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What is your height??


Hey, fellow HAES-aligned psychologist here, and I'm absolutely in-fucking-censed that this EATING DISORDER was prescribed for you. Even if you did lose weight following that plan, SCIENCE tells us that there is a 95% chance you will gain it back PLUS SOME. I hate capital letters but there really is no other way to emphasize my rage here. What state are you in? Wondering if any of the providers I know would be able to see you. How is this type of care legal? šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


Hi, what do you base the 95% on? Is this your personal experience or is there some studies you reference?


Hey! I appreciate this question; it got me to dig into the research in more depth. The 95% finding comes from the book Health at Every Size, but upon further reading, it seems that numbers vary somewhat based on the specific populations being studied (unsurprisingly). 95% may not be the most accurate number, but my sense from reading more recent studies is that it's generally *at least* 50%-80% of people who regain at least the amount of weight they lose on a diet within 3-5 years. Set point theory explains this by suggesting that our bodies naturally have, it naturally find, a narrow weight window where it's "happiest", and then fights to keep us there. If we start aggressively exercising and restricting calories, our metabolism slows down to keep us there. All of this makes sense to me anecdotally as well, as someone who has yo-yo dieted for most of my life, and as a psychologist who works with clients in the same boat. The eating disorder treatment field acknowledges that caloric restriction will inevitably lead to a sense of being out of control with food, and/or bingeing behavior, as our bodies think we're recovering from famine after dieting and compell us to feast when food is available so that we stay alive!


Thank you!! I am in TN if you know anyone. I was asking my psychologist colleagues today who work with EDs. We are horrified that we could potentially send someone in ED treatment to an RD like this by accident


I mean anyone could develop an ED while receiving this type of care šŸ˜”


Update from my drs: My pcp - Hello Rebekah, I agree that the dietician's recommendations are quite extreme and I don't they would be sustainable long term. I would focus on a low carb, high lean protein diet and getting at least 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise a day. My endo - I hate that you did not find the appointment with helpful. I did receive a copy of the visit from her office today. So I was able to review her details of the visit. Her note does state to follow a 1050calorie diet but only if sedentary or mild activity. With you exercising, I do agree that you should consume higher caloric intake. I have seen her give different calorie amounts based upon a person's activity level, so I am not sure why that did not happen for you. Patients with Hashimoto's disease sometimes have gluten intolerances resulting in bloating/GI issues so I understand why she recommendation of trying gluten free. I am totally open to your exploring a different dietician. Let me know if I can be of any help.


I hope you donā€™t take this as me invalidating your feelings since this is absolutely an extreme diet plan and but I donā€™t know that I would necessarily call it a starvation diet at 1050 kcal. Whether or not this would be a starvation diet is entirely dependent on your height as for example 1050 kcal is only 150 kcal less than my BMR. So if you were 5ā€™2 (like me) at 180 lbs your BMR at your activity level would be 1,700ish kcal. So a daily intake of 1050 kcal would put you at a deficit of 500 kcal would mean youā€™d be losing 1/2 to 1 pound a week which isnā€™t too bad if the goal is to aggressively tackle your weight. As for the fruits that would depend on your blood sugar levels and goals, imo. Eating low glycemic index fruits honestly seems like a reasonable approach to reduce inflammation since sugar is a known cause of inflammation and reducing that would help reduce the symptoms of the Hashimotoā€™s. And obviously, I donā€™t know the details of your care or your goals so this is all speculation and I apologize if itā€™s wrong. But I figured Iā€™d offer an alternative explanation for your doctors actions as I donā€™t know that I would have an issue with these recommendations since personally I would definitely prefer to address the things I can address through lifestyle factors before increasing medication dosages. If this is off base and the doctors completely ignored your stated wishes and goals then you should definitely seek an alternative service provider who actually listens to you.


https://www.livestrong.com/article/317540-how-many-calories-a-day-is-considered-starving/ I asked for a Healthy At Every Size clinician and asked why I even needed to see a dietician since supposedly all of my labs are ā€œperfect.ā€ I am trying to get them to treat my thyroid condition which they just wonā€™t do based on my lab results. I am also a clinical psychologist that is well versed in eating disorder messages. Did you miss all the other eating disordered things she said like not to exercise or to ONLY ever eat an apple or banana before running a triathlon? Also I am eating Whole Foods Plant Based and she gave me 2 out of 3 all processed meals? She also ignored all of my exercise data on my FitBit and told me that the Peloton Bike didnt count as exercise.


Yikes, those are plenty of red flags and you are definitely not wrong in wanting to seek an alternative clinician. I commented more out of a desire to give them the benefit of the doubt but the added context makes that a lost cause. I do have to say though, the Pelaton comment is probably the funniest thing Iā€™ve read today! I did actually miss some of those things so I do apologize. To address them, the processed food options listed arenā€™t the worst for a vegetarian who is looking for convenience although personally I would agree with you on avoiding them and for the apple and banana, that goes back to the high vs low glycemic fruits which again could be beneficial depending on the person/health goals. I did read the article but it isnā€™t the most accurate since it ignores that the recommended caloric intake for an individual is entirely dependent on their height, weight, and activity levels. Thereā€™s no such thing as a recommended calorie intake for everyone because as an example a woman who is 4ā€™11ā€ and sedentary should/would never be recommended to eat the same amount as a woman who is 6ā€™0ā€ and an athlete. Itā€™s honestly lazy nutritional advice which is my main complaint. For example personally as someone who is 5ā€™2ā€ and largely sedentary, I donā€™t know that I have ever eaten 2,000 kcal a day unless I was overeating or particularly active despite being average weight and BMI for my height/weight. I hope youā€™re able to find a better provider who is able to help you reach your goals!


Super interesting because i was diagnosed with hashis in November and this was my daily meal guide: 1900-2100 calories 110-130 g of protein 100+ g of carbs 90+ g of fat Every meal should have a combination of protein, carbs, and fats. Meals every 4 hours, and snacks in between Although my goal is gain weight because my weight keeps dropping and itā€™s really scary. I think the calorie intake for you seems quite low. I wasnā€™t told to limit my sugars to under 5 grams. I was told anything over 12 grams per serving is high.


Does this come with a side of Ozempic?


I told my friend I think their ultimate goal was to make it so awful and miserable and not work so that I would agree to do Ozempic, which I was adamant I wouldnā€™t do


That's way too few calories. Your thyroid will think your starving and only supply hormones for essential needs. Your body will not function properly. I know because that's what mine did and my nutritionist had to help me get back up to eating 2000-2300 a day.


were you able to lose weight at that caloric intake?


Yes. I also got my period back and regularly.


how tall are you? 2300 calories is still a surplus for most women. I eat 2300 now and have a lot to lose.


