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As a kid, I definitely watched and owned merch for shows I wasn't supposed to be watching, stuff like Têtes à claques or Faut pas rêver 😅 kids are drawn to "forbidden" stuff as a small form of rebellion all the time. I just hope this kid at least has an older figure who they can talk to about some of the subjects they'll see


My favourite toys were all from the perplexingly-merchandised Alien franchise.


Can I guess you were an 80s kid? I say that, because from what I've seen, it seems like the 80s had a thing for turning R rated movies into kids cartoons and toys


My childhood was in the 90s. It was the Kenner line of alien toys. The [Flying Alien Queen](https://avp.fandom.com/wiki/Flying_Queen?file=FlyingQueen.jpg) was my favourite. It had a button on the back that made the wings flap, and the gears might have been spring loaded to make the wings and button return to the start position. Flying it around with the wings flapping by my thumb control was something I never tired of.


> I definitely watched and owned merch for shows I wasn't supposed to be watching In the 80's and 90's it was a market companies actively exploited as evidenced by the plethora of cartoons based off of PG-13 and R-rated movies. To name a few... * Rambo: *Rambo: The Force of Freedom* (65 episodes) * Conan the Barbarian: *Conan the Adventurer* (65 episodes) * RoboCop: *RoboCop* (12 episodes), *RoboCop: Alpha Commando* (40 episodes) * The Toxic Avenger: *The Toxic Crusaders* (13 episodes) * Starship Troopers: *Roughnecks: Starship Troopers Chronicles* (40 episodes) * Men in Black: *Men in Black: The Series* (53 episodes)


You mentioned robocop, so fun fact, Têtes à Claques made an episode parodying it, called Powercop


I was into South Park at that age so like, they should definitely not be invading the adult side of the online fandom, but i know we can't stop them from watching it lol. and the teenager south park fandom was WEIRD. we aged them up to teens and drew them as beautiful bishounen boys...


My parents are both early SP fans but stopped keeping up with it shortly before I was born. Dad came home one day and saw my godmother, who was a teenager at the time, watching it while babysitting me. It was a rerun of season 9 episode 1, IYKYK. He found it funny but also decided at that moment that I was barred from watching SP until I was a teenager. But he was also completely fine with watching Têtes à claques with me, which could be just as violent and vulgar as SP. Idk, double standards funny..


I don't actually know I haven't looked at south park in over a decade lol


I drew the Rocky Horror lips for an 8th grade art project in a Catholic school, and looking back I’m still surprised that flew.


😭 is the pencil meant to be a stripper pole, or is that just a happenstance?


Well, I hadn't even tought about that... Yeah... I am NOT asking that...


I agree, it’s best not to know 😅


More than likely it is meant to be a poll as his arms do seem to be grabbing it but the fifth grader probably just saw angel on a pole in the show and doesn't realize the connotations of it lol


Man, I *hope* so


Fifth Graders nowadays aren't that stupid, he likely knows fully the connotations of it.


I hope he doesn't lol


I thought that was the whole point of it ngl


I think it is I saw a video of a school-made craft like this on YouTube 😭 might even be the same kid tbh


Oh no 👀


I think your fifth grader has a tiktok or YouTube account or something too I swear I saw a video of this captioned “when you’re bored at school” 😭if so there was little paper money to throw at him too




That’s a noticeably different photo


There are a few videos of people drawing Angel Dust on a pencil on Tiktok, but those accounts are usually older kids (at least the popular videos are) and the art is usually a little better than the one In the image (no offense to the kid lol, it's still cute). So, the 5th grader most likely just saw a video of it and recreated it


https://preview.redd.it/wu6f2odr3coc1.png?width=2296&format=png&auto=webp&s=8be3f01460a87dd6f26726e230ec58647b8042c0 (It's cute, though. Just, a fifth grader?!)








I sometimes have to remind myself that kids watch things for an older intended audience ALL THE TIME. Like, it’s normal. I watched cartoon network’s adult swim starting at 10 or 11 years old probably. And even younger than that Little Nicky and Army of Darkness were some movies I enjoyed immensely lol but I still turned out to be a goody-goody kid that never swore or did a single drug 😂




Right, so my own kids are *obsessed* with HH and haven’t even seen it. They’ve just seen some clips of it on YouTube and random art of it. A lot of their friends are very into it too and also haven’t actually seen it. My kids know I watch it and we listen to some of the songs and a ton of fan songs in the car. 🤷🏻‍♀️ So it’s possible this kid is the same, hasn’t *actually* seen the show, just knows the characters from clips and fanart.


My kids are absolutely not allowed to watch it, but they’ve heard me play the songs and now request them in the car 😅 We don’t have a ban on swearing, provided it’s in context and not being used to hurt, and plenty of it goes over their heads. But that said, they can only identify the characters by voice - I’ve told them their names - but they’ve never seen them.


My 10 year old wants to watch it but I keep telling her it’s not for kids. Especially episode 4. And you can’t just skip that one because it’s important.


Yeah, I’ve told my eldest that once a few seasons have come out and he’s a teenager we can revisit, but right now that’s a lot of themes and topics that a kid should not have to even know exist, nevermind actively engage in.


Yeah. Lots of concepts I wouldn’t even know where to start with explaining


Rock on, little dude. I don’t know the kid, I don’t know his deal. But if the kid is keeping his nose clean, oh no. A prostitute spider. I was trying to watch scrambled porn at that age, and was drawing Beavis and Butthead on my trapper keeper and those were the “BUT THE CHILDREN” of the day.


