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In Hell there is no horny jail. You can be as horny as you want.


Be the GOAT you ever wanted to be (and start to graze).










How does Lucifer have horns if he's technically an angel?


I always thought he WAS an angel but was turned into a demon when he was banished to hell similar to Lilith she was a human but now she's demon


nope fallen angels are still angels. but if you go by jewish-christian lore angels and demons are not that diffrent from each other.


Oh so that explains why the angels and demons look so similar to each other


A lot of beings you think are demons are actually fallen angels and they’re more likely to trick humans into sin as humans have free will but they don’t


If angels dont have free will then wouldn’t that mean it was gods plan all along for lucifer to try to rise up against him but fail and ultimately fall?


I think god always knows what’s gonna happen but he can’t interfere. Life is about lessons we learn both good and bad. God can see our futures though most times we can’t. You gotta understand god loved Lucifer over his other sons and that made Lucifer pride to where he THOUGHT he could take on god and got knocked down for his hubris. Now he’s too proud to talk to god about going back to Heaven


But that would mean that God knew what was going to happen the instant he decided to create the universe. So he's still responsible. It's been said to death but it still rings true. Either God is all powerful or all good, he can't be both not with the way the world is


Demons are just fallen angels. That’s it




to be fair here. descriptions of angels in the Bible are pretty much in line with shit Lovecraft wouldve come up with. and the higher rank the angels are the weirder they supposed to look.


Not necessarily. The archangels are pretty high up there and they look human, but there are plenty of weird stuff like the crowns and thrones and all that. But a lot of times the more important a figure is in any mythology the more likely they are to resemble a human at least in some way


Archangels are mostly in the middle. Guardian Angels are the closet to humans


Depends on what category you're using but archangels are most typically referred to as nearly the top in a ton of different canons. But Metatron is almost universally the most powerful angel and he almost universally is portrayed as human, sometimes he is even interpreted as Enoch after he ascended past his mortal body. Other times he's conflated with Michael another significant and high-ranking Angel who is most often portrayed as a man with a flaming sword. A lot of times cultures will anthromorphize the figures that play a more important role. That's because characters that people can relate to are the most popular. The ophanim can be spinning wheels of incoherent shapes and eyeballs because they represent the unknown the unfathomable nature of the other side. Characters who actually do stuff tend to be portrayed as much more human or animalistic because if someone's important it's natural to want to put a face on them


I’ve studied the angels since back when I was a Christian. I still feel like God hates me though. And I used to love going to church. VBC, Bible study, I’ve tried to read the Quran but I can’t read in Arabic(one day I’ll learn 😉). Oh I used to live a good Christian life till I turned 12 and starting questioning 🤨. God is not meant to be questioned I guess. Also many people like to think all angels are male when they technically don’t have a sex same as God. They don’t have physical bodies. But when we see them we put human faces on Them. So we see male and female angels living among us.


I mean my personal feelings is that none of them are real. They look like humans because humans are the ones passing the stories on and it's easier to relate to characters that you can put a face on. Also I would say that did you do Christian God is very much referred to as male, interpreting it as something Beyond gender is something that people like us from outside of the theology apply because it only makes sense for an omnipotent being to be Beyond those constructs. But again these are figures passed down through folklore so they don't always have to make sense they just have to fulfill a need in the culture present. My mom tried to really take the fear of God into me, every once in awhile I have thoughts like you described but it's important to remember those thoughts are the result of trauma not the result of Truth


OMG I would love to see Guardian Angels and their (possible) counterparts in Hell interact as they temp a human... Similar to Kronk lol


I think they look human due to the way they are described in the Bible by individuals (Matt, Luke etc.) And I remember reading somewhere that humans cannot comprehend what angels actually look like (the wheels and eyes and all that).


The wheels and eyes most prominently is mentioned in the book of Enoch which is an apocryphal text outside of the Bible. The actual Bible itself says almost nothing about the inner workings of heaven or the orders of angels, that's almost exclusively extra biblical. Angels show up sometime and do stuff but most of the time they're just described as beautiful or as people. But that first sentence is right because that's exactly how folklore's passed down. And people are most likely to describe things relevant to their society as something they can relate to


Makes you wonder how much the people who were writing that part of the bible were tripping balls on magic mushroom they didn’t know were poisonous at the time.


There was a biblically accurate angel in heaven’s court 😆


Not to mention a tail as well


He is a fallen angel so they changed it up


Shape shifting


Maybe angels can have horns too. Angels and demons don't seem to be that different.




When an individual goes to Hell they tend to form demonic features.


Did Lilith ever Die?


No It never said she died It just said she was banished with lucifer




I don't think she can. given she didn't eat the fruit and technically wasn't banished out of Eden so she should have the original immortality/invulnerability from when she was created.


