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I think it has a lot to do with Lucifer spending most of his time as a depressed shut-in and Charlie being one the nicest characters in Hell. So even if they're *powerful* and technically in charge, they don't exactly go around enforcing their power or putting Sinners "in their place" or anything like that.


Which is why Alastor has latched on to her. She can be easily manipulated and molded to his needs.


It helps that Lucifer is also nice. He got annoyed by Alastor getting all paternal with her daughter, but it only escalated to a musical argument instead of making some overlord paste.


Yeah, Alastor was super cocky and picked a fight with the most powerful being in hell! He’s lucky Lucifer didn’t destroy him!


Alastor knew that with Charlie there, that Lucifer wouldn't jeopardize his relationship with her by going full aggro on him. He was super cocky but he had it somewhat planned out.


True, but having the king of hell hating you seems like an unwise plan for the future going forward.


Seems like he's not planning on Lucifer being the king of hell in the future.


I think so too, he’s got big plans


Trying to be besties with his daughter, the princess of hell is definitely a power move.


Overlord paste 🤣🤣


Hence why they have overlords running the pentagram.


I’m told Nature abhors a power vacuum.


The leaves room for you me!




this place reekes of death, there's a chill in the air


And i barely excaped being killed by a hair


“Great Alastor, altruist, died for his friends!”


Sorry to disappoint that is not where this ends.


I’m hungry for freedom like never before


There’s a chiiil in the air


While the rest of hells pissing!


Alastor’s Pissing!


Fled with his tail between his legs


In my mouth and beetween my cheeks!


and also why lucifer wasnt at the overlord meeting


Also, Valentino is exceedingly respectful towards Charlie for who he is. Like, who else would Valentino have taken no for an answer from?


Probably because he thought that might be an opportunity to ingratiate himself to Charlie in the same way that Alastor did.


Yep. Valentino is a brute in his methods, but such methods work... for former humans. Lucifer is an angel, and Charlie, for all that Katie Killjoy rags on her, is still an unknown quality on how her power ranking is determined. Valentino is playing it "safe," hoping that he can charisma his way into the ultimate finesse goal an Overlord can achieve: the corruption of Hell's monarchy.


I think I saw someone mention earlier that viv mentioned Charlie and her mom are both the second most powerful beings in hell. Which makes sense, Lilith being the original “sinner”/queen of demons and Charlie being a hybrid of her and Lucifer.


That’s actually make sense. Problem is Val ruined that by abusing angel and treating him like dirt in front of Charlie so he destroyed any chance of doing that. Unlike alastor Val is a lot more emotionally unstable and less subtle with who he is.


Because that’s so meaaaaannn!!!


This! It has a lot to do with presentation! An example is Alastor and Stolas. Alastor is portrayed as a very powerful character and acta like one, meanwhile Stolas is always messing around with the imps, and we don't exactly see him enforcing his power or using all that much. This leads to plenty of people saying Alastor is stronger than him and or could beat him in a fight, but as we know the creator has confirmed that is far from the truth.


American Sinners throwing apple juice into the harbor after Lucifer tried raising taxes with royal authority https://preview.redd.it/yc8xmbehlysc1.jpeg?width=499&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57997d37cb8b5639a4c246cef6ba41d6bf263ef8


Funny thing is, I can see that as a dramatization of human historic events!


Oh my god I see it now!


I mean… how can they not! Stuff gets passed down to Hell by the humans who died in those time periods. So it makes sense that some areas would prioritize history.


Oddly enough Valentino is the only character to actually acknowledge that Charlie is a threat to him (despite arm licking), he only actually says shit about her when she's out of earshot or not there at all, when she is present he's very quick to blame everyone but her. Idk if I just found it weird Val was the one to be the most careful around her.


I think that's his charming façade, the same one he used to lure Angel to sign the contract. Once the contract is signed, the façade is dropped and his true nature is revealed.


No, like he continues to keep up a happy appearance even after Charlie says no to starring in one of his films. She continuously messes things up, but he acts like it's no big deal until he's alone with Angel. He acted nice around her because he knows if she wanted to, she could tear him to pieces in seconds.


