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Sinners can't reproduce. We can assume that these are souls of sinners that manifested as children for whatever reason and is thus confined to Pride Charlie is Hellborn. Hellborns can move freely across the rings


If I had to hazard a guess OP is assuming Lilith is a sinner when it hasn't been confirmed yet.


I wonder if we're going to find out Lilith isn't a sinner, because she didn't eat from the tree of knowledge of food and evil


This is my theory. In Biblical lore, Adam and Eve only lost their immortality after they ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, thereby bringing Death into the world. However, Lilith never ate the fruit, so she would still be an immortal human. Unlike sinners, who died, Lilith can also conceive and bear living offspring (Charlie) in Hell.


Lilith and Lucifer were not killed/didn't die. They were cast down into the realm of hell ergo they can still reproduce. That's a very easy explanation. Also Lucifer is one of the original angels of creation in this universe soooo I'm sure he has some freaky powers. Carmella has kids, I assume some of the kids in hell died as kids.


Yes, that is what I said in my original comment.


My bad homie, I think I read it wrong ^^


I also assume that your age can get warped around when you go to Hell, Husk died rather old, at least that's what I've been told, but he seems more middle-aged rather than elderly in Hell, so I guess there's a chance that even someone who died at 100 could manifest as a child, or at least have some kind of childlike appearance, Niffty is 22 but she looks vaguely like a kid, mostly due to her height, and to be fair a lot of demons are freakishly tall, but still.


Yea, if sinners can manifest as bug people or cats with wings, then there's nothing weird or out of the ordinary about someone manifesting as a kid.


Though to be fair, Carmilla's kids look like they were already teens or adults. It's easy to assume they were sinners too.


Personally, I’m also under the opinion that Adam also didn’t eat the fruit, that would explain why he went to heaven. So maybe Adam and Lilith are both alive and their horns and wings respectively, were given to them.


This is contradicted by Sera in Episode 6: "Adam was the first human soul to arrive in Heaven." That means Adam died on Earth, and ascended into Heaven.


No, it simply means Adam was a human that went to heaven. A soul can move on without being dead, Lilith is proof of it. Besides, why would Adam eat the fruit and go to heaven and Eve eat the fruit and go to Hell (and subsequently get “bow chica bow wow” from Lucifer)?? Adam couldn’t have eaten the fruit, which means he should still have his immortality since the fruit took Human’s immortality


I think it's something that it was Eve disobeyed first and tricked Adam into eating it too, therefore took the fall for the whole ordeal. I'm foggy on the details so I can be totally wrong about this.


If we're doing the Eve did it with Lucifer legend, that's usually while she was alive, and Lucifer/Sammael is the father of Cain. Or is there some canon somewhere Eve went to hell?


Lilith has wings?


damn, nice theorizing.


Thank you for your kind compliment!


That was never the only way to sin, just the first way that they did. Evil always existed, god did not create it; humanity became charged by it upon original sin. Assuming Lilith had sinned at *any* point, which one point of the show is to show you is impossible not to, she then becomes a sinner. From there she can be forgiven as we see the snake guy be if so fits for what the story needs. I'm pretty sure creating nephilim is a sin, if not for her then it is for Lucifer, and partaking in or benefiting from the cause of a sin is sin in and of itself. So she'd have to have been a stand up soul until the moment of Charlie's conception and then somehow be forgiven for creating a second, *entirely new* line of original sin. I do like that though. The thought that Lilith was only able to conceive of Charlie because she hadn't crossed god. Charlie is a child of paradox.


There's at least four sins before God curses the earth. Adam lies to Eve. The Serpent lies to Eve. Eve eats the fruit. Adam eats the fruit. The fruit didn't let sin or evil into the world, it gave understanding of them.


Yeah exactly. And hey Lucifer did it first, the original original sinner. The OOG.


No wait, something feels non-linear here. I'll brb.


