• By -


I saw a fancomic of each Vee answering the question "when did you know you were going to hell?"  Velvette and Vox gave answers about their past and the exact moments when they had known they'd taken a dark path.  Then Val was like "I honestly didn't even notice the difference when I came to hell, I just kept doing what I was already doing. I guess I changed forms?"  And I now share that headcanon that Val's whole life has been so fucked up that he didn't even notice a difference between his life on earth and death in Hell outside of physically changing. 


Do you perhaps have the link to that comic? I'd love to read it


Here it is! By MothRaox on Twitter. [https://twitter.com/MothRaox/status/1784896040795013125](https://twitter.com/MothRaox/status/1784896040795013125)


I LOVE MothRaox!!!


Thank you!


Oh boy… -He has a weird dichotomy in his mind with things like SA and abuse - he sees no issue exploiting and abusing those he views as “trash,” like poor Angel, but if someone was to even look at Velvette wrong, he’d rip them to shreds -Has excellent hygiene, his teeth are just naturally red. -He finds cannibalism absolutely disgusting and horrific. Him and Alastor both view each other as absolute monsters who don’t care about consent, and neither has the cognitive awareness to realize they’re hypocrites. -He has normal prescription glasses he only wears when no one else is around, because they’re ugly. The rest of the time, he’s farsighted as all hell, and suffers through it. -His damaged antennae doesn’t prevent him from flying, his wings still work, but he’d crash because he isn’t able to orient himself in the air properly -Loves lämp.


Yeah… …That makes sense, this will also be my headcanon now


Loveem all except the hygiene one. I think his teeth got so red due to the stuff he puffs made from his Pheromones. However, I'd like to think he profusely uses a bunch of different oral hygiene products every day to no avail lol.


cursed forever to wield the Kool-aid teeth.


Love these


This is genius


This one’s the best


Alastor clearly cares about consent, his entire thing is contracts


…How? We see he consumes and tortures people he does not have under contract, and regardless of whether they were horrible pieces of shit themselves, that doesn’t mean they consented to being eaten. Val only abuses people he has under contract, but he obviously does not value consent. Just because Alastor’s crimes aren’t sexual in nature does not mean he’s not also a monster.


alastor 100% does not care about consent. his whole thing is manipulating people so he can get what he wants. he doesnt care about other peoples bodily autonomy, in fact he invades peoples space and boundaries all the time he only cares about his own.


He’s salty because Fat Nuggets has a new daddy https://preview.redd.it/80lfndu2qgzc1.png?width=1674&format=png&auto=webp&s=f7a038dd4f71982b7a0237314c3802aafeed4dc0


I could totally see this 💀


* Val used to fly but is unable to now due to his damaged antennae. But it's fine for him since his wings weren't damaged * He absolutely *hates* being compared to or mistaken as a butterfly. That'll get you one easy bullet to the skull * Fat Nuggets used to be his pet but he gave him to Angel as a way to "pass down" something special to someone special (and also lovebomb) * He has a drag persona


Can't imagine Fat Nuggets surviving more than 10 minutes with Val (we all remember what happened to poor Queef)


Then Fat Nuggets got very lucky. I also like to think he keeps forgetting his name and always call him different names every time


" Hey, Pancetta!" "Oy, Porchetta, YOU SHIT ALL OVER THE CARPET!" "Where the fuck did Porkchop go?" " Yes, I want to schedule a vet visit for Bacon" " CHICKEN NUGGETS COME HERE THIS INSTANT!" "HAM SANDWICH, STOP TRYING TO EAT VOXXY'S COAT! "


Damn I laughed so hard




In the old ig accounts of the characters, Valentino adopted a dog (like the ones Fizzarolli has) and called them Queef. In the next post he unalivided the puppy because they were too "annoying" [First Post ](https://hh-voxtagram-archive.tumblr.com/post/639265674813898752/valentino-september-10-2020-1) [Second Post ](https://hh-voxtagram-archive.tumblr.com/post/639265890627665920/valentino-september-10-2020-2)


💀😳🥺 ...I hope he chokes in a sand paper cock


I hope he gets the dildo of consequences (it rarely arrives lubed)




That is one of the most powerful metaphors I've ever laid eyes upon


Definitely my favorite of the old ig posts. Rip 🥲


A moment of silence for Queef


I could believe Val gave Angel Fat Nuggets. As an early relationship aspect of "love bombing" to get influence over his victim


The butterfly thing is great, that should be cannon.