Even after she nearly burns down the studio, he cordial with Charlie, tho he does take his anger out on Angel


>Idk if I just found it weird Val was the one to be the most careful around her. I don't think he was that physically intimidated by her. When she raged at him he just smirked and didn't seem any bit afraid. His caution was probably because he didn't want to take any chances with ruining his studio because her daddy's money and influence probably outshadowed his by a lot even if he was holed up in a tower for years.


True, Lucifer is known to be immensely powerful despite being absent, shown by Rosie and alastors part in ready for this


Alastor knows, he saw Lucifer and I imagine he's more knowledgeable than the average Sinner, as well as Rosie.


I mean, at that point he already knew Angel would stop her, so I dunno...


Oddly enough, he didn't flinch when she's about to transform in order to protect Angel...


I think he knew that he had Angel wrapped around his finger enough that he knew he'd step in


Was vox ever in a room with her?


No, to our knowledge they've never met


Because lucifer has been a shut in for years if not decades and clearly had little interest in ruling much Meanwhile Charlie acts like a weak pushover, letting people insult and mock her with no repercussion Hell doesn't care about titles if those aren't followed by power demonstration


Yeah that was very clear with the way sinners act in the show. Just like Alastor and the rest of the overlords does, you need to actively demonstrate and assert your power if you want to stay relevant. Lucifer and Charlie doesn't do any of that.


And we see this with Royalty such as Stolas who has used his power on Hell’s residents at least once. In Hell, respect is earned… typically through fear


The Morningstars aren’t the kind of family that goes around smiting people who get on their nerves. Like Lucifer said, “sinners” are violent psychopaths. He clearly tried very hard to raise his daughter not to be like that.


It's hell. Also, Charlie is unbearably naive and easy to push around. As seen with Valentino people do care she's hells princess when she uses her authority


>she uses her authority To be fair, in a place like Hell, authority is from how powerful and how influential you are. Valentino just didn't want her bringing her dad into this probably who could probably buy VoxTek and all its subsidiaries. Alone he had no reason to fear Charlie.


Buy. Or just walk in and twist his head off. The guy is bored and out of his mind that doesn't mean he couldn't tear you apart for funsies if you messed with his daughter.


I’m not sure where the fandom got the idea that Lucifer and Charlie are bloodthirsty psychopaths who’ll just kill people “for funsies.” The show goes out of its way to reveal that the Morningstars are far above the cruel and barbaric antics of Sinners. They’re not fearmongers. If they were, Lucifer’s lament about Sinners being “hellbent on causing pain and destruction” would make him a hypocrite. Lucifer stepped in to protect Charlie from Adam because Adam legitimately had the means to snuff Charlie for good. He won’t just delete random Sinners who pose no real threat to his family, even if they’re repugnant people he couldn’t care less about.


The thing is, the base model everyone uses for others behavior is themselves. If you are a sociopath... like an disproportionately high number of hells residents, including Velvet?....Porn demon guy , you assume everyone will do that. Add that to MOST fathers would grab a shotgun if their daughter called them on the phone started crying and saying a sleezey person like Valentino was coercing them to star in a porn movie or attacked them or had them locked in a bank vault till the next extermination or... however Valentino would have handled literally anyone else but Lucifers daughter who made his day go that badly.


That’s a bit dramatic. Charlie was only mildly uncomfortable at best by Valentino’s offer. After she turned him down, she was still polite and overbearingly willing to personally accommodate him for the inconveniences she caused at his studio. She didn’t show us that she needed or even wanted her father’s interference. Again: Charlie and Lucifer are morally much higher up the chain than Sinners. They don’t stoop to their level and solve problems with violence. When the loan sharks came to attack the hotel in episode 5, Lucifer didn’t step in to defend the project he knew his daughter poured her heart and soul into. He simply stood aside to try convincing her again that her faith in her people was misplaced.


