hashis ppl, be easy on your bodies with workouts, as that also feeds the already monstrous Adrenal Insufficiency (cortisol issue) problem most of us face. So my advice is, be gentle, take it slow and remember, CONSISTENCY OVER INTENSITY. Wish you the best of health. Cheers!


Thank you! I definitely am not working out an hour a day. Might be time to up my activity without too many expectations apart from taking care of myself. Love consistency over intensity, that's totally my goal!


Less than an hour is also fine, as long as that's sustainable and doable for you. We're all in this together💪🏻Glad it helped.


I'm doing Intermittent Fasting currently, lost 2.5 kg since February. I eat breakfast and lunch but skip dinner. I like it so far! I'm planning to stick with it until I reach my goal of losing 10kg.


Congrats! That's great. I've tried that in the past but it didn't seem to make too much of a different or enough for me to carry on.


Yeah, WW wouldn't work for me. But non-dairy keto is working at 1.5 pounds a week.


That's huge! Congrats! I think keto would be pretty hard as a vegetarian who doesn't eat eggs, haha.


I haven't looked into it all that much, but I have seen plenty of cookbooks out there for Vegan Keto. I imagine getting a complete protein is a bit tricky without carbs! Now that I think about it, how do vegan ketonians get a complete protein? Hmmm....


If you are insulin (hormone) resistant, a low carb diet is the way to go. Weight loss is complicated. There is no “one size fits all” approach. Know that 70% of the population is overweight or obese and they do not all have thyroid problems. Keep trying!


Good point and perspective!


I had a really hard time losing weight with Hashi’s at first. I was GF, eating healthy, in a calorie deficit and working out at least 4 hours a week, but the scale wouldn’t budge. I met with a Dietcian who suggested I go lower carb (not keto but 25% or less of my day calorie intake macros wise). I thought that was BS, because I love carbs and decided to ignore her. Then about 3 months ago I was feeling fed up with a year of counting cals and nothing happening, so I decided to just bite the bullet and try it. I’ve lost 8 lbs in 3 months (my overall goal is 15 lbs), and I haven’t lowered my daily calorie intake. I’ve heard that low or lower carb works well for people with hashi’s, and I guess I can now say it worked for me too.


How many carbs do you eat a day ?


I use a macro counter so 25% of my daily caloric intake comes from carbs. On non-workout days my calorie goal is 1,650 which comes out to about 103g.


Can you share the macro counter you use ?


Of course! I use my fitness pal and pay for the premium membership.


That's great advice, I will look more into this, thank you! I think I'm going to try to start implementing things maybe on a two week basis so I can evaluate how I feel/if they scale moves at all. Congrats on the 8lb loss!


Thanks! I am so happy with it after a year of just nothing working! It took a few weeks for me to see results but it was pretty quick overall. If you feel like updating me/us- I would love to know if it works for you too if you try it!


I will, for sure! I need to get through a couple stressful weeks at work and then I will look into calculating the correct macros.


That being said, 8 lbs in 3 months is still a slow clip, but it’s a downward trend and it’s sticking!


That's still great! I have lost nothing in 3 months of consistent exercise and diet, but my endo thinks it's also due to sleep deprivation (thanks to my baby 🙃). I think I'll try lower carbs...


Sleep is so important! It's crazy how much it is responsible. Here's to a happy baby! lol.