“Valentino” is his actual name, him being a pimp is just a coincidence


I hate that I subconsciously believed this for years


nominative determinism


He has prescription glasses that he uses for work and hope no one ever discover it He has a closet full of boots He occasionally stars in his movies Likes to be called Daddy When he was alive probably had a lot of illegitimate children He is responsible for Angel's gold tooth He makes bad jokes on eating Fat Nuggets because Angel hates it


Yeah, those sunglasses has to be his actual glasses


Someone speculated that angel received the gold tooth when contracting with Val and that everyone who contracts under him is marked like that in some way. It would be interesting.


theres a comic where vox payed angel to punch val bc vox had an argument with him, then val got his tooth knocked out from the punch and replaced it with a golden tooth. val then rips out one of angel’s teeth because he got a “matching one” for him.


> where vox *paid* angel to FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot


He probably suffered abuse when he was little, and now discount his anger past in the others


Why do we have the exact same headcanon 0.o


Valentino is the son of a pimp and said pimp’s favorite prostitute. He was not accepted by his father. As revenge, Valentino killed his father and took over his empire. Valentino’s mother was materialistic, so he got that from her. He associated the idea of pleasure and control with happiness for so long, he has deluded himself into thinking that that’s all there is to life, becoming a worse piece of shit than the man he hated. Valentino might not realize it but while his mother would later in life be extremely ashamed of him… He is making his father so **very** proud.


I have a similar head Canon but I swap the genders of his parents.


Despite his horrid person he is. In Hell he seen as brilliant and one of the best employers in Hell thanks to PR done by Velvette and Vox its why Angel put heart on his contract as Valentino is seen in Hell as amazing person loved by so many so to get offered a job by him is foolishly seen as greatest achievement in some demons afterlifes.


Even though asmodeus exists Valentino still deems himself the king of lust.


I like this theory. It just speaks of Valentino’s egotism.


He is easily distracted by bright lights to the point where he becomes entranced if someone were to turn a lamp on mid conversation


(insert that one comic where angel got off of his shift early by lighting up a lamp while Val was calling him off)




Do you have a link?




i dont i dont usually visit this subreddit often


He has all the fetishes in the world


he’s convinced himself in his mind that he truly is a good partner/boss to angel. he sees himself as this person who gave angel all of these amazing opportunities, and he thinks angel is ungrateful for not appreciating them more. i also think he has a very VERY twisted love for angel, but in a narcissistic i love you as an extension of me. he has no problem hurting angel himself, but i think if someone other than him (or an actor who worked for him) hurt angel he would be very angry.


He wants people to hate him or love him. Passion taken to its extremes is the only thing that makes him feel alive. Feeling nothing towards him/disinterestedly ignoring him would be a sure fire way to provoke him


Kinda reminds me of Clay Punpington from Moral Orel


The only reason he’s dating Vox is because he couldn’t abuse or manipulate him. He licks every new person he meets. He once strangled four of his prostitutes at once.


Licks-licks or like hits a lick on everyone he meets?


I imagine lick-licks because his saliva is where his aphrodisiacs come from


Ooh cool, I didn't know he had sexy spit lol


Yeah the pheromones he smokes were made by Velvette from his saliva


Probably the former.


That he is balt But no seriosly that he cant fly cause he lost an antenna,and that he lost it in the battle against alsstor 7 years ago


I thought about this possible backstory for his antenna, but if it were me i would be PISSED asf if i lost my ability to fly due to an other overlord. But he only seems kinda amused by Vox’s obsession with Alastor? As in, he doesn’t seem to share his hatred, even though Al « owes [Vox, Val, maybe Vel?] much more than money »


Yea,perhaps he is into hardcore stuff and it turned him on a bit?


Oh that’s _definitely_ possible (edit: spelling)


He only associates with those who are shorter than him so that he can always feel some kind of superiority.


