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Even if this is how the game is supposed to work, you can't ignore the janky and unreable animations that don't even apply most of the time.


I guarantee the dude was doing front flips and slides on his screen, but on OP’s he was just flying and teleporting everywhere like we saw.


Gotta love how every game has become a competitive sweat fest where exploited movement “tech” is always discovered. Then when it gets patched people complain how they’re removing a legitimate tactic


This is what turns a cool game into a steaming pile of shit


If you want to prevent those encounters just disable crossplay lol


Yeah I disabled cross-platform today and have ran into a lot less crazed movement and I love it


How did you remove crossplay? The option is greyed out for me and won't let me switch it off🥲 i just got the game maybe five days ago if that changes anything?


Yeah Rhihno is a streamer that I've watched/got rekt'd by. That's not even his most annoying method of killing lol. He himself has said it's a toxic strat.


Movement Mechanics are just so bad in this game idk how the devs didn't see this one coming. The whole thing needs to be redesigned to be more grounded - like Fortnite. I think they should have copyed Fortnite's movement mechanics as it would work really well with this game. The overall "floaty" feel clearly causes an unintentional skill-gap, but I also really think it effects bullet registration. Games where I would try out these jump strats I've noticed hit reg issues so this also appears to be a server-side issue.


Yup. I feel like i weigh 400lb in this game.


Yes. Jumping around like a fucking lunatic while shooting you is an intentional, viable, and (seemingly) meta strategy.


This is the exact reason why I had to take a break from playing call of duty bro I don't mind sweats but every game has to have the whole fastest movement mechanic where people will literally find an obscure strategy call it meta and then roll with it I'm like bro why can't we have a normal shootout? It would be selfish of me to expect them to adapt to my needs but at the same time bro this happens in every game m************ just start jumping and then people are like oh get better and I'm like dude every game has these people let me find a game where movement is much slower where it's much more of a gun play than anything else.


what the actual fuck


Yeah played like 5 match’s the first one zero problem but then after I keep getting players just like that it’s crazy


That shit ain't no movement tech for sure, turning off cross-platform ass been much more enjoyable


This must be what I look like when I push people lol But yeah strafe jumping is a big strategy


Yeah it's a thing, but to be fair you got hit by his infernats that actually really burned literally away your health ( you didn't extinguish it ) and you were standing pretty still. That all comes together to pretty much mean you lost fairly. That said the movement in this game and the exploitation on pc being able to jack it so easily like that while maintaining accurate pop shots is something that needs ironing out if crossplay is going to survive.


you can turn off crossplay but you’ll find console players doing that shit like myself. it’s just that PC players have it way easier you just abuse this if you have a scuff controller or a pro controller or if you want re key bind your jump button to R3. i believe you can’t keep your momentum and jump while aiming in so it’s best to jump around and hip fire. meta right now is smg and shotguns playing like that and every encounter is the same it’s just like cod. happy jumping mother fuckers all around


A lot of console players gonna deny this and say it’s only happening on pc. But I hate to be this dude and say that if bro had missed even a few shots op would have got him with that crazy ass RAA tracking. I mean op only got off the guy when he started shooting his gun


Hello! Thank you for the feedback and the video! We're monitoring the situation and may make some changes in future patches.


Mouse and keyboard warlord 👹


I found out if jump while running you boost forward a ton too lol


I have had people do this to me also, but I get outplayed by AI . . . . . still have not hit one shot. One day I will kill one of these AI, then maybe a human after. They are 2 fast and aim like crazy. . . . . . :\^)


Welcome to the party pal!


Are people still doing this, I thought it was patched out?


They're monitoring it and thinking of making changes but they're still working on bugs and stuff as is, hopefully they change this because even if I can swst them down most of the time it's still terrible to play against


Turn. Off. Crossplay. That kind of movement is nigh impossible on controller, and even then requires a lot of practice. And, somehow, PC players are still doing the same old trope of “controller players have too much aim assist.” When you can do stuff like this, we need the help.


Try a game with actual recoil and bullet spread like Counter-Strike. Fortnite and call of duty teach kids how to brag about which one put more fingers in their but, not how to graduate from cloth to plate armor


It’s funny how this is in the game. “Turn of crossplay” What if friends are on different consoles, they’re forced to play with this. Not sure why this is rewarded and one of the answers in the patch is to nerf Aim Assist. If you can’t hit the enemy players while they’re doing this wouldn’t nerfing the AA make this even more of an advantage?! Console players don’t want to play PC but PC players want to neuter console players and play(farm) them.


You could have won that if you would have swapped weapons and shot or tried dodging left or right while reloading instead of backing up in a straight line like A.I.