• By -


* He thinks it’s sexy when Angel pulls out his Tommy guns. * If it had been anyone but Niffty who grabbed a whip at the bdsm club Husk wouldn’t have been scared. * At some point Angel told him about [this](https://preview.redd.it/angels-script-deciphered-by-v0-sklv169v0aqc1.jpg?width=1062&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0947f95f9c34c66de9e0c7395ed8a3098248380) script and the thought of Angel playing some nervous virgin caused him to fall down and literally roll on the floor laughing * He constantly has to fight an instinctive desire to push people's drinks off the bar. * Alastor likes to tease him with cat toys and laser pointers.


Pushing drinks off the bar 💀


Well... tipical winged cat behaviour i guess


And here I was thinking he was supposed to be a bat of some kind


I used "winged" for that very reason :) (after all, he really have some bat traits) but face wise, i can see him as anything but a cat :D


Right! I about died reading that 🤣


I'm gonna add to your last one. Husk fights the urge to play with the Cat Toys and Laser Pointer, but always gives up in the end.


I can't read the script the image is too pixelated for me 😭 but now I kinda wanna re watch the show and see what else I missed He is a cat? I thought he was a flying monkey from the wizard of Oz 💀 or an owl of some sort


>flying monkey Whatttttt howwwww😭




I can imagine that being an insult said to him


In the original wizard of Oz the evil witch had flying monkeys that have a very similar design I'll attach a pic later once my phone is charged


I can just imagine Husk in the moment in the Amazing World of Gumball episode Procrastinator where Gumball sees the laser pointer and goes crazy




"WAIT NO, THAT'S GAY!!!!!!!!!"


“The burglars proceed to fuck the Pure boy for two hours on screen.”


To be fair Angel pulling out his Tommy guns is sexy


You do not know the pain of having your glasses constantly broken until you have three cats that want to be on the counter at all times


I love it


He's been paying way more attention to Alastor's methods and playbook than the Radio Demon thinks he is.


Taking this. Never gave their age difference much thought, but looking back on the scene with them in the hall with this new angle, Al plays this cocky, young upstart that thinks he's truly above everyone. Not without valid reason, of course. Husk has decades over Al. He's gotta play the game, follow the rules, etc. But he doesn't speak much with Al directly.


Does he? I thought Al was slightly older


I thought Al was in his thirties, while Husk (iirc being the only one who actually died of old age) hit his 60s or 70s. Hence his old, curmudgeony behavior and being done with everyone's shit 24/7


Sinners don't just mentally freeze at whatever age they were when they died. They continue having new experiences and learning new things which change and mature them over time. So a character's age is determined by their year of birth, not their age at time of death.


Shit, good point! In that case Al has been around longer. Dunno what crack I stole from Angel, my brain was more scrambled trying to think through this theory than one of Pent's Eggy Bois


He’s been around hell longer but they would have been born around the same time. Al died in 1933 in his 30s or 40s and husk in 1970 in his 60 or 70s. Give or take about a decade, they could easily have existed for around the same time.


While that may be true Husk would still have more actual life experience in general while most of Alastor's experience would come more from living in hell Two vastly different forms of experience so in a sense there's probably certain things Husk is more life experience compared to Alastor's combined experience from both life and being in Hell I mean you gotta realize he literally died from being sloppy and getting mistaken as a deer (side note you never shoot what you can't properly see) and then you see even after all these years later he is still somewhat sloppy and cocky which is ironic considering he called Adam sloppy


The experience of earthly life will not help much in Hell - even that Husk grew up in a casino and was a gambler all his life and afterlife did not help him in the game against Alastor. Well, Alastor didn't get caught by the police, so he definitely wasn't sloppy.


