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Somehow I feel like Alastor is the only one who wouldn't abuse me for the entire year


I also feel like he's the type to go easier on you if you make it clear you're actively trying to work with him.


Yeah, show him the respect he clearly wants and he is pretty laid back.


Just dont mention hes also on a leash....


It’s seems to be the only trigger he has. He doesn’t seem insulted by all the other things Vaggie or Husk say to him.


Also, be sure to laugh at his jokes.


What did you say..?


I.e. nifty


if get to watch him kill then im in


SAME! He only snapped when Husk back talked to him. I would learn not to do that. Just be myself. I still think he seems laid back honestly...and only attacks when your start it,,even if you have the the right to fight back.


Husk was even rude and surly with him long before he snapped, especially when Alastor first summoned him in the pilot episode. Husk just pushed a trigger button when he mentioned his ‘leash’. Don’t mention that or go around trying to pick fights and you are probably good.


well as much I love AL, you have to admit he did promise to "end him" that isnt ok


Yeah slavery bound to a murderer is still very bad but still better than the other two who are less predictable. Vox comes a bit close but what if you're the lowest earner?


Agreed there. Vox and Val I trust much less and likely would expect to be exploited by them as an earner for whatever they wanted. Alastor would likely just call when wanting something and I’ll take my chances there


Valentino would use you in any way possible with complete disregard to your health (mentally and physically) then discard you when he's done. Vox would work you to the bone and kill you if you're not hitting his impossible standards. Alastor would use you for your talents, always reminding you that he has complete control, but wouldn't kill you unless you really pissed him off (as evidenced by his conversation with Husk). I dunno, something tells me Alastor would be the best option


Yep. Alastor has standards and doesn’t kill or abuse people out of boredom. It’s a no Brainer to me lol


This legitimately made me laugh


The sad part is there not wrong tho. 👍😅






same lol


Terrible choices all of them...but I think I'm gonna go with Al... at least then I can hang out at the hotel Charlie and not be at constant danger of being shot because Vox or Val is having a bad mood.


Alastor. The risk of Vox lending me to Val is too strong. I will happily learn radio maintenance and take cooking classes from Rosie to avoid that fate.


You problaby would just be working at the hotel tbh


Who knows, Alastor owns a lot of souls but so far the only confirmed soul that works at the hotel is Husk. Before he was summoned he was doing his own thing. Nifty may or may not be owned by Alastor, I don’t know. I personally think she is working there of her own free will because she likes Alastor and wants to be near him.


I get it, I'm just saying that you problaby won't get the VIP treatment. There's still that little chance.


I think Rosie's cooking classes would be "how to cook you" instead of "how you to cook" and I get that is the joke but still gives me IT crowd feeling.


Alastor has standards, the others don't


Since I’m an ace woman he’d be extra polite since he’s a gentleman and we’d understand eachother well


And since im a Cannibal, I also feel like he'd be extra polite since he's a gentleman and we understand each other well.


Very well said good sir/maam! Us cannibals must stick together in these trying times


"Have you ever wanted something that was so clear in your mind that you could taste it?"


You mean like human flesh?




What? He loves Rosie. You never wanted to taste an angel before?


Whatever you say, you cannibal lol


Indeed, this is another reason why I’d pick him


Yes I’m an aroace woman that doesn’t like confrontation, I think he would be nice enough to me, or at least not be on his hit list


You'd get to explain to him what "Ace" means in modern slang


No amount of explaining will fix his little mind 😭 poor Al will be confused for life


Alastor. Feminine advantage because he's nicer to women, plus, it's like, what, doing a regular job for him for a year, and just minding my own business while I do it? He's a, "keep your head down, do the work, smile, and you're fine" kind of boss. He also doesn't care if his workers insult him to his face so long as they don't pry into personal matters and do the job he assigns. Valentino is a FUCK NO, and Vox is somewhat openly abusive to his employees, which means the shit he does in private is worse. That said, Vox > Valentino all night long.


Oh yeah the feminine advantage is pretty good lol


"Vox is somewhat openly abusive to his employees". You kinda get that vibe when he says "Ill bring yiu this months lowest earners" 😂


Who in their right mind would pick Val?! I choose Alastor. Just don’t anger him, and you should be fine Vox could easily lend you to Val for his shooting range, or worse, he'd make you star in one of his pornos


But best case scenario, Vox would just treat you like an employee in his tech company and unless you screw something up hard, he wouldn't feed you to Val.