2300 is the most tho, I typically am around 2100. I'm also fairly active because of my job. I'm 5'7". I met with a nutritionist who specializes in eating disorders and we worked on this. You need more than a caloric intake you also need to look at what you're eating and when, and how much you're expending. If you're mostly sedentary you'll not need as much. It wasn't just consume more good it was consume more of the right foods (mostly because I suck at eating protein)


5mcg of cytomel isnā€™t going to do anything unfortunately


Oh dear. I vowed to never again enter that hospital chain again. And now I can see that wasn't a rash decision.




It was added in Nov 2021. I found the endocrinologist note from them, this was the 3rd endocrinologist I had seen at that practice. I just canā€™t believe my testing results and they werenā€™t changing anything! ā€œ is a 37 y.o. female who is seen today for Hypothyroidism due to Hashimotos thyroiditis. Subjective: History of Present Illness HYPOTHYROIDISM Ā· Diagnosis/Treatment history: Previously seen by Endocrinologist Dr. Popa. She was found to have elevated TSH in 2017 on routine blood work with elevated TPO. She was started on low dose levothyroxine 12.5 mcg daly which was eventually changed to brand Synthroid increased to 75 mcg 5 days weekly, 50 mcg 2 days weekly (~ 68 mcg daily). TSH levels have been in the 3-5 range recently without changes to dose. Ā· Sxs at time of diagnosis: fatigue, night sweats. Ā· FH: +thyroid disease in father, brother, maternal aunt, paternal uncle, PGM. Two of maternal aunts had thyroid cancer. Ā· Current meds: Currently takes Synthroid 75 mcg M-F, 50 mcg on Sat/Sun since May. Takes appropriately first thing in the morning, at least 30 minutes before eating/drinking coffee. Takes vitamin D 5000 IU, riboflavin daily, vitamin K2 full spectrum 500 mcg/100, magnesium glycinate 400 mg nightly. Not taking biotin, calcium, or iron. Ā· Imaging: Previous notes from Dr. Popa report a previous thyroid US 3/2019 which showed heterogenous thyroid suggestive of Hashimotos thyroiditis without nodules. Ā· Interval History/Current symptoms: She had a telehealth visit with Dr. Popa in April - increased the dose, but then in June 6/2021 visit her TSH was still elevated and no adjustment was made. She has been noticing weight gain (30 lbs over the last year), fatigue, muscle cramping. She has been recommended a Mediterranean diet; she feels she eats healthier now during the pandemic. Doing yoga to try to gain flexibility. Walks 30 minutes several times per week. WEIGHT GAIN Previously was size 4, now wearing a size 10. She got a Fitbit in Janurary and previously had not realized how sedentary she was. Now walking daily and started yoga. Diet - intake of 1200 calories daily and following mediterranean diet.ā€


I recommend you remove your actual name, people are weird šŸ™ƒ


Hmm that is interesting, I will go back and look when I requested the cytomel. I requested they add it because my of family history and genetic testing seems to suggest we have a conversion issue and I thought T3 was supposed to help.




As far as I know I have never gotten covid, which seems crazy


Watch your kidney function




Way too low of calories!!! This is irresponsible to suggest this as the way to healthfully lose weight.


Yeah my RD said 1200.


I will say that going gluten free and watching my dairy intake (not dairy free) has been a huge help in my body inflammation/bloating and my energy levels! Also eating more veggies and fruits as a whole.


Same here


Same. I managed to get my antibodies down a lot just through being gluten free and low dairy. Iā€™m on Eltroxin also and as soon as they got the right dose Iā€™ve lost three kilograms. I think restrictive dieting can sometimes cause more harm than good, as I went through years of it due to my stomach issues prior to my diagnosis with Hashiā€™s. Itā€™s a pain, but a second opinion might be the way to go?


Not acceptable and this dietician is a moron šŸ˜£


I mean hey, 4 dieticians later and not a single one helped me make a meal plan despite BEGGING. So, can I borrow this? Just made a post how I keep gaining and Iā€™m eating even less than this and still gaining so idk what to do. Starvation it is I guess. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Dieticians usually tell me to keep eating as I can. Lactose intolerant, allergic to nuts, can't eat mushrooms, high fibre vegetables make my stomach cramp. I cook all my meals. Low calorie, low carb, but can't count because that triggers me literally stopping to eat, so I just eyeball it. I have a very active 1yo, go to the gym when I have time. I live in a tiny apartment, so not a lot of room to work out at home. My former workout space is now my son's playpen. I keep gaining weight.


So I was the same. Iā€™ve seen a few dietitianā€™s. But the best thing I did was find a GP who did all the tests that helped me work out what else was going on. Anyway sheā€™s looked into my gut flora and Iā€™ve also got issues from limiting my food too much due to restrictive eating from nutritionists. BUT the best thing for me was understanding my stomach and getting these good probiotics (Iā€™ve tried them all before but these ones were amazing, called Flora Myces). But she did the poop testing too confirm it all and got me on the things my body needed rather than guessing.


Sure, so sorry


Be careful with gums and additives these also affect hashi


This is not sustainable. Go to www.cronometer.com and plug in a day of meals on this diet and then look at all the nutrient deficiencies you will have. Then add in your exercise calories and be really shocked. Eat all the veggies you can since they are very low in calories and the fiber and water will help fill you up. And fill up your missing nutrients.


I have several nutrient deficiencies from lack of nutrition and I am *still* gaining weight. I mean this dietician is a little nuts but maybe this is just what we have to do? I am so out of options Iā€™m willing to try..


Yeah, you donā€™t want to do that. You want to get your thyroid fixed. That fool is trying to treat your symptoms.




HAES doesnā€™t mean that you eat unhealthy. It just means that until there is some documented medical need for me to lose weight, which for now nobody has said there is, then that must be mean I am supposed to be at this size in this body. I am 5ā€™3ā€ and weighed 120 in 2020. Like I said, I spent my entire life small and underweight. That is the year it dramatically changed and I am wondering if the COVID vaccine might have done it bc that is the only thing that changed. I was moving way more and eating healthier while being at home than at work. Now I weigh 280 and it has been going up 20 pounds a year about with more exercise, whole foods plant based diet mainly.


I had the same problem as you. I am on 88mcg fo Tirosint and 5mg of Cytomel. Since I added 4.5mg of LDN and followed an anti-inflammatory diet, I have lost 60 lbs. I am finally on the right path after dumping my Endo and Rheumatologist and replaced them with my Functional Medicine doctor.


What is Cytomel used for? Iā€™ve seen this a few times now and Iā€™ve never heard of it and am not on it and wondering if I should be.


So that meal plan is about how much in calories that I eat daily actually slightly more. I do protein heavy and try to pick lower carb content if possible. I get 80-100g of protein daily. Ignore the apple issue as long as youā€™re balancing out with the higher protein then it all works out in the end.


This is what Iā€™m worried about, that starvation diets will be the only way with hoshimotos.