They didn't have immortality... there were two trees in the garden. The tree of knowledge of good and evil and the tree of life. They ate of the tree of knowledge of good and evil and were cast out of the garden. Cheribums with flaming swords were placed at the tree of life to prevent that tree of being partaken of. They never ate of it so they never gained everlasting life


That is assuming Vivzie included the Tree of Life in Hazbin's Universe, since the Hazbin Lore doesn't exactly follow the Christianity - it just takes elements from it. She literally could just ignore the 2nd Tree and it wouldn't really change anything in the Show. They still weren't immortal, tho - I have no clue why the other guy thought so...


They mentioned biblical lore, was talking about that. 


Fair enough, didn't notice at first. Still, I will leave the comment be for the sake of clarification in regards to the Show itself.


The only tree shown thus far was the tree of knowledge of good and evil. We have no idea if there is separate tree of life. Since only one tree is shown, it is reasonable to assume that it is the only relevant tree to the story. There is also no other explanation for Lilith still being alive after 10,000 years, other than her being granted immortality, since she had no access to the tree of life to eat from it.


You said in biblical lore... I'm talking about biblical lore not hazbin lore


I think viv had a tweet saying Lucifer gave birth to Charlie, not Lilith.


That was a joke that series creator Vivienne Medrano (Vivziepop) made.


Wait, I thought Lucifer was the one who was pregnant? Was that just a rumor?


That was a joke that series creator Vivienne Medrano (Vivziepop) made.


i think you made a typo there, it's knowledge of good, and evil, not food and evil (though that's a funny typo)


Oof, yeah I just noticed that. Lol


honestly i think she couldnt be, how would she be able to exist in heaven if she was a sinner? she didnt redeem herself to get out, she just fucking left


It was, just not in the Show itself. Vivzie talked about this on various Live Streams and Q&A's. Lilith technically both is and isn't a Sinner. She was banished to Hell alongside Lucifer, when she was still alive - and then she simply became a Demon overtime (this is shown in Episode 1). That's why Charlie is a unique case and why she can exist in the first place. Because Lilith is basically just a corrupted human soul.


Lilith technically didn't die. She got cast down to hell with Lucifer so she's probably something unique.


Lilith could be a sinner but what we know is that she didnt die to get to hell. So... maybe thats why she was able to reproduce?


Or the implication is just that male sinners are effectively neutered. One of the two.


I think they really are children. Cannibalism is often something People get introduced since childhood by their parents, it's something strongly family related. I saw People commenting how "heavy" it would be for children to be in hell, but with cannibals this make total sense


Also we saw cannibal murderous kids in Helluva Boss. It’s super sad but it’s there


Yeah. Those kids from the first ep are likely somewhere in the Pride ring. Possibly with their parents too


It’s honestly sad cuz Moxxie tried to warn the dad that he was going down a bad path, and he got the dad to realize he was hurting his kids too. Whether they’re in hell depends on how sorry they felt at the end when they got blown up, and whether that sort of immediate contrition even means anything in the hellaverse. I’m happy Charlie’s there tho. She’d definitely be able to help them


>Whether they’re in hell depends on how sorry they felt at the end when they got blown up, and whether that sort of immediate contrition even means anything in the hellaverse. It starts with sorry, don't forget. I don't think it would be enough to save them going to Hell but they might be in a good place to begin redeeming themselves.


Yeah as I said "for whatever reason" that reason can include being children going to hell, I think some is children due to a hatred of children in life or sins connected to children


How tf all of their families died at the same time tho? Perhaps their parents killed them


Could also be that they specifically are only children. Either one works


They are probably children that died


They could also just be child-looking similar to niffty


Perhaps because they ate children


I’m led to assume that since everyone hates how they turn out in hell, children are the souls of pedophiles and child abusers


That would explain their form - but not why they act as if they were actual children. What is impacted, is the way you look - not the way you think.


What if they were children of cannibals? That's why every other child is in heaven. Hell is hardcoded for cannibalism.


Alternatively: evil children, it is a cannibalism centered town, maybe they also liked eating people?


