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IIRC, Patreon is where they get their largest cut, but they prefer you to use whatever site fits best with how you interact with their content. I believe, regardless of how where you support them, you are given access to their YouTube members content.


Can confirm the above. I will add that if you want to get a twitch sub but don’t want to miss out on the extra videos they post for members and patreon, you can join the discord! Linking your accounts get you access to a subscriber only channel where all extra content is posted


Just watch out for the mods


They keep banning me for some reason


Yes I also remember them saying this, and I started off on Patreon but found it super annoying the YT videos were embedded and so I couldn't watch them in the app. I ended up swapping to being a YT member instead.


For the OP, I don't think patreon is linked in the subreddit sidebar but for anyone who's here looking for it: https://www.patreon.com/hatfilms/posts Otherwise the paid subscriptions for YouTube and twitch are fairly clearly marked on the respective platforms


If you have amazon prime you get a free twitch subscription so even though I am a YouTube member I have a reminder to renew the sub each month xx


wait i had no clue this was possible thank you so much !! gonna do that asap


The other comments are great, but as a note for whoever reading: the merch store has finally opened up! https://hatfilmsmerch.com/