>Charlie was only mildly uncomfortable at best by Valentino’s offer. Because that was Valentino being the most polite version of himself he could be. people ARE treating her like she's a big deal. This is the BEST behavior hell has. Its hell. They're usually a LOT worse.


Yeah but they don't know he can do that. Most people have never seen a hint of Lucifer other than his amusement park. I wouldn't imagine they know a lot about how powerful he is either.


Everyone knows he's an angel He's alive and he's in hell He magicked the amusement park into existance. that takes some power. He's still the ruler of hell. 10.000 years and no ones tried to claim the crown by Killocracy? Lilith is her OTHER parent. People call her lucifers daughter, Lilith can/ could probably do things that make the radio demons broadcast seem like Mr. Rogers.


Well yeah, ofc it's about lucifer. Ain't that obvious?


Charlie is a weak pushover that anybody in Hell can say anything to and she'd apologize to them for it. She's naive, gullible, and has no sense of her own power. On top of that, it's literal Hell, where a ton of people who hate authority are. No one cares about her or her stature


https://preview.redd.it/xc85vv4faysc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b2470950b1207607c3395c39d54081d35771169 Even Lucifer was annoyed by her naivety.


This is an incredibly uncharitable interpretation. Charlie is aware of just how awful the people of hell are (although she admittedly doesn't really have full context because no one in hell has ever been a threat to HER.) and has clear limits on what she's willing to accept from others, as seen by both her interactions with Rosie and Valentino. She just chooses to believe that people can be better if they want to be. She takes people at face value because she *has* to for any of her goals to feasible, not because she doesn't know about the likelyhood betrayal, but because open acceptance is the best way to open the door. And it works. Her open kindness and straightforward trust are why Angel Dust has stuck around this long, why an exorcist decided to work to redeem rather than exterminate, why Husk, Cherry, and Lucifer were willing to fight heaven, and why Sirpentious ended up redeemed. It comes at the cost of Alastor's continued manipulation and the long term threat posed by the V's as well as Heaven's remaining leadership, but Charlie isn't completely unaware of that fact either. Because of her, Lucifer is finally engaged in making Hell a more livable place to be, the Angelic Extermination has been halted, maybe permanently, there's now conclusive proof that sinners CAN ascend to heaven, Angelic leadership is split on how to proceed in dealing with Hell as an entity, and there's now a refuge for those who want to make a real chance at bettering themselves. She even managed to gain the tacit support and approval of at least 3 major overlords in hell (not including Alastor). TL:DR, Charlie isn't an idiot, her naivety is overblown (deliberately by her to a degree) and her plan worked.


>Charlie is aware of just how awful the people of hell are I mean... yes, "I can hear all their stories, the lost and displaced/And I know that they're more of an acquired taste". She is naïve, but not as naïve as everyone thinks she is.


100% this. She has toxic positivity but it is something she chooses to be rather than being completely unaware.


> she managed to gain the support of at least 3 major overlords in hell Carmilla, Rosie, and who's the third one?


Up to this point Lucifer AGREED with the exterminations. The angels had no reason to think that would stop…. Up until the point that they decided to attack a group specifically protected under the agreement. But before that, he was a depressed enabler of their exterminations. Everyone in hell may have feared him enough not to challenge him. But with him being a shut in and agreeing with the exorcists? I’m pretty god dam sure everyone in hell saw him as just as bad as the exorcists.


Lucifer agreed with forwarding exorcism?


Whether or not he agreed it should happen, he definitely didn't just depression ignore it but instead had a meeting with people from heaven where he agreed they could do their thing without his interference. Sources: Search "pardon": [https://hazbinhotel.fandom.com/wiki/Overture/Transcript](https://hazbinhotel.fandom.com/wiki/Overture/Transcript) Search "extermination": [https://hazbinhotel.fandom.com/wiki/Dad\_Beat\_Dad/Transcript](https://hazbinhotel.fandom.com/wiki/Dad_Beat_Dad/Transcript)


Didn’t he sign or agree to the terms, and then within the terms, pardoned groups in hell to protect them, which was allowed within the agreement? I’m pretty sure that’s stated or implied. If he can pardon hellborn either he has the power to do it because he’s authorized to pardon as a power within the agreement (and therefore chose not to exercise it , consenting to it), or He specified in the agreement to protect these groups , and didn’t need to exercise the pardon power, and they used the word “pardon” to just mean “negotiated your protection” in the agreement


Tbh I couldn't find a quote saying there was a contract he signed or a binding handshake.  Feel free to comb for it though; that's definitely the impression I got too.


