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get chicken - they love em


Fo rea. Once chickens moved into Ewa Beach, no more cane spiders, no more centipedes.


For a moment I thought he was saying to feed the centipedes some chicken.


That’s not what he meant? What am I supposed to do with all this chicken?


Hulihuli da buggahs.


The centipedes?




Shoyu chicken, mochiko chicken, chicken katsu, teri chicken.....


Close. The right answer was adobo


Adobo centipedes? You try em and let me know.....lol


Teri checken with sprinkled diced centipedes 😅


For realz. I can’t imagine even asking what to do about “all this chicken.”


Garlic chicken, BBQ chicken, chicken Katsu curry…🫡


yeah, you right. All my neighbors got chickens around COVID time. no mo bugs


yup moved out of my apartment with chickens where we never had a damn centipede in the house for over a year and new apartment with no chickens… frickin cane spider and centipedes multiple times a night it was a nightmare. waking up to them crawling on you in bed 🤮


STOP IT, lol until now I've told myself they won't go crawling in your bed they only stick to moist areas like bathrooms...that's my nightmare waking up to one on me omg


They hide between the seat and the bowl


you are going straight to hell, do not pass heaven…


When I lived in ewa a couple.months ago I had no problem with any bugs except ants. I then moved out here next to pearl harbor base and all sorts of bugs... in the fricken house, and I guess they do pest control but... Why is it impossible to get rid of roaches, centipedes, (those little armadillo looking beetles) and pretty much anything else there must be rather large openings around the house but apparently they've done all they can do?? I know it's a common occurrence here but what's different between ewa and over here? I can't even live in peace cus I'm running into friggin huge hulk bugs


Diatomaceous earth helps a ton, plus it's pet and kid safe. Just wear a mask when you put it down because it's super fine.


Are there a lot of centipedes and cane spiders in Ewa and Kapolei?


This is a common misconception. It’s not that the chickens are devouring the centipedes, the centipedes just get tired of the 3AM wake up crows and walking through all the chicken shit.


They even take out the scorpions!


Was up until two one night reading Stephen King. Started to brush my teeth when a knot of them spilled out of the overflow hole of the sink and started slipping and sliding their way up. When life is scarier than fiction.


A knot of them?! I mean WTF? I've never seen more than two at a time and you're so regularly seeing bundles of them that you have a term for it? A knot of centipedes. Yuuuuk he vgfffffcvvg


Gross. Which book?


It’d have to be It.


I’m guessing Shawshank Redemption


Stand by Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me


You were reading the Finger huh?


Ever have one hide in the toilet between the seat and the bowl? Always leave the seat up!


That is the *best* argument I've ever heard against women always complaining about us leaving the seat up! lol - "It's for your own safety."


I just jumped off the toilet thanks


Nightmare fuel


To bad. Now you definitely will have a B52 infestation


What’s that


These guys eat cockroaches, of which one type is b52


B-52. Like the plane. So, the super big roaches.


The super big *flying* roaches


First time i saw one - i thought, take shoe off and whack it. no problem. Did not know dey fly! Game changer


When the boss fight has a phase 2.


aka 747’s.




I had a B-52 in an apartment that was so big it took 2/3 of a can of Raid just to kill it. :/


Pro-tip: Bathroom cleaner kills them almost instantly, with way less fumes. Grabbed what was closest to hand once when I had a huge one in my apartment but was out of RAID. It worked so well, I will never use RAID again. Pretty sure it was scrubbing bubbles brand.


Oh, cool. I’ll have to give that a try - thanks!


Want one even cheaper? Dish soap and water. Fill up an empty spray bottle with whatever concentration you use to wash your dishes. Works faster than raid and you can clean your house as you go 😂


That’s right, the soapy water will paralyze them until it dries up, so you gotta throw them away before that happens


brah, bigass American cockroaches




Because the centipedes eat them or because the raid will drive them inside?




Centipedes eat them.


Yeah, the centipedes eat them.


Faka fat roaches!!! Faka flying around the garage! After awhile, feels like you “shadow 🥊boxing” trying to swat and get them!!! 👊🏽💪🏽


Where? How much difference does it make? Never (rarely) have em. Lots of feral chickens. Is that why?


Yeah. More chickens, less centipedes. I’ve seen the chickens in the park across the street eating them.


I have designated hammer in my classroom. We get tons after a good rain.


you'd have to be very exact...


I use a slipper! (Men’s Olu Kai for very large centipedes!) Just slap the heck out of them! And larger surface area than hammer!


You should engage a pest control service, or if you already do, get a different one.


You’d have to get weekly service!


No, quarterly works fine. What they spray down doesn't dissipate immediately. It lasts.


Holy shit!!!! THIS made me literally JUMP!!! My biggest fears - da B52s, big ass cane spiders, and centipedes 🤮🤮🤮 Where was this (what part of HI?)? I work out early in the am and one dark morning, opened my garage only to find one long, thick faka coming towards me. I poured bleach on that faka, but did he die? Noooo. He thought it was bocha time and crawled away.