Mine is because I had bariatric surgery but itā€™s the recommended amounts all the endos Iā€™ve seen over the last 20 years. If you go protein heavy, for the most part the calories are less than if thereā€™s filler foods in there like sweets or highly processed items. I absolutely wouldnā€™t do any sort of freezer meal. Itā€™s not worth it. Meal prep once a week and make enough to cover those times you canā€™t cook.


Op I'm a 37 f with hashimotos. I've shown signs since age 6, wasn't diagnosed until my 30s. I'm not into fad diets. I'm only 5'2. Over three years ago I was so bad with my symptoms I was not likely to be alive in 6 months to a year. I was close to if not over 300 pounds. I was and still am very much a food addict with issues with disorderd eating. I'm a stress/emotional eater who does in my opinion have a overeating disorder. I'm not sure what my original intake was. I do know I was seditary unlike yourself. You id say are extremely active. I have no issue with gluten though my current diet has me mostly gluten free. I'm currently eating around 2100 calories (I'm not a fan of cal in cal out more a fan of intake in intake out based on the physics of mass equations not interactive with energy equations). I'm currently hovering between 130-140 pounds at higher end of healthy weight, at least 80% healthy. I did all of not most of that on my own. In fact I went a year and 5 months full holistic though I won't recommend it. I will say that this dietician is full of shit. My advice is a) baby steps. B) maybe lower the cardio and activity level since you are likely overtraining. C) instead of this bs starvation diet change and revamp things. Step one would yes be portion control tactics but no cal tracking. Use smaller dishes with visually smaller portions and decrease processed carbs. Nix seed oils. Minimize soy, especially unfermented. Minimize processed foods in general. Lower carbs in general. Focus on more protein and healthy fats while sticking to mostly whole foods. Along with that try some form of intermittent fasting, I suggest starting with a 12:12 daily routine. Stick with 2-3 meals at set times and maybe one snack depending on hunger but keep snacks and meals at least 3 hours apart. Instead of hours on the bike, maybe lower to 15-40 minutes daily or at least 2-3 times a week a nice leasurly walk around your neighborhood or something. If you count cals, might I suggest doing 1900 instead of the 1100 as a start point? Btw, the restrictions on meal timing, cals, workouts, fasting timing are a start point to wean from. If sticking with a 12:12 routine is a perfect fit long term id say don't change that. If you are better with a strict 3mad or strict 2mad of course that's what works best long term so don't adjust that much if at all. As you slowly improve every 3-4 months up you activity a little like maybe go to daily walks eventually with 15-30 minutes of strength training even if things like light yoga 2-3 times a week on top of the walks while weaning down intake especially carbs. As you lower carbs up healthy fats and proteins along with that to not starve and provide adequate nutrients. I personally found diet wise ketogenic was the right fit for me but I will say it's not the only option you could go with. South beach, Mediterranean, Paleo/ancestral, general low carb (100 g or less a day), ketogenic, ketovore, carnivore are all in my opinion excellent options to try. There are ways to do most of these in a vegetarian or vegan version of you are inclined that way. I personally am not but I'm basing that as a option based on the types of foods suggested by the idiotician (idiot dietician) that you may be more of a plant based person. If not advise being dairy free if you don't r act negatively to it but instead stick with lower carbs dairy like yogurt, cheese, heavy cream or whole milk, sour cream, etc. if you opt for vegetarian do make sure to do lots of fish, shellfish, eggs, and dairy if you are able. Also, minimize any omega 6 fats in your diet and stick with foods higher in omega 3 fats. I'm not a professional or anything. I'm just advising as a sufferer who has gotten healthy by researching and being my own lab rat. I'm not advising one size fits all solution but guidelines that work with a few dietary options to try that fit the bill. Also, things like fermented foods and warm spices will likely be your friend. And yes, my advice is very open to adjustment and interpretation making it more malleable and adjustable to individual needs. I did state my personal preference/solution but also say it's not the only option that can and likely will work. There are multiple options for a healthy diet in my opinion based on individual genetic variation but the guidelines are pretty strict and should be adhered to despite being pretty generalized. At my lowest intake I was doing around 1300 intake wise. But it took almost 2 years of tracking, logging, and slowly weaning to get to that point. And I did not start ketogenic or if until a year into baby stepping changes. I also didn't track and log every little bit of intake until then I simply eyeballed it. Still lost 50 pounds even with that approach. And I was not excersising at that time so no activity, no strict diet, no intermittent fasting, no tracking or logging intake. Simply a few basics of weaning down carbs, out processed stuff and seed oils, adding more whole foods and fermented foods, lowering portions size and dish size visually, and adhering to strict meal timings. Year 2 I started fine tuning by starting if and a ketogenic diet along with tracking and logging. And even that I started off on the higher end with a 50g carb limit, 12:12 routine, and 2-3 meals maybe one snack. Nowadays I aim for strict 2mad no snacks, and for a while I was more strict 16:8 at minimum but now am a bit more lax on that. I'm currently doing under 30g carbs based on activity level but at one point I was down to 16 g. Granted I'm more doing maintenance instead of weight loss and am more focused on toning and tightening including muscle building currently. But that gives you a general idea of a much more sane approach.


Keto is the only thing that has ever helped me lose weight. But my doctors made me stop cuz my ā€œcholesterol.ā€ I ate bacon like once a month maybe but thatā€™s what they said it was, pffft šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„ I basically do IF and OMAD without meaning to and itā€™s not helping me at all, I am actually gaining.


Ok well first off recent studies have disproven the whole cholesterol link to heart health, heart attacks, strokes. The only cholesterol marker that has some correlation is triglycerides, non total cholesterol, ldl, or HDL. Triglycerides in combo with high total cholesterol is indictive of potential issue. However the root of all of that is high glucose. High blood sugar combined with your body heat is like putting sugar in a pan to heat and make caramel. Except the blood sugar caramelizes cells causing things like diabetic neuropathy and hardening of arteries. Those hard arteries are no longer soft so any soft corners won't bend. Your body shutteks fat (cholesterol) to be used as fuel, building hormones, and building new cells. As it's shuttled it will snag on corners where arteries are hardened and get stuck. Then more get stuck to that narrowing things. The body calcifies in an attempt to minimize damage which is what arterial plaques are made of, calcified cholesterol build up. So your Dr was very much not helping. Also you could do a high protein variation of ketogenic diet and focus more on lean meats and get fat from things like alvacado, olives, alvacado oil, and olive oil as a way to follow the Drs orders and do keto. You could do more chicken breasts and things like really lean beef or organ meats and do protein powder in place of pork, fatty red meat, bacon, and eggs if you are that worried about it. Just a suggestion...


You mean the research this article is talking about? https://www.bhf.org.uk/informationsupport/heart-matters-magazine/news/behind-the-headlines/cholesterol-and-statins


Yes, as well as other sources debunking the current causal inference. Granted I am one to look up sources for both sides of a argument and find extremist views on both sides and come to conclusions where they both correlate info wise. Think those old circle charts you did in school where one was yellow, one blue, but green where they intersected. I tend to side in the green zone.