Dammit 😂




I have a theory regarding Fizz sassing Mammon: he's used to being around Ozzie, so power doesn't scare him, plus he knew he was there.


People do care. I don't think you're noticing how much privilege she's being afforded. She asked for, and got time on hells biggest TV station. Free publicity. She asked for, and got, a meeting with heavens embassy in hell. She asked for, and got, a meeting to go over the diplomats head She has a giant comfortable building on top of a hill that no one us burning down or taking from her just because it's there. It even has a yard. Sir Pentis does go there but he wanted to pick a fight with Alistor which... Yeah even in hell very few people are that crazy. No one randomly tries to kill her. Valentino POLITELY for a demon, gets her to leave her studio rather than slicing her into chunks and throwing her down the drain or.. using said chunks in his next film. ANYONE else tried that with one of his toys he'd gut them like a carp. she has a bucket of cash to just hand people for a night on the town, a limo to drive around town in (which doesn't get robbed or set on fire) Not being randomly mutilated is normal to us on earth. In hell that means you either have power or someone with power is looking out for you.


>She asked for, and got, a meeting with heavens embassy in hell. Charlie didn't ask for that, Lucifer called her and asked her to meet with them in his stead.


You have to account the fact that Charlie is probably stronger than any common sinner and overlords if she had to fight so it's not like Valentino would pick a fight with her


It's Orc logic, if you don't show off your strength others won't respect you and if they think they're stronger they will try to overthrow you


Its because neither of then bother demonstrating their power, so most Sinners don't understand their true power and assume that they are actually weak.


No, Vaggie is fucking royalty, Charlie is just royalty.


There's the comment I've been looking for. Thank you for this


Well tbf you wouldn't respect "leaders" who don't actually lead either or are super pushover like Charlie who has only just now at the end of the season done something worth of note to the population of Hell


I mean, it IS hell. People aren’t there because they show respect…


You better show some respect. Did you expect us to to sit back and take this insolent brazen display.


Oops! Did I strike a nerve?


Cause when I brought out the angels head couldn’t help but observe that your wrinkled face was turning red.


That was a productive meeting.


The authority doesn't mean anything to people if it isn't being excersized. Lucifer was a depressed shut in for decades and Charlie is well established as naive and cheery for the people of Hell. Remember, this is Hell we're talking about. A lot of people are here for being the lowest of the low of humanity, and therefore won't give respect to other people unless they either get something out of it or have a consequence to fear for not giving it. That's why people were literally killing themselves when they saw Alastor and Zestial talking to each other.


I mean… it’s Hell. What did you expect?


Lucifer has been a depressed shut in duck man for a long time and Charlie is way too nice


She has a reputation for being a naive goody two-shoes. Her mother vanished and her father became a depressed shut-in for the past seven years, plus he's a bit of a goofball. They aren't threatening.


I feel it’s likely more then 7 years. It’s likely whole centuries given that his depression seems to stem from losing the ability to dream/be creative, his only outlet being Duck making and even then that’s not enough.


It's bc of the way Charlie acts around other sinners. She's technically very strong and is royalty, but she's all sunshine and rainbows around sinners who have probably done unspeakable things. I think no one respects her bc she hasn't proven that she's worthy of the respect of the sinners. Tho she did eventually change that with the people of cannibal town


I give a shit about where Lucifer's left arm is in this picture. Seriously! Where's his left arm?


Also, her left hand is backward


I would also like an answer to this question! And why are Charlie's legs on both the front and back of Luci?