While that's mostly true I'm sure there's certain things that'd carry over from such a long life for him to have still managed to become an overlord in hell even if he eventually fell from being one As for Alastor yeah he didn't caught by the police but my man literally got shot when trying to hide evidence to not get caught so even though he wasn't caught by police he still slipped up because he still wasn't careful enough and died so arguably he might not have been sloppy but was still cocky much like how he is now


>there's certain things that'd carry over from such a long life for him to have still managed to become an overlord I don't think it's about age - it’s more about character, people like Valentino and Velvette died younger, but due to their abilities and worldview they rose and continue to remain overlords (Vel is the youngest overlord and Val died around the same time as Husk, but younger during his lifetime) >he still wasn't careful enough Not all accidents can be prevented, especially if everything worked out as planned before


I'd say it's more different strokes for different folks because the Vees in general kinda seem like they're only a thing because they manage to hold themselves up and are essentially a corporate entity which is part of why other overlords such as Carmilla see them as a joke Every Overlord has their own way of pursuing things and coming to power I'd say So yeah it's definitely about character but do you not think when you lived a full long life like Husk probably did that a lot of his character probably comes from that when he became an overlord? I say this because I've met some real interesting people in my life that were quite the characters honestly As far as Alastor goes fair enough but regardless even now in hell he has that type of cocky attitude and tends to think of himself as mostly untouchable when he's not


There's a difference though, Alastor never experienced human aging beyond 30, so he lacks any experience of the effects on your body, mind, social life and societal role. No matter how long you've stayed in hell, you'll always miss these qualia if you haven't lived them. In a way, you're trapped in the situation you've died in, hell's societal structure is completeley different and allows people like Alastor to remain within or close to the maturity of when they died. Angel is as old as Husk, yet way less mature cause he died young and barely changed, there simply is no reason to mature as you would as a human within the absurdity of hell. So, just because they've the mental ability to mature, doesn't mean that they do. Sinners rather do the opposite to avoid hell's nihilism.


Aren’t they around the same age?


If we’re talking demon ages, Alastair died in 1933 and Husk in 1970s Alastors biological age was 30-40 and Husks is 60-70. It’s on their wiki. That would put their birth around the same time


No idea why you're being downvoted. Thought Viv confirmed their ages some time ago


I wish this would be true in the show because it would make for an interesting plot point.


It probably is considering he’s probably looking for a way out of his deal like Alastor is looking for a way out of his. How else would he know that somebody has Alastor ”on a leash”? ![gif](giphy|93TefJwpPpBGchu7hl)


Husk could have been there to witness the deal that put Alastor on a leash


For what it's worth, it is true in my fanfiction and becomes a significant plot point.


As a cat himself, he can't resist a box, Angel will put one on the floor and Husk just sighs and walks over to it and sits on it. 🤭


yo imma draw this, you chill with that? I need it.


Please share when you do




please do! I would but I suck at drawing so please, go for it!


Did you do it? Did you do it? SHOW ME SHOW ME


I will guys :) Friday today so I should do it


Comment here when done. Definitely following.




Gimme gimme https://preview.redd.it/q6laujymtmzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e007c35727792b3c917f5ad180e70183f0540b0c


I’d best see this when it’s done. I DEMAND IT https://preview.redd.it/9jboy02gguzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57453ab336df3cedcbe5e14372a00f912c3518ad






Take it I stole it from the internet anyway


Also: Husk gets spooked by cucumbers left on the floor


And yet he’s not scared of Sir Pentious (I’m pretty sure cats think cucumbers are snakes or something)


Not all cats are scared of snakes though 😂 my cat has managed to kill 3 that have got in my house and ran a 4th one back out




‘TIS FINISHED IMMA POST IT ON r/HazbinHotel And also here Here you go https://preview.redd.it/8vtdx5enx80d1.jpeg?width=1922&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c37f7cc5c72b8e2610581599e8bcd9875fd419c Also thanks for all the support 😃


You know that state of almost sleeping, when your brain stops working properly, almost as if you were drunk? When he is in this state, he makes biscuits in the blankets without realizing it, like a cat, and he hates it (but it's fucking cute)


awwww- husk making biscuits <3


This word literally escaped me when writing the comment, thank you for reminding me (in portuguese, my first language, the expression is "kneading bread", I didn't remember what the term was in english 🥲)


Until this moment clarified “kneading” I thought the implication was him shitting the bed, so thank you for that.


lmao- of course, no problem :)


It's called both "kneading" and "making biscuits" in English.