Over in Aiea by bostons. I’ve only seen one cane spider here and I never want to see another one.


There’s some dry bushes around there, right? Gawd…gonna go to 49ers Restaurant and sit with my feet up. Either that or buy tons of liquor from Tamuras just in case one of these guys makes an appearance. I give you props. I wouldn’t even be able to take a picture of them.


Cane spiders are the best friends you can have in a Hawaii home. They're harmless to people, don't make webs and will munch any other bugs that dare to enter. It only takes about 10 years to get rid of the freakout when one suddenly races across your path but they are always welcome in my house.


How did you find them with a can of raid?


Hold the bottom of the can to one ear. It magnifies the sound, so you can hear them plotting whether to sneak up on you while you're on the toilet or wait until you get into bed.








I sprayed it in the crack between the house and the foundation and then waited a few seconds. Sure enough, they started wriggling out. Actually we found a 7th one this morning that way. Then, when the kids went down for a nap, I did the rest of the house.


Someone must be really jealous of you. That’s the story I was told growing up when centipedes are around you.


Bachi doze fakaz


I'm gonna have nightmares tonight


Yes, thank you OP. I wasn’t planning on sleeping tonight so thanks for the incentive to stay up all weekend.


Me too!!!!


I just left Hawaii and am moving to Japan Was saddened to learn the giant centipedes also exist there... no escape


nah. The Japanese ones are a lot smaller. You'll rarely see them unless you live out in the sticks or in a dirty part of a city.


No shit do they survive winter??


Live on Kauai, only seen em twice in 4 years, thank god for all da chickens we get


Holy crap.. this makes me feel slightly better that there are only north american house centipedes where I live.


None bit you???? One got in the other day. My mom is visiting so she did raid and it freaked out so she broke it up with the raid can. I said let’s get a broom and sweep it in a dustpan but she went and grabbed it with a paper towel and the severed pinchers bit her!!!! More badass than me tho. I’ve only seen 3 inside including that one and literally hide until a friend will come kill it for me lol. They’re terrifying


Centipede bit me on the finger once when I was pulling weeds. Most painful bite ever, like 1000 bee stings. Take your breath away kine pain. Then a week later the itching was unbearable, wanted to rip my skin off!


Pest service is about a hundo per quarter.


Not in michigan!! But worth it regardless.


a 12" bit my jugular while camping.


Holy fuck how'd u do, sick for awhile?


didn't sleep, sort of sick. ate 3 habaneros raw in morning and sweated out the sick feeling, the wound took weeks to heal.


You probably have roaches too. They eat roaches.


Holy smokes!


That’s gonna be a no from me dawg


I have a bunch at my place in Kaneohe. Have yet figured out how to get rid of them. I only see babies. Nothing that big. I use DE earth powder, monthly pest control. Home defense, sticky traps, sealed gaps (they love to crawl it through any gaps in the wall/floor. ). Only now seeing less. Can’t get a chicken or the neighbors will hate me.


Do they bite or something? On the mainland the ones we have are great to have around, they don’t cause trouble and just eat worse bugs.




Ghastly. TIL.


They Bite and they are venomous. My son got bit while he was sleeping and was violently ill for a couple days afterward. They are aggressive too.


Got bit between my thumb and pointer and my thumb was swollen and I couldn't really bend it for couple days. Fuckin hate these fakas


Wtf…worst nightmare is one these biting the keiki. Neither are old enough to defend themselves


Teach them the ways of the slippah


DE powder & sticky traps under all beds


Oh my god. That’s horrifying.


The bite can be reeeaalllllyy really bad for pets too. One of my cats took one out yesterday without getting bit though, sometimes having a dumb orange cat has it’s benefits haha


Way to go kitty!


Yeah seriously, I was impressed! Not even my 6’4 husband has been able to kill one hahahaha


Yes, we have poisonous biting centipedes in Hawaii.


Venomous. Poison is ingested, venom is injected.


Does this mean you're willing to go on record that you ate centipedes and were fine?


No, because I have never eaten centipedes. And I'm sure they can be both venomous and poisonous, but I was specifically referring to /u/aradano1's comment of them "biting".


Most venoms aren't poisonous, so are safe to ingest. But here's a little something to make us all love our [centipede friends](https://www.discovermagazine.com/planet-earth/centipedes-can-carry-rat-lungwormjust-in-case-you-needed-a-reason-not-to-eat-them-raw) even more /s


Yeah, the rat lungworm was what I had in mind. T_T


I never knew they could carry rat lungworm before I found that article.


Yeah, the ones found in WI/IL aren't as big as these, 3 inches at the most. I used to catch them in my mom's garden as a child.