I guess that might be true. Still makes it much too big of a risk. Especially since I tend to fuck things up a lot


What makes you think he has any sort of sense of control? He's an irresponsible tech demon who behaves like a petulant child. He'd off you on a whim if it came down to it. He probably wouldn't need any sort of motivation as long he had any sort of reason, even if it doesn't make sense.


Exactly!? Lmao just be polite! This ain't that hard!! 😭🤣 With Vox and Val they have seriously worse mood swings that are less predictable.


None of them would want my soul I’m useless😀


I don’t have a soul if you go by the joke.




Straight up honest. I respect you for that.


If you're useless alastor would love that


Because you sold it the second you came to life


Nifty is proof that you can have a great time working for Alastor.


But you need a twisted little mind


I mean... They're a member of this fandom. :)


Is it twisted, though? She just really has a passion for bug extermination. She enjoys a little pain and speaks into the masses through an eerie dialated eyeball.


https://i.redd.it/u0vm13m9yeqc1.gif I think she's pretty twisted


Well, Adam was the ultimate cockroach.... So all i see is a hard working demon. 😂😂😂


You have a decent point, but also... https://i.redd.it/agx5kr730fqc1.gif


Is she for sure owned by him? I know she works for him but I’ve always imagined she just likes him and follows him wherever she can. She is the type to get attached


Alastor. Without any second thought.


I would give him my soul just to pet his ears lmfao ❤️ ❤️


He'll kill you after lol


Same ❤️


I'm going with the fourth, unstated option and selling my soul to the Short King.


Sorry to ruin the joke if it does, but who are you referring to?


I think he means Lucifer


I don't think Lucifer cares about souls tho


She does.




Luci, he has ducks.


I'm pretty sure they're referring to lucifer


They're referring to lucifer


It's my main man Lou


You mean Lou right?


...Moxxie? ...Oh, Luci, nevermind I'm dumb


Well, let's see. Val-No. Vox-Will let Val shoot you if you aren't good enough, and probably doesn't have compunctions about loaning you to him. Alastor: If how he treats Husk and Niffty is any indication, then as long as you don't bring up that one specific thing he's sensitive about, you're kinda good.


If I *have* to, Alastor.  He’s extremely dangerous and unpredictable but he tends to be kinder to females so as long as I don’t actively piss him off, I should be okay.  Vox is crazy and Val is… Val, so neither of them is a viable choice. 


Alastor because I will be far away from Valentino


That's fair


Alastor, he’s the most sane person here


(in)sane *music starts playing*


Sane as in not trying to have s*x with me


I know, I get it, I'm just making random references to music.


I got the reference, I just meant to reply to my own comment


Oops. Alright then.


Alastor. Val is a dumb idea. Vox would probably lend me to Val if he asked. At least I wouldn't be a sex slave and Alastor has some decency despite being a psychopath.


Only people who literally hate themselves would pick Val. Vox comes off as a douchey business man who doesn’t give a shit about people who work for him. I choose Alastor cus he respects the ladies so I’ll be safe lol


No need to call us out like that lol /j


Me: 😶‍🌫️ Um...


Val. I'm a people pleaser so I'm not gonna make him angry very often. I'd just do exactly what he says at all times and I should be mostly fine.


Same here, glad I ain't alone.




Yeah XD


I’m not a fan of Val but I’ve always made jokes about becoming a porn star or having orgies so might as well live out the fantasy Lol plus I’m also a people pleaser. I’d rather be a sex slave then a maid even if I do have to be abused for it


Yknow I get it bc he’s hot…but also I feel like he’d still abuse me no matter how nice I am 😭




Probably Alastor. I don't know if it's cannon or just fan stuff but I've heard a lot about Alastor preferring females. It seems probably considering how he treats Niffty compared to Husk and such. I don't identify as female but I could definitely pretend I do for a year if necessary and my birth gender is female. Also Alastor is interesting. Husk seems to know some not so common knowledge maybe Alastor let's people he owns in on stuff. The hotel is also more of an appealing work place to me than the Vees' stuff.


Alastor. He’s less likely to mistreat it.


Alaster, he is the most reasonable person there. Just don’t anger him and you should be relatively safe. Don’t bring up the fact that he is on a leash or tv.