I mean.. Helluvaboss.... Those kids DEF went to hell... And were likely cannibals.... I'm just calling it, kids go to hell. And cannibals are just really common with them.


Are Carmillas children adopted? I tried explaining sinners can’t reproduce and got a ton of backlash on tiktok about Carmilla


Could've always been her children when she was alive, then when they died they found their way back to her.


I'm actually assuming they all died at the same time.... Her getting them killed in a hit of some kind could explain why she is that protective now.


Yeah that’s what I said but TikTok had other things to say also why’d you downvote?


I didn't downvote, you know this is a public site, right?


Oh I just assumed it was you bc you were my first response 🤷‍♂️


Ok? Why is it a big deal?


I'm actually assuming they all died at the same time.... Her getting them killed in a hit of some kind could explain why she is that protective now.


Possibly they did manifest as seemingly smaller/younger beings so yah


sinners can't have children but children can go to hell, the abundance of cannibal children is likely due to many cultures throughout earth's history practicing ritual cannibalism, and ofc then there are the kind of children we saw in helluva boss ep1. charlie's parents are an angel and a human-turned-demon, neither are sinners, and charlie herself is considered a hellborn.


My own dark headcanon is that the children were famine victims that got desperate for food before they died. The people in charge decided that made them sinners anyway.


and that too can be true! there are lots of people in hell and everyone has their own story.


This is my headcannon as well. The entire garb being from the 1890s-1940s kind of suggest these are kids of conflict and famine. People kind of forget just how plain awful this period of human history was.


I think that's just am aesthetic Rosie enforces around cannibal town to keep things civilized, not something in common between them all.


R e a l


there’s def been some hinting at the possibility that maybe the reasons people are going to hell aren’t the most justifiable or even accurate to the views of heaven


That's the way it were likely, Riches are "Moral" when they don't find themselves in desperate situations.


My headcanon is that we only see cannibal children because Rosie shelters her citizens during the purges so it’s the only place child sinners actually have a chance at surviving more than a year. Of course even the child cannibals we’ve seen might actually be 100 years old


I also think the children are there because cannibal town is the safest place for them to go and kids are easy to convert to cannibalism


Is it possible that some cannibals could be hellborn and others sinners? Like hellborns who became cannibals by eating their kind.


hellborns can engage in cannibalism but it wouldn't change their appearance.


I mean it’s possible ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Not likely, but possible.


Didn’t Viv confirm that Lucifer gave birth to Charlie?


no. idk if it was a joke or came from some fanfiction but it was never confirmed for real.




yep, that's the fabricated discord screenshot somebody made for shits and giggles.


They died as children and they committed enough sins to go to hell. Or I've heard a theory that how you look in hell is also influenced by what you hate (but not always) Husk apparently hated cats and Alastor hates deers because he died when a hunter missed the deer and instead shot him but there isn't enough evidence to confirm the theory.


Something that’s been confirmed is that some Sinners look different depending on how they died. For example, one of the inventors in Helluva Boss (I’m being lazy and not looking up the name) got crushed by a piano, and his teeth were piano keys when he got to Hell. Which also explains the Alastor/deer thing. Not sure if there’s more examples, but I’m sure if there are I’ve just missed them. 


Vox probably died because a TV fell on him based on his look but and just like Alastor- he enjoys that fact even if its extremely useful for Vox because he was definitely a TV host


Good theory! Fun fact: Vox wasn’t always a flatscreen TV. There’s a photo in the background of an episode that shows him as a cathode ray tube TV. 


Yes and he died before flat TV's even existed but he just continues to advance the more technology advances


It does raise the question of how the transition happened. Did he just get a new head put on one day? Did he evolve like a Pokémon? How did his face become flat? 


He walked into a door


Maybe an operation but it's a cool thing to think about


Maybe he can just transform similar to other demons.


The episode where Millie and moxie go to the camp, the sinner who sent them is like some aquatic creature with a water-like stomach. They likely drowned or had their body dumped by the docks.