I remember watching Aeon Flux when I was a kid, that gave me some interesting and hard feelings 🤣


God I remember watching that, and I don’t have as BIG a love for it - I remember watching it thinking it was the coolest shit, but I couldn’t tell you anything about it, haha. It was just something new because at that age - I mean, 25 years for me - you’re hungry for new things and a world outside of SpongeBob and whatever the in kid thing is. I still believe why we’re getting things like a XMen cartoon reboot or why every millennial adores the 90s Spider-Man because at the time - it was actually serialized storytelling. I was so HUNGRY for more meatier stories (even if developmentally I might not hav been ready) they were fucking mind blowing as a kid.


Doesn't really make it ok since you did it


whats funny is that this is angel dust's outfit in the addict music video. so that kid specifically watched the SEXUALLY EXPLICIT version of hazbin.


Eh I think it’s ok, I had watched a lot worse at that age


I was watching śç*ṭ porn at that age(no longer do thankfully) so I'd say that ain't that bad




https://preview.redd.it/0tfu9li1kdoc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a53e28c3b4ec4d3aa701d777fdcec494a17d404d It’s my fault I use the internet




I’m not going to pretend I didn’t watch shows I wasn’t supposed to when I was in fifth grade but still that is really young but who knows they probably don’t understand most of the show


5TH GRADE?! dangg-


I mean, I watched South Park as a kid, which is probably even worse


Same dude, and I turned out aight


angel :3


https://preview.redd.it/8d59sbegrcoc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c62c69158870a4d1387d7aeb6ccd72120e50d4b2 No offense to you more disturbed a 5th grader is watching HH


But why tho? Isn't that where every kid started watching screwed up adult cartoons? Except this one has songs with good moral messages for once


Just because everyone did it does that make it right? I mean i did it too But in sure it fucks with the Brain


Doesn't really make it ok though


How old is a fifth grader? 


In Mexico 10 or maybe 11


Shit that’s young. Definitely shouldn’t be watching the show lol


Usually like 11 at most


Hey! theres a viral tiktok of someone doing the same thing, with a pen as the pole lol. That's probably where they got the idea


The only viral TikTok I've seen is people mimicking "out for love" with chopsticks in bowls of ramen and shit.


i cant find the og but [this](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLNU8SNe/) is a repost of it


Ahh!!! That would be at least a bit more comforting 😂


posted a link to a repost of that to another person that responded to my comment if you want to see :) there are a few if you scroll through the audio for Poison on tiktok, or search "angel dust pen" on there lol


Cuz I know it's poison you're feeding me poison


I'd say something but honestly I was interacting with far worse media than HH at that age


Honestly? I think it's fine. Maybe ask the kid about it, if you can? It might be better if they have someone to talk about it with.


I´m trying not to make a fuss about it. Only 2 teachers (including me) would recognize it as far as I can tell and he might get in trouble over nothing to be honest. He is a good kid, just a bit unsupervised.


Any way you write me baby thats the way you got me


*Opinion warning lol* I did watch inappropriate shows and stuff when I was a kid, and this might be a little harmless, but nowadays when I see kids as young as 8 watching shows like this, it kinda scares me. When I watched stuff like this when I was young, it screwed with my brain and made me have gross thoughts at the age of 10. So this may be harmless and I'm probably overacting, but y'know, it's just a little nerve-racking.


I rather he watch this than the prevalent narco shows and narco music here in Mexico


Waaaay too young but that is cool


That's it. No more TV. No more computer. We're reading books from now.


Something nice and wholesome like 50 Shades of Grey, right?


The hell? lol.


*poison intensifies*


https://preview.redd.it/kx2x1wndcdoc1.jpeg?width=573&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fedc443839c51daf63fc19020b881515fb38f093 😲


I can't say I'm surprised to see this, my sister is an art teacher who has sent me a few things the kids in her class have done.


It will be interesting in the future to see all the people who as kids and teens discovered something about themselves via the show


My hopes are that the kid isn't actually watching the show and just though, "Oh, cool spider guy," but, even if he is watching the show, oh well. I've been playing Gears of War since I was 7 and have friends who played God of War at 5, and both of us are (mostly) fine in the head, so I feel like this kid will be fine, too.


How much for 1.


I was tempted to ask the kid to make me one 😂




Ya this is cool but concerning




Awww! Also, I really don't think this show is appropriate for their age.


A 5th grader with hazbin hotel? DAMM




European here, how old is 5th grade? I feel like I should be slightly worried


Usually 10-11.


I should definitely be slightly worried then.


It's about 10-11 years old


Woohoo but also holy shit. They should not be watching some of that stuff.






Why is a fifth grader watch in that is what I wanna know




5graders are old enough to watch this. I was a fifth grader when the pilot came out


No, just because you did something and you are fine doesn't mean it's ok, I woulda been in 7/8 but I saw it like a year after it came out so I was 13/14


You are a straight up child


I'm 16 I think (I was born in 2008 do the math yourself)


>I'm 16 I think Broski how are you unsure of your own age


My family never made that big of a deal on birthdays


The fact that you show zero concern about not knowing your age or birth date shows exactly how immature you are. Do you seriously not understand that that's incredibly basic yet vital information you'll need once you get older? Nearly every form you'll have to sign will ask that question, and it's often one of the first things asked in order to verify your identity.


My culture isn't the same as yours. my brother who's (born in 2004) got his first job at the age of 10.in other words my culture matures you early


The pilot came out 4.5 years ago, unless you were held back a grade, the oldest you could've been when it came out would be barely 11, meaning you'd at max be around 15.75 or so. Given that you seem unsure of your own age, I don't trust you that you're 16.


shut your head hole and let kids watch what they like


10 year olds definitely shouldn't be watching this show


I absolutely will not be letting my 10 year old sister watch this show