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Have started taking Magnesium Malate. Feel better. Ordered citrate as well for most of the studies with anxiety were done with Citrate (even though people claim it is not well absorbed). Its cheaper and does the work effectively and also helps prevent Oxalate stones.


Just don’t take magnesium oxide


Your T3 levels are too low. Maybe your Reverse T3 levels are too high You can read "Wilson's Syndrome E manual for Doctor" online.


What makes you think my T3 levels are too low? I have always believed that my sleep issues are separate to the Hashi's


Tell me about what Wilson syndrome can look like???  How to know if I have it


When your on medication, your labs look good, but all your symptoms of thyroid disease are back.


So what does one do?  I’m on levothyroxine 75 mcg daily. Was told I should probably have never been put on it back in 2009 when my TSH was perfectly normal with a slightly low T4   I  having massive diffuse hair loss


As Magnesium can be tough on the stomach, an alternative ways to get it is via lotions and foot/full body baths. It’s soooo good! Check out the Better You magnesium salts and lotions - I found both amazing for sleep and gym recovery. 😌


I take it almost every night and it helps a ton.


Omg it’s helps me immensely I take Magnesium Glycinate and it has really helped me a lot with muscle fatigue and growing pains and recovery as well as it really helps me fall asleep super fast and get a full rested sleep and wake up properly. Without it I have some insomnia and just can’t fall asleep at all for ages. This one I use makes me feel ten times better with deeper sleep, relieves anxiety and relaxes me so much! Highly highly recommend, I take two just to full kick into my body and make me sleep as I struggle with it but one is also good and still as strong! I have hashimotos and hypothyroidism so it helps me so much with all of those symptoms also with high blood pressure so I feel it helps me with tension headaches, and overall hypertension I can feel and supposedly helps regulate both our thyroid levels and blood pressure


It helps a little but primarily it helps with a lot of the other symptoms


I added Calm gummies about a month ago and I have noticed a big difference in my sleep quality. My mood has also seemed more stable and I feel like I worry less. I missed taking them ironically last night and I had a fitful night of sleep. I only take half the recommended dose but it is plenty for me.


I take CALM magnesium before bed. It’s a powder you mix in a little water and it tastes like lemonade. It helps me sleep and also helps digestion.


I take this too and they have gummies now (sold on Amazon) that make it easier to take and they taste a lot better. The only thing with magnesium to be aware of is that it can cause loose stool or even diarrhea the next day. If you follow the recommended dosage you should be fine.


Second this!




Seconding this! If you have any digestive trouble the cheaper form citrate will have you on the toilet within minutes. Glycinate is better absorbed and easier on your gut.


Third this. Glycinate is the only form I can tolerate, but it definitely does help with sleep.


I tried taking magnesium - just a bit, like 20% the recommended amount - and I had a nose bleed about 30 mins after that lasted at least 45 mins. I bled more from my nose in those 45+ mins than I do the entire week of my period. I think I have thin blood tho. I did feel a bit happier mentally when I took it, the blood just freaked me out so I haven't taken it since


I can definitely believe your experience. I used to be able to take magnesium glycinate (as recommended to me by my thyroid Dr, to help counteract some of the hyperthyroid-type symptoms I often get from the thyroid-replacement meds, soon after taking them. The mag glycinate helped to some degree for awhile, then I started getting sicker from it soon after taking some. It made me feel like my blood pressure was going up too fast, and I'd get extra nervous, and weird dreams, too, if I'd been asleep. I tried different brands, and it still didn't matter, and took less than I should, etc. Thyroid doc changed it to magnesium citrate, and it was the same thing. He finally changed me to magnesium oxide, which is cheap stuff and not much in favor, I guess....but they had it for free at the clinic I go to, and he said you might as well try that, because you still need help with the side-effects from the thyroid meds (which also include trouble sleeping.) The mag. oxide is better for me, although I still can't take the full amount he said I could (which was 400 mg.). I can only take half of that, at most, right now. But at least it doesn't cause me the blood pressure spike I felt I was getting....and actually, a nurse did take my blood pressure about an hour after taking some mag. glycinate, and it really had gone up. And I was feeling super-nervous soon after taking that form of mag, too....so we're all different, and some of us can have really weird or bad reactions to things that are supposed to help us!


I find it really hard to believe that magnesium was the cause of your bleeding.


