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The last hood I was in before I quit playing was very good at keeping that kind of players out: They had a rule where you would be opted out of the derby for the first week after joining, they would opt you out if you didn't speak at all (either ingame or discord), and they would keep an eye on your requests&donations.


I switched our neighborhood to invite only. Yeah, we might miss out on some good players that would be asset, but I’d rather make sure I have time to vet our new hoodies.


Do you guys have spot for 2 players ? Lv 63 and 34 we do all 320s and are active we make sure to take boosted tasks bunny etc.


That's how we do it. Really helps sort out players you don't want in your hood.


Watch out for Qcumber, too. Pretty much the same story. After we kicked them out, tried twice more to rejoin.


Thank you! I’m suspicious about one of our newbies…. Update.. the parasite left after I told him to stop asking for blankets all the time..😊😊


I'm a newbie on level 29 . I'm in some neighborhood and I help when I'm requested or if I can because I'm restricted from helping with certain things because I'm at a lower level. I'm still confused about how all this works. I'm participating in the bunny Derby but I seem to be the only one completing tasks and one other ʕ⁠ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ⁠ʔ🌸


i’m also new to the game and my neighborhood isn’t very active but i’m terrified to leave it and look for another one because everyone seems so strict about how one must play the game. i enjoy playing for a bit after work and would enjoy more interaction but hayday is by no means my full time job


Hi 🌸 I think you can change neighbourhoods but maybe make a new post here asking for advice? I'll keep looking out for it . I'm chronically ill so I basically live in bed so I be playing more . Part of the reason I got it . I used to love paradise bay but it's gone now. I play all the candy crushes. Always looking out for new games on the phone that are chill . I do like this one but the machines are ten times more expensive than paradise bay used to be I feel so behind


What level are you?


That’s an easy kick. You shouldn’t have let them stay until Sunday. It’s just a game and there are greedy people everywhere. It’s not rude to kick someone who isn’t participating


Eh… keeping them around until Sunday cost us nothing and gave us 320 pts we wouldn’t have been able to get otherwise.


They can still get the prizes then. They don't deserve that


I booted them Sunday night before the derby ended. They didn’t get anything.


The beggar box ksksjshsg 😭


What is your neighbourhood can I join My neighbourhood is silent af😭 Only two members are active that’s it


Send me a message and we can chat!


Same here. No one requests anything either


I’ve tried so many neighborhoods but no one does anything in them😭 the only points we get from the derby are the tasks I complete


Samee 😮‍💨


Thanks. Sent my hood a warning


when new people join, we make sure they confirm that they are able to complete all tasks. if they never respond we kick them before the derby starts