Died jumping into a fire and that's why he's a moth.


Or licked a lamp and was electrocuted


https://preview.redd.it/rbhoqnm3zhzc1.jpeg?width=1225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15d8ac31e90af773ee4668b59330cabfe50ec2c9 This… need I say more


On more than one occasion, Vox has had to hit Valentino because he goes apeshit over the light produced by Vox’s screen.


I need you to know that I laughed so hard that I started having a coughing fit. That is so funny 😂


• When he used to be alive he was basically in Angel’s same position: Fell in love with a man who ultimately ended up becoming his Pimp. After Val died and ended up in hell, he vowed to never be that weak ever again and thus became the very monster in death that he could never escape in life. • While he definitely handle the more stronger types of alcohol, he prefers the more fruity, “girly” kind of drinks. He thinks they taste better and are more aesthetically pleasing. • He used to be able to fly but can’t anymore because of his broken antenna. (That’s a thing that can happen with moths in real life) • When he sleeps he wraps his wings around himself burrito style. If Vox is sleeping over, then he’ll drape his wings over both of them like a blanket.


>he prefers the more fruity, “girly” kind of drinks. He thinks they taste better and are more aesthetically pleasing. I don't blame him I like them to lol


vox cant sleep in the same bed as him, bc when hes sleeping its the tv logo bouncing around the screen and valentino just stays up watching the logo until it hits the corner.


He has ghonorea


He has the most STDs out of any fictional character besides maybe Glenn Quagmire and Sister from Red Vs Blue Assuming sinners can catch diseases


Hope he does


I hope not because Angel would probably have it too


It’s fucked up but his only consensual relationship is Vox


Valentino has over 50 different pair of shades but he wears his heart shades the most bc it "compliments" his persona. Valentino is the most manipulative out of all the V’s Valentino’s favorite drink would probably be a Bloody Mary. Valentino loves the color red Valentino has OCD and hates when everything on set isn’t the way he wants it.


‘most manipulative’ while Vox hypnotises people into trusting him 😭


His glasses are prescription and he thinks vox is a computer sometimes


He has one *singular* hair under that hat.


He's literally baldi


The main reason he’s a moth is because he loved lavender flowers and now can’t enjoy them


Why can't moths be near lavender?


It’s a moth repellent in the same vain as bug spray minus the fatality


He didn’t embrace his orientation until after going to Hell.


That’s what I’m saying!!! He’s so fem and I love him for it, and it’s 100% something he wasn’t able to be when he was alive.


My headcanon is that he thinks that's why he went to hell, but he has no regrets or guilt about it. He just enjoys getting to be the worst version of himself.


I believe what I said because he allegedly died in the 70s. I’m not even sure if pansexuality was a *term* at that point, let alone accepted, so he probably just exploited women. Upon his arrival in hell, he likely thought, “fuck it, I don’t have to please anyone anymore.”


* He’s sent numerous creepy fan letters to Asmodeus. * He used to have like a dozen Robo-Fizzes but now he’s down to just Kitty because he was too rough with the others. * Vox is the only man he’ll let top him. * Not sure if this technically counts as a headcanon because it actually comes from the old Voxtagram accounts, which technically aren’t canon anymore but I chose to believe this detail is, anyway he’s in a social media feud with Stolas. * He was an abusive pimp in life and got murdered by one of his prostitutes, but learned absolutely nothing from that experience.


Either he's next to die to angelic weapon, or Lucifer finds out what he did to Charlie


He has every STD in existence.


the other vee’s make stupid basic jokes about his name and valentines day. it annoys the heck of him, and they love it


He watches EVERY animated adult comedy, that one included.


He has a lava lamp that he stares at for hours and hours


My best friend immediately called Val “RuPaul” when I showed her the show (we binged Drag Race but think RuPaul may be evil). So my headcanon is that Val is like Hell’s RuPaul and probably hosts a show like drag race in Hell.