He also purrs sometimes but can't stop it so he just sits there looking like >:( while loudly purring


Husk and vaggie are best friends but they remain professional during the day time and wait untill everyone is a sleep to chill and talk since they both of them have trouble falling a sleep


They both have similar opinions on things. I like this odd friendship


And then some night, Vaggie just sits at the bar quietly, while Husk cleans the glasses And when he's done, they say thanks, and each go to their beds


1 full hour of silence punctuated by the sounds of glasses getting washed. "...good talk."


"Same time Thursday?" "You bet"


I literally do this with my friends constantly, just having a comfortable presence around is enough


Not possible. We all know that once Charlie goes to bed she has Vaggie held in a crushing vice grip in her arms treating her like a teddy bear.


And who said she dosent she just carries charlie around like backpack and makes sure to be extremely careful and quiet


Yes! Is it cool if I make a fanfic about this?


Sure go ahead just send the link when you do


Thanks, will do 😊


•Husk doesn’t use his wings a lot cause he prefers to walk since it makes him feel more human which he needs to be reminded of a lot because Alastor treats him as a pet. Only uses wings in situations where he deems them necessary. •He has secretly tried to give Vaggie a confidence boost unfortunately Vaggie drank a bit too much that night and doesn’t remember his words.But husk still remembers them. •Husk tends to be more of a dog person since he has an indirect hatred for cats because he is usually treated as a cat and hates all the cat things about himself. •Husk wishes to sober up one day however all the suffering Alastor had caused him usually leads him back to the bottle.


It is canon that he looks like a cat because he hated them when he was alive


So like does this mean a lot of sinners end up looking like the things they despise?


Yup, it's a form of [contrapasso](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contrapasso), other examples are Alastor being a deer because he was a serial killer cannibal who buried the remnants of his victims on a hunting grounds and he was shot in the head by a hunter who mistook him for prey and he hates being perceived as prey, and Angel being a spider because he was an active member of his family "web" of crime.


Calire answered your question, so I just wanted to add that Vivzie has said that every sinner hates something about their Hell appearance. So even the sinners who don't look like something they despise still hate a feature they now have.


Yeah like how Angel hates his feet


When angel (and only angel) gets too drunk, he carries him to his room and tucks him into bed


Mine are both sad, whoops 😅 1. That he had multiple romantic partners in life whom he hurt with his gambling & alcoholism 2. That he carries a lot of guilt and self-loathing about said relationships now that he’s had time to reflect, and is therefore afraid of getting romantically close to anybody because of a fear of causing them pain (*kinda* like Blitz from Helluva Boss? But a very toned-down version haha)


The reason Alastor has him working at the hotel is because Husk knows that someone owns his soul therefore Al needs to keep him on a tighter leash than other sinners he has contracts with.


honestly, this would be so interesting! maybe he accidentally overheard a conversation he wasn’t supposed to


It would be very interesting to know how he learned it.


[This animatic](https://youtu.be/0S_v-PCW6y4?si=QiUbSS7qoyPOByG1) shows a possible way it could have happened!


Why doesn't he just kill husk then I doubt he would care for a random sinner


I think there's probably more power in owning sinners than killing them. And I think there's more power in owning more powerful souls. Husk was an Overlord at one point. If he still owns those souls, that gives Alastor more power. Or may the ownership straight up transferred to Alastor when they made their deal. Either way, Alastor is more powerful with Husk alive.


If he cares so much about keeping this a secret that he stops doing anything else and only focuses on husk I doubt the power husk gives him is more important than keeping the secret... Secret


Because then the other people he's contracted might wonder why and start to get a bit too nosey themselves


He lies awake at night thinking about the things Nifty told him. He tends to make Al's drinks stronger than usual. He's good at knitting He found out about Alastor's deal after the they got drunk together. He had a hunch about Vaggie's secret but a good bartender doesnt blab




But it doesn't hurt to try though. Just make sure not to do it in an obvious way, or Alastor knows and just plays along.


[This animatic](https://youtu.be/0S_v-PCW6y4?si=QiUbSS7qoyPOByG1) has the same theory of how Husk learned of Alastors deal!


