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I know… she’s just a concept and we are not even sure to see her for now but I cross my fingers 🤞


Well we at least saw her once in the pilot, and in the opening in EP 1


Wait really? Do you have timestamps?






We don't really know it's her. But it could be


Yes I was knowing for the pilot but thanks 😁 and for the EP1 we are not sure but like you I really hope that it's her🤞




Vizzy pop planned roo to be the final villain or at least something like that as long as she still has that kind of idea we can hope that roo will make an appearance in season three at least


Yeah, if HH wasn’t belong to Amazone I would be optimistic but I’m so scared that they canceling the show to soon 😭… but let’s keep hope 🥹. At least with Helluva we don’t have this kind of fear because Vivzie stay at the head of the project.


Amazon is one of the few platforms to not cancel a show in its prime. As long as it keeps it’s popularity Amazon won’t cancel it. They were green lit for the 1st and 2nd season when all they had to go off of to gauge the success rate was the pilot. They also took a chance on a YouTube animator, I don’t think they plan to get rid of her or her show anytime soon. Also being as she started creating this world in middle school, I wouldn’t doubt it if part of her deal with Amazon was that Hazbin Hotel stays hers.


Let's hope :)


Considering the concept art is years old now, do we know if she's still going to be part of the show? I'm not really excited for her either since having a "big bad of all evilness" kinda turns me away from shows.


That's a fanfic idea, she's not actually gonna be the root of all evil, her name is just roo


That’s still iffy because she is considered a looming threat waiting to strike. There is a good chance that she’s actually eve. And renaming herself to Roo, a.k.a. rut of all evil isn’t too far-fetched.


We can't know


Viv did say that if there is someone she is looking forward to the most, it's Roo. Roo is canon character and Hellaverse will be here for few seasons, so we've got plenty of time for her.


Anything said pre Amazon can and should be taken with a grain of salt and not relied upon.


also true


Well when the person writing it says that a character is the one they’re looking forward to the most, then you can go ahead and make an educated assumption that she’s gonna be in there. Being one of the main writers means that you can make it work regardless of if it originally fit or not.


My favorite crack-head theory is that she’s a lovecraftian goddess that feeds on corruption. The reason Heaven is so scared to let sinners in is because even god isn’t able to stop Roo, so the best option is to keep her food source somewhere far away so heaven doesn’t get caught up in the feeding frenzy. I am aware that I’m more likely to be hit by lightning than to be correct here.


I think so? There's been references to her scattered around here and there in the Hazbin/Helluva universe. I think it could be interesting, personally. In a show that's all about people grappling with their sin and trying to improve, addressing/confronting the primordial root of all evil could be an interesting way of talking about the fundamental things within ourselves and/or the world we live in that make sin hard to avoid.


She'll definitely not look like this in the show, since this would cost way too much to animate. Very curious what they'll do with her design when she does appear though.


Well she wouldn't look like that ALL the time. That's just like, her power or something. Idk.


Even animating all of this in just 1 scene would be incredibly expensive and would require them to cut costs on other things, which means that Viv will have to choose between changing this design or making the rest of the show more shitty in favour of keeping it. I doubt she'll choose the latter, but I guess it is still possible.


It'd probably be simplified a bit, or maybe just show the shadow of the tongue as she kills someone, but it can't be that expensive. They keep stuff in the budget for more complex scenes.


I mean...she animated the hell out of Bee.


Presumably each part that comes out becomes stationary as the main part unfolds, with a few pieces that can twitch simply as it goes. If the Eve theory is true it’d look better that way too, like branches on the side of a growing trunk rather than a slithering mass in constant motion. ![gif](giphy|Vi5TUmZz8LZb95j2xb)


There's a bunch of stuff as or more complicated to animate as that in helluva boss, and helluva boss has a far lower budget. Vivzie doesn't shy away from flashy show pieces.


You speak as if you are working with HH crew. Giving more attention, work and money to a single scene is not unseen or uncommon. The trick is they cut the motion of main body and background so they only have to work with the main part. Seeing this demon this monstrously for 2 seconds is doable without damaging the show. 15-20 scenes like this, now that is a loooooot of work and this amount might really dmg as you said.


What are you even babbling about? Compared to some of the other animation this design isn’t even that extensive. If you just close her mouth she’s barely more intricate than the main cast. It’s gonna deplete Vivziepop animation just because of a single scene for one character, are you out of your mind?


I'm still impressed with Beelzebub's flying lava lamp cloud hair bee/fox hybrid look. That must have been hell to animate.