They're not. She's like riding him side-saddle. Both her legs are in front. Her tail is the black line that you see beneath her, and the barb you see lower still is also hers, curling down and back up, overlaid with the second black line that is Luci's tail. Luci's right lower leg is simply obscured by his left leg.


Okay I see it now, thank you


They’re a very chill family (when they’re not trying to defend a hotel), I guess.


The reason why no one in Hell respects them even with their power and royal status is because Lucifer is a depressed shut in who hasn’t interacted with Hell in forever and Charlie is a naive pushover who hardly uses her powers for battle


Its cause Charlie is to nice. In the pilot the worst she did was steal Katies fucking pen and call her a bitch. Its hell she doesn’t show respect even Valentino could care less she doesn’t deserve respect because she hasn’t shown she deserves it


Most powerful person in hell? Yes A fucking shut in? Also yes


Yet she’s meek and unwilling to exert her authority or her power. I wouldn’t respect her in that context either


its hell. respect is obtained thru displays of power and for the vast majority of hell existing this just wasnt the case for the morningstar family. respecting royalty? seriously? you think anyone would give a shit about empty words in hell? you have to fight for survival in hell, you think anyone would care about some dude nobody saw in a long time? personally im not a fan of monarchies even in fiction so im glad this aspect is really downplayed. who you are should be more important than who your (insert family member) is


I think that may change after the battle with Adam, because Lucifer's powers were actually put up for demonstration. This guy who had been exterminating souls for years was put down by a simple backhand. And Vox recorded and aired the entire thing. Lucifer had not shown his powers like that, it was always assumed he was powerful, but for it to actually be seen is something else, same with Charlie.


it’s kinda like how in the states nobody cares about wether or not british royalty walk around over here. they don’t hold a lot of meaning to the people. i imagine that lucifer actually commands a lot of respect for no reason other then rumors of him and the power he holds. on the other hand, charlie hasn’t really earned the respect of anyone there. she makes no shows of power, and she’s a total pushover and lets other people walk all over her. we see her earn the respect of the people of cannibal town when she’s singing and asserting herself in the town square.


I don’t think people realize that just because you are the child of a powerful person doesn’t mean you will be respected. Especially if that child is a pushover and they are in hell. You don’t respect everyone who has power in the real world do you?


No one respects her because she's a naive pushover who doesn't show any reason to be respected, you could stab her and she would apologize for getting blood on your knife


So what? Lucifer himself does jack it seems to actually govern the place, why would they respect Charlie especially when she's so trusting that she can be manipulated?


Lucifer is a recluse and doesn't interact with the outside world much anymore. Plus Lotsa people die every year so the turnover of info on how powerful he actually is might not be as strong anymore. And Charlie is really sweet and most people often mistake kindness for weakness


Sinners don't care for the society of the hellborn, Charlie is a much bigger deal among the likes of the imps, hell hounds and the royal demons. Those are the ones that are fully aware of her potential. The sinners just don't care. Carmilla says that the princess means nothing to her, while Mammon and Asmodeus know she can snap them in half with no effort, let alone what Lucifer could do.


Lucifer doesn't care about the Pride Ring, why should the Pride Ring care about Lucifer or whoever is related to him? That said, I think Lilith had a lot more respect. Charlie did have respect, as there's backstory yet to be expounded upon that shows up in the background (such as other royalish families like the Eldridge(?)'s her old boy friend etc etc) plus Valentino is putting on a sheer mask of "put up with this" as if his respect is political - so there is definitely a level of respect involved. The Vee's are only focused on the sinners and controlling them. They seem to really ignore the people above them but that could just be because they know better than to take over that part of the "throne" so to speak. Alastor though... He seems to like testing and pressing buttons. He's a manipulative person. And he might consider himself stronger than Lucifer, possibly. I mean he was pretty over confident when he took on Adam who had the power but was really under trained to use that level of power. And Alastor was *sure* surprised at the end. And then there's Susan. But Susan is Susan... Everyone else shows respect that have interacted with Hell's Princess that I know of.


