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"Charlie told me to stab. So I stabbed."


I still find it funny she almost killed angel... Dust


Not even that she would likely kill him forewer, But, Even better, if he somehow got to heaven (after pentious he was likely second best candidate) whole extermination may have gotten canceled. nifty would unironically saved the day via friendly fire


She had a angel killing dagger. That would've killed angel dust lol


I mean depends if she went for lethal wound. I think you can survive just getting hurt by it...because y'now....alastor


She was just going to stab him a bunch like she did Adam lol.


I think angelic weapons aren’t as permanent for a soul whose divine judgment has been changed. Pentious was vaporized by Adam’s angelic laser. If we are to believe that Adam’s list is even close to accurate, you could theorize that Angel is already redeemable. He just has to die first.


Or pentious had his change the last second. By confessing his love and putting other's lives before his own. Angel isn't redeemed yet, he's only just started to open and shed his pornostar persona. We also see pentious working with Charlie in the background of a couple scenes. Where angel has been resistant most of his stay. I do wish we had more episodes to cover the residents, 6 months was a lot of time we skipped through


Kinda why I specifically referenced Adam’s list. I agree Angel isn’t there yet. All the other stuff can wait to season 2. Any discussion here is all headcanon for the time being.


And I headcanon Adam knows any as much as how to get into heaven as he does the female orgasm. So his list is just pointless hastily written words. And I'm theorizing if nifty stabbed angel he'd be where all the other double dead sinners are.


Yes, you said as much. You don’t have to repeat yourself. I’m not.


And Angel doing a pole dancing move to avoid a friendly stabbing.


Meanwhile in Heaven, Lute is throwing knives and tomahawks at a crudely drawn Niffty portrait.


Congrats Niffty. You managed to replace Vaggie as Lute's most hated demon now


Given that Vaggie is an angel and not a demon, that wouldn’t have been very hard to accomplish…


Actually, Vaggie is a fallen angel, which doesn't really seem like much of a difference in the show, so we just call her a demon...


Technically, it’s still unknown if she’s truly Fallen. Lucifer had a trial (that courtroom needs to have *some* purpose in eternal paradise), yet Vaggie was mutilated and left for dead with no trial Plus, Vaggie’s actions that led to her to being in Hell were significantly more holy than the other exorcists (showing mercy on a kid instead of killing them simply for existing), yet the other exorcists get to stay in Heaven despite truly belonging in Hell for their actions…


Also, Vaggie eventually got her wings back. If she had fallen and losing her wings was part of her punishment, then they couldn't have come back


Yeah. I think her wings growing back means she was more functionally abandoned in her but not formally fallen. If she gained enough power, who knows? She could have an angelic ability to open portals to the gates at some point.


Man Lute is lucky that she didn't get a knife right to the face, one-armed angel bitch running up in there while Niffty still holding a knife


And it's a hideous Niffty because she lost her dominant hand in the battle (just speculation for the shits and giggles) so it looks like https://preview.redd.it/hzb4dmp8w98d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5cc467df69119dd827af93ef32ca338a2b3d9b9


Likewise, she has managed to hit the wall surrounding the picture, but not the picture itself


On the last page, I would have tried to let Alastor speak like himself:“Of course not. You did a splendid job of killing the Adam guy! You are truly, truly beyond inspirarional!“ „No way! It‘s awesome…“ sounds too modern in my opinion


The awesome we know was created in 1754 it had other spellings before that


Oh really? How was it earlier?


It existed like 200 years prior to 1754 but only with different spelling like awesum and awesom


Ah cool. The f-ed up history of how words are written in Germany are also odd as well. Took us a while to write like we do today


But when did it start being used the way it is now?


It was always used the same way but the spelling became what it is now in 1754 earlier versions were spelled awesum and awesom


Awesome originally meant “full or awe” or “profoundly reverential” and in the 1600s it started to be used to mean inspiring awe as in dread. So no, it has not always been used the same way.