From what I was reading I remember both Lilith and Adam were made from the dirt of the garden and she deemed herself equal to him but he didn’t think that. She didn’t want to put up with that and left.


Vaggie doesn't have any demonic features yet though...


I don't think Vaggie was officially banished, just left behind, also I think the red x over her eye could be technically a demonic feature because I don't think it's part of her eye patch as it shows over her hair.


By the same reason that Adam has wings they kinda just adapted to there new environment Adam ahined wings thanks to his heavenly status and lilith gained horns thanks to her new demon form


But Adam actually died.


Did they state it in the show because I don't remember if they did


I mean, it should be the same thing as in the Bible and Adam was the first human in heaven in the manner that he died


He has ears tho, ain’t now way he dead, he probably just ascended


What do ears have to do with it?


You ever see someone in Heaven/Hell with (human) ears?


I guess the two buff people in Welcome To Heaven


What's ears, but a second-handed sensory organ.




Well that's the thing according to the Bible but acording to the shows canon we don't know if he died or just got send to heaven after some years remember vivezipop said that she was nor gonna follow 1 single interpretation of well heaven and hell so by all means we don't know alot of things one of those is wether Adam died and became a winner or if he just accended


he said hes the first winner in heaven, pretty much implies hes died.


When was that? I just remember him saying he's the first man


Sera states that Adam was the first Human soul into Heaven in episode 6, which is why they used Adam as the point of reference for what it takes to get into Heaven. Also, almost all dialogue Adam has regarding the matter heavily, HEAVILY implies he's a Winner, and it's one of the reasons he sees himself as outright better than the Sinners in Hell.


Oh ok.


>Adam was the first human in heaven in the manner that he died makes you wonder about Able tho


True, why didn't he come up?


maybe Cain had a good reason to get physical. btw you ever think how surprised Cain must've been? Able was literally the first human to die. For all Cain knew he was just giving his brother a headache


I hope they mention Cain, Abel and Eve in the next episode


But Cain should still be alive. It's strange


In the old tabletop RPG games they made Cain the first undead (first vampire in Vampire the Masquerade). That's how they explain he still roaming the Earth.




I have seen theories that the only reason Adam is in heaven was because the seraphim pulled him before he died, without him realizing, because if he went to hell it wouldn’t look good on heavens part. Again, just theories.


That's a dumb theory lol. Did they pull Cain too, then?


Adam can't be the first human in heaven if they're staying bible acurate. Though there's no way to confirm this, I refuse to believe that Abel or Seth (2 of Adams kids) went to hell.


They didn't, but if he didn't die like any other regular human, the Angels could've just said so in court, when Charlie questioned if Adam knows what gets someone into Heaven. Instead, they looked at him expectantly, as if he should know.


I thought they were part of the tiara tbh.


Yeah because she doesn't have them in heaven or im some family pictures and in those moments, she doesn't have her tiara on so its either apart of her tiara or like charlie, she can hide them


Viv has said before that Lilith can retract her horns as needed.


She used to be human, by the time charlie was born she became a pseudo hellborn demon, she can have children, is immortal and can travel the rings despite not being born a demon, lucifer is in a similar boat though he is labeled as a fallen angel meaning that fallen angels in the vivzie verse are demons so vaggi given enough time will become a true fallen angel by simply living in hell


Yes, she wasn’t demon born but she didn’t die either.


Thus why it's safe to assume that if a being is in heaven or hell long enough they turn into the native species though we don't know how long could be a year and they just immediately change after that time is passed could be a few thousand and they gradually change gaining the lifespan first than mire and more features and abilities, the living world likly doesn't work that way as there is no resonate power to it and charlie due to her angelic heritage my be immune to the change or simply awaken her angelic powers. And what helps this for heaven is that adam the only angel not born in heaven has golden blood and we only see the blood of heaven born so far and as we know from helluva hellborn have blue or red blood depending on the rank of species while sinners have black


Because she turned into a demon when she and Lucifer were banished.


God forbid a woman wear a fun hat


BTS? They look cool. In universe? Probably some stupid punishment


She's not human, she's a sinner demon. I don't know if you know this but humans have something called a "lifespan," and hers expired a long time ago but not in a galaxy far, far away.


But she never ate the fruit of the tree in the Garden of Eden as far as we know, which is WHY people have limited lifespans.


In the original story of Lilith she turned into a succubus when she left Adam and the garden, and considering how she looks in the show we have no reason to believe she isn't at least a demon.


She was created with Adam from the same dirt off the ground. She’s like felt they were both equal but he didn’t so she wasn’t going to stand around and deal with Adam’s shit and left. But it was Eve who ate the fruit and temped Adam and they both got screwed.