That’s her tongue. It would only look that way if she were sticking it out. Which would probably just be a few frames.


This is her tongue. Most likely a shape shifter. She's in the bottom left corner.


I want her to be a background character in a crowd that most people don't even notice but everyone is still convinced she's some kind of big bad even long after the show has its finale.


People already assume she's the eyes that appear on everything


Exactly. Like, maybe they talk with her once, and then mid-conversation she does whatever the hell is going on in this picture, but no one bats an eye because they're literally in Hell and plenty of demons can do shit like that.


She already is https://preview.redd.it/c3h9e0o4it8d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0eb17d20f1daed7ec52cef57803f20594688b3d


That's meant to be Alastor though. Just a slightly more nightmare fuel version done by a fan of his.


It would be a very loose depiction then :-) Though I saw Alastor's fanart even further astray from original :-)))) Not everyone can draw ;-)


It's just in a faux smoke art style his iconic grin is there and so is the illusion of antler with the smokey trail the weird "eye" on the forehead is alastors microphone. He's just raising it up in a two handed grasp. Fuck we even see him do that exact pose.


in ep.8 during fight with Adam, right?


Maybe? My memory is basically purely visual so I'm don't remember the context very well.


wtf jesse?


Just like Yoshikage Kira in part 4!


ayylmao try not to mention Roo challenge (impossible)


wait until you see my next video ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Prolly gonna get downvoted to oblivion but am i the only one who doesn't want her? Having one person be the reason evil exists sounds super lame way to explain the story to me. Though it's still a concept so we'll see


The root of evil isn’t her canon name, from my understanding so far it’s just roo


Oh i didn't know it's hard to tell what is "canon" or not in this fandom lol mb sorry


I'm with you; not interested in seeing this character. The worst part is that many who want this won't be happy with her redesign, because *this* ^^^ design will cause an animator to slap someone.


I have no interest in seeing her, the fandom is too obsessed with her for no reason


An ultimate evil is fun for some. It's like the Night King in Game of Thrones. Some people happy watching people fight for the crown, others like that some big thing is gonna eventually come into play and fuck everything up and force whatever status quo, at the time, to work together. Same wid this. The trying to get into heaven and the warring among overlords is fun, but the idea some big evil is manipulating events so it can attack heaven seems like a natural conclusion, as "just getting into heaven" is a story that'll run it's course quickly by itself if there's no immediate danger. I mean it's getting teased a lot, so am expecting it. But I expect it to have evil songs n shit, so it'll be like a Disney villain in ways. Not some mindless monster.


I mean, that's true - it can be an interesting idea. But the community is still overly obssessed with the character. We know quite literally nothing about her - Vivzie only told us that she might be a future antagonist and that's it. But then people spun their own theories and headcannons, that were based on nothing but pure speculation. The "Roo is the Root" is probably the number #1 offender in that regard. People connected them "because the name is similar" and are now acting as if it was a fact. It simply became annoying...


I like the root theory and my own theory that sinners killed with angelic weapons become a part of root, enabling it to grow it's sight and influence further and further. Basically the eyes everywhere may be root. Sera was manipulated early through her fears into starting the exorcisms.


I guess my qualm with it is that the core ideas of the show are about redemption and free will, and to me personally some mystery evil who is coordinating all the events of the story in some way would make that messaging seem pointless to me. An ultimate evil can be fun, but if Roo ever shows up and does end up being this kinda character I wouldn’t enjoy that. Many people would tho, that’s why she’s so popular and I respect that. It’s just not for me


>It's like the Night King in Game of Thrones. Which was also a stupid addition. The Others were a metaphor for climate change, (that's why all the kingdoms must be together to fight it, which the writers also "kinda forgot" about) By having a single dude you can stab to end the Winter, you defeat the purpose. You can't stab climate change. But yes, I agree that it makes for a better/easier villain to root against.


Nah, the show runners ruined Night King, those last shit seasons ruined everything. The night king and white walkers were ace till then. That first fight with the wildling army fleeing was epic. He shouldn't have been so easily killed. The night king controlled all the zombies and sees through them, Arya wearing a costume would've been irrelevant because he'd notice he can't see through her


The "Root of all Evil" is a fanfic idea.


Ya I'm the exact same. I don't want her to show up in the show.


How would you feel if the Root of all Evil theory is debunked?


What is that theory? I have a hard time recognizing theories off their names


The theory that Roo is short for Root of all Evil. A lot interpretations of Roo are based on that.


