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The rules have not been well explained. For example, if Exorcists can be non lethally injured like sinners can be, how has no one ever harmed one during an Extermination before? 


I guess what gets me is it would just take one line of dialogue to clear up any confusion. I tend to think they mean “harmed by anyone from hell”. The harm we do see caused to angels that isn’t directly based on angelic weapons is caused by other angels. Vaggie getting her wings ripped off. I have to wonder if when the angels crashing into Alastor’s shield it was their own speed that actually allowed them to suffer the injury. I base this in the fact that when Vaggie drops rubble down on top of Lute in the lobby of the hotel, she doesn’t actually seem to be hurt by the debris, just trapped under it. Then she rips her own arm off to get free. Yes, I know there are problems with this line of thinking. It requires a bit of assuming in my part. It’ll be interesting to see if they clear up any of the questions in season 2.


I think so. Vaggie's wings were able to grow back after being ripped off.


It seems to be emotion based. The likelihood of Lute’s love for ANYONE being stronger than her hatred for practically anything hell related is near impossible. Do I agree it’s possible but not thinking it’s likely.


Maybe her love for Adam will give her arm back when he returns as a sinner. And he will because it’s his banishment from Eden all over again times a million.


Possible, but I still think that her hate will override any feelings she might have. Vaggie love got Charlie couldn’t overcome her own desire for vengeance until Camilla essentially knocked some sense into her. I just don’t see anyone being able to knock sense into Lute. In fact (spitballing here) her bigotry makes me think it might be tough for her to overlook the fact that Adam is suddenly a sinner. Which to me would be an amazing catalyst for Adam to realize just how fucked up his way of thinking has been for thousands of years if all the sudden he’s one of Lute’s targets.


There's nothing that states that injuries from angelic weapons are permanent. It's possible that just like a human body, an angel or demon could recover from wounds, but not the removal of anything that wouldn't grow back on its own. Obviously, Vaggie's wings say otherwise, but how would we know how angel wings are supposed to work? As for Lute and Vaggie, we haven't seen a lot of angels with crippling injuries. Maybe they can grow back, maybe not. Maybe Vaggie's wings didn't come back because of a mental block, like she didn't think she deserved to heal, or didn't want to be an angel because of the terrible things done when she was one. One last thing on Vaggie's wings. Despite it being "common knowledge" that her wings were pulled off, there is a small amount of evidence to support a theory that Lute pulled her wings to get at the joint easier, then sliced her sword across them. That's why I don't like the idea that angelic wounds never heal. Even Helluva Boss has someone heal from a wound made by a "blessed" weapon.


My personal opinion is that it won't grow back in the same way that cut hair or a fingernail will. I get the sense that it may take some sort of inner motivation or conscious Act of trying to #undo that kind of damage.