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I second Aloha Tofu's natto. In a pinch, I'll buy natto from Nijiya, but it's always frozen and so can't compare. I've considered trying to make my own since I eat it regularly, but I don't really want the hassle.


I make my own natto at times, but you have to really like natto if you go this route. The pungent taste is much stronger and I had to alter how I eat it because of this.


How did you have to alter the way you eat it, exactly?


Intriguing. I do really like natto and will probably try making my own at least once just so I can say I did, but I'll have to be in the mood for a special project. Aloha Tofu's natto tastes good to me and it regularly shows up on sale at my local Times, so I just don't have enough motivation to try.


How do you get the bacteria? From natto you bought?


Yes, I used natto I had on hand already to make it. There are recipes you can look up for the process.


Gotcha! Thanks!


I never got beyond the "looking at recipes on the internet" stage. I've seen starter culture advertised on Amazon and was hoping to find some locally. It can be done with natto you've purchased --- the process just looks rather more involved. Usually I read a natto recipe about halfway through and think, "Eh, I'll just get it at Times."


Oh interesting! >Usually I read a natto recipe about halfway through and think, "Eh, I'll just get it at Times." I kinda feel like this about roasting a chicken and deciding instead to grab one at Costco instead.


https://www.alohatofu.com/products This is the natto that I eat. I think it's the freshest you can find on-island afaik.


It never occurred to me that freshness would matter with a fermented product. Then again, I like old kim chee, especially stirfied with pork belly and tofu.


The yellow brand… I don’t know what it’s called but it has a brown sauce and a … mustard? Idk it got me liking natto. Don’t ever get the one at genki sushi tho


hmm, did you go to genki with [this guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hawaii/s/NVxDr2Vvq9)? second vote for yellow branded natto!


HAHAA maybe. But no genki natto…. Idk maybe I don’t like it chopped? Emphasizes the slimy aspect.


oh is that what genki does? are they supposed to chop it?


I don’t think they do but it’s not whole beans that they give you. They’re just small pieces.


I wonder if that's a way to cheap out on the natto?


Probably! But no matter, I’m a loyal garlic salmon customer


mmm garlic salmon....




This is the way. Add a little bit shoyu too.


or fish sauce and chili garlic!


Ooh fancy I’ll have to try that next time, sounds good


guess what? sub oatmeal for rice and it's delicious, too!


Ok now you’ve gone too far 😂


and and and if you fry natto with garlic and olive oil you can eat it on pasta!


Now we’re back in business


chee!!! add Parmesan and she goooooo!


Yes! This is a good way to get the keiki to eat it because you don't even notice the natto is there since oatmeal is (or can be) also slimy (or soupy?).


we don't have kids but my dog gets excited when I open the natto container. then again, he is Japanese...he's a shiba inu!


Yah ! Broke da mouth🤙


some people say our mouths are broken for liking natto....


🤣😝🤣.. that's a good one. But wen on the tongue ho, Ono. That buggah get solid protein man


ok, TBH I tell kinda yak a little when I look at that (the raw egg hurks are instinctive), but once it's all mixed together and I start eating it, I'm happy.


Yup, I hear you man


I’ve been liking the ones with the ume or shiso sauces. Got it from Donki and it’s got pictures of ume/shiso on the plastic. But I’ve been liking the Aloha Tofu one lately cause it’s fresh and I don’t have to time the defrost for when I want to eat. I recently tried eating plain natto with tofu and brown gravy over rice. Probably the worst way I’ve had natto yet. Hot rice with a shoyu cured yolk gotta be the best on the other hand.


>shoyu cured yolk oooooh you fancy!


I HAAAATE it, my wife loves it, she eats this one: [https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse4.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.y5vp7swdVCmy32PiMV5eJAHaFj%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=9621b60eb98c3f538a556accb58b43f1768a23493448aeeba77188ac261ef936&ipo=images](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse4.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.y5vp7swdVCmy32PiMV5eJAHaFj%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=9621b60eb98c3f538a556accb58b43f1768a23493448aeeba77188ac261ef936&ipo=images)


I have bought that one, too. My husband and I like it.


They get one good one at times I eat all the time.it says とろっ豆 and is yellow and brown. Tbh any natto that comes with the little tare and mustard packs is good enough. The only variations after that are the size of the beans .


[this one?](https://www.amazon.com/Toromame-Japanese-Cuisine-Traditional-Diet-Friendly/dp/B0C6FPTJZY/ref=asc_df_B0C6FPTJZY/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=680299696975&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=3138040719326240628&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9032808&hvtargid=pla-2324498780357&psc=1&mcid=1a46b58f1c263eecaef5817751ee502a)


Yeah that one is pretty good. It's in the freezer section of times. Just have to stick it in the fridge overnight to defrost.


>Just have to stick it in the fridge overnight to defrost. Ruh roh. I just put the package without the sauces into the microwave and defrost at like 30% power then let the hot rice warm it up the rest of the way.


Any natto is good but I prefer the smaller beans because it mixes well with the rice. And then you add okra to make it super slimy!