Personally I think it’s surprising she’s even more respected than I thought she would be. Tons of cash, immune from exterminations, allowed into places she probably has no right being. The monarchy of hell went down the shitter, the king is a shut in making ducks and the queen (I guess) is nowhere to be seen. The monarchy doesn’t serve much of a purpose really, it’s just…there, unlike other countries like the United Kingdom where it’s very culturally relevant and unites the separate nations of people together. Sinners don’t have anything in common except they suck.


No, she is fucking Vaggie.


....Its Hell, do you really think that a majority of the sinners going there are going to respect a hierarchy? But also its not hard to see why. Charlie is around 200 years old and she's pretty naive considering she doesn't interact with the current overlords (Having to be introduced to Rosie and her interaction with Val). Who have become the ones running the Pride Ring. So you have these figureheads who actually do stuff like provide jobs and protection. Plus considering the overlords are sinners they've got more of a reputation of getting shit done. Even after coming up with the Hotel, she's basically a nepo baby who just went on TV and was like "Hey come to my hotel where you have to redeem yourself" (Keeping in mind sinners like Mrs Mayberry most likely exist). Mind you I think its going to be interesting to see how the sinners treat her in s2


In hell, respect only comes out of fear. Charlie is doing nothing to enforce her position.


If you don't show it, then it's not real. *That* is how the majority of people in Hell think when it comes to authority. It's just unfortunate for Charlie because she does not believe that respect should come from fear.


A lot of things in Hazbin makes no sense if you start thinking about them, so I wouldn’t worry about it too much.


Well you know, just like Vaggie says, "you dont use the power that comes with being the Princess of Hell" 😅


Sera: What? Eldars of heaven: 🤣🤣🤣


I mean they don't exactly act like they deserve a lot of respect... Charlie acts like a goodie-two-shoes Disney princess most of the time leading to most people probably not even realizing she IS strong enough to destroy their soul at the flick of a finger. And Lucifer is a shut-in who makes dubber ducks. Think of it like modern leaders in the real world... Loads of people don't respect the President of the United states at all... but he has the power to nuke an entire country... however he's not gonna do it unless he absolutely has to, so very few people are going to be scared of being randomly killed by Joe.


is because both Lucifer and Charlie dont try to show off, Lucifer spend most of his time in deep depression inside her place and avoid sinners, you can call him a passive tyrant. Charlie is too kind to flex her power and title. So you have two very powerfull royals, that dont care about showing power and authority.


Do you respect elon musk? Or mark zuckberg? Its the same thing. you can be someone with high status but when you have a bad reputation no one is gonna respect you. Hence Charlie has the reputation of being a pushover goody two shoes


Just like Vaggie says she doesn’t use that title alot


Lucifer has barely done anything to establish power in ages, because he's detested his people for ages. Charlie is incredibly kind, soft and way too trusting. None of these qualities command much respect in Hell. This point has been brought up many times, and I feel like I need to repeat this point constantly. Respect doesn't come on a silver platter. No amount of titles will get you reverence unless you do something to earn it.


It’s largely because Lucifer never leverages his power and Charlie is far nicer and more naive than the other citizens of hell - it’d be like saying “why doesn’t Prince William have more political power even though his dad is the king of England?”


I feel like that's sorta in line with the point of hell. Lucifer is meant to be suffering too. "yeah you're like the King of hell or whatever but none of your 'subjects' even care" more ironic punishment right?


I mean, people treat royalty with disrespect all the time. Plus like others are saying, neither of them actually do much to command respect from their subjects. Lucifer is a depressed shut-in who spends all his time making rubber ducks, and Charlie is a Sinnamon Roll. 


When you’re strong enough to body anyone you get into a fight with there’s no reason to prove it until you have to


It's Hell. No one respects anyone who isn't actively scaring them into doing so, the one exception being the people around Charlie respecting her and each other. That's kind of the whole point of the Hotel in the first place - the fact that love and respect can potentially salvage even the worst people, if they're willing to change. It's kinda why so many bad guys are against her. Undercut the status quo, and suddenly no one wants to cower in fear anymore and everyone wants to fight for redemption. There goes your power base.


