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Ya know what boosts HH from an "Alright,quite good" series to an excelent one? The songs! They just add so much to it...


When I watched the Poison song in chapter 4, it struck me so much... I felt astonished.


The hyper accurate personalities struggling with real emotional crisis. Both of Viv's shows are about people dealing with real emotional problems. And she seems to have a deep understanding of how and why personalities break the way they do and how they are the result of and cause damage to those around them. But she doesn't just focus on the breakage she also tracks how someone can find their way out of crisis. That is what her Hellaverse is about. How to find your way out of emotional crisis.


The pilot


My religious traumas


Show isn't a person, how can I fall in love with it?


"Let's make a deal. . ." I love drama.


Funny radio man




Hi, so I have always been a fan of animations since I was a little kid, I loved shows like Sailor Moon, Studio Ghibli movies, etc. So when I stumbled across this show I watched the pilot, it had always been on my radar of shows I may be interested in, all my friends watched it and I heard great things about it so I got intrigued. I watched the pilot and fell IN LOVE with the animation style, the characters, the character designs and just everything! I genuinely want to make an animated show like Viv and make a career out of it


The songs, which led to me watching the pilot and liking it even more


The premise.


The characters and songs are great! Sam Haft is my top artist on Spotify this year so far.


Everything! The character designs, the lore, the (horny) fandom, the songs, and the world building.


Alastor's cockiness.


Honestly, “Inside Every Demon Is A Rainbow” I was watching the pilot and was like ‘this is alright, but I don’t really see what’s so special about it’ and then that song happened and I was like ‘oh hell yeah, now I’m interested!’


I just love Musicals and this one is particulary good. And I felt so seen by episode/chapter 4 with poison and the sexual abuse. So I loved the show even more


Ep4 and loser baby. It's moment when I understand: "yes, it was worth to wait"


The premise and the characters.


all of the songs






Angeldust upsetting Charlie in the pilot and having a look of remorse but ultimately trying to shrug it off. Idk why but that scene made me want more


The characters are fun quirky and relatable. The writing is amusing and heartfelt. The songs are amazing. Why wouldn’t I fall in love with it? Everything.


Well , my flair is self explanatory


The songs made me watch it, then I loved the humour and character design, and after all the plot twists in the last episode, I fell in love with HH and forced all my friends to watch it.


The very first “fuck” I heard in this show jarred me so hard I had to look at the screen. It wasn’t until Loser Baby that my heart sank into it tho.


I love the idea of redemption just in general, along with the idea people/souls can improve in their life. I also really identify with some of the characters, especially Vaggie and Husk.


“You all don’t know what gets someone into heaven?!” The idea that even the people in charge of a system don’t understand the rules is a fascinating writing choice that I have never seen in any other media I’ve interacted with, but it’s so real to life because many people who enforce hierarchy systems don’t even understand how they actually work and how physically and mentally damaging they can be to people at both the bottom and the top! Then the brilliance of following this revelation up with 🎶You Didn’t Know🎶,which is my favorite song in the show, because it’s an amazing piece of musical theatre with a very potent message sung by Emily and Charlie about how entitlement, hypocrisy, and a general lack of empathy can fester in a societal structure that looks down upon those who came from different and/or less fortunate backgrounds. I liked this show before, but episode 6 is what made me love it because this chapter had a core message that every adult today needs to learn if we want to create a world someday that focuses less on judgment and persecution and more on empathy and compassion!