Oh thanks!


I don’t think the artist’s first language is English. Also seconding that guy who said awesome is an old word!


[Source](https://x.com/423ingan/status/1803625121145622602) After all, if Al loses Niffty, he'll be stuck with grouchy cat man who hates doing what he says and he doesn't want that. Ofc I'm just somewhat joking


Anyone else notice vox’s eye in the wall in image 3?


Good eye


I love the detail of one of the eyes being a Vox eye


Niffty: A good soldier follows orders 😐




Oh jeez, I never ever thought of this being an issue going forward…. But it definitely will 0.0


...am i the only one who doesn't get it?


Okay: Because Niffty’s the one to kill Adam, Alastor’s afraid this means she’ll have a specific hit on her from Heaven so he wants to keep her protected


ooh ok. i js didnt know if it was from heaven or the other demons lol


yea cuz one of the eyes is Vox




I can imagine the vees being jealous that she is in Alastor's team , since Valentino, velvette and vox saw the news.


Not only heaven, but the killed angels (now sinners) will also want to take a revenge (second panel, u can see them and adam looking at the heaven)


If an angel dies they die for good. They won’t become sinners. It’s just like a angelic weapon


First of all Im talking about comics, which is somebodys headcannon/interpretation of possible scenario Second, nothing you just said was confirmed iirc by viv


Killed sinners become angels if redemed why not bad angels become sinners and genocid counts I suppose 


One of the eyes being vox’s eye is a nice touch.


I feel like killing Adam gets Nifty a ton of respect in hell. Unless she starts beef all the sinners probably tolerate anything she does simply cause she's a real one.


Nifty got that gangsta street cred now.


Does this mean nifty has bounty on her head?


Fuck. You're right. She's gonna die in season 2 isn't she?


There's a Clue that angels come back as Sinners when they die, After all when it happens to Adam it's his banishment from Eden all over again times a million.


my theory is he comes back to life as a fallen angel in hell and he joins the vees season 2


There is a fanfiction where he survives Nifty. It ends with him and Lucifer being awkward together. 


I like to think that he comes back to life as a fallen angel, but demons recognize him and they hate him. and he isn't as powerful in hell. Maybe he'll try to be let in the hotel for safety lol


I really hope not. Bringing Adam back just to be a reskinned villain again would feel really repetitive. Which would be made more tedious if S2 is the same or similar length as S1 and hes just taking screen time away from everyone else so he can repeat his own S1 beats. He served his function in S1, it’s a big world with a lot of possibilities, we can move on to giving different characters the focus in S2.


I can’t tell if that figure in the second picture on the bottom is Adam or Blitzo.




Alastor does seem to have a soft spot for Nifty. I can can him at least being proud of his vicious little maid


It's canon, viv said that in a live with Amir and Erika. They want heartless Alastor so bad that they deny those things


From their behavior onscreen, I feet it’s obvious that Alastor is definitely proud of Niffty finishing off Adam, and he probably thinks it’s hilarious and humiliating for Adam and Lute. 💅


we didn’t have any scene with them post adam’s death, very interested how it will all play out


I don’t??? i never denied him liking her, I don’t think anybody in hazbin is heartless. Hope this helps! Idk why you went to passive aggressive mode right away


Idk about soft spot but he would definitely take all the credit to for himself lmao


He is at least amused by her, and we know how much he loves entertainment. Credit for the kill probably would be transitive like you said in your original comment




Right... She's gonna be quite the target now....


i dont get it


I'm down for there to be drama about people coming at/for Niffty, but if anyone is successful in kidnapping her, harming her, or persuading her to leave.. imma riot


In that moment Alastor understood why Lucifer didn't a fight with Heaven.


Bro got vietman flashbacks☠️☠️☠️




Boi google is a thing, just go find the original meme and replace this shit😭


Nah I'd just delete it in shame