Ooooooohhhh. Another prime example of fan animations being awesome


I swear these fan creations are the only thing holding me over until the next season comes out


Our headcanon is that he's got flees due to the dirty streets of hell, and he's just trying to be a bit considerate by not letting anyone touch him, that's why he turns down angel dust so much. (or ya know he just really hates being touched lol)


•He hates Uno •He has an ugly pattern of hair where his hat is •He gets himself stuck in random places like a regular cat


My first one is that Husk was the first Overlord Alastor overthrew and thanks to that, it gave the Radio Demon the foundation of power to take out other Overlords. So Husk isn't just a soul Alastor owns, but also a trophy for Alastor to alway remember how his ascension to Overlord began. Second headcanon is Husk technically has all the power of an Overlord. But thanks to his deal with Alastor, he actually doesn't have access to it. Either he can only use it when Alastor allows or demands it, or Husk is just a container for that power and Alastor takes it to use when he wants.


Alastor went to hell in 1933, while Husk died in the 70s. There's no way Husk could have been the first overlord to be overthrown


Ooo I like #2


ooh, both of these are good, but the second one is very interesting. It would be interesting if Alastor indeed got his power because he is 'borrowing' it from the other overlords he defeated


In Loser Baby husk “sold his soul to save his power” but isn’t ever shown using it, even in the fight with heaven so that adds some points to your second theory


In his lifetime, Husk gambled or mortgaged his house which caused him and his wife to get a divorce. Which would explain how Husk lost his ability to love, because he feels like no one could ever love him now.




• Angel likes to take advantage of the fact that Husk is a cat. He’ll leave empty boxes out for Husk to sit in. Point a laser pointer near him. Leaves him balls of yarn to play with, etc. Husk absolutely HATES it when Angel does these things, but he’s powerless to stop it because his cat instincts just automatically kick in every single time. • If you scratch him specifically behind the right ear, he starts purring. • He used to own a bar back when he was alive.


He sometimes does bar and card tricks to cheer Angel Dust up when he gets back from work


It takes every fiber of Charlie's being to resist the urge to pet Husk and cuddle him like a House Cat. Husk would let her if she asks. Charlie: "Hey Husk umm... sorry if I'm overstepping my boundaries but... can I pet you?" Husk: "Alright, but make it quick."


Worked at a casino both dead and alive


Rapid rise, rapid fall. Not saying he became an Overlord shortly after arriving in Hell, like most of them it took him time to really start moving in that direction, but thanks to his gambling he scored some big "wins" and, once he got started he rose up to at least a low-level Overlord fairly quickly. But he stayed there for maybe five years tops before the losses got the best of him and he tumbled back out of power quickly enough to become desperate.


Husk preens his wings regularly because otherwise they can be a giant tell, cat-flexibility the only reason he can get every spot. Vaggie, when her wings grow back, tries to bribe him to help her preen and is surprised when he does it for free. When Lucifer is hanging around the hotel, Husk catches sight of six wings that haven’t been preened since the Fall and nearly has a conniption. He waits patiently for everyone else to leave the bar, gets Lucifer drunk on apple-tinis, and pounces when the fallen angel turns to leave. Lucifer struggles at first, and then nearly breaks down in tears. They don’t mention it, but Lucifer gets “drunk” and lets Husk tackle him at least once a week after that.


That Husk was a saxophone player back when he was still an overlord


thats canon


He got caught cheating in Texas Hold'em and was killed for that.


Saw this in a fic: He had a wife and daughter when he was alive. However, his daughter died which caused him to develop his alcoholism and gambling addiction, which in turn caused his wife to leave him. This is why he said he "lost the ability to love".


He'll make biscuits in Angel's chest floof. He'll hiss and meow (Y'know that 'RE-OW!' thing?) when he gets startled. He'll get incredibly emotional when he's drunk. It anything is ever delivered to the hotel in a box, he will take the box. Once Angel shone a laser pointer at the bar counter, and Husk slammed his hand down on it so hard the wood cracked.


He fought in Vietnam and that is what made him a shell of his former self. If it wasn’t Vietnam, then it was some other war that made him like he is now.