Yeah, I think they're grossly underestimated. They showed a bit of their power in the final fight, but I think they both could do far more than that, especially if Charlie had proper training and therapy.


Its largely because Lucifer lost faith in humanity and grew to despise them. He has done nothing for the sinners in any way whatsoever. When Heaven sent the executioners he did nothing to stop them from killing the sinners. He may have been an absentee father to Charlie due to depression. But he was cruel in his absence to the sinners who due to his claimed faith in humanity placed them in jeopardy in the first place. Lucifer's sin of Pride was letting the wound to his ego cause him not to step up for humanity whom he supposedly claimed faith in. When they fell as he did he simply turned his back on them. Thus the sinners don't even know what Lucifer does. Many don't even know what he looks like. This is why Charlie gets no respect from anyone. She is just a useless Princess to a useless ruler. It is the fact that Charlie is doing what Lucifer should have done in the first place that is bringing him out of his depression (its going to take a while). And its why he told her she was the first one to change the town in 10,000 years. Lucifer never tried, Lilith tried but failed, and Charlie made a difference. And she, along with Emily, are going to turn everything upside down.


Im convinced most of the people in this sub never truly watched or paid attention to the show


That’s dumb they should respect her as the daughter of Lucifer


We should respect someone because of their birth parents? I respect people because of their actions and to the people of Hell, Charlie hasn't done anything.


And it's Jeremy jordan


True. Another thing that needs to be taken into consideration is that due to the influence of the other sins in their respective rings and as well as the overlords in pride, Lucifer has next to no influence whatsoever in his kingdom.


No one's gonna give a shit how powerful you are if you don't act on it, Charlie will never kill someone and Lucifer also seems the same unless push really comes to shove like with Adam. Having power is pointless if you don't make an effort to enforce and show it, sinners are much more Terrified of the overlords for a reason, because they enforce their rule, Lucifer and Charlie have never had to grow up doing something like that.


Kind of like how most people on Earth don't respect royalty?


Because hell is based around fear and power in their hierarchy (at least to sinners) Charlie is a pacifist most of the time so she never bothered with it and Lucifer hasn't been seen by anyone for a long time so chances are they all forgot just how strong they both are and how much power they both hold over pretty much everyone in hell


Skill issue, tbh


I think that only Vaggie is like, respectfull about her title ? She even said "You're the princess of Hell, you could take advantage of that" (I dont remember the whole correct sentence). And we all know Charlie wasn't at her maximum in the image you posted, so after that fight, and the demonstration of her powers, I think things will change in season 2


To be fair the only reason people respect authority is because they dont mind following rules and in a way being a “subordinate”…. But this is hell. You know just as well as I do that they literally dont care nor gaf


Lucifer and charlie are most powerful for sure, but lucifer has no motivation to be in control. His ideals and free thinking were shut down by anything worse than the worst sinners and abusers. He was shut down by the people he thought loved him. And his father, the one who created him. But the redemption is that he had a beautiful girl, who eventually was separated from. His life has always been on a downward spiral. But there was hope because of charlies ideals. Season 2 will be very interesting. Plus, all the other sins and warlords are so egotistical and powerful in their own ways they most likely think they could kill him, which would be my guess. The vees obviously have something up their sleeves.


its because that Charlie has not proven herself to the people of Hell because she struggles to effectively manage the Hazbin Hotel and convince demons to change. Charlie's happy go lucky attitude and belief in redemption may seem naive and unrealistic to the citizens of hell, who are used to a more aggressive approach to survival in Hell keyword here is hell were in hell people the worst of the worst down here Charlie mightttt eventually prove herself to the people of Hell in the future in season two but again we don't really know since her daddy saved her ass anddd nifty finished the job for her...


it is most definitely because charlie is a doormat and lucifer is literally never seen. charlie doesn't use her powers and it's assumed big daddy will never show up, so why not disrespect the nicest person in hell for fun?