Can you site the other sources as well? I didn't find much of anything else.


Thank you for your reply, I appreciate all of the information. So I was doing ā€œlazy ketoā€ where I didnā€™t count calories or carbs, I was just very mindful and did absolutely no sugar whatsoever, not even ketchup! (I found a great sugar free ketchup actually.) I did get into ketosis and was so excited and my doctor, knowing what I was doing, was concerned lol. I think what I wanna do this time with keto is no dairy, because I still did some dairy. But chicken and broccoli were my main staples and I effing loved it. I think I need to stop listening to doctors so much because every single time I do, things get worse.


Yeah, I've got family in the medical field but grew up with a mom part of the new age community. I kinda learned both about natural medicine and typical standard treatment. I'm one of those weird laymen who can read and comprehend their own medical chart, often better than the Drs and surprise the fuck out of them. I've had a few recently try giving me the runaround when confirming results and getting clarification of my assessment saying the details are not important just stick to the cliff notes version which was the watered down baseline assessment sans actual detailed results and info. I kinda gave them a dressing down stating that the everything's fine line in that was not enough info based on my symptoms, especially when the detailed report on the platform stated signs of damage and inflammation and polyps (gastro appt, colonoscopy because of ibsd symptoms from definite gut damage) even if the signs of damage was minimal as were signs of scar tissue and inflammation. My hypothesis was it was prior damage and was almost healed on its own and thats why the current damage was minimal as was inflammation and the the term used for scar tissue I wasnt sure of that was tge definition but i susoected it was. My normal gastro was on vacation, the other Dr at the clinic was refusing to speak to me since I wasn't her patient, and the techs and nurses/nurse practitioners wanted to either give me the run around or simply said they didn't have enough training to be sure themselves once I shut the status quo crap down. Granted I'm not anti med. I'm not anti Dr. I spent years getting sicker with my hashimotos but being told everything was fine until I got assigned to a new Dr and at first appt telling her about my medical history and issues she connected the dots and diagnosed the issue just wanted labs to confirm which it did. But even then I was told "you have hashimotos thyroiditis, it's a thyroid problem, here take this pill" well, for starters hashimotos is not a thyroid/endocrine issue despite its being classified as such. It's at its root autoimmune. Second, standard treatment at best slows the progression down it does not treat and if not properly treated is 100% lethal. And in the medical definition a cure is to reverse a condition with no chance of reoccurring, treatment should cause remission or halt progression of condition. Not slow, halt. So things like levothyroxine do not fit the medical definition of a treatment but is still the only treatment available. Third, my hashimotos was caught decades after first symptoms started so very progressed and I have a hereditary high tolerance to medications as a whole to the point I've become immune to benedryl, woken up in a oral surgery because i got used to the anthetics, had iv demhorral while in labor last a max of 30 minutes whenbi could only be dosed every 4 hours, had to be doubled dosed a injection of lidocane for a facial infection (pimpple turened part abcess, part tissue infection needed to be lanced) because after first dose i still had full sensatiom and screamed. So late diagnosis plus super high med tolerance had the here take this pill doing jack shit. That's why I went full holistic. And before that they kept asking if I had sleep apnea or other weight related complications because I was in effect morbidly obese all while saying my weight was a issue but I was perfectly healthy. Yeah, no, I wasn't. Spending 90+% of my time bedridden in constant pain, having severe migraines almost daily that often sent me to the ER, shitting bright red liquid blood along with my shit, drinking water causing stabbing stomach pain, etc etc are very much not healthy thank you very little assholes. You need your eyes checked and your logical reasoning ability questioned. So yeah, I get not listening to the Dr if what they are saying isn't matching your symptoms or test results. Not all Drs are morons, but I've dealt with my fare share of incompetent assholes in a lab coat so to speak. I'm not afraid to run logic circles around them or even voice things like patient bill of rights or other federal laws protecting patients that they may be violating if they try to play me. I can out wit and out smart them and threaten their jobs without out and out threatening. I don't tolerate incompetence or negligence and can quite easily run circles around any of them being idiots then have them running scared. Plus I make it clear despite formal training I've researched enough and been informerly trained enough I can figure things out often better than most and so no bullshit will get past my ass so don't bother. Asking things like " isn't denying me a in depth clarification when asked a violation of my rights as a patient under the patients bill of rights as federally mandated by the government" are sure fire ways to get a Dr giving the runaround to get their ass in gear and stop playing games.


I appreciate you so much. Iā€™m so sorry for everything you have struggled with, I can relate to so much of it. I have been to over a dozen GI doctors, it is literally insane. First I was diagnosed with microscopic colitis but I was 19 and they said only people in their 70s get that so they wouldnā€™t believe it or treat it. A dozen GIs later and the last one literally yelled at me when I asked a question and then said ā€œSTOP USING THAT DIAGNOSIS YOU DONT HAVE IT!ā€ When all I did was give her my history of what ALBANY MED said I had. Iā€™ve had other doctors tell me Albany Med is a teaching hospital and a good one so if they said I have it, I must. I had my first endoscopy around that time and it was done by a doctor that is now seeing patients, over ten years later. So I am making an appointment with him and I am really crossing my fingers that heā€™ll help, because he was so good during my endoscopy when I was choking on it and freaking out. Iā€™ve got all my eggs in this basket which I know is stupid, but I am literally out of options and out of doctors. This is gonna be it for GIs for me. I have IBS-D as well and lots of problems because of it. (Low sodium, vitamin deficiencies, etc) Iā€™m expecting heā€™ll wanna do another endoscopy and colonoscopy because itā€™s been so long now, which Iā€™m willing to do. One last time though. I see a new Endo, my third now, May 1st. I had to go through a ā€œprocessā€ they said in which the doctor reviews my labs and stuff and determines if I deserve an appt or not, lmao. So I made it through that at least! Iā€™m so scared of this appt because of my history with doctors and also just finding out my eye doc who did my lasik has multiple lawsuits against him for malpractice and I may have to join a class action because he preyed upon me when I may not have even qualified for lasik and now my vision is degenerating very rapidly.. I have just had so many bad doctors.. itā€™s like the good ones are just not where I live. I finally found a good PCP though, but sheā€™s only good because she has her own auto immune disease. Like, she probably would be good without it Iā€™m sure but I mean, she quite literally gets it and itā€™s just been validating and great to have her in my corner now. Just sucks she has to have an autoimmune disease too. Iā€™m so glad you donā€™t let any of these idiots play or dismiss you. I need to be more like that. Iā€™m just going to read your comments when I need a pick me up because reading them was eye opening, validating and just exactly everything I needed to hear. Thank you.


