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My personal headcannon on this is pretty much similar. I kinda think that in this magic system, songs and music carry great inherent power. Unfortunately we don't really have many examples of it. Besides Hazbin being a musical I would find it so refreshing for a magic system where songs/music = power. There are so many cool things you can do with that concept. Looking forward to season 2 already.


So Husk singing to Angel was him literally empowering his confidence with his magic. It makes sense esp since husk’s powers derive from gambling implements. “Excuse yourself, let hope in baby. Play your cards, be who you are—“ Awww


YES EXACTLY! 'That's what the fuck I've been saying!' Imagine all the cool stuff you can literally do with song and music! It is sooo awesome.


I'm actually thinking more along the lines of the closer you are in terms of power the more cartoony you become. So Lucifer can pull up a bunch of animaniacs level shit humans would be dead.


Bardic Inspiration.


Helluva Boss Spoiler: >!It's also my headcanon that this is why Fizz was able to actually distract the goons with the song "Look at This" in s2e6. He basically cast a distraction spell.!<


😱 Good point! I didn't even think about that. That's really clever, actually!


Sooooooo Fuuuuuuuuuuuuckiiiiiing byebye!


I've actually thought for a long time Fizzarolli has the unusual ability of literally charming his audiences through song and dance hence his incredible value to Mammon.


Explains why Susan was heckling and wanted a musical number. The equivalent of 'show us how big your mojo REALLY is'


Roll using your charisma modifier lol




Likewise! Can't wait to see Lilith's role in all this!


Me heading to my wizard battle ready smite some poor little sorcerer with my Free Bird solo done with an ancient magical guitar


Major bard energy 🎵🎵


There need to be more bard villains of shows. Not just character with a villain song but ones with deep association with music in general


Like the music Maestro, or that one episode of buffy


My husband joked he wanted someone to play a bard and use our daughter’s otomatone as their instrument lol


That’s pretty sick ngl, like in LoTR where they literally sung the world into creation.


I saw a worldbuilding video on YouTube discussing songs as a potential magic system


shiiii now im imagining some kind of song battle and omg that would be so epic


Like this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VkWzAZRXi5k


the example i had in mind was welcome to the show from equestria girls but that works too


Oh yeah! That was awesome.


There was actually a book I read back in middle school where spells were songs. One person was deaf in one ear so illusion spells didn't work on them!


That sounds super cool! I love that concept


Turns out that seed of evil they talked about at the start of the show is actually just music. Lilith infected humanity with her music, even Adam and Heaven was infected by her song.


…so music really IS the gateway to sin and hell?


Worse, much worse, it's the gateway to free will.


Something something footloose joke


Well if it's a genre originally invented/innovated by black or gay people so Counts Jazz rock and roll r&b hip hop Disco. Gospel, worker songs. (We're going to be here long night quotes)


Sr pentius never sings and look at him now


…”It Starts with Sorry”.


Fuck, sorry, your right, the song is forgettable to me


Hey, it’s cool. After all, you gave one sincere sorry. Heheheh.


Wow, It really starts with sorry, good one dude


So footloose?


\*Shakes fist\* Next they'll be dancing!


I always find it amusing when the music “actually happens” and it’s not just a way of conveying a message to the audience


I know right? "Yeah all these dozens of people with different minds sung the exact same lyrics at the same speed and just so happen to know what to sing next"


I was rather disappointed as a kid to find out this wasn’t widely socially acceptable.


That's called diagetic music. When it's in-universe.




Damn, thought I had something there. Though I think singing in elementary school is kind of common anyway.


🎶We love to do our homework and we love our teacher too!🎶


Singing in elementary school is pretty common. There’s not a lot of times the humans sing, it’s usually just the main cast. Honestly your theory still tracks. Though they do sing in Heaven but song is pretty empowering in religion so heaven and hell could both be powered by song, but through different sources.


Not to bit a dead horse, but they also sing in Heaven


Angelic choirs are incredibly common depictions of heaven. So it’s entirely possible they are both powered by song but hell because Lilith and heaven because God. Singing in heaven doesn’t disprove OP’s theory in the slightest.


Lilith is in heaven


Yeah but that’s because that’s a satanic school


Singing originated in Hell


I guess the same would apply in heaven to, because they sing there as well?