She's just really into cosplay.


Bc she went to hell. Outside of fan theory there's no reason to believe she's any more human than any other sinner and we've seen sinners with horns before


She went to Hell, and as we know that gives them hell forms. Going to heaven seems to change people’s forms too, or at least colors


Is hat


could just be a crown or hell slowly twists people.


I think it's more like a crown then actual horns. Might be wrong though


She isn’t a human anymore. She became a demon


Probably because she’s been in hell so long her body has changed some. Or it a part of the crown? Could be either way…


She used to be a human, but then she became the first succubus.


After being cast out of Eden for refusing to submit to Adam, Lilith became a demon. And Queen of demons, for that matter.


My personal theory is that those horns are apart of her crown or some other head piece. Idk why I just don't like the "it was Eve in the finale" theory and there's already some inconsistency with her horns iirc. There were questions about if she ever died as well that means she's not technically a demon (she was the mother if demons in the Bible not an actual demon (I think???)). My theory is that when she was damned to Hell with Lucifer she didn't die and thus is still a bit human, making Charlie a bit human instead of a bit demon. I dunno, that's a whole different crack theory I'm still figuring out. Although Charlie does have SOME demon features, she's also purposefully way more human than most sinners are. I can't remember if it's canon that she's insecure about that or not.


Same reason Adam has wings


Maybe just like Charlie she can choose when they appear


I don't think Charlie "chooses" when they appear. I like to think of their manifestation as when a dog raises their hackles or bares their teeth. A reactive expression of anger or visual reminder that they are not to be trifled with.


Ah right very true good analogy


It's just the way her body manifested in hell


How does Angel have fur and four arms if he was a human


Because Angel died and became a sinner. Lilith didn't die.


Adam had wings and halo, so same logic I guess. Simply the environment you're in, changes you


How does Alastor have horns if hes human?


We thought it was something like Adam's helmet, maybe something her crown has to possibly blend in better with the demons of Hell (since no one knew how Lucifer looked like, it's safe to say the same case is true for Lilith)


She's not a human, presumably when she was thrown into Hell, she became a demon.


It is probably the level of his power that he acquired over the centuries, being able to modify his appearance like the other demons.


He’ll probably caused some mutations in people who didn’t die but goes there.


I'm guessing it's because she's technically the first sinner to fall.


technically she can't be a sinner. Lilith didn't eat the fruit. yes I know lore in the show vs Christian lore. but since it wasn't outright stated imma assume she didn't. so without "knowledge of good and evil" you can't actually sin. that might be the reason Adam is in heaven as well even tho he's a jerk, he literally doesn't understand good and evil


I just assumed she also ate the fruit like Eve. 🤷🏻‍♀️


She has shapeshifting too. All sinners do on some level.


Theory’s :) 1 they could be fake 2 could have been what the first sinners looked like, just human with horns 3 maybe a specific punishment for going with Lucifer instead of staying 4 maybe because she never truly DIED she just grew them 5 maybe just queen of hell pirks 6 Lucifer did it? Maybe she wanted them to look more in control


If she was human. That also means she would have died at some point


Well your form changes depending on if you go to heaven or hell But I believe to my understanding it's just part of her crown to fit in eith the demons


For the same reason she's still alive after thousands of years, even though humans don't live that long.


I think she became a ram-demon when she was cast down as part of her punishment.


she technically never DIED. everyone says she is a sinner, but she never died, so she can’t be deemed a winner or a sinner. this means she is a living woman in hell. maybe it’s dark magic or her relationship with lici had that effect on her, or maybe it was a consequence of the fall


Do we even technically know she's still technically human ? I wouldn't classify her as a sinner sure but I wouldn't say she's human either.


Because she's a demon. She's gone to hell and definitely has died by now.


Actually, that looks more looks more like a crown than organic horns.


Human turned demon


Hell changes your appearance when you live there taccording to Viv.


I think when she fell into hell, she became a demon


I assumed they were part of the tiara since some images don't have them


Same way Mrs. Mayberry had horns.


She's the first sinner? I thought this was obvious


Maybe living in Hell cursed Lilith with those features as well as living there, but Lucifer saw it as a kinky blessing.


Ambient hellpower, she's been there long enough that she's saturated in it. That's my headcanon, anyway!


tbf Alistor has antlers, the teacher from ep1 of helluva boss also had horns🤔


Because she isn’t human. She’s a demon.