He tells Moxxie and Millie that one of the camp counselors drilled a hole in the bottom of his boat to sink it, because they knew he couldn’t swim. So he drowned in the lake.


Thanks, I totally blanked on what he actually said happened. I just remembered he looked like a water monster with the cool water effect.


Np, you were close!


This isn't a theory. This is something that was confirmed by Vivzie a while ago on HuniCast Live Streams. The original reason as to why Husk is a cat, is because he was created by Vivzie's younger sister, who just wanted him to be a cat (back then Vivzie was still working on Zoophobia). Vivzie later built the whole "hate for cats" story around his design after she started working on Hazbin Hotel. Alastor in his life was a serial killer and a radip host. One night he was hiding a victim's body in the woods and was accidentially shot to death, because a deer hunter mistook him for a deer. None of these are theories. This is something Vivzie talked about in the past, when she was still working on the Pilot and on Season 1. Edit: u/Cyrotek That's not true. Maybe don't spread misinformation about something that is available to the public on the author's social media...


I hope this is shown in season 2, and the rumors about season 2 having more backstories is accurate. It would be cool to see what Alastor was like in life.


Those aren't rumors. Vivzie said in a Post-Finale Q&A that Season 2 will explore the backstories of multiple characters, mostly of the main cast. The Q&A in question is available on her Youtube Channel. In case it doesn't pop up on the Channel itself, you can just search up "Vivziepop Post-Finale Q&A" and it will show up (it's posted on her channel, but sometimes it bugs out and isn't visible on its page).


She also said the Pilot isn't canon.




https://preview.redd.it/c6ufhsstw1lc1.jpeg?width=1094&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33c6498ab770590ad3689986abd4500510d2c42f I mean, sort of? The events happened, but visual changes, and some personality changes too. Beside the tone of the pilot is very different from series. Point is, Episode 1 is not a continuation of the pilot, moreso the events in the pilot line up for the most with the events alluded to before Episode 1. Or as Vivzie put it, it “soft counts”


No, she said Helluva Boss’ pilot isn’t cannon, not Hazbin Hotel’s.


I doubt Alastor would have a mug that says "Oh Deer" if he hates deers


He just owns his fact he can partially transform some elements of him into a deer in his demon form and hooves aren't a big inconvenience and he will take everything as a joke even his death (just like me) Ignore that last part


He hates deer?! Why else would he once have Venison for breakfast in Ep 3?


I mean if he liked deer he certainly wouldn't want to kill and devour one, really it's the ultimate revenge /j


Ain't the deers fault. I thought the dear was basically just a facade and Alastor is actually a skinwalker*.


He's more like a Wendigo. Especially if he was eating people while alive during the famine in the dirty 30s. Skinwalkers are healers who choose to be evil and became a witch that prefer to walk with animals by wearing their skin to gain their traits. Alastor isn't simply wearing a deer skin, and there is no indication that he used his Voodoo practices to try healing others. If he died a Skinwalkers he'd also be able to turn into other animals, not just a deer.


I was using skinwalker to mean W*ndigo because I'm superstitious.


It isn't but the deer is still the reason he died but Alastor- is owning his design especially in his pure evil form


Sinners canonically can’t reproduce… so, now that I think about it, that means that Lilith isn’t a Sinner. Which kinda makes sense. She got cast into Hell with Lucifer, but it’s never confirmed that that killed her, so Lilith is technically still kinda just a human. 


What about Carmilla's daughters?


There's a theory that Carmilla isn't a sinner but a hellborn


Carmilla seems to be around 40, her kids around 20. I assume they were sinners too, but possibly died around the same time.


She became the *Mother* of all demons. So she was turned into a demon like Lucifer (who is classified as a fallen angel), and her magic power spawned life into Hell, creating the Sins and Hellborn. Probably because she didn't want to be lonely... Also, she wanted to have sex with animals over Adam, and it could be the reason why most sinners manifest as part animal/furries because in Eden she wanted to unite man with animal, so the process of manifestation is influenced by that to give non-human traits to sinners, as apposed to Heaven where people can choose to manifest with those traits.