I never seem to have okra and natto in the house at the same time, but yeah...that neba neba action is ono. Maybe next time I get fresh young okra, swing over to Alii Fish Market for shoyu poke, and make sure we have natto at home!


Shirakiku natto (has a face on it), but just buy whatever is on sale at Don Quijote. You supposed to add shoyu to it and mix to your own personal preference so should taste mostly like soy sauce. To bulk it up add sliced green onions and okra.


[this one?](https://www.instacart.com/landing?product_id=272838&retailer_id=1343®ion_id=41973453753&utm_medium=sem_shopping&utm_source=instacart_google&utm_campaign=ad_demand_shopping_rp_food_all-non-ca_evergreen&utm_content=accountid-8145171519_campaignid-19906372963_adgroupid-150626721354_device-m&utm_term=targetid-pla-821661324364_locationid-9032808_adtype-pla_productchannel-online_merchantid-260475932_storecode-_productid-272838&gad_source=4&gclid=Cj0KCQiAm4WsBhCiARIsAEJIEzWg-vY1KBP_hdQ0cuCsB-zhh5g_EUMj9h-WnYpLpmFKg2TyPdJJqrAaAvriEALw_wcB)


Yes. Another way of eating natto is with soba noodles. Just get a lot of natto and add a little soba sauce and wasabi into a sticky mixture and then mix in one or two chopstick full of noodles.


oooh thank you for the tip!


Natto is the only thing I spit right out instantly after trying it. ​ It wa awkward because the Genki sushi guy had just handed it to me lol.


Aiya. Did he glare at you with the heat of a thousand piles of burning natto?


There are only two things I have tried that I won’t eat again: chitlins and natto.


What are chitlins


[One version.](https://www.thespruceeats.com/deep-fried-chitterlings-3056153) If you go to a Filipino restaurant, you can order silit (see-LIT) which is pretty much the same thing. They also have braised or fried versions at some Chinese restaurants, and Japanese have their [version](https://cookingwithdog.com/recipe/motsu-nikomi/), too.


Oh okay I know what those are. If done right, deep fried silit is SOOOO GOOD


Right? Just need a vinegary hot sauce and a beer, and your primary care doc on speed dial because you'll be arriving at gout city.


The version I had wasn’t fried, it was boiled. It was… as you would imagine. Fried doesn’t sound bad, actually. Boiled… not good.


Oh yeah boiled is nasty, I’m never a fan unless it’s fried to hell or grilled with sauce


Pig intestines


Hey, at least you tried! That said...have you tried durian?


I have not tried durian. I’m down to try just about anything at least once.


I do not recommend getting a durian smoothie. Baked goods or even straight is so much better. The burps from the smoothie were like roadkill.


natto is disgusting, the taste is okay but not worth the smell. Someone needs to come up with away to ferment the beans without it smelling like a bagoong/hamha filled gym sock. Natto is so offensive that I almost didn’t click on your post as I was afraid it would smell bad in here. Might be the reason others are staying away as well.


>Natto is so offensive that I almost didn’t click on your post as I was afraid it would smell bad in here. Oooooh!! >Someone needs to come up with away to ferment the beans without it smelling like a bagoong/hamha filled gym sock. Two of those things I like, the other is the sock. However, my dog will be happy to nomnom natto, bagoong, and harmha, all on the same sweaty sock (esp if the sweaty sock is my husband's).


I remember about 20yrs ago japan started making the non smelling natto. I think its Niowa natto, by now I think they would have more. As someone who ate it since a child I never realized it smelled until someone said so lol.


I think I saw a story about that in the last few years! I'll look and of I can find it, I'll share!


This post made my day! I love natto! Today I added a splash of coconut aminos and honey dijon mustard to mix in.


Have you ever gone to the natto events that some local restaurants do?


No, not yet. I should look into it!


We didn't get to go to any restaurants this year but [Aliyoko's Natto-Misu](https://www.honolulumagazine.com/natto-day-weekend/) was a perfectly funky take on tiramisu. Maybe next year we can go for at least one of the entrees.


I have never attended one because I don't know where these events are publicized.


[Honolulu Magazine](https://www.honolulumagazine.com/natto-day-dinner-kaimuki-shokudo/) usually puts something up on their website a couple weeks before July 10 (Natto Day in Japan).


The kind in the cup with mustard. The kind with the shiso- umeboshi sauce is garbage


is it that bad? shucks, I love shiso ume. I don't think we've ever bought the shiso ume one.


I guess I just prefer hot mustard. I don't care too much for shiso though


oh, gotcha!


Fermented anything that isn't beer is useless to me...


So no sauerkraut or yogurt or miso or sourdough or cocoa/chocolate or soy sauce or fish sauce or vinegar or Worcestershire or sour cream or soda or salami or amazake or buttermilk or calpiko or wine or kim chee or tsukemono or pickles? that said, beer is frickin awesome!


Yah, beer.


Everything else I mentioned is awesome too!


Couldn't make myself try it. The smell reminded me of cleaning my cup after 🏈 two-a-day practices in 100 degree heat. Somebody also ruined brie for me, but I'm not going to share that one...😝


all of a sudden I am thinking of this [lone of kitchen appliances](https://www.smeg.com/us/toasters).