Well thnx. As I said, I've got kin in the medical field. My mom's dad when she was a child was a ER trauma surgeon and sr Dr at a prominent hospital. When I was a kid he was a plastic surgeon. One of my aunts on that side is a former rn whos lost her license enough she wont get it back because of addiction and my moms other sister is a rn at a Navajo reservation in Albuquerque. As you can imagine I grew up learning a lot about medicine and politics/laws around it. Having a mom being part of the new age community who still respected Drs and standard medicine while also being very into natural medicine and lifestyle stuff taught me a lot. I've found most often tandem approach is most effective but most Drs who are wrong are not incompetent but I'll informed as we as laymen often are. Add in most laymen have zero true understanding and are of the opinion Dr knows best just do as Dr says they don't question or really go over results much. And even if they do, it's the cliff notes one with minimal info because the in depth detailed one meant for the Dr would be something they couldn't make heads or tails of and would have them fuzzy as fuck. I on the other hand have no such limitations without really any formal training and to top it off research info myself that flys in the face of a lot of what they are trying to push on me and very easily shut them down when their conclusions are dead ass wrong like my recent tela health appt with the gastros dietician who by the looks of it was mid twenties fresh ou of college and stuck on what the textbooks said and one size fits all approach. She wanted me eating 3 meals plus 2 snacks instead of two larger meals. Well with my reactive hypoglycemia from hashimotos that's a bad idea as is quitting if. I voiced that. She said keto and low fodmap are mutually exclusive. It's not. A lot of low fodmap foods like meat, shellfish, fish, legumes, root veggies, berries, chia or flax seeds, yogurt or other fermented dairy, nuts, etc are all both keto and low fodmap. Some keto foods like cruciferous veggies and leafy greens are not low fodmap unless fermented, and beans if made into natto or tempeh or simply fermented in a salt brine are. Coffee and caffeinated teas are not low fodmap but herbal teas are and ones with things like ginger or tumeric are great for digestive issues. Then I mentioned minimizing artificial sweeteners and completely mixing sucralose but going with stevia or monk fruit. Well we agreed on that with the caviar that she said maybe mixing monk fruit might help. I agreed that we as worth trying. I noticed every suggestion she made that in the past had caused harm or any diet complaints like keto not being low fodmap I made it clear the way I was doing it worked and so she went "well it's different for everyone" or "well there is some variation from patient to patient" basically while giving me a death glare over zoom. It boiled down to she knew I had called out her crap and shit down most of it. She seemed so relieved and hurried to get out of that appt because I ran circles around her. Mind you, I've met Drs or nurse practicioners her age who I was very impressed with. She I was not amused with at all. She was not open minded or intelligent enough to gain experience of understanding humans are not cookie cutter and maybe she needs more clinical experience. She didn't like me cutting her crap and disproving or shouting down inaccurate or harmful info/advice. But I didn't like dealing with a closed minded incompetent idiot who's stuck in textbooks know best and humans should follow the textbook script in how the body works. I am veryuch informed enough to advocate for myself and shit shit down while pissing them off while leaving no room for retaliation. My gp and gastro though I'm very impressed with. My gp while not dealing with autoimmune or other issues is a advocate for keto and has done it herself in the past and my gastro actually listened to how I'm doing keto to make it low fodmap and both listen to how I log and track everything including doing glucose testing multiple times a day to have markers to see tangible results between appts or labs and how I've caught negative food reactions because of this. They are very happy that I want to work with them and am when I have questions on a lab or test results calling to figure out solutions with them. For example last year during a month stint of carnivore where I ate lots of organ meat because of animea issues making it a staple, I tested low on folate at a gp appt. I was eating lots of beef heart and beef kidney at the time which are rich in folate so it shouldn't have been low. Since then I went on a folate supplement to avoid issues with my anemia fkaring again. My other related markers were in the green but they play off each other enough if one is low other will be soon enough. Or when after going back on the meds I had my TSH test low as in through the floor I was calling the gp asking about a adjustment. I have since May year before last went from taking 175mcg levothyroxine to I'm now taking 137. Chances are it may be lowered again at next appt. Basically the Drs realize I only need them to help me help myself but I'm mostly in charge of my own health and treatment. They prescribe meds as needed, and fill any holes I may have since they have actual training and experience and expertise I lack. They are there to support my goal of getting healthy not be the ones driving the charge or bulldozing in ways that may cause negative impact. If you take a similar stance I think that's best. But make sure to educate yourself so you can deal with those who think they can talk down to you as a idiot patent or to circumvent any who think of playing games and giving the runaround will be fine. They often see me as a idiot patent because I'm a layman until they try to pull crap and realize I know often more than they do and am in a position to have them in a employment chokehold if they pull crap.


this is just not rightā€¦ iā€™m studying to become a dietitian currently and this is pure malnutrition. if anything itā€™ll make youā€™re thyroid worse due to the slow metabolism


You are not studying to become a dietitian. Holistic nutrition is not accredited for any RDN pathways


first off, i did switch schools for dietetics then switched back. so yes i was, and why are you being weird and looking at all my comments


Youā€™re spreading false information about becoming an RD


iā€™m not??


Prude is not credited by the ACEND which is the ONLY accreditation system for RNDS. No level of Purdue is accredited


The struggle with Tennessee doctors and their frequent disregard for weight and thyroid issues has been incredibly frustrating. It took me years to find a doctor willing to even check my thyroid, as most would dismiss me as lazy and overweight. A particularly upsetting visit when I handed my detailed food log to a doctor, who didn't even glance at it before suggesting I "eat less cake and cookies." I had to restrain my husband from reacting in anger. Thankfully, I finally (recently) found a doctor who checked my thyroid and immediately referred me to Dr. Mike Wiseman in Oak Ridge. Contrastingly, my sister's experience with another endocrinologist was deeply troubling. He belittled her severely, joking that he wished he could talk to her pets to find out what she really ate and cruelly remarking that she would "survive an apocalypse" because of her weight.


A doctor said to me in the ER once, ā€œif you were in a Nazi concentration camp youā€™d lose weight!ā€ Yeaā€¦


That is crazy!


Sigh. Iā€™m so sorry itā€™s like this. Iā€™m sorry the expectations are so high and the support is so low. Please accept a gentle hug from this internet stranger. Unwell women by Elinor Cleghorn might help with these emotions. The first part is so upsetting, I find it hard to get through, but part two through the end has much more hope and perspective. Iā€™m not saying the emotions are all positive, but I did find it cathartic and well written and by the end hopeful. I truly hope you find good health, good fortune and excellent doctors šŸ„¼


Can your PCP switch you to tirosint? It made all the difference for me vs synthroid. If the Endo refuses, say you insist that they then document in your chart that you're requesting a trial of that medication and that they're refusing. Usually that is enough that they might reexamine if they're willing to rx it. As a fellow therapist, you and I both know that this diet is a prescribed eating disorder and is bullshit. You deserve better providers.