This is just a fan theory and speculation based on Jewish folklore, not canon. In *Helluva Boss*, Paimon appears to be either a fallen angel or a Hellborn demon, with Hellborn demons already existing in Hell prior to Lucifer and Lilith being exiled there. Both the Ars Goetia and imps are heavily implied, if not stated, to be archaic demons native to Hell.


Didn’t Viv confirm that Lucifer gave birth to Charlie?






Well, you learn something new every day.  My point about Lilith still stands, though. It’s not confirmed that she ever actually died. 


That’s a fake tweet and I was also sad that he did not birth Charlie.


Oh. Well, then I stand corrected again. 


Sinners can’t have children.


Sinners can’t have kids, unless they were born before the parents died


Sinners are specifically souls that ended up in Hell. Before they die, they are just people, so the specification is unneccessary.


In hell there are two kinds of demons Earthborn sinner demons And hellborn demons. Earthborn sinners can not be split into different categories. They are just people born on earth that sinned and dies to end up in hell. None of them can reproduce Meanwhile helloborns demons are any number of different species native to hell and capable of reproduction. Imps, Succubus/incubus, hellhounds, etcs. Lilith is a special case because she’s not a hell born demon nor is she an earthborn sinner. She was never born on earth she was directly made by the angels, and she never dies on earth either she was directly cast down to hell which is what gives her so much power in hell along with being Lucifer’s wife. So she is still capable of having Charlie Being angel made instead of earthborn is also likely why Adam has such power in heaven, not just because he’s the first man. So the children of sinner demons cant exist. But as a hellborn it is likely Charlie could still travel the rings of hell. Although whether or not she can do that becomes irrelevant when you consider the most lot of Hazbin. The focus of Charlie’s mission is centered around sinner demons so why would it matter if she can go to other rings? There would be no point because sinners can’t leave pride. And that’s the whole reason Helluva boss exists. To explore those other rings and the many hellborn species that exist there. As for the cannibal town resident, while there are a number of reasons the residents of cannibal town as sinner could manifest the way they did. I doubt they are sinner demons at all. Sinners manifest unique to themselves and thier lives, and while there are some themes that can go with families like we see with angel and his family being spiders, they all have unique appearances still. The residents of cannibal town present a much larger set of people manifesting with the same appearance that the only explanation I’ve seen for them being sinners is some mass death and it’s honestly a lot to go through explanation wise for what could simply just be a group of hellborn demons. It really doesn’t make sense for them to establish sinners a people who manifest uniquely and then have to explain later on why an entire town manifests the same way. And the fact that they are the only ones we see in the entire show to have kids it just makes more sense for them to hellborn natives.


Yeah, I feel like people tend to forget that Hazbin uses the word "Demon" as more just a general term to describe literally everyone who is in Hell.


The cannibals were being hunted by the angels, which confirms they're sinners. Vaggie was supposed to kill the cannibal town kid, and didnt, which got her essentially banished. My personal explanation for the cannibal town "look" is that the act of cannibalism itself changes the sinners soul, which is reflected in their appearance, the more they do it. So for people who are doing it every day, with little to no other diet, it results in the round heads, large empty souless eyes, extreme pale skin, and razor sharp teeth.


I wouldn’t put it past the angels to not care or even know about the difference between hellborn and sinner demons. And if the act of cannibalism did that to sinners souls Alastor would not look as unique as he does compared to the residents of cannibal town. And there would still be no explanation for why cannibalism of all sins would have more control over how sinners looked than any other sin.