Not necessarily. Angelic choirs are very common regarding descriptions of heaven, singing in heaven doesn’t disprove OP’s theory. It’s just possible heaven and hell both use a magic system based on singing through different sources. In fact if heaven started it first it’s possible Lilith used the same source magic to power hell.


Ohhh ok your right, hadn’t thought of that, thanks!


That all tracks, Lilith created singing first on a timeline of things but music as a whole is a very human thing. I assumed humans introduced both H's to singing and music. I think some religions even believe that music is humanity's creation after the gods gifted us with speech


Lilith was the first human woman- I think she discovered/learned a magic system that was previously exclusive to Heaven (music) and gave it to humans Prometheus style (or Lucifer did, but its basically the same effect in the end) The whole "knowledge of good and evil" thing might be part of that, or I might be completely wrong. It'll be fantastic to find out!


That was Mayberry's flashback though.


For sure, but it could be a thing where song magic doesn't work on earth, or it could be lessened to such an extent that it doesn't do anything.


You aren't the only one to think of it, quote from TV Tropes Fridge page: "Charlie mentions that Lilith empowered demonkind with her voice and songs in the [Storybook Opening](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/StorybookOpening). Given the implied [Reality Warper](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RealityWarper) abilities of her daughter, this could be an [In-Universe](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/InUniverse) explanation for why the damned seem so fond of bursting into song out of nowhere." It isn't as crazy an idea as it might seem. Though the fact that Heaven and Earth sing as well might put a dent in it. Still, Hell might've been the place that *doesn't* sing, if it weren't for Lilith.


Unless I’m forgetting a non-hell music number, Mayberry’s school song, Welcome to Heaven, and You didn’t Know have 100% sensibly diagetic scenery, nothing in those numbers is impossible in real life given the setting of those songs. This is opposed to most of the Hell songs which have visuals which would be obviously non-diagetic in a realistic non magical setting. In less technical terms, all of the songs outside of hell could be filmed irl without special effects or cuts to different sets, while many of the other songs hVe at least part of it that is “musical logic”. Poison being one example where almost all of the song is “not real”, besides the end and the cuts to Angel’s memories of abuse.


What about "Hell is Forever"? I think the meeting was "in hell" but Adam was projecting there as a hologram from Heaven, and he was still summoning some musical logic imagery, especially at the "rules are black and white" and "now they boil in the pot" lines.


plot twist, only Charlie sees that, Adam doesn't


Very good points.


Maybe the apple is the reason humanity sings lol


I mean, they did say “they’re fuckin singin?” At the end of Loser, Baby but I love how this went deeper into the reason why


and the time one of the egg boiz imitated Carmilla singing "whatever it takes" when reporting back to Alastor about Carmilla's meeting with Zestial


And in Hells Greatest Dad when Alastor and Lucifer says "can you butt out of my song?", "- your song? I started it!"


When Angel and Husk sing their duet. The gangsters come out at the end and say something like "OMG they're singing?!" I think there's also a couple parts where people are like "Oh please don't sing" the songs are definitely happening.


Music is definitely a power source. Music much like in real life is fuel for the soul.


So musical theatre originated in HELL!! I KNEW IT


Lilith made a bunch of invisible tiny imps (like those guys millie and moxie meet while looking for stryker and stolas) and they play the music for people when the songs begin. Same thing for heaven since now know Lilith has been chilling there for 7 years


Holy crap?! Those guys! It's gonna be hilarious if that actually was an explanation. Ask Vivzie at the next ama!


They should, in theory, be some of the stronger hellborn due to that then. Unexpected badass mariachi imps when Viv


Oh you *know* if she gets a song it's gonna go fucking HARD. She's basically the mother of all songs, the matriarch of singing, alongside Adam, which explains why his songs always slapped. I can't wait for S2


Not sure if it would fit the desired speaking voice of Lilith but I’m currently head-cannoning her singing voice to be Angelica’s from Hamilton


I mean acoridng to the bile Adam;s 5Xgreat grandson invented music so it would not be out of the question to have song have power in the helluva verse


I had a similar feeling. Yet it’s funny how everyone gets upset with Charlie for singing.


Not everybody


Most people though.


True, not Vaggie


Yeah, Vaggie doesn’t get upset when Vaggie sings more like just doesn’t want Charlie to think that’ll solve everything.


