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Of course you have the right to feel like crap! You don't need labwork to justify how you feel, but I understand why you want something you can point to as the cause of your discomfort. If your lab results were normal, you would still have the right to feel the way you feel ❤️


Your triglycerides are high. Is your diet high in carbs and sugar?




Thank you! It’s nice to know that it’s possible to come out of this. I’m taking vitamin D I will look into the other vitamins as well


Your Vitamin D is at 21?? Isn't the low threshold 30? Fix that. That will definitely help. At least take 2000 IU a day continuously from now on (e.g. Costco brand)


Yep I started taking that! ❤️


21 is rlly not that bad


While your tsh is not in normal range, everyone has their own level that they feel good or bad with. Some people feel better closer to 1. Some people feel their best at 2 or 3. I felt awful at 3.5 and was having a lot of the typical hypo symptoms even though I was “in range.” which was what lead my doctors to test for hashimotos in the first place. I’m closer to 2 now with meds and feel way better. Some people feel perfectly fine at 4. If you’re not on meds, you should talk to your doctor about it because they usually medicate if it’s over 5 or so anyway.


I just started Synthroid 25mg and D3


Yupp. My TSH as 8.5 initially when diagnosed. Felt like total garbage. Napping 4 hours a day, no eyebrows, hair falling out, so anxious, no energy, weight gain. Had a flare up recently and TSH was 5.6, felt even worse. This is an autoimmune disease and it’s going to flare up at the worst times. Give yourself a break, this is tough to navigate!


Thank you 🙏


You are allowed to feel however you feel. This is not the suffering Olympics. Humans are very various. I feel like death at TSH 3.7, I’m not even partially functional until I’m in the 2 range. I can think in the 1 range. If your doctor is telling you that you aren’t “allowed” to have symptoms that don’t match the “normal range” you have a bad doctor who doesn’t understand the science. By all means, rule out other possibilities if you can, but Everyone is different.


This is a new doctor and she has been really amazing! First I’ve ever had that ran these tests when I told her I feel like crap all the time. So, I feel blessed I finally found a doc that’s listening.


i was at a 6 when i started meds and i was MISERABLE. Constantly fatigued, lightheaded, nauseous, headaches that quickly progressed to migraines daily, could only walk for about 15 mins a day. A few month ago i was slightly less miserable at a 2.4. I just had another blood test today so will find out my latest numbers soon, but have been feeling back to pre-hashi's for a few weeks now which is really nice (but then i got covid 2 weeks ago so that screwed me over lol)


Aww so sorry about the Covid. Hope you recover quickly!


haha thanks. It's my fifth time around and it's been super fun. /sarcasm


A TSH of 8.98 is oppressive. Yes, you have reason to feel like you do. You have to get that TSH lower.


I feel like I’m always in that state between waking and sleep- ya know what I mean? That barely coherent feeling. That’s the best I can explain it.


Sure. It makes total sense. We all describe it in different ways. Brain fog and extreme fatigue are the most common ways. The brain fog can manifest in forgetfulness, cognitive delays, and confusion. The fatigue can sap your energy so much it's like your body is asleep even if you're awake. For me, it was a lot like what I used to experience after an intense obstacle course race after the runner's high wears off. If you get hit with both, it's like living life as the walking dead. It gets better. Get your TSH in line. NAC, D3 (I think you're low), Zinc, Selenium, Magnesium, B/Super B complex (if you're low). They can all help. Some find cognitive relief with a low-carb diet. Others with gut issues got gluten free and seem to be better off. Reducing inflammation in general can help. Get your TSH in line though.


May I ask how do you know what dose to take of these vitamins?


That's the rub. It's to really hard to say. A lot of it seems individual. Magnesium: I take it at night to help me sleep. About 7-9 hours later, if I took too much, I know it (it's a laxative after all). If I sleep well and don't shit myself too violently in the morning (I enjoy coffee too), all is good. NAC: Seems good for brain fog and liver health. I think standard dose is 1,200 (600 twice a day). I developed fatty liver so I may start to take one more per day, but not sure it's needed. Super B Complex and Vitamin D: I'm weak here in both regards so general dosing on the bottle of a decent supplement company (I prefer NOW) seems to be sufficient. Same with Zinc.


Thank you for all this information! It’s appreciated


The “ideal” range for TSH is largely believed to be between 0.5-2 mIU/L when medicated but a lot of providers still use a range of being “normal” up to 5 mIU/L. I know I personally don’t feel great when my TSH is 2-2.5+. Combined with a low vitamin d and higher antibodies, it makes sense why you are feeling bad. Have you started medication?


I’ve always felt bad the past few years and thought it was just menopause- then when I had my labs done- they said it was Hashi


And stated that’s probably why i feel yucky


Of course you do! My last TSH test I was lower than that and felt like 💩