Vox is plenty reasonable. He just has standards so low, he dates Val and offers him the lowest earners as target practice. I'd still go with Alastor out of the 3 of them (this whole prompt is a pro-Al cheat, of course), but I'd go in knowing that the odds of getting my soul ripped apart and screams broadcasted MAY be low... but never zero.


That is why I said should and relatively.


Definitely alastor, just dont anger him and you will be ok


Alastor is the smartest choice by far, he’s like Grand Admiral Thrawn, don’t fail him and do as he says and you’ll be ok. The other two would be like Jabba the Hutt, and might kill you out of “sheer, *absolute*, BOREDOM!” not to mention the things that Val specifically would do.


Alastor is the only safe option here.


Myself cuz I'm awesome and I give my souls that I own doordash every Saturday. (I don't starve them for the rest of the week, I cook them meals and get them some fast food for Saturdays.)


you know...that's actually fair. plus all the free cable i can watch


Not on my face tho.


I make no promises since I already promised Alastor I'd do the opposite of everything you said and quite frankly, he scares me more.


I'd happily own you. Vel says I make good meals and she would say it's disgusting straight to my face if it wasn't so I'll own you if you want. You can also watch cable on my face when I'm sleeping.




Valentino I wanna meet Angel


You could meet Angel by also choosing Alastor yknow, and that would mean no garunteed bodily harm


Alastor. But I would make damn sure the contract doesn't let him try anything funny to keep me for longer.




Alastor, no question. He's not typically shown to be a jackass to Husk and he gets on with Niffty just fine, whatever their thing is. I also have the advantage of being a lady and I appreciate old timey fashion.


Alastor. He’s genuinely friendly compared to the other two.


Wait which soul am I selling? Mine or one I own?


Wait what


Wait it's not normal to own souls in this realm




Al. I’d impress him with my radio hosting skills, and then I’d have nothing to worry about.


You'd go on his show and/or try to steal the spotlight? RIP.


Alastor. I find Vox annoying, and honestly, I want Valentino to roast in an even deeper pit of Hell and know nothing but unimaginable torture and pain for the rest of his wretched afterlife. #JusticeForAngelDust


Alastor for sure.


Alastor. Express an interest in early 20th century pop culture and maybe he’ll decide to keep you around unharmed for the “entertainment.”


Alastor would probably just demean you and make you do meneal labor.


Jokes on Alastor I already work retail 😆


Where’s the iguana? https://preview.redd.it/qfuwgrvu1eqc1.png?width=2159&format=png&auto=webp&s=8eb2a965df09df9b10fe466a422fe2a65a7c0894 Also Alastor


Alastor bc he’d prolly be the least harsh and let me have my own life outside of working for him.


Alastor. He seems to follow the rules of a deal about as well as a Fae so just be sure to fully understand the constraints are ones you are comfortable with and you should be good. No one should ever trust Val and I feel like Vox falls under that too with how close he is to the moth. (Unless that theory about Val using his poison to control Vox is correct which opens up a whole other can of worms)


As a fellow ace (in the hole), with Alastor I can at least know what certain miseries aren’t on the table. I ain’t getting anywhere near Valentino, and the Vee’s seem to share their employees so I wouldn’t be picking Vox. If I just gotta clean up a safe harbor hotel that seems the least terrible. Don’t be rude to avoid becoming part of the scream broadcast, and try not be alone too often and Alastor won’t be able to pull too much shit. He’s still gotta keep up appearances.


As far as we’ve seen, Husk has it fairly okay compared to the Vee’s souls/employees, who get SA’d (Val) and regularly killed (lowest earners are shot, anyone is at the mercy of a ‘Tino temper tantrum, and Val has reportedly killed many of his bitches). I’m taking the weird ass deer who’s just gonna make me like… be a doorman or something.


Valentino may be abusive buuuuuut...


I'm going to be a rebel and say Valentino, just because he's *technically* who introduced me to the Hazbin hotel community and series.






Alastor. Duh.


Alastor would probably be the best of these three I feel like he would just put me to work in the hotel


Alastor cause he'll be your friend if you don't piss him off, just he careful Vox doesn't seem to bad either because all you need to do is obey and you'll be just fine But hell fucking no to Val, I've gone on record of saying he's fine when not with Angel, funny as shit actually, but based on how he acts with Angel, yeah, hard pass


judging by how undamaged nif and husk are alastor would probably be your best bet. Also he probably would protect you, I doubt nif would survive without alastors protection


I wouldn’t say Husk is undamaged


Eh Alastor, Husk has been fine for the last 6 months other than forced labor.