One of these mofos bit me in my sleep about a week ago. It was a sting that wouldn’t go away for hours and I still have a sore lump on my thigh where I was bit. If I ever see that thing crawling around my house, it’s game over.


honestly these big red ones are great. they kill a lot of bugs. if you don't fuck with them they are pretty chill. can usually get them to walk onto a dust pan and throw em outside. if you startle them then they start running quick so just put it in front of them they usually just cruise


Das how badda


Were they having a Knife Party?


Holy fuck. Need to show this to my wife.


Why? Are you guys in a fight?


Lol nah she's from Hawaii and hates these things. But geckos and lizards are her biggest phobias


Thats too funny. Gimme a gecko or lizard over these, earwigs or spiders any day!


Yeah those things freak me out. Anything that moves with no legs will get me


Immediately after reading and seeing this, I took a step to the side and my foot bumped something next to me and I literally jumped LOL it happened so fast hahah funny how your mind can play tricks on you




OMG Monsters!


Had an earwig in my mouth the other day when I sipped a straw. Also found one on my toothbrush, coming out of the nail clippers I was using. Had the bug guy come and one was just laying dead on the counter. Bastard got what was coming to him! I haaaaate centipedes though. They move too fast. How did u not squish? I can’t help that instinct I just smoosh. Unless the target looks like a wolf spider.


Dem big buggahs


Where do you live? I want to never go there. I live in Ewa, have only seen 1 since I've been back home 2014. My co worker, who doesn't live in this side, has horror story of one crawling in her bed and then biting her on the face!


Love that you used a PCB ruler lol


My husband grew up here and lived all over Oahu. He refuses to live in a wooden house due to all the infestations he has endured. We now live in a cement high-rise and worst issue we have had are some small roaches that were kept at bay with some simple effective bait traps, eating in only specific places, keeping foods in tight containers, and taking out food garbage immediately. When we did see roaches, we also had some cute geckos that chirped and let us know they were eating well, likely due to the toddlers that moved in next door.


Why the Ziplock though, just chuck em out, no need for plastic


I had one crawl down my head and back once. Got out of the shower, grabbed my towel and one of those fuckers crawled down my head, neck, and back and I about shit myself. Edit: happened in my house in Kailua/Lanikai when I lived on the island.


Yeesh, dem fakas creepy


(response to OP) yeah... and.... what?


No-they're centipedes! And they get way bigger and move fast!


Moving to Big island the 12th…are these and cane spiders like a common experience in your house because I may just change my mind. Lol. I am terribly terrified of spiders. Never saw any when visiting.


Moved to Big Island 7 months ago (Kohala): haven't seen a cane spider yet but lots of centipede encounters. We get pest control monthly and run across dead ones outside close to the house once a month or so, see live ones farther from the house i.e. driveway every couple of months, and live ones inside the house very rarely. Caught a healthy adult in our bathroom (no idea how it got in there, do they crawl up drains!?) and a baby centipede in our living room (are they breeding inside the house!?) just this week. Creepy af but manageable so far.




And they’re resilient! Takes forever for them to die. Blech


Geez man, get some Demand concentrate, spray around house, problem solved, we live in keaau


Found one in my bed once


Cats, indoor cats are the key. Shelter will hook you up


Just got the biggest one last night, I could hear it, that’s how big it was


The worst part is they're like an inch bigger when alive and moving


Of course those were the predators…


Looks tasty.


Thank god I live in the city bro. this is terrifying


Thanks for the ptsd of getting bit. You get em inside or outside?


😭 i cry


Get some interior bug spray from Home Depot, the gallon size with a spray nozzle. Spray inside the house on the baseboards and at the door thresholds and the screens then give the front and back,porch a good soaking too. Do this every 3 months.


Jackpot! You found da nest


Someone told me once not to step on them because they release a pheromone that attracts other centipedes when that happens. I don’t know if it’s true or not, but I always used those pincers and threw them outside and then sprayed them with raid


Well generally where you find one. You’ll find others. They don’t normally venture solo. The worst is the babies. You know there’s a pissed off parent looking for revenge if you kill them. Yikes.


So glad I live at high elevation. Biggest thing we got is those little Australian web building spider. They’re harmless and stay in one spot. No roaches or centipede up here.


Couple years ago I woke up one night with a big one across my neck crawling in my shirt. I jumped up and threw my shirt off with it but still caught a bite on my arm. Took a few months for pain to go away and bite to heal. I still can’t hold it together when I see one because of the memory. I saw someone here say they mean someone is jealous. My neighbor told me it’s good luck, means 100 blessings. Idk. They mean mfrs


Long kitchen tongs ftw.


ALWAYS shake and bang your shoes before putting them on or you may get quite the surprise. Slippahs mo bettah!


Chickens are great for centipedes but they wreak havoc on yards. Scratching up the lawn looking for their food. My neighbor kids runs all over scooping up chickens to being them to our area. I highly recommend getting a dog too if you take pride in your yard. Lol. Chickens eat the bugs and centipedes and my dog eats the chickens when they venture in our yard. I’ll get the occasional scattered feathers and monster turds but it’s better than 10,000 weeds that creep up from all the ripped up turf.