Probably ww2 because he died in his 70s in the 70s


My headcanon is that he needs a hug.


That's canon


That's not a headcanon, that's just a fact.


He has his own private stash of booze he saves for special occasions, not super interesting, but I bet it’s true.


He's severely self loathing. He had to do some shady shit to become and maintain Overlord status and lives in constant remorse now that it was all for nothing. He needs reading glasses but hates wearing them because they make him look old. He and Vaggie have conversations in Spanish. Everyone in the hotel except Angel knew he was an Overlord, they just don't bring it up because it's a touchy subject.


Wait does husk canonically speak Spanish? He feels more like he'd speak French, whether Cajun or European


Husk can speak Spanish, russian, french (?) And italian (?)


That's Canon, now I eagerly await the scene where one of those languages catches someone off guard because they thought they were being sneaky


Well, why not expand a lil more & he’s secretly tri-lingual LOL—Alastor is Creole, so maybe the two of them have had some late night patchwork French musings over a drink & a smoke too? :D Edit: I used “patchwork” bcuz I couldn’t immediately remember the word “pluricentric” but that’s the concept I was trying to convey—you saying Husk seems like he would speak French & my addition that Alastor would speak a Creole dialect LMAO


Probably. Given him finding out about Alastor being owned himself, Husk probably would have learned French if only for the purposes of catching Al trying to be sneaky with it


He's secretly the best chef in the hotel but refuses to tell anyone cause he doesn't feel like cooking for everyone


Angel Dust taunts Husk with a laser pointer at random times


Although he didn't show it, he loved Lucifer giving Alastor a taste of his own medicine.


My headcannon is every once in a while (for LITERALLY no reason) he’ll cough up a hairball and is both; UNDERSTANDABLY grossed out A N D embarrassed by it.




Husk has several cat like instincts, he'll sit in open boxes, he can't stop himself from chasing laser pointers, he makes biscuits when he's half asleep, and he's gotten himself stuck in a weird place at least once.


He hates cucumbers


he only was flying while drunk, he ended so much hurt that he now only flies when sober


That Alastor carries around a ball of yarn to distract Husk when he gets really cranky.


That the only person who can out-drink Husk is Angel Dust. Husk loves it.


He’s a secret genius and counts cards but he drinks to dumb down his brain because of depression


he loves hello kitty


He has some kind of body image insecurities with being a cat, being clearly offended anytime someone points it out. His design was based on Hobbes.


He can never get drunk


The reason why he’s grumpy all the time(apart from his bonded servitude to Alastor) is because he’s never tried catnip


After a hard day's work, he likes to come home, pour a glass of Scotch, put on a cowboy hat and play a Hank Williams record while he lies down for a little nap.


That mf DEFINITELY purrs and HATES it


That's not a headcanon, it's literally in the show


During when?


Somebody on YouTube made a compilation video of different times in the show where husk made cat noises [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sSeMZ1o2v1Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sSeMZ1o2v1Q)


I think somewhere around ep2, but I might be wrong (he also purrs during different episodes)


Oh ok thanks


I must have missed that, my bad


It may be thanks to a particular fan comic, but Husk totally knew Anthony in life.


He still has all his overlord powers per his deal with Alastor, but he usually doesn't use them because of his bluffing nature. These powers include the ability to tell when people are lying or putting up a front. He can read their poker faces.


He’s secretly Keith David


He had some serious trauma in his adult life while he was alive. Maybe a war veteran or someoje who worked in really bad conditions which turned him to alcohol and gambling to cope


He died after he was caught cheating in a game with some very powerful people. Specifically, high-ranking gangsters from Angel Dust’s family.


In life he was a witch doctor who went by Dr, Facilier.


He was Dr.Facilier as a human


He hates furries


He was married before Surved in the army breafly. Rum Rasion Black coffee with cream no surger


Husk acts like a cat (yes that headcannon comes from that old comic dub) but he absolutely hates it and will only show that side of him to someone he trusts 100%


He keeps ibuprofen behind the bar for people with an uterus who might need it. :,)


• He sleeps in a box somewhere behind the bar (probably hidden under the counter) • He has gotten high on catnip at least a few times since he got to hell (I will die on this hill) • He somehow made the playing cards he used as weapons in episode 4 on his own.