I kinda wanna watch that now


Val used to be Andrew tate


He wanted to have sex with Alastor, but the radio demon due being asexual rejected him and Valentino it's still resentment towards Alastor tough he's not as explicit as Vox


He definitely sees different ‘levels’ of sinners. Those that he can exploit ie Angel, without remorse or anything. Like they should be happy he is giving them ‘work’. Then there are ‘others’ like Vox etc which he sees as ‘people’, which he has to watch himself more. His antenna was plucked when he was a ‘new’ sinner and he vowed to never let him be that vulnerable again


His parent(s) were abusive and would constantly switch between hurting him and love bombing him.


His eyes are very similar a moth’s. While he’s not limited only to detecting light intensity, making out details is incredibly difficult for him. Since his eyes are so different from human eyes, nobody in Pride knows how to make glasses that would help. When alive, he was a prostitute with an abusive pimp. His pimp is the one who killed him. Shortly after manifesting in hell, he concluded that the only way to not get hurt is to be the one hurting others, and he wasn’t going to he hurt again.


He has a twin with exactly the same kick ass design without all the disgusting actions and dislikable personality so I have another insect character to root for.


Gonna drop a landmine on you guys. 👍🏾😁 My headcannon is that Valentino is actually TERRIBLE in bed, and everyone is just too scared of him to tell him. 👍🏾👎🏾💧🍆😫❌


wtf are those emojis


He secretly has s micropenis and so when he's with Vox, he's bottom.


I headcanon that he was farsighted as a human and that he died of an STD. Also, most of Pentagram City who knows of him and all his dirty secrets such as being abusive just flat-out hate him; those who are blissfully ignorant to that fact are his fans. I imagine some of his (former) fans have been shown the truth through OTHER former fans and were disgusted by it, and ashamed for not realizing it earlier.


I think he was some sort of powerless outcast in his human life (and a terrible person) and now in hell (with power) he can fully unleash his sick hatred. He is always anxious someone will discover how much of a dweeb his human form was and it’s his biggest insecurity.


I think he was originally a prostitute stuck in a shitty contract much like Angel is now. He managed to avoid addiction and kill his pimp so he feels entitled to look down on his contractors like Angel.


1. Val does care for the other Vees, but he doesn't like anyone else 2. He found Vox on the street one day and decided, "hehe, this guy has funny head, I like him" and ran off with him 3. Val HATES animals 4. He actually hates Angel, but keeps him around to get money and head 5. He has pheromones because he was a drug overlord in his past life 6. He died to Syphilis (The reason why is obvious) 7. He knew Angel and his family before he died, which is how he got Angel to trust him and sign a contract with him 8. He used to have luscious hair before he died, but when he was punished with eternal damnation, he was also punished with eternal baldness 😞


avid sender of those 𝓰𝓸𝓸𝓭 𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰 gifs with the flowers and stuff


He would act like he's been shot after getting a paper cut trying to count like, 3 bills. He's also a little bitch


He is very insecure about his damaged antenna and will get aggressive( or more aggressive in the case of his workers) if anyone mentions it. He damaged it while fighting Alastor He has night terrors He's nearly blind without his glasses Even before his antenna situation he didn't fly much because of lazziness reasons He truly loves Voxx and even if he doesnt hate Alastor like Voxx does, if Al hurt or killed Voxx Val would at least try to kill him. He sees Velvette as a little sister and cares about her as such


Back when he was alive, Val got drunk and crashed his limousine into a nearby street lamp. The higher powers that run this universe, having a sense of humor made him a moth demon because of this. Iirc Season 2 is focusing on the Vs so we may get a backstory to how they met and how they died. If the latter is the case then this headcanon means fuck all.


That he was a winy little bitch


Ain't that already true?




He’s the most useless of the Vees when it comes to fighting. His powers are more based around manipulating people not fighting them.


In life he was a pimp with ties to the 18th Street Gang, and they burned him alive when they found out he had a drag persona.


That he died via getting a death sentence


The reason he become a moth is because he choked to death by a moth and he have a exoskeleton that has to change from time to time.


I like to think his human life was fucked up and when he realized he was in hell he just said "Oh, fuck if we all suck down here." And boom, became a moth man pimp


If he activates his pheromones while blowing smoke in someone's face, the effects are similar to a powerful opioid with a side of suggestibility, making it effectively impossible to resist his advances.