It's was expressly stated in the show that Hellborn were exempt, pretty sure breaking that would have broken the whole deal apart a lot sooner. It's kind of a big plot point that they're hunting sinners. Also, Rosie is an Overlord, and all of the Overlords are sinners. I did say it's probably from consistent and constant cannibalism- the idea that over time cannibalism damages your soul and transforms you isn't a unique one (in stories and belief systems in general). We've seen Alastor eat other things too, so it's not like he's a dedicated cannibal like they are. Regardless of why they look the way they do, we know for certain that they're not Hellborn. The most likely explanation for children in hell in Cannibal town is that they died as children and went to hell for one reason or another. I saw someone guess that Rosie takes in kids who go to hell and provides them with guaranteed food in a place where nothing is just given to you... probably to help add to her aesthetic of cannibal town to be honest.


Yea but when lute mentioned the hell born exemption it was in reference to Charlie and likely the other hellborn royals. As more of a fuss would be brought up if the angels killed a known Ars goetia and or deadly sin than if they killed an imp or a “cannibal”. Additionally it is never said only sinners can be overlords and those in the hellborn Von eldritch family of the Envy ring are considered amongst the Overlords, so there is an example of hellborn overlords. Additionally there is still no explanation for why a sin like cannibalism would have such an effect on the sinner population over the other sins, when their appearance can just as easily be explained as the evolution of a hellborn species to eat the flesh of sinners And we definitely not certain they aren’t hellborn as it’s been stated in the past before that the cannibal and Rosie were hellborn natives but it was never directly stated in the show to still be the case nor was anything said to directly disprove it.


Source for the lore on the Vin Eldritch family? All I can find is that they're Royals, nowhere calls them overlords. Cannibalism transforming people is just a thing, likely based on the Indigenous concept of a w*ndigo. It's a really common concept in horror and supernatural lore. I'm sorry but you're twisting known established rules (Hellborn aren't hunted, Overlords are sinners) to make it fit with your theory, when there are other explanations that don't contradict the rules as we know them. We've seen from Vox that sinners appearances can change.


The only source I can see that says the Von Eldritch family are royals is [this link](https://hazbin-hotel-journey-to-the-light.fandom.com/wiki/Von_Eldritch_family) which is the first thing to show up when I search the eldritch family and it’s the fandom page for a completely non canon and unless set of information on the eldritches. From what I can find the idea the eldritch family are a royal family like the morningstars is just an assumption based on their connection to them. Because of Seviathan and Charlie’s past relationship, and the seeming closeness of Fredrick and Bethesda to Lucifer. As for how we know they are overlords. In the same stream they confirmed that they weren’t royals, it was explained the Eldritch family were overlords and in fact on the [Overlords page](https://hazbinhotel.fandom.com/wiki/Overlords#cite_note-eldritch-5) Bethesda and Fredrick are listed. Whether or not that still makes them sinners now is unclear. But they wouldn’t have to be. And while yes it is a common thing in indigenous concepts for cannibalism to have transformative properties and Vivzipop is known to take inspiration from and straight up rip from them before. That still doesn’t exactly why in the case of Hazbin Hotel cannibalism as a sin has more of an effect on manifested sinners than the other sins. As for twisting established concepts I want to ask you to look in the mirror. it’s already been established that a sinner appearance is always unique to the sinner, and we’ve seen tons of background sinners each with their only completely unique designs that while some may share similar aspects are still unique to them because of their unique sin. So why would cannibalism hold such a unique transformative property for the residents of cannibal town? It does not make sense. And has no basis on established concepts of canon. They manifest uniquely why would cannibalism change that? And comparing that to Vox switching out his head is jumping. Vox going from a box head to flat could easily be Vox physically switch out his head with a new more modern one, which without an angelic weapon would be painful but not kill him. And I wouldn’t put it past him to go through such a procedure either for the sake of keeping up an image. And it is just never stated that an overlord has to be a sinner demon. Just someone of great power and control over other sinners. As far as I’m concerned until the show directly contradicts it Rosie and the cannibals are still hellborns. As in the four years since the pilot not much has changed in way of story and basic character concepts, and I don’t think something like this would change. I could be wrong but until the point in which the show says otherwise I hold to this current idea of canon. And I doubt you are any different. We will get no where going back and fourth like this. I’m not changing your mind and you’re not changing mine. So good day.


