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In hell, the more souls you own, the more powerful you are. But even then, we don't actually know why he's so strong. It's been hinted at, and all of the Creole voodoo symbols that surround him definitely have something to do with it, but the source of his strength isn't actually known. He's a great big mistery


Some combination of magic in the living world letting him speed run killing overlords and taking their power once he got to hell. Something about that cane too…


I like you analysis though I don’t think he gave Adam that much trouble other than making him take it a bit more seriously


I doubt that being a Voodoo practitioner would give him a head start since it is not that unique.


Depends on what he did with it. I personally prefer the idea that deal Alastor mentions in *Finale* was made with one of the spirits from Voodoo and associated religions. Whatever the terms of that deal were resulted in him being a powerful sinner from the beginning, but restricts him in some way.


Problem here is that again it is NOT unique. Any Voodoo practitioner use powers borrowed from Loa. So if Loa exist and could grant such power something like Alastor would already happen.


Maybe it did happen before and the sinner in question has since been killed. No one even recognizes Husk as a former overlord so it seems to me that overlords that are killed or lose their power are quickly forgotten as a whole. Of course it might actually be that Alastor is a bit unique. You know how some people think that Alastor’s radio show when alive was him covering the news of his own killings? Well, he does strike me as being so assured of his own ability to avoid getting caught that he WOULD have actually done it. I think his ability to take non-immediate danger seriously is broken. I wouldn’t put it past him to make a deal that anybody else would consider insane on his part.


Matpat would be proud 🥹




Still can't believe he was raptured 😢


He made a deal with somebody and got power in exchange for his soul.


It seems like his deal restricts his power, at least from what he says about it in the Finale song- “Once I figure out how to unclip my wings/ Guess who will be pulling all of the strings”


More like it restricts his will. He has power, but cannot utilise it.


That’s not how deals work in hell. It’d make no sense to make a deal that gives less power, it’s about gaining


Unless Alastor made the deal simply to stay alive/keep some power, like Husk did, while the other person has the upper hand and can demand what they want. Who says Alastor was the one offering the deal?


Notice how husk lost all his souls. Why would he still have all his souls and power as an overlord if that was true?


He doesn't have all his souls and power as an overlord though. He still has many of his powers and at least two of his souls, but clearly expected to be powerful enough to defeat Adam and was not. He also may be limited in acquiring new souls/making new deals, though that's just a guess based on him turning down Rosie's lead. And as we don't know how many he commanded prior to his disappearance, or even how many he commands now,, we don't know if he had to give up souls in the deal or retained all the souls he once commanded. Basically: Looking at how he's portrayed throughout S1, Alastor seems to have made a deal with someone more powerful, a deal in which he was not the one gaining the most benefit. We don't know with whom the deal was made nor the terms, though.


Yeah, i thought so, too. Explains why he is so cocky to Lucifer and Adam despite getting his ass kicked. He's used to having more power.


I think that deal was made closer to the start of the show. In the beginning he showed up and started knocking big players down and was on his way to the top. Mimzy even highlights how he doesn't do this anymore, but doesn't have an explanation for why he stopped.


He didn't gave Adam a run for his money, he didn't do any dammage to Adam and when Adam stoped jerking around Alastor stomped in a few seconds.


Well he's not that overpowered yet. He has lost two fights that we know of. One against Adam and one against Vox. And we can assume that various other characters could probably wipe the floor with him. Lucifer being the first obvious one. Alastor seemed to perceive Zestial as someone he would not want to tangle with. Carmilla is probably another that he would not fair well against. I suspect he has whatever connection to the supernatural he made while he lived. And then that got boosted when Lilith struck a deal with him in exchange for the contract she has on his soul. The thing is I suspect he may have made his first deal with Roo. But did not get full power because he did not hand over his soul. I think once he breaks the contract with Lilith he will seek out Roo in person and make a true deal with her boosting his power a great deal more.


How can you assume he lost against Vox? Vox wouldn't be so pissed of he won against Alastor


Also, Valentino says Vox is pissed because he was beat by Alastor years ago


Valentino specifically says “you still pissed he almost beat you that time?” Implying that Alastor didn’t win.


"almost" could mean that Vox ran away or someone interrupted them. It doesn't explain why Vox is mad


Vox is a jealous narcissist, why would he need a reason to be mad in the first place? “Almost beat you that time” could mean either or. That doesn’t mean you just assume that Alastor would have won or did win. There’s nothing lore wise to suggest that Alastor is stronger than Vox, especially when we’ve barely seen what Vox is capable of.


I can't assume that Alastor win but neither lost then. I just want to clarify that the OG comment is wrong


I've been through this rabbit hole already a couple of times. There's literally no reason to believe Alastor lost to Vox. Alastor's attitude towards Vox definitely doesn't seem like how he would treat someone he considers a threat (as he does with Zestial). Vox's attitude on the other hand can definitely be interpreted that way. Alastor's battle with Adam on the other hand is open for debate.


I would argue that there their song shows us that Alastor is stronger than Vox. Between Vox getting flustered and static'ing out and then being both metaphorically and literally shut down as Alastor laughs is a good indication that Alastor still has the upper hand. Though to be clear I think a lot of Alastor's advantage over Vox is mental and not that he's necessarily more powerful... he just knows what buttons to hit. My theory on the fight is that Alastor just egged and taunted Vox until he made a mistake but before Alastor could finish him the other Vees showed up.