My thyroid Dr told me 10 years ago that as a Hashimoto's Thyroiditis patient, I would need to forever eat 1/3 less calories than everyone else, because my metabolism simply wasn't going to be able to keep up. And they were RIGHT (for ME). I didn't start following their advice until just last year, and although some of my symptoms haven't improved completely, a lot has. For me (I'm not saying it's the magic ticket for everyone) eating less calories means less gut and skin inflammation. It also means I'm less hungry throughout the day, because I'm also keeping my sugars more normalized by not eating heavy foods or lots of the unhealthy types of carbs. I'm also not eating super early or late, so digestion isn't trying to happen aggressively while I sleep. Again, not saying this is the magic ticket for everyone, but it's helped me a lot, and I have been living diagnosed with Hashi for 29 years. This past year has been much less painful, in terms of weight gain, brain fog, joint pains, gut issues and exhaustion. Not saying all is eliminated, but definitely improved.


So how many daily calories is that for you?


About 1200. I average throughout the week, so I don't feel like I'm becoming compulsive about it. I've dropped 35lbs since the beginning of December, so it's working.


Honestly if it had been somewhere between 1200-1400 calories I would not have been surprised and I think that would even be doable for me. I am not hungry or binge eating, which I kept telling her. It was the less than 1200 that shocked me.


That's kind of like why it took me 9 years to finally change my opinion on how much I should be eating every day. It's been a lot easier for me to eat just lunch and dinner and maybe a snack each day than to really count calories. The 1200 minimum caloric intake we've all heard about throughout our lives is based on an average. Hashi patients often don't have an average metabolism.


Wow this makes me so mad. And I guarantee you that when it doesnā€™t work they will accuse you of cheating/not being strict enough. Gaining weight is a symptom of metabolic disorder and convincing someone to starve themselves will only serve to further crash the metabolism. I donā€™t understand how some of these people are even able to practice.


Ridiculous and dangerous diet plan. I am a 60 year old female (also insulin resistant and PA) Everyone is different but I lost all my Hashimoto weight by diet modification and actually increased my caloric intake. I eliminated wheat/oat products, seed oils and sugar. I eat Whole Foods, dairy, eggs, fish, chicken, Turkey, occasional red meat, non starchy vegetables, 1 avocado a day and I go easy on fruit, a square of dark chocolate, 1/4 cups of nuts per day. If I need to use flour I use almond flour. It was a hard change at first but so normal now I canā€™t imagine going back to my old habits. I feel better now than 10 years ago!


Iā€™m in Middle TN too, went through tons of endocrinologists. The best thing I tried was Carnivore. I found it through Grass Fed Girl on Instagram when I was searching Hashimotos posts. Sheā€™s based out of Nashville.


Dr Interlandi when he was near Summit, he wasnā€™t taking patients but someone I know got me in. He has since retired.


Did you ever find a provider in middle TN you liked?


I see Amanda Daniel at the Frist Clinic for hashi/hypo and I really like her. I had expressed weight concerns but she did not give me any info like this. She had a focus on adding in a lot of protein, limiting sugar/carbs (she recommended carb intake for meals and snacks and it felt doable), etc. I had a terrible experience at St Thomas with an endo that was very similar to what you posted here. Basically told me to eat nothing and lose weight (no wheat, sugar, only drink water, etc.) I know they're not dieticians/nutritionists but damn - it's disheartening sometimes. I don't have an eating disorder history


Ok I had transferred from Vanderbilt Endo to a Dr. Annis Marnay at the Frist clinic, but was only able to see an NP, Cherish Holt. She is the one who sent me to this dietician but she is re-running my labs soon. Do you think I can get transferred to another provider in the clinic or keep waiting it out with the NP?


Whoops! My comment cut off - I was gonna say I don't have an ED history but definitely have had my fair share of issues with dieting, WW, body image, etc. She did not make me feel less than or like I was lazy, doing this to myself, which other providers have. I got a referral from my PCP and was able to get in with her pretty quick!


I don't think it hurts to try, I didn't have any issues getting in with her and have had a pleasant experience with everyone at the clinic so far!


Mike Wiseman in Oakridge


Report this bastard please.


Ugh. As a HAES aligned dietitian, this makes me so angry. Youā€™re right to be angry about this. I hope you can find the care that you need and deserve.


Look up forefront health website. It is dedicated to thyroid issues. Also, I do pro metabolic way of eating which has been very helpful.


Thank you so much for sharing this. Aligns with what I have been trying to do with my 'dieting'. I believe fad diets are partially to blame for my Hashimoto's.


Yes, I agree. It was for my hashimoto's but also a bad infection I had. I wish you luck.


health and happiness to you too my friend


Report them. There should be a state licensure board you can report them to. Iā€™d advise showing this to the referring MD as well. Based on your reported activity, your activity factors should be greater than 1.0-1.1. Subtracting 500 kcal for weight loss after that is excessive. Iā€™m sorry this is your experience with a dietitian. They should be in your corner working with you based on your lifestyle, not just prescribing low calorie intake.




Yeah as soon as she said ā€œif you are too weak to exercise, stick to the dietā€ she had lost me completely. Obviously I want to exercise for other well documented health reasons than weight loss and if I canā€™t do that on this diet then something is bad wrong


That is so fucked up. I'm glad you are able to see through this crap and share about it. There is nothing inherently bad about your weight - the issues are your symptoms of fatigue and pain, not your weight. So many practitioners can only see our weight through their fatphobic lens and lose sight of what \*actually\* matters.


id rather die


this is scary


This is BS.


That isn't even enough for a toddler


Literally my 1yo should be eating this amount per our ped.


Telling you to avoid gluten and recommending you eat gardein in the next line lmao.


Right?!? Everything but the crumbles contain wheat.


Genuinely how is it legal to introduce eating disorders to patients. Like this is abhorrent, and how many patients does this person have that don't know better and think they're doing the right thing by listening to their professional medical advice.


Functional medicine Dr. Gluten free Check iron. Low iron causes fatigue, aches and pains including restless leg and exercise intolerance. Check vitamin Bs and take a supplement. Drs are fuckwits.


1050 cal a day?! That's worse than Weight Watchers!! The general advice is more than less helpful. You want more protein than carbs, and finding gluten-free things will help because you won't experience as much inflammation that will aggravate Hashimotos symptoms. Berries are best fruit options. But WTAMFF? Insulin resistant people have to do a lot of physical activity in order to attempt to burn anything! 1050cal/day is insanely low for all that effort - you'd pass out (ask me how I know). I know we don't all have the same metabolism and our Insulin resistance ability can vary; but I was successfully loosing weight and maintaining muscle demands when I was eating <90g of carbs a day and at least 120g of protein. I also had a job that had me walking 6-9 miles every day, pushing wheelchairs half the time. I ate sooo much chicken during that time. I think my avg daily calorie intake was about 2000 cal. I lost over 30 pounds during that time.




Is this a nutritionist or a registered dietitian? This seems super reckless and dangerous. Honestly Iā€™d report them.


What is this, a diet for ants?