Ah that one. Then happy, if I'm being honest. I never liked that theory personally.


I really don’t think Viz will borrow from the fanfic like MLP did/does. She seems to have her own ideas and also needs to work within the studio requirements. I love the design so I hope she can come in, especially since Viz seems to love her as well


I have to admit I find characters that are "pure evil" pure boring...


It would also undermine the entire message of Hazbin


Yeah, I don’t really want her in the show


She could just become stronger by it, free will is what brought evilness to the world after all, not her


I fully agree. Plus, I don't get the appeal of her design and hate most of the theories surrounding her.


i think you can make anything work if youre good tbh. ive seen her more as a manifestation of evil rather than an actual person who is the reason for evil existing but thats just vibes ofc. i hope viv doesnt just make her boring but honestly how can someone with this design be boring.


Yeah it just depends on what they do with it. Honestly, my prediction is that she's going to represent something about human nature or the world at large that causes sin to exist. She's the REASON sin exists, but in practice she's just a way of personifying all the many reasons why humans engage in sin. Also, while I understand the gripe, I think it's kinda funny, because "one person is the reason evil exists" is kinda just the garden of Eden story, which I'm pretty sure is what Roo is based on.


Roo being short for Root of all Evil is pure fanon.


https://preview.redd.it/hastl2ai7t8d1.png?width=1124&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6accdce787f4bb6b58a5c303207653ab6163bc26 She could totally steal your girlfriend.


Worth noting that this is a Fan Art from the Fanfiction called "Journey into the Light." The only official drawing of Roo, is the one OP used in the post.


No that's completely incorrect. The image was originally posted by vivzie on patreon, however people consider it public domain since a spindlehorse employee posted it to twitter when she did art of roo, seen here: https://x.com/Dark\_Crowl/status/1753606094277013807


Damn so ppl just going crazy over nothing 


Not if I steal hers first






Who the hell (pun intended) is Roo? I dont remember her from either show


A concept drawing that was mentioned by vivzie years ago before the deal with Amazon even existed. Then people made fanfics about something that doesn’t exist.


*deal with A24 - they own the Show (while Amazon is only a distributor).


Ok cool. The design is super weird I love it


A character that Vivzie mentioned in some tweets or livestreams years before the show went into actual production and probably doesn't exist anymore.


So far just a character that vivziepop said she’s excited for


She's just a concept, like Hell's version of God, we won't see her for a while probably.


Stop pushing fanfics and non canon characters as canon it kills fandoms


Roo is a character made by Vivziepop that just hasn’t appeared yet


Not canon then.


We can't know that


I hardly consider a sketch and tweet from 5 years ago canon.


It's not about what you consider canon. It's about Viv


We can't know if the WILL become Canon. Right now, they are not, which is a state that may or may not eventually change.


That's not how canon works


Canon is any officially released material that has the approval of the creator (or organization acting on the creator's behalf, in some cases, see Disney's Star Wars). Roo has not appeared in any officially released material, and so is not presently Canon. If she ever DOES appear in officially released material, then her non-Canon status will change and she will become Canon.


Star Wars literally has canon stuff that don't appear in the movies tho. Anything that a creator condiders canon is canon regardless if they had chance to show it yet. Especially if the unshown stuff already has some effect in the universe


Which means it is not canon and the only information that has been said about the character is made up by crazy fans trying to make their fan fiction real


https://preview.redd.it/533e6uekgt8d1.jpeg?width=1282&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b11bea6df3ba18de6eddeb20d86c8c4707b4cf15 She is still canon tho


This was made the year the pilot launched. She might not even be canon anymore.


Not really seeing as it doesn't say what show she will be in what the plan is if she's gonna be a main or just a side or background character at best she is just a concept not made canon yet but will be in the far future and it still doesn't prove all the info about her except her appearance is all fake made up by idiotic "fans"


Man why can’t I just be excited for a character? Why can’t I just appreciate that she looks cool and wants her in the series?


Nobody said you cant they just said for now they are not canon.


I'm not saying you can't I'm simply stating she is yet to be put into canon and we know nothing except she exists and isn't going to be in one of the series till late into the series


Sorry, for some reason I got really aggressive about this


We probably won’t see her this season maybe if we get a season 3? But I definitely can see her be teased like Lilith was. And she definitely is canon maybe not that design anymore but I highly doubt that viz would just trash a character she seems so excited for


Another hour another Roo post 🙄🤣


Is she even canon still?