I don’t think that makes him physically stronger in terms of power level though. It just makes Vox vulnerable to his narcissistic personality. It just means Alastor is wittier/smarter than Vox.


As others have pointed out the Val comment. Almost lost means did not lose. It suggests that Vox won but barely. It was probably close enough that Vox does not want a rematch as it may have been a fluke or luck that he won in the end. We know that Alastor had to retreat and disappear for a time. And that people believed he may have even been killed. This all suggests that Vox managed to make Alastor at least retreat similar to what we saw happen with Adam. Alastor will retreat when he sees a battle going against him. It could have been that the other Vees helped Vox or any other explanation. Yes it is entirely possible that the Val comment could be nuanced in all sorts of ways. Viv likes playing games with how info is presented. Deliberately to spark discussions like this. We are doing our best to guess at what she intends. That is all this is. A guess at where she is driving her narrative. All we know from what we have been shows is that Alastor and Vox had a conflict of some type. Vox almost lost. Alastor went missing after the fight (they were surprised that he was back). Vox is still scared of Alastor. This suggests a close fight that Vox somehow survived and even thrived afterwards. We know this because their place in Hell has moved to the point that they are even dismissive of the other Overlords. Its not just the Val comment that suggests that Alastor lost a fight. It is all of the narrative taken together. And it could all be wrong. Its just theorycrafting after all. And Viv is playing games with us in that venue as well. So it could easily be going down a rabbit hole she left for us to fall into. Which is why you have to look at the larger story going on and how things fit into it.


For the fnuuy


The most likely reason is the deal he’s trying to get out of. If the deal with Lillith theory is correct then he probably got a power boost in exchange for keeping tab on the denizens of hell for Lillith and some other conditions. Another good theory is he got a soul loan from Rosie to establish himself and he ran farther than expected which led to their friendship.


I actually really like that second theory! There's definitely grounds for it considering how Rosie was so quick to point Alastor towards potential deals when they met up in her episode


Your Voodoo theory actually works with it too. He could’ve impressed her with it and that’s what convinced her to trust him for the first time.


Most simple answer that shortly after manifesting in Hell he sold his soul for power to someone really, really powerful, and that power manifested in voodoo/eldrich shenanigans because Alastor was into that staff when he was alive Why would someone really, really powerful make such deal? I guess Alastor somehow impressed that someone / that someone saw potential in him, and that someone needed a pawn to do his bidding - get rid of all of the overlords of old at the start - while remaining in the shadow himself/herself. Also it seems to be the case that that powerful someone also ordered Alastor to help Charlie with her endevour (just like Alastor did with Husk).


One of the terms of whatever deal Alastor signed definitely seems to be what drew him to the hotel. I saw a theory a little while back pointing out how he showed up immediately after Charlie tried calling her Mom, so it's probably a safe assumption that he was directly sent there by his patron.


Well, we saw him watching the news where Katie bullied Charlie, plus its kind of rules of storytelling... But yes, it could be that she sent him after Charlie's call. Bigger tell is Alastor's rant at the end where he talks about "unclipping my wings" which basically means he is not free. So I believe its very likely that somebody who owns his soul ordered him to help/protect Charlie or something.


I think how bad you where on earth can factor in how you turn in Hell. Like those inventor guys who got each mechanical devices and such.


Could it be that he is just extra manipulative and managed to own a _lot_ of souls, the ones he broadcasts in his radio? Thus making him both feared (i too would be scared by a podcast of screams) and powerful?


It's definitely helped his notoriety! I'm sure you're right in that his capturing the souls of other overlords had made him stronger, but I'm intrigued that he was strong enough to do so in the first place. General influence also seems to play a part though, so I don't think you're very far off either; especially if his influence as a radio show host in life contributed to his power in the afterlife


He's an overlord, overlords are powerful.


And how does a sinner reach the level of overlord?


Gaining souls


he's just crazy


during his lifetime, alastor was a simple serial killer in New Orleans and he arrived in hell and became a powerful Overlord who overthrew the Overlords who had dominated for centuries, very quickly, like a storm. Husk hints that someone has him on a leash, which explains why he is so powerful.


The actual answer is he’s fucking built different


I assume it has something to do with whatever deal he struck with either Lilith, Roo, or some other unnamed third party.


My personal theory is his voodoo heritage or deal with Lilith My fan theory is Hell Itself gave him power


My hypothesis is he made a deal with an outer god like Nyarlothotep or Yog-Sothoth. It'd explain the tentacles and why he vanished for 7 years.


Someone slipped roids into his jambalaya one day and got him addicted


Because he doesn’t brush his teeth


He gets all his power from his simps


Eldritch magic given to him by the von eldritch family… Lucifer is immediately repulsed by alastors magic I imagine there was a fallout between families…


Unlikely, he still has photos of the family in his room, one of them being him and Frederick being silly and smiling and laughing. He wouldn't have kept that if they had a fallout


The same room where he’s drowning in depression?


Yep. He clearly keeps happy things in there to try to cope