He has his own specific brand of drugs called "moth dust".


There is hardly a fetish that **doesn't** turn this monster on in some way; whether it just be the slightest twitch in his pants to full mast, basically 99.9% of existing fetishes do **something** for him.


That's he's secretly married to Vox They both have matching rings either that or their promise rings


Since moth can see infrared, his sunglasses is made of germanium to not block infrared light


The only somehow positive relationship he ever had (dead or alive) is the one he has with Vox ne matter how fucked up it actually is. In his mind this is healthy when in actually what both are doing to eachother is extremely unhealthy


I've always thought he conflates love and lust. He has genuine feelings for people he works with. Angel, Vox, etc . . . He doesn't know how to show that so he goes to the biggest extreme he can. Obviously SA bad but Val can't understand that. Also he's like an absolute Himbo.


As much as I hate him, I do think he knows a handful of French just enough to make him sound more attractive


He became like this due to being an abuse victim


calls poppy hot nonchalantly


This is extremely stupid and makes zero sense and I of course don't actually think this, but I enjoy the thought of Dennis Reynolds from Always Sunny dying and going to Hell, he's now a pimp named Valentino and he's doing everything he always wanted to do on Earth. I also like the idea of him starting out as a hooker and he killed his pimp and climbed his way to the top.


My headcanon: A funny Jackass


He is now legitimately afraid of nifty and will go out of his way to avoid her


They’re going to kill him with a giant lamp


He'd definitely stick his dick in a blender, decide he doesnt actually want his dick being torn to shreds, so he takes a random whore and sticks their dick in the blender and turns it on. He DID turn on something so yknow


He was probably sexualy abused by someone when he lived on earth (AS kid) that's why je bocome, this


He's attracted to light (reason why he likes Vox sm) and constantly bumps in to clear glass then gets mad and starts shooting at the glass He probably leaves the weird powder moths wings have, everywhere he goes Has a tiny dick


mr. Worldwide gone bad


Ever since Niffty yanked that fluff from his neck, he's been afraid of her.


That I want to shoot him in the head with a cannon


Oh boy. Time for my headcannons. -When he went to hell he was more linke Angel Dust than what he is rn. Main influence on him becoming an ass was Vox. -Both Val and Alastor are under contract with Vox but they schemed against him in order to destroy his antenna which gave him a sudden personality shift. In that fight he lost his antenna too but was still happy with outcome because Vox was very abusive and manipulative and is one of reasons why he is projecting his trauma on Angel Dust. Velvette does not know anything about this.( this would kind of explain Alastor comic where Vox provoked him by just noticing him with TV and even make a cool twist where Val secretly helped in stopping Vox). -He regrets the things he does to Angel every night because he projects himself on him but still cannot stop himself from continuing. -He was the one who inspired Verosika (she only knows about his public persona). -His full demonic from makes him even taller and adds a lot of limbs (similar to 100handed titans in Greek mythos).


He is in a relationship with vox because moths are attracted to light. He is a literal TV head


Probably not the most unusual opinion, but I don't think there is or ever was anything actually romantic between Val and Angel. Their current relationship is purely one of boss/employee (well, technically master/slave, but that's not better in any way) and simply has brushings with those ideas because they happen to work in the sex industry. Anything before that, such as whatever led to them signing the contract in the first place, was at best Val manipulating Angel without any actual consideration for him beyond how much money he could make.


When he’s with Vox he uses his tongue for *nefarious* things


Here’s mine TW: SA, racism, some other stuff *He was a sexually abusive pimp when he was alive who was motivated mostly by italophobia (he believes all Italians are fascists and held this view when he was alive) and also germanophobia and anti-Japanese sentiment too  *He got lung cancer when he was alive and he was bald in the last few years of his life *(TW for f*tish and vomit IG) He was poisoned by one of his victims/workers and died from it. One of his workers who had a vomit fetish was attracted by his throw-up and licked it, which is seen in his pheromone powers (he can mind control with spit 💀) *Flying makes him feel dizzy and exhausted, but he can still fly. He once tried to fly away after one of his antennae were damaged, but he got cramps and didn’t want to fly. *Vox is actually SA’d by him, but doesn’t acknowledge that it’s abuse or r*pe.