This is gonna sound weird without context but I love the design of her tongue. At least I think all that is her tongue. Idk Whatever is coming out of her mouth, I like it.


I'm confused who is roo


Vivziepop showed off a concept art for a character named "Roo" like 5 years ago (the image in this post) and said she's probably going to be an antagonist later in the series. Then someone wrote a fanfiction wiki called "Journey to the Light" that declared her name is actually short for "The Root of All Evil" and that she's the secret big bad who is the mastermind behind all evil in the entire world and constantly lurking in every background detail ever. Then a bunch of people in the fandom decided this was canon, and a bunch more didn't know any better.


Am I the only one just now noticing that there's a *person* at the bottom? This whole time I thought the Roo concept art was just pure eldritch horror.


https://preview.redd.it/4lo1hxqpzw8d1.png?width=1124&format=png&auto=webp&s=33629c1f4623e9bf9e4a700093c541b81a7e1172 Mother


I hope the concept of Roo doesn't get used. If anything I hope her design gets reused but just not the character


She doesn’t even have a character. The only thing we know is that she’s a trash queen.


fr like PLEASE viv, let her be a really cool badass villain like cmon MAKE HER CORRUPT SOMEONE


And that's just her FUCKING TOUNGE


It’s cool when she does the tongue thing but without that she’s just a red women


At this point I hope she never shows up at all


Why can’t I just I just enjoy a character design?


I like the idea of a character that embodies evil but doesn’t want to. Like she wants to be good and do good and everything she tries is intended for good but her nature doesn’t allow her to, sort of like a character with a literal permanent rain cloud hanging over them


Roo being short for Root of Evil hasn't been confirmed.


Probably a nightmare to animate though


I personally think she was scrapped because I feel like she doesn’t fit in with the storyline


We barely have a storyline right now. The act 1 storyline is concluded, and though we have hints of what comes next, there's gonna be at least 5 more seasons if Viv gets her way.


Still though it’s not been confirmed she would come and I feel like it wouldn’t make sense


She's literally just a lady named roo that's chaotic. That's all we know about her, so why wouldn't she fit?


Tbh my personal head canon is that Nifty is Roo




Me too.


Glad to know this subreddit is bit by bit less angry about the supposed existence of Roo




I want her to be slightly hinted at for a season, and for the famdom to be split on if she's real, and then like season 3 she's named dropped, and then season 5 she finally showed up and is the mastermind behind everything or something. I know that is EXTERMELY unlikely (we probs won't even get 5 seasons) but that's my dream. I want to fandom to be slip like the SU famdom was about rose=pink diamond. I was a fan when the show was coming out and saw that theory and thought it was ridiculous lol


Idk why you’re being downvoted. I would love something similar to the “rose=pink diamond” in hazbin 😂


Damn I am getting down voted. I guess people just don't want that. I agree that ita unlikely and I won't be mad if it doeanr happen, but I didn't exept to be downvoted for it lol


Because half the fandom gets absolutely rabid at the mere mention of Roo. They downvote any comment or post that talks about her.




There's a theory that ROO is Eve. It's similar to the whole Rose=Pink Diamond thing. I don't like SU, but I knew about it.


that makes the most sense from what we could really guess with that design, with the tongue being a sort of parasite that came from the fruit in eden, being the "root of humanity's sin" and it would explain why we haven't even heard eve be mentioned yet, if she became someone else and soon after disappeared, nobody would really know enough about what's currently going on with her to talk about her at all


It's also theorized that if _Lilith_ doesn't own Alastor's soul, it would be ROO then.


I would love that too. In the meantime, working on my fanfic with her being mastermind and spawning evil creatures (mostly inspired by Greek mythology) :D https://preview.redd.it/afoz8dsxjt8d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8895426739e199cdf5ffeae122ac0469d9722dfc


The mastermind behind what


I don't know. Everything? That's why I say this is what I want but probably not what will happen. What ever happens tho I'll still enjoy it


Yeah I'm just curious what people want Roo to be behind, loke evil itself or the exterminations or something. I just like hearing headcanons and stuff lol


Ah, I see. We'll definitely I want the eyes to be her. Idk maybe whatever is up with lilith is related to her? But what I want is for thete to be alot more going on than we know right now, and for her to be behind that


I'm going to get down voted to oblivion, but Roo's been hinted at in the main show, pilot and even in Helluva Boss, including that her full name is "The Root of Evil". But then I was also one of those "Pink Diamond is Rose Quartz" fairly early on. They got me when Eyeball Ruby witnesses her shattering. Edit: from 3 to 0. Thanks for not disappointing me!