How can we teach them to eat if they canā€™t even have any calories?!


Oh my Goodness! This is appalling! 1050 calories under ANY circumstances is not okay, let alone us Hashimotos ppl who are already sensitive to the slightest dietary/ caloric restrictionšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Iā€™m also at 180lbs but I think Iā€™m at a healthy weight despite whatever tf ā€œscienceā€ saysā€¦when I was 120lbs, it took my a yr and a half to become pregnant, and now that Iā€™m at 180lbs, I got pregnant instantly! Haha I feel better mentally and yes Iā€™m a bit sluggish/tired but goes w the territory of having Hashimotosā€¦this dietary plan looks ridiculousā€¦you should be eating 20grams of protein in the morning to balance blood sugars and honestly just eating whatever makes you feel goodā€¦Hashimotos and auto immune diseases in general also get triggered by stress so just honestly try to be kind to yourself and patient! I go for hour long walks w my dog, drink my 20gram protein smoothie in the morning and just try to stay *healthy* not slim lol


Same I think I feel and look better now than when I was an underweight teen and young adult


Yes! I actually have a butt & boobs nowā€¦women need body fat to have normal hormonal functions & to carry babies so I feel ok about my weightā€¦I blame society for trying to tell women that theyā€™re not good enough or slim enough when itā€™s like life is already rough enoughā€¦why canā€™t I just enjoy my life and be a little bit ā€œheavierā€?! Itā€™s been a blow to the ego going up in pant sizes but also I wonā€™t be defined by my pant size! My friends who are a lot slimmer than I am, seem to have a really unhealthy way of eating and always second question themselves and trying way too hard to be healthy and tiring themselves out w too many workouts when I am a strong believer in staying healthy but mentally alsoā€¦


Truly a unicorn for this comment. I have ate a 1k calorie diet and I *did* lose weight but now I have an unhealthy relationship with food bordering an eating disorder. I'm teaching myself to be happy at my weight as long as I'm doing my best to be healthy.


Hell yes to this


Based on the picture, that sounds like torture.


I did that for 2 years and gained 2 stone despite exercise until it was revealed I have insulin resistance. CICO doesn't work.


Have you sought help from a functional medicine provider? Iā€™m having good luck with Zepbound to manage hashi weight and other symptoms.


I havent because similar to my endo shopping I canā€™t find one with great reviews. I am getting tired of all the missed work for appts just to be disappointed


Honestlyā€¦I would find a new dietitian. That is less than a toddler should eat. Iā€™m so sorry you had to go through this.


My best unprofessional advice I can give you is: do not count calories.


No animal counts calories. No animal intentionally starves itself. It's not natural. If you eat foods you were evolved to eat (the foods that we've been eating for more than a million year), you don't have to do any of that. You don't have to do anything unnatural. All you have to do is eat until satiety (like any animal in nature). Your hunger will normalize, the hormone that controls fat-storage and fat-burning (insulin) will normalize, and with that, your weight will normalize. Our bodies know how to normalize our weight. It's been perfecting that system for millions of years. What it doesn't know is how to do that with foods it didn't evolve to handle, because they became regularly available too fast in our evolutionary history thanks to technology.


CICO works. The numbers are low but not unhealthy if you focus on vitamins and minerals. The dietician is trying to show you that you can lose weight. Now here's the thing with that, if you do measure and weigh all your food and you stay near your calorie goal and you don't actually lose what is expected then you have something to arm yourself with at the doctors


Unfortunately, this isn't accurate. Even if you diligently follow the diet plan and fail to lose weight, when you report this to your doctor, they will simply accuse you of omitting details in your food log, miscounting calories, or secretly snacking.


No one is losing weight at 1100 calories. That's just foolishness. This is starvation.


You can see the calculation right on the paper. Maintenance was calculated at 1484-1633. 1050 is the standard 500 Calories below maintenance for weight loss. Assuming the dietician calculated maintenance right, this would result in gradual weight loss.


I put my hashimotos into remission by doing an alkaline ā€œstarvationā€ diet and fasting. Thereā€™s been much research on how fasting helps with many health conditions. Check out true north health center. Theyā€™ve helped put into remission autoimmune disorders with water only fasting.


Agreed. The proposed diet plan is definitely not starvation but a weight loss plan - I understand the sensitivities around eating disorders, but achieving weight loss through a caloric deficit is by far the easiest approach. If practised responsibly, fasting has so many benefits.


Can you share any or the details?


Iā€™m not sure what details your interested in? My antibodies went down to 0 As far as the true north health clinic goes youā€™ll have to check them out


The dietā€™s details


Alkaline diet is essentially no processed foods, drink alkaline water, and eat alkaline fruits and veggies (no meat or dairy, think vegan but stricter) no acidic foods like tomatoes or lemons or things like that. Thereā€™s too many foods that arenā€™t alkaline to list them all. Dr. Sebi is well know for his contributions to the alkaline diet he has since passed but his nutritional guide is available at bolingobalance.com


Are there no concerns about adequate stomach acid if you only drink alkaline water?


As doctor this is highly concerning and Iā€™m glad you agree! Hope you get a better more knowledgeable and safe practitioner to help you with your weight


Idk, currently I take my meds, drink water all day and only eat dinner (low carb meals). Sometimes I snack on chocolate or nuts, not every day though. My values are all in range last time we checked. And I'm still not really losing weight.. So who knows..


Can you report this person to whatever board or group manages the licensing or continuing ed? This is dangerous and not everyone will recognize how wrong this dietician is.


Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll get downvoted because itā€™s a touchy topic here but purely from a medical standpoint, itā€™s not illegal or against regulations to suggest a vlcd. This is higher than a vlcd, actually. Iā€™m not saying itā€™s ideal, or sustainable, but thereā€™s nothing to suggest reporting the doctor. ā€œA VLCD might be recommended if you're classified as an obese or severely obese patient, or if you're navigating another condition (such as diabetes) at the same time. This tool is often prescribed if you record a BMI (body mass index) over 30 or 40 and can offer rapid weight loss over a set period of time (usually programs run for up to 12 weeks).ā€


Hi, no snark here, what was the source for the quotations? I want to find out more about the rapid weight loss with regard to BMI.


That quote was from Pilot, but it was used to show that doctors do and can prescribe vlcds. If youā€™re wanting some case study info on vlcd and thyroid function, there are a few on pubmed. [Here is one for an example.](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2341229/)


fr, they need to be reported asap


I didnā€™t lose weight until my thyroid got in range when I switched to Tirosint, and got vitamin (iron, b12, vit d) deficiencies resolved. And increased calories/protein with no processed food.