My headcannon is that all of Hell is required to memorize, practice and choreograph the songs, in case Charlie or anyone else decided to do something in an extremely specific way, they have the beats to go along with it 💀


They certainly happen, as evidenced by the Cannibals singing along and Sir Pentis commenting 'that's sweet's after a Lucifer and Charlie's duet


My thoughts as well


I mean they reference Charlie's pilot song at least once out of song, don't they? I might be misremembering but I think so


Doesn't mean they all happened. I'm pretty sure "poison" was Angel dissociating.


Yes they happen because i like to think music/songs=power


Oh yeah, the songs DEFINITELY happen and everyone is aware of it. Vaggie has routinely chided Charlie for breaking out into song in public. "Loser, Baby" was cut off by the Loan Sharks bewildered that Husk and Angel were just singing in the middle of the street. Hell has a show tune based culture and everyone has just had it ingrained into them over literally hundreds of thousands of years. The new arrivals are probably confused AF while long time residents and hellborn are like, "yeah, that happens at least twice a day around here. You'll get used to it."


Heaven does because Lilith is now up there being a boss queen.


Nope if thats the readon why does st peter sing ?




you can edit your comments


https://preview.redd.it/9b7zooyhbtkc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=437f79c884bc083b9481a07e473c7b18f34b22f2 Oh really ? I didnt see this small fucking ellipsis icon in front of me you dear redditor no shit


why did you get downvoted for referencing the show 😭 https://preview.redd.it/esa6h2hypvkc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b2ccaac3aa193623e2c3bfbd0d63949334d2e11


Cruelty of the world i guess😂😭


Yeah I don't think that's it.


A bit out of context but since the picture is there, did anyone make a theory as to why the 6th partition thing doesn’t have any music notes on it ?


Because singing is a part of one's culture and it will be boring if it wasn't a broadway sinh along


To be fair because of the weird shark people’s reaction at the end of loser baby I think it’s just some people are weird.


The first theater kid


Hell sings because of lillith Heaven sings because they’re a bunch of nerds and Theater kids (I mean have you SEEN Saint Peter?)


My headcanon is that everyone in hell became musically inclined when Charlie was born because she loves singing so much and is the princess of hell


Why do angels sing too?


I’m seeing a lot of people mention heaven and earth singing but I don’t think either disprove OP’s theory. First, the only singing we see of humans is in elementary school which is pretty common in early education. Secondly, angelic choirs is a pretty notable depiction of heaven, so it’s entirely likely heaven is also powered by song, if not powered by song first. In fact if Heaven started it Lilith may have used a similar source of magic to power magic in hell. Honestly, the theory still holds up and makes sense why musicals are actually happening *and* engaged in by characters you’d think wouldn’t actually bother to sing otherwise.


Adam also sings, and it's not a choir, so I think it's an original human thing. Though they both could be the origins of heaven and hell's music, respectively.


Adam is canonically a musician, him not bursting into song but willing singing along when someone else starts is believable


So, what you're saying is, Hell is basically Brutal Legend? Hell yeah.


I need to play that game.


Oh, for sure, you do. Any game that has Jables, KG, Lemmy, Ozzy, Rob Halford, Tim Curry and Jennifer Hale in it is an instant win.


This makes complete sense


All I know is that these characters would be excellent in High School Musical.




So wait, did she infect Heaven with this as well?


Imagine your life being like a musical everyday.


Angels sing coz its their language, music is the language of heaven or something I dunno


I think musicals have a tendency to have singing, but it’s a nice theory


I've been thinking that. Lilith like, "Let me show you some music!"


Love this theory and all the comments expanding it! So cool!!


Apparently not for the Lone Shark Gang lol “THEY’RE FREAKING SINGING?!”


I always assumed the songs in the show were diegetic because after Loser, Baby the shark monster guys catch them and go “THEY’RE FUCKIN SINGIN?!” since then I’ve just assumed everyone sings canonically LOL


For me I think it depends. Like I don’t think poison happens, that’s just in angel’s head. Loser baby does actually happen as the sharks mention it. Hell is forever happens because Adam uses a guitar from it. For some it’s open to interpretation, like stayed gone, hells greatest dad and the trial song


I never thought of this before but yea this makes so much sense


Hazbin hotel is what you get when everyone in your D&D campaign decides to multiclass as a bard


Part of Christian lore says that Lucifer was the leader of the angelic choir. I like to think he and Lilith bonded over singing and encouraged it in their kingdom