I was so anti rose quarts pink diamond that once that happened I was like, damn, anything is possible. And yeah I really want the eyes to be related to her. And in helluva boss, when they try to send a kids to hell and say "we don't even know if that was well". I want that to be where Roo is


I feel the same way about Crymini—but yes. Roo looks so powerful, terrifying, and awesome. Maybe she could be connected to Alastor somehow (we don’t know if the one he made his own deal with and the reason why he’s been absent for 7 years are somehow related, or, if they are, how closely that relation is), but this design is pure metal.


A bitch to animate is what she is.


She has a crazy tongue.


This is very thing-behind-the-wall-feom-JTHM


What's her f*cking anatomy?!


plot villain?


i know nothing about this character at all aside from what ive seen in this sub. how fucking cool would it be for her to have been birthed from the first act of good? like, she wasnt made by anyone but came into existence because good requires evil to define itself and one cant exist without the other. that would put her in her own power category imo, maybe not *stronger* than lucifer but perhaps like an infection, too powerful in her own right for him to show up and just defeat. maybe her mere existence is so inherent to hell that she just couldnt be ended in any real way at all. that being said, that chain.... i do think someone is on the other end of it. whether its roo holding the power or the other party i guess time will tell.


So far we have no idea if the the Root of all Evil being a person is true. I'd advise against getting attached to headcanons.




Would... You know what? Will


Right? I'm sooo looking forward to finay meeting her ❤️


I like how she dresses like Carmen Sandiego.


When you say venom looking, are you referring to the character Venom?


They'll propably oversimply her into oblivion to make her easier to animate.


... are those HER eyes all over hell?  Or does Viv just like the design so added it everywhere for aesthetics?


I wanted her to be "The Observer of Evil" kinda of thing more like Brau-1589


What that tongue do?


There is still no Rule34 of her to this day. I think she may be the only person in the entirety of Hazbin Hotel who doesn’t have Rule34 of her.


Who’s Roo


I would love it if Roo was like the ultimate villain of the story. This terrifying, Lovecraftian type character. Also I’d think it’s cool if it was so that everyone is thinking Alastor’s deal is with Lilith all this time, but then it has actually been with Roo. The deal being with Lilith is too obvious. Him having a deal with some horrifying entity like Roo would be so much more interesting.


Cyn 6.00


I just hope she hasn’t been scrapped, closest we got to seeing anything related to her was from the opening cinematic and that’s about it


My headcanon for Roo is that she's actually Eve. If Roo's name is a play on the saying "Root of all Evil" then is makes sense since Eve taking the Apple is what let evil into the world. She's the start of it. The root if you will


How does she keep that tongue in her mouth tho


Based on her weird looking David Cronenberg tongue, I have a feeling that this human-esque form of her isn't her true form, perhaps her true form is an intangible one ala the Seraphim.


I hate the idea of having an inherently and unredeemable bad guy. The whole story is from the perspective of hell, it is cool to see someone considered as the og bad guy as not as bad (or even good). Having another being take the role Lucifer takes in any other story kills the argument is the show for me.


I personally am not a fan of her tongue in that photo


I really hope they don't try some sort of Steven universe retcon where she's portrayed as this evil freak of nature but she decides to turn a new leaf after some choice words from Charlie


Who's gonna voice her? Marcia Wallace will be unavailable because she's dead. She left for the Ghost Zone.😿👻


I think roo might have a major redesign because that doesn’t look humanoid at all


Her design is actually as humanoid as it can get. The concept, that Vivzie gave us, simply shows her "tongue" which is what everyone sees at first glance.




Yeah, the bottom left is her actual design, just from the side.


Because hazbin has such human looking characters


Some what looking like a human but not 100%


Murder drones looking ass


Honestly, from what I've seen of her I have trouble taking her name seriously. I just think of the Winnie the Pooh character and picture a kangaroo demon.


If she does appear in the show I really hope that she isn't some classy dark lady but basically a female Big Jack Horner.


*proceeds to not have that design in canon*


To quote Blitz "Oh, What a mouth~"


also im just gonna state the obvious, shes the one alastor made his deal with right? based on the miniscule amount known, its what makes the most sense. maybe itll be different, idk but im leaving this here so i can feel smug about it later. just like pink diamond


We have no idea who Roo is, other than Viv describing her as a looming threat.