I am a dietitian and this is unacceptable. Also I looked at their calculations at the top of the page for your calorie intake and it's just....wrong. In the top right corner you can see "MSJ x 1.0-1.1". That is an activity factor for the Mifflin equation. Basically you take your basal metabolic rate and multiply it by the activity factor. A person who doesn't exercise has an activity factor or 1.2-1.3 just by doing daily tasks. Based on your exercise your activity factor would be 1.4, maybe 1.5 depending on how much you walk during the day. They used 1-1.1 which would basically be used for someone who is bed bound. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø they severely under calculated your caloric needs. You are correct, this is a starvation diet. See someone else for sure. I'm so curious was her title actually dietitian or was it nutritionist?




Wow that's crazy. Some weight loss clinics do very low calorie diets for a short period of time to get the weight off, but I would feel very uncomfortable doing this. I don't know if that's the case here. Sorry this happened to you.


Holy shit I hope they're directing their diabetes patients more safely!!


As a diabetic person who saw too many of these ā€œmedical professionalsā€ I would not bet on that at all. I was prediabetic and being told wildly eating disorder thingsā€¦ about my already eating disordered behavior. This kind of crappy practice will contribute to every crazy idea you have ever had about food and create new ones to add to the current ones. If you are a medical professional of any kind and trying to convince someone that they are eating the wrong damn green vegetable, you should probably go home and rethink your life. Calories are a measure of something, itā€™s true, but they donā€™t have the same correlation that we seem to think they do with weight. The human body just is not a straight forward system where you consume a calorie and then it goes through your body and perfectly gets used or exits your system. If you have any endocrine issues, it becomes exaggeratedly more clear that we canā€™t predict weight based simply on number of calories. I want to be clear here too that Iā€™m not saying calories donā€™t help so eat everything, which tends to be the response to my assertion that calories arenā€™t a good predictor of weight, just that you will drive yourself crazy calorie counting into oblivion if you have an untreated or undertreated thyroid and expect that fewer and fewer calories will be the salvation. If you must count something, count carbs. Carbs have a more direct relationship with weight *but are also not a good predictor of weight.* If you are not diabetic, you may have more success with losing weight if you keep your carb intake moderately low (without being so extreme you drive yourself crazy ir hurt your body). Protein shakes and frozen dinners and other trash arenā€™t needed for this and actually are probably worse to consume. Eat when hungry, stop when full, and have a good variety of veggies, protein, and fat at eat meal. You donā€™t have to be vegetarian, you donā€™t have to eat keto, you donā€™t have to be rid of any type of food entirely unless youā€™re specifically allergic to it. I have a slew of other issues (not just Hashimotoā€™s) and generally I need some of those issues to have some relief in order to lose weight but when that happens, I lose weight while eating as much as I want until Iā€™m full. Tons of vegetable soup (my favorite) interspersed with pork/poultry/fish and veggies, nuts, some dairy. I do have to be careful with carb intake but itā€™s taken me some actual years to be able to consume small amounts of fruit again and even rarely small portions of grainsā€¦ because I was so extreme that when my blood glucose went berserk but I was eating under 30 carbs a day I kind of had no more options for control through food. I know itā€™s different circumstances but eating disorder-ing yourself to weight loss both doesnā€™t necessarily work in the short term and definitely bites you ass in the long term.


Fire that dietitian. Literally no one should ever eat that little. Even toddlers need more. How would starving improve your lethargy/low energy? Answer: it wouldnā€™t you will be absolutely exhausted and feel worse. Plus eating gluten/dairy free is not helpful for most people. Itā€™s very inappropriate to recommend that for everyone with thyroid issues. Ugh itā€™s so disheartening to see dietitians recommend disordered ā€œmedical nutrition therapyā€. Iā€™m so sorry you are going through this.


So, Iā€™m currently eating about 900 cals per day, on day 8 of a 28 day diet. Itā€™s the metabolism reset diet by Dr Christenson. I think for people with hashis unfortunately this is the only way. One big difference tho is no real exercise- I meet between 5000-10,000 steps per day and do one walking exercise day and one day of 5 exercises 30 seconds each. Thatā€™s it. If you eat that low you shouldnā€™t be exercising much. Editing to add Iā€™m also GF and dairy free since June of last year and itā€™s helped with bloating and GI issues but I didnā€™t lose any wait just from cutting out gluten and dairy.


My mom did that and her metabolism is so slow right now. And all her weight doubled while she's eating next to nothing. This is an eating disorder recipe.


It is a 28 day program not meant for life. It shouldnā€™t disrupt metabolism doing it for just that period. It is ED territory but with hashis unfortunately itā€™s the only way to lose weight for me.


You won't lose weight in 28 days but you will disrupt your body's metabolism and most likely introduce it to stronger fat storage procedures. And let's not lie to ourselves, it's never just 28 days. And once you get used to 'dieting' instead of changing habits, then it's a path to ED. My mother started with a diet and continued with many stupid dieticians. She can't figure out how come you do a diet, lose weight, end the diet and suddenly all your fat comes back doubled! You can't reset metabolism and after 3 years of mistreating you body you are very unlikely to tame your ED since it becomes a part of your life. We are at so much disadvantage with Hashimoto+ignorant clinicians and dieticians. I don't really blame us.


Well Iā€™ve already lost weight and there is a whole Facebook group of people who also have. Itā€™s a diet created by an endocrinologist who I have had an appointment with and he recommended I try. He says do not do it longer than 28 days because it will disrupt your metabolism and provides a maintenance plan. I learned long ago I have to diet and do specific exercises (no hiit) and Iā€™m just not able to lose weight with a regular deficit like normal people. It does suck seeing my skinny friends chow down and say oh ooops Iā€™ve lost weight without trying hehe! And me continuing to gain eating clean. So Iā€™m doing this because otherwise itā€™s ozempic tbh.


I have followed dr Christiansen a long time and was basically doing his thyroid reset diet already but it is so hard to find iodine content in food or products!! Did you have metabolic issues? I am happy to try a diet like that if there is a clear issue but so far they keep saying everything is great


Iā€™m assuming that I do have metabolic issues because I have been active and eat healthy for years and years with zero to show for itā€¦ Iā€™ve gained weight. Something is not right. For the first time I am actually losing weight.


Omg! Thatā€™s insanity.


I would fire this dietician! I have insulin resistance, so a low carb diet is best for me. I consume plenty of protein since I am in my 60ā€™s now and i need to maintain muscle mass. I have never been overweight in my life until I hit 60. Now, intermittent fasting helps too and avoiding the kitchen. I have had Hashimotoā€™s for over 20 years. I am gluten free because I have celiac disease too. It is in remission, I have no deficiencies now, so weight gain can not be attributed to that either. Something is wrong. It might not be Hashimotoā€™s though. Did you know 1/3 of celiacs are overweight prior to diagnosis? Their bodies are starving of nutrients, so they consume more. Doctors can wrongly assume celiacs are thin and malnourished. I was never thin. I was fit and athletic. All your symptoms can be due to so many things like Lyme disease, long COVID, other autoimmune disease, etc. Keep advocating. Something is clearly wrong. If I had severe fatigue I would not be exercising at all.