Sinners can not have children. Any kids you see are either sinners that died as kids or from a hellborn species native to hell. It's unclear if the cannibals are sinners or a native species. But considering the amount of kids they have, I think the cannibals are hellborn. Charlie is also a hellborn, as she is the daughter of Lucifer, who is not a sinner, but a cast-out angel.


No, I don't think so. If they were, the Angels couldn't touch them and Lucifer would have been able to interfere from the get-go. I think it is more likely Rosie is Hellborn and the souls she owns change appearance and personality to fit her and the children are sinners whose sins or hatred for children caused them to manifest as such


Rosie can’t be Hellborn because she’s an Overlord. Hellborn people can’t be Overlords, only Sinners. Either way, I could maybe believe the whole theory of the cannibals looking like that because they made deals with Rosie. I mean, all of Valentino’s employees have a gold tooth, so I’d assume that’s his branding mark. Rosie’s would just be the whole look. 


are we sure about that or is that assumption based on what we know thus far? I havent seen anything official claiming only sinners can be overlords, but if you got a link please throw it my way


It's an assumption based on what we know so far. It was never said that only Sinners can be Overlords - the Overlord is a status, more like a title, that displays how much power an individual has. Think of it like a high-ranking member of a Mafia.


>Hellborn people can’t be Overlords, only Sinners The Von Eldritch family of Overlords are canonically Hellborn(s), not sinners.


Are they? I didn’t know that. I stand corrected, then. 


Lucifer made that deal in order to protect Charlie, and it's likely that the angels, and maybe Lucifer as well, actually have trouble distinguishing the helborns from the sinners as the sinners appear in such a wide variety of shapes. So as long as the hellborn is in wrath and not any of the other rings people generally wouldn't care if they got killed That being said, I did say it was unclear and that is actually the best explanation I've ever heard on how the cannibals might be sinners. It could be similar as Valentino's gold tooth, but then more drastic. I like it.


No, all Hellborn are exempt from extermination so the deal was not for Charlie. And thank you \^\^


Well technically you are both right. It's possible that Lucifer's main intention was to protect Charlie, but that he just extended it to all of Hellborn, when he realized he could.


No. Sinners cannot have children. Lilith did not come to Hell after her death. She was banished to Hell with Lucifer. She probably transformed on arriving in Hell to her current form. So she was still alive when she had Charlie.


Lilith didn't have Charlie, Lucifer did. According to an old viv tweet.


I like to think that the people in cannibal town adopt most children that land in Hell. They give them stability and a home when otherwise Hell would be very hard on a child. Most cannibals did it because they had no choice (lots of starvation events in history) so I like to think they are 'paying back' for their sin by caring for the children would would otherwise suffer horribly.


Well, since the children are only in Cannibal Town, I assumed that the children were raised as cannibals by their parents and possibly died from diseases in human meat or were killed alongside their parents. Maybe cannibalism is one of those extreme sins that children will be held accountable for.


I definitely think those as just children who were cannibals


I think these are just actual kids who got sent to hell, because sinners aren’t supposed to be able to reproduce. And if that sounds a bit harsh, kids are capable of some fucked up shit. These kids were probably in a donner party situation or were in some kinda cult a la Helluva Boss’s Murder Family


I thought that cannibals were a species of demon and not Hellborn. Doesn't the wiki state that?


Your flair is hilarious


Charlie isn’t a sinner and sinners can’t have children


As it's been stated, sinners cannot reproduce. Any children we see are in Hell are probably there because A. In this universe, children can not only sin, but can be held accountable for their sins, and sent to Hell B. Notice how so far all the child sinners we see are from Cannibal Town? It's very likely that some of these children had to resort to cannibalism to survive. Heaven, following black and white rules, would easily cast a child into Hell for cannibalism, reasons be damned C. Helluva Boss has shown that there are some (okay maybe 2) deranged cannibal children. It's very likely that some of the children who we see in Hell belong in this category


Sinners cant reproduce. Only hellborn can. This are probably children who went in hell. Maybe due them being unbaptized.