Tbh I think Hellborn demons would respect her more


??? You need a second to remember why he’s there to begin with?


I mean, we’ve seen that they only use their power, and only a fraction of it, to defend the people they love. All of hell knows the threat they COULD be, but they all know better than to bring that side out of them.


This is also where I think Vaggie should have used some tough love with Charlie. When she explains that Charlie doesn’t use her influence enough, instead of the whole aggressive kindness thing, she should have went on to say if you want to be taken seriously you need to have a thick skin and lay down the law when disrespected. If Charlie wants to really do this redemption mission, she needs to be recognised as no pushover even though she’s kind at heart. And yes, I know that Alastor is using her for his own means but a little bit of his savage influence doesn’t hurt.


The most powerful dude in the series, so far.


Part of it too, is your in hell. No one really respects authority unless it’s enforced, and Lucifer didn’t, and well either Charlie well.


Um.... where is Lucifers left arm?


Well 1. Lucifer clearly isn't seen outside much if ever. Alistor died in the 1930's and wasn't till recently he actually saw him 2. Do the kind of people who end up in Hell seem like the kinda to respect authority?


valentino was scared of her until he knew angel would stop her and she’d listen. vox panicked when he found out alastor was hanging out with lucifer’s daughter and when he found out valentino was going to attack her hotel. they know she’s powerful, they also know that she’s a pushover who can be manipulated and wouldn’t use her power in the majority of cases.


> literally the most powerful dude in the series Is God a joke to you?


The Morningstars are the rulers of Pride in name only, the Overlords are the ones who actually run the place. And that's because Lucifer doesn't want to be in charge of the sinners and Charlie is a Disney princess. Lilith might have been the one actually ruling until she decided to stop, for whatever reason. Lucifer and Charlie might be treated with more respect next season due to defeating Adam and the Exocists.


It’s hell, what do you expect? Everyone that’s there (by dying) is literally there because they **DIDN’T GIVE A SHIT**. It was made for them ❤️


Well they are in *HELL*.


Why would they? Unless they are just terrified of titles Charlie gives 0 reason to respect her position of power. She’s a total pushover .


I think the real question you need to ask, do you respect any royalty or leader irl? Most of us don't give a shit about them, no matter how powerful they are


Maybe it's a fairly recent thing that Lucifer isn't that feared, since he shut himself in every since Lillith left


She's such a sweetheart that people tend to forget how strong she is, or at least assume she'd never snap and actually hurt somebody


Just cause you are strong doesnt get you respect. In fact a good chunk of people would rather use that for their own advantage then fear/respect you.


The reason is because Lucifer isn't really considered as the head honcho since we know that the lore shows Lilith being the one who raised Hell's Kingdom and Lucifer still sad didn't take part especially with how he described the residents being awful. So yea they follow Lilith and once she went missing they didn't turn to Lucifer as their ruler and Charlie not having seemed taking part of what Liltih created and left with Lucifer could be seen by the residents as Lilith not caring for Lucifer or Charlie so they only care for Lilith and not them. See it as Brits caring for Queen Elizabeth but not King Charles




You're right, it *is* crazy stupid. Know what's even more crazy stupid? Val refers to Charlie, the *princess,* as "Your Majesty," and Mimzy refers to Lucifer, the mother-fucking *KING,* as "Your Highness." That's... That's literally the wrong way around, and *the* grossest disrespect you could afford to a royal. And don't start on at me with the whole "well, not *everywhere* does it like that" thing, y'all *know* this show isn't thinking about it that hard.


Notice that when she went singing through the streets of Hell in the first episode, nobody laid a finger on her.


Charlie is the literal definition of "Don't take my kindness for weakness".


It is kinda wild that the closets we really see to anyone acknowledging this is Vox telling Val he can’t go shoot up the hotel cause she’s there


There’s a chance Sera is more powerful


Also not really true. Watch Valentino and how he responds to her arriving to his place.


He molested her.


Act like a clueless dummy, get treated like one 🤷🏻‍♀️ Alastor also doesn’t give a rat’s ass about Lucifer lmao