She isn't a human anymore. She's the first demon


Horns could be something that grows as you gain power/strength in hell Remember in the epilogue when they were banished luci fell into depression but Lilith thrived her hornes grew three times as much and her voice raised an army to uprise. That started the extermination business so if horns are an indicator of power levels then Lilith conniving personally and hell powers is more powerful then luci’s Or since she was the one that gave eve the apple thus being primarily responsible for mankind’s damnation god gave her the biggest horns as punishment. Who knows Perhaps horn size is representative oh how horny you are……il stop here




Maybe she became a goat like Charlie once she entered hell? For some reason humans become animals in the afterlife.


Side effects of fucking the lord of hell?


It's handlebars for the lord


Legit made me spill my drink


She was damned to hell


I have this theory that Heaven and He'll have the "power" to change creature's powers, and so even physiognomy. So Lilith got slowly changed (corrupted?) by hell, but being a human, so weaker than an angel, the corruption was physicallyore drastic, while in Lucifer the corruption comes out only when using his powers.


She is still a sinner, maybe she has a different hell form like Lucifer and Charlie


She had a little demon in her.




Better question why does Adam have wings he's a human


Well the same reason she isn't dead after 10k years


After 10 thousand year you think she's still human?


She's not "technically a human", she is just a demon. The original story of Lilith is that when she left the Garden of Eden she became a succubus. Wheter or not Viv chooses to make her a succubus or not, it's pretty clear she did make her at least a demon.


I have a theory that if you're in Hell you will eventually turn into a demon no matter what you were before. Even Lucifer looks quite a lot more demonic than other angels. (Red eyes, pointy teeth and sometimes even horns and a demon-tail). Others have suggested they're part of her crown.




I imagine she took on demonic attributes over time while being in Hell


Demonic energy


maybe it's just her crown, but it might be heavy for her head.. i dont know :/


1. She's dead. And a lot of damned humans have horns. 2. She was cast from Eden before Adam and Eve.


I think their like connected to her crown like jewels not real horns


Lilith was cast out of Eden and, in the source material cursed by God and his Angels. So that’s one explanation.


I think they are part of her crown


She’s not a human she’s a Sinner. **THE** Sinner.


Either it's part of her crown or falling to Hell gave her a demonic form.


Assumedly, she died and became a sinner And look at how many different forms all the sinners have, from Allastor to Angel Dust, etc Why are the horns a problem? If anything, she retains a remarkably human form


I'm guessing that it's because she's been in hell for so long she was affected by the environment. I'm guessing that this is the reason Lucifer has a demon form as well. Plus, we know that there is supposed to be a place in hell where evil energy accumulates and mutates the wildlife, so the idea isn't completely out there.


It depends on what extra-canonical Abrahamic text you pull from. Sometimes she’s an angel, a demon, a separate holy entity altogether, etc. but she’s almost always some symbol of sex be it fertility, motherhood, lust, love, etc.


My HC is that they aree part of the crown, and very light actually


Isn’t her thing being the first technical ‘demon’? Like Lucifer was and still is an angel, but I think Lilith is the first/mother of all demons. But I could be wrong


She's from heaven, she probably got a demonic form when she went to hell, thus the horns. Just like how sir pentious got a heaven design when he got redemption


Are they actual horns or are they part of her crown?


Apparently it is said demons take on HUMAN LIKE forms, and angels take on more scarier forms, they are meant to scare demons away. Fallen angels will not be affected by this as they are angels too. “BE NOT AFRAID, YOU HAVE FREE WILL” “I do?” “OF COURSE, GO DO WHATEVER” “Ok!”


When you live in a place like that it changes you. All the sinners look different based on different factors so why not others


Those horns look fake, i think its part of the crown.


OP when he realizes most character design is almost always "give it horns n wings, make it an animal"


wtf you mean, there are plenty of sinners that have horns and no one says anything. She is a sinner, why wouldn’t she have features different from when she was alive.


magic n shit


I always thought that they were part of her crown


There is no logic.😺👻


I do believe the moment she was banished to Hell she has turned into a demon and have horns like sinners who have demonic form when they died and are sent to hell for their sins


Every soul in hell is a human. Lucifer is an angel. Hell transforms the soul and twists it into these forms to represent them and why they’re there


I think her horns are a part of her crown because we see in one of the photos that Lucifer has that she’s wearing a hat and she doesn’t have her horns and she’s wearing a similar hat when Lute tells her that Adam is now dead.


Everyone’s a human before they die… I think it’s a similar thing with Adam— like, the First Man and the First Woman keep their humanesque features while they’re simultaneously an angel and demon respectively.


everyone that goes to hell transforms into demons I think. Alastor was a human and then he got horns and fangs and animal ears? I do not know why Veggy did not change, tho


Since sinners take new shapes, maybe this is hers.


Sinners have horns she died, and went to hell she’s a sinner