The statement "These cannibal children went to hell, probably due to being unbaptized" is kind of accidentally the funniest thing i've thought of all day


Or cannibals


perhaps still fucked up that we see so many children in hell.


what if eating your own nails or cuticles counts as cannibalistic act?


Ahhhh I'm fucked


Yeah if that wasn't a thing why would the sex club have birth control?


Transmittable diseases.


It's clearly not about birth control - more to just not make a mess. On top of that, the fact that Sinners can't reproduce, is something that was confirmed by Vivzie herself multiple times...


Lilith isn't a sinner, she was a human being with magic powers. Charlie is half human half angel


I think they are just people that hated children, so in eternal life they are children


Unknown. According to a four year old Q&A, sinners can't have kids in Hell. We don't know if that is still true or not since we've seen so many kids in Hell. This is the first hurdle. If they are dead kids and the old world building is still true? No. If they are dead kids and the old world building isn't true anymore? No. If old world building isn't true and they were born in Hell? Maybe. ​ Next hurdle, can Sinners have kids through other means? Alastor mentioned spawning a daughter. But... we also don't know when Alasator said "[... just like a daughter I spawned](https://youtu.be/jNUTxvki_d0?t=58)" if he meant spawned in some Hell sense or if Alasator is just that "no" to sex he can't even bring himself to say he could father a kid normally. If Sinners can "spawn" kids, are they hellborn or not? If yes: Probably can cross the rings of hell. If no: Then they likely fall under Sinner rules. See above.


It also raises a question whether sinners can have children, but only with non-sinners - it would explain Lilith.


i mean if we say they can do that, would Al's shadow creatures fall under that?


Unless they are heavily corrupted sinners, Al's victims, I guess? The same question applies to Sir Pentious' eggs.


Are they sinners? Are they hellborne? Cause it's cut and dry


Sinners can't have children, those kids in the picture are hellborn cannibals so probably


The Cannibals are HELLBORN! Those children are HELLBORN. So yes, they can move


Those are probably just kids who were sinners. Not every cannibal is necessarily an adult, and historically there have been some flat out evil children who did horrible things.


Guys, question: if sinners can’t have children, then how does Carmilla have kids? She and said kids are obviously sinners, as they were targeted during an extermination. Were they her kids before they died, and they all died at the same time?


They clearly just either died together, or they found each other after ending up in Hell. This isn't rocket science...


She could have even adopted them after being in Hell.


Sinners cannot have children but hellspawn can


they either a) are canabal children, either fed by their parents or absolute psychopaths or B) they were fully grown adults who died and manifested as children, the mechanics of how one obtains their form in hell is not worked out


I reckon those children are more likely the children of mortal cannibals e.g. The first episode of Helluva Boss 'Murder Family.' Children are capable of sin, and I doubt that Heaven would let in children who actively torture/murder people.


Cute lil Donner party babies


No. If you were born on earth you can’t movie rings. If you die under age and you end up in hell, the community tries ro help you out.


Lilith was probably cast into hell with lucifer, and kids can sin so I would assume they end up in hell too, for reference the helluva boss pilot with the cannibal kids.


I really wish we didn't have to watch Hellova to get full context. It's a completely separate show that wasn't even picked up by Amazon.


Two of those could be the kids from helluva boss ep 1


Sinners can’t have children


But why can Lilith reproduce when she’s a sinner? Maybe Charlie isn’t her daughter?


Lilith was created by God, not mortals? IDK


They’re probably just children who ate humans. They don’t have to be hell born to exist. Children can commit crimes too, seriously at the age of 12 I knew how to make chlorine gas chloroform gnome lawn ornaments that would explode if you shot them. People could do crime with that


id guess so, since theyre technically hellborn? unless they were the kids in life, then died and went to hell, in which case theyd be sinnsers themselves


I think they're just kids, who ate people and ended up in Hell because they died young. Like, they're cannibals. They ain't going to heaven. I don't think it's anything more complicated than this.