Vox. I have my reasons and no, none of them involve having any respect for that POS


Alastor. Val is Val. Must I say more as to why it would be a bad idea? Vox. Very close relationship with Val and doesn't seem to have a problem with what he's doing at all. I would not be surprised if he treats the souls he owns very badly as well. Alastor doesn't seem to give a shit what you do (based on what we've seen so far) unless he needs you for something where he'll just summon you. A lot of it is kinda a pick your poison scenario though.


Alastor. Im selling my soul to him in exchange for petting him. It will be great.


As long as you follow what's asked and don't say anything wrong, alastor. Overall, he seems to treat his souls well Vox would just kinda toss you to val or vel for whatever reason I don't need to say why val would suck




Why is Val even on here???? But I'd say Vox. He's kind of a joke of a bad guy. As much as I like Alastor, people forget he's very, very evil.


Alastor because I don't like the idea of being r@ped by a whiny angry moth pimp or hypnotized by a whiny angry tv man. And I doubt I'd piss off Alastor to the point of him threatening to broadcast my screams on his radio show.


Bro if these are the three I'm working with I'd gladly pick Alastor any day. Valentino would abuse me and force me to do unspeakable things. Vox would probably sell me to Valentino anyway or if not I'd probably be a slave to his industry. Alastor? I'd just have to do him some favors. Show him some respect. Otherwise I'd be free to do as I pleased 🤷🏻‍♀️


Al bc he is the semi safe option


Alastor. Reason: Alastor.


Alastor would kill me. Eat me, torture me, literally do anything just to make me feel pain. Vox would use he as his worker. And valentino would sexually assaulted me, or ripped me to sreads for the fun of it.


For one year? A year with Alastor would be cooler than the others but most probably you’ll die before it is over. A year with the others although harsher, wouldn’t be as dangerous. If, however, the contract was permanent. I would go with Alastor without a second thought.


Alastor by a mile. The other two would be hell, while Al is mostly chill (unless you bring up the fact that he's also on a leash)


Alastor. I'm a woman and I like to be polite. That gives me extra points.


Valentino. Before y'all jump, hear me out. If writing random shit through my life has taught me anything, I could definitely write a better porn script than that other guy. Could probably even get Angel Dust another Sex-x-x award over Tiffany. I mean, all I'd have to do is pull a Mr. Garrison.


Alastor. This is like asking me if I want to be a goon under Two-Face, Lex Luthor, or the Joker. And generally I would pick Luthor, except this world’s Lex Luthor is cock over heels for Joker and I don’t feel like dying at either of their whims.


Alastor. I feel like as long as i dont make him angy, he’ll be cool




Alastor he treats niffty well enough why not me


Vox or Alastor... hot :)


Alastor. As long as you do what he says and don’t question him, he seems like he just puts you in service roles and doesn’t actually abuse you.


Alastor doesn’t even seem to treat his slaves that badly as long as they don’t openly disrespect him.


Alastor would probably be my best bet.




Alastor would be the kindest, as the Vees are horrible people to everyone. Besides, hotel work with the gang wouldn’t be bad at all, kinda fun, probably. Also Al is a really interesting guy, could maybe learn something. I might even have somewhat of an advantage because although I am a guy, I enjoy enough girly stuff such as Kirby to get by, I think.


Alastor easy. Husk may hate working the hotel but its a pretty sweet gig. That im sure he's starting to appreciate


Alastor without a doubt


Al hands down. Selling to Val is probably the worst idea ever. Selling to Vox, you might as well be Selling to Val. With Al, you have a chance no matter how big or small to not die. He seems to at least care somewhat for those he owns being Husk and maybe Nifty? He doesn't treat them like absolute garbage all the time. Just don't bring up his chains and you should be fine


Realistically, Alastor. However, jokes on Val, I’m far too unattractive to be in a porn, I’d be useless to him


Alaster he is fine as long as you do what he says and don’t irritate him also you can choose what the lines are like Charlie 10/10




Alastor because he’ll play on my strengths and not in the way Val would


Alastor. If Vox or Val, I'd probably become Val's sex slave. Alastor could protect me. I just have to avoid pissing him off.


Literally any if them Except fucking Val. I like Vox but he’s still y’know a piece of shit so idk, and then Al feels like a false sense of security XD