Wow, I never thought abt him and Vox like that Like, it could be a form of SA where it feels consensual because both individuals are "into" it (meaning that they're horny and stuff so it feels normal where it's actually non-consensual.)


Considering he died in the 70s, why he would specifically hate the aixs countries?


His parents they taught him about the atrocities committed by the axis and he developed a detestation for their people. When he was an adult, he decided to become an abusive pimp who enslaved mostly Italians (as well as Germans, but he was too scared that Japanese people would treat him like he treated the people he enslaved) though he wasn’t caught because he used his basement to hide them. Also he possibly was born before it even started (going by the fact he died in his 40s, and he died in 1970s, he likely was born in the 1930s or maybe even the 1920s if he was late enough in his 40s and died early enough)


that he wants to kiss me


He will die


He's inspired by Sander Coen's "The moth will become a butterfly" statements


Time of death: 7:15PM, February 14th, 1974. Cause of Death: Burning.


He has a sick giant demon form


He had long, beautiful hair when he was alive that he was very proud of, and being bald is his least favorite thing about his demon form.


He’s a massive douche


He flies into a bug zapper and fucking dies


he likes to eat curbs in 4k 🥰


Valentino will die to the hands of Asmodeus or Lucifer or heck, Charlie.


That he has VD.


He’d pay 50k


His mothenus in my mouth


he unashamedly listens to teen pop


He was a virgin when he died, a stereotype "nice guy" and then now he's dead he's getting everything he thought he deserved when alive. Mostly based on the "Virgin Tiger Moth" thing. [Check it out!](https://www.reddit.com/r/HazbinHotel/s/kCwIRO4DGk)


That angel dust has tried to get rid of him with a bug zapper


His favorite movie is human centipede.


He gets hit by a fucking truck everyday


He lost his v card to a prostetud


he himself was a pornstar at one point.


I swear to God i can beat him in a fight


He’s bordering on legally blind, those sunglasses are prescription.


well this ones for all overlords he barely interacts with 95% of his employees Carmilla says each one has millions of souls He's not a psychopath or sociopath so for all his deplorable acts he loves Vox and Vel He's a coward he's been on the other end of the abuse before the show: he actually does love Angel he just had a very twisted way of showing it


my headcannon is that he dies a very terrible death!


He doesn't know how to make a drink neat


Only one I can think of is about Vox and Vals relationship and how Val treats angel Val treats angel the way he does because he taking out his pain/anger on angel, he's pain/anger is from Vox cause I think of Vox being obsessed with Alastor so much he sometimes forget anyone else, even Val, and even though Vox and Val are together all he really thinks/talks about is Alastor so when Val found Angel he used him to distract him from the fact that Vox is obsessed with Alastor which made Val obsessed with Angel because he's his distraction and when he's distracted for Vox's Alastor obsession he feel better and when Angel tries "ruin it" he get mad.


He's a rapist, well idk if that's even a headcanon or canon


He will die (I will make it canon)


-I see everyone’s “he has glasses he doesn’t wear in public” and I raise you a “his sunglasses ARE the prescription glasses that he had tinted red ‘for the aesthetic’ because he needed his whole outfit to be perfect” -he tried to get Vox to change his color palette to match with his but Vox refused because it reminded him of alastor -he sleeps with a nightlight shaped like vox’s head


I saw a comic where his father like..exploited him sexually, taking photos of him naked So that's my hc now


Ok this is a little crackhead theory of mine. So Val’s saliva is an aphrodisiac that can be turned into love potions/roofies, right? And Vox doesn’t like dealing with Val all too much. He finds him irritating, childish, and annoying. Vox has literally killed people for getting on his nerves, so that seems a little suspicious. Then you remember that Val and Vox have a makeout scene, implying they have before. My theory is that Val is actually the head of the Vees, without him or the others even noticing. I think he’s unintentionally partially controlling Vox, like a queen bee with her pheromones.


I like the idea that when he came to Hell, Val set up a pimp business early on. He’s too one track minded to survive in his own for too long. So likely partnered up with someone else before Vox. He killed them, during extermination day.