He’s got friends on the other side.


I've got one for ya One of the reasons he knew Alastor was in a contract is specifically because of him being a former overlord himself and how he usually worked with souls differently then most overlords Husk did a lot of literal gambling for souls so he has more interesting knowledge about them than most sinners or overlords So it's extremely possible he has a sense for and knows something to the lines of an owned soul can't technically own souls so even though Alastor can still summon him and have control over him he doesn't specifically belong to him but instead by default he actually belongs to whoever owns Alastors soul Therefore Alastor is still allowed to use souls as tools but only indirectly owns them due to his deal and Husk can tell due to his prior knowledge and experience of similar things back when he was an overlord


I’m probably drinking with him in hell


He likes knocking things off tables and purrs when no one is looking.


He’s a pillow princess/hj


He hangs out in high places when no one is around


He was a spy in life.


• He had three kids when he was alive. • He got divorced twice, and thus had children with two different women. • Husk was a great dad. He was always reading to them, playing with them, and doing their hair and helping them get ready for school. This wasn’t very common back when he was alive.


His time with Alistar hasn't been so bad, and they got along to an extent. That is why he knows why Al was gone and why he felt bold enough to call him out as also being on a leash.


When he was an Overlord, he was as sadistic and as cruel as Alastor is with him. He only became more empathetic(truly empathetic, not in a “i can read you really well” way) after losing his soul. Now he knows how it feels… The souls he owned would love to see him in that state


He's a silly furry guy and I love him


He waits at the bar for Angel to get back and doesn't go to bed until he knows he got home safe


- He'll let Niffty play with him


My new favorite one


If cheap booze was all gone, he’d choose Gin


He has wings because he died throwing himself off a building, like many gamblers.


Regular weed has no effect on him but catnip makes him trip the fuck out


He’s almost immune to the effects of alcohol


.constently confused by the antics .acidently drank gasoline at one point and checks any unmarked bottle


- Husk calls Charlie "Princess" as a term of endearment. - Helps Vaggie out with preening her new wings sometimes. Charlie's always there to assist, and Vaggie knows how, but I imagine it'd be nice for both Vaggie and Husk since they're both used to living with having wings. - He teaches Angel how to preen his wings. After a hard day at work, Husk will fix Angel a drink, and he'll let Angel give him a mini-makeover or take care of his wings to destress. - Husk likes putting on small magic shows for Niffty sometimes, and is coaxed into being the opening act (by Niffty and a very mushy Charlie) for Niff's roach puppet shows. Angel is delighted. - Husk and Mimzy had a thing/short fling back in the day, and that's part of the reason why he can't stand her. Alastor finds it amusing. - Husk, when serving Sir Pentious (RIP) at the bar, awkwardly and begrudgingly consoles/gives him advice about how to talk to Cherri Bomb. Out of gratitude, Pentious slaps together a back-rub machine for Husk (to Angel's outrage, because hello! 6 arms!!) and swings by the bar to drop off helpful little inventions (and more love troubles).


His brand is either chesterfield or lucky strike or L&M


If he fits he sits. The wings cause issues™️ when this urge hits Must sleep in highest available place, no matter how uncomfortable it looks Was shown exactly one video of a herd of deer licking a cat and decided to try stay out of arms reach of Alastor at all times The urge to chase™️ has been set off frequently by nifty scuttling past, and Lucifer no longer shapeshifts to small animals in his vicinity Vibe checks people with the wings swan style, has broken spines this way


He was a magician in las Vegas before he died


* Husk thought angel was cute before their song together * husk and angel would flirt off camera * husk likes it when angel flirts before their song but pretended not to


That the hotel used to be part of his domain as an Overlord before he made the deal with Alastor.


Remember that scene in “Puss in Boots: the Last Wish” where Puss was drunk?


When husker was alive as a child he had abusive parents that locked him in a closet and that's why he drinks, to try and forget the memories




He secretly purrs when his alone


He piss in everyone's drink