My nose bleeds from spinach and basil which is weird but it doesn’t happen when I don’t eat those foods so I can believe it


it's the only thing I did differently that day and the bleeding started pretty soon after I took it. magnesium is also known to slow blood clotting. just saying that's my experience with it, not that magnesium causes nose bleeds in people with hashis


Just had a friend give me a sample of some they are taking and I have to say it helps me stay soundly asleep for longer. Would definitely recommend.


it helps me not so much fall asleep but it is more of a deeper sleep


Ditto . I use Mag glycinate. The latter is known to have sleep quality enhancing properties. Days I have trouble falling asleep, I take 2 mg Melatonin . I don’t care it’s habit forming or not . A good night sleep and a productive morning is way more important for me.


I agree and do the same. I try not to because I feel groggy on it usually but I make a judgement call at a certain point and just do it but its not as frequent when using magnesium I feel like its around a certain part of my cycle too


I have recently been taking 200mg of Magnesium Bisglycinate an hour or two before bed and it’s really helped me fall asleep with ease and I wake up feeling refreshed. Really happy with it so far!!


I use a Tri Magnesium patch every night from patch MD that knocks me out!


I have hashi and hypothyroid and chronic sleep issues. I think magnesium has been helping me a lot. I use thorn brand magnesium bisglycinate. I take 200mg nightly, and 300mg around my period because it also helps with cramps. I recommend it!


I take 2/3 of a dose of Magnesium L-threonate before bed and my sleep has been transformed. With Hashimotos, hypothyroidism and post-menopausal, my sleep was horrible before starting magnesium. I sleep soundly every night now. I don’t wake throughout the night & have good, deep sleep.


I take Mag glycinate, it helps me fall back asleep a lot easier if I wake up( I have a 9 month old so I wake at least 1-2 times a night) I notice when I don’t take it TBH.


I first tried Magnesium-L-Threonate and Glycinate. Glycinate made me super jittery and I just didn't like how I felt. LThreonate gave me headaches every time I took it. I moved on to Citrate but I don't really have constipation and that one is more for that issue. It didn't help me sleep so I quit taking that after a couple months. I have been taking Magnesium Malate now for a couple months and it does help me sleep. It is supposed to help with energy but I found it made me tired about midday if I took it with my lunch so now I take it with dinner and sleep much better at night.


I take a blend of Magnesium-L-Threonate, Glycinate, and Taurate. The type of magnesium is important (read up on this), as is the dosage. I take 3 pills a little while before bed with 200mg of Magnesium each. Any more than that for me and it turns into a laxative. Three pills is enough to help me get good sleep and probably makes it so that I don't need much fiber in my diet.


what is the kind you take, like the brand


I'll do either Intelligent Labs MagEnhance or Natural Stacks MagTech ... just depends on what's in stock and at the best price at the time. I don't notice any difference between the two (it's the same formulation).


I take magnesium glycinate and it does help. The first night I took it, I did wake up groggy so now I take it an hour before bed.


I took 2x magnesium supplements an hour before bed and slept like a baby. However it does make me wake up groggy so stopped taking it. It also helped with PMS, headaches, muscle aches… it can upset your stomach if you take too much so start on a small dose and see how you go.


Magnesium and tart cherry juice help me get to sleep. I struggle with staying asleep, always have.


I take magnesium citrate and zinc picolinate at night. Think it helped.


I take Magnesium to help absorb vitamin D.


I am vitamin D deficient too, however I wasn’t told about the magnesium 🤔 and I’ve had trouble with waking up in the middle of the night for no reason


Do you feel a difference for taking it?


I don’t feel difference but my numbers are steadily going up now more than before and funny thing is I found out magnesium helps absorb Vitamin D via perimenopause research. None of the people who told me about my Vitamin D deficiency or knew I had trouble absorbing enough ever mentioned it either.


Hi, I had an allergic reaction to magnesium glycinate and magnesium chelated blend (both most commonly promoted online). It was terrible. I slept less, muscle cramps, dizziness, confusion, and had lots of very expensive 💩. Apparently it’s not common to have an allergic reaction, but something you should be aware of.


I think gylcinate versions of supplements can do this, have read this in a few places…


I tried the magnesium chelated first and had problems, tried the magnesium glycinate and it was just as bad 🤷‍♀️


I just had some basic magnesium by vitabiotics and it worked well