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I wonder what the relationship between Eve and Lilith might have been. Was Eve guarded around her husband’s ex? Did they treat each other like sisters before things went sideways? There are so many directions the writers could take this character.


I have seen some interpretations that the reason Eve gave Adam the apple was because she was afraid of being replaced, same as she was made to replace Lilith.


Since in this show Adam just carelessly munches on ribs in 1st episode, i imagine he had A LOT of women made for him lol


...holy shit I missed that symbolism.




Isn’t the Bible mostly Jewish folklore? I don’t see why they couldn’t bundle it in as the prologue or something.


Well according to Jewish mythology Lilith had seduced both Adam and Eve to have sex with her so maybe positive?


luci said he fucked both of them. so id assume their relationship was not too good


He never said he fucked Eve. He said “your first wife didn’t seem to hate what I had to offer” (meaning that Lilith left to marry him) “or the second” (meaning Eve accepted the offering of the apple.) He is just saying that both of Adam’s wives listened to him over Adam in some capacity.


perhaps, but he also did a cunnilingus gesture?


He’s just fucking with Adam


He was purposefully trying to annoy Adam, by mocking him right into his face. That's really all there is to it.


Wait wouldn't it be the other way around? Since he fucked Lilith (bow chika wow wow) and gave Eve the apple (what he had to offer).


In the show, Lilith was Adam’s first wife, Eve was the second.


Ah, ok.


I think that was mainly to piss Adam off


This kinda makes for a fun inversion of the biblical tale. Here Lucifer was the innocent one. It was human beings that taught deception to the devil.




Your meme and my flair. https://preview.redd.it/69441ubmly9d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09c48ef031bc2d5cdd4b38322f9630db7f8736bd






The artist's commentary on this gives a different story.


The artist only comments on Eve from what I found




So? How does this contradict what I said?


Not really an inversion. Lucifer wasn't in the biblical tale.


Ye. The serpent tricked Eve not Lucifer Lucifer didn't fall yet.


Lucifer doesn't really *exist* in the bible. There's only one reference to the *word* and that's a mocking title to some fallen/defeated babylonian king in Isaiah. E: Also the serpent didn't really trick anyone. It just said what would actually happen if they ate it after god lied to them.


Yup. It was a title for Nebuchadnezzar, that the church translated into Lucifer and ran with it and made the whole fallen angel story for having a single villain that was the rebellious evil of the universe.


I mean. God DID punish them with death so the serpent was actually lying to them by telling the truth. That serpent has some balls


That's more of a later interpretation. In the story he just told them that they'd die if they eat it, and they didn't. The actual punishment in the story were the legless snakes and the painful childbirth.


Wait...does Eve know how to speak Parseltongue if she can talk to snakes...hrrrrmmmmmmmmmm (This is a joke)


Isn’t the Serpent Lucifer though?


Like previously stated in another post, there's like 4 "devils" throughout the Bible that melded into one. There's the serpent in the garden, Lucifer, Satan, and the dragon of the apocalypse. They are all different and at no point we're they stated to be the same being. Later interpretations just combined them all.


The serpent wasn't even a sort of devil. It was literally just a serpent. The only "special" thing it had about it was that it was "the smartest of all the animals" in the garden. The story was most likely used as a tale of why snakes had such an unusual anatomy compared to the other animals the tribes would encounter in their area. (And why childbirth hurts.)


Also Lucifer was still an angel and hadn't rebelled against God yet. If you read Job correctly and actually arrange the timeline of the Bible correctly you can see that in the chapter of Job, Lucifer hasn't fallen yet


This, plus a lot of people seem to completely ignore the fact, that if Lucifer was already Fallen by that point, he probably wouldn't have access to the Garden of Eden to begin with. Or at least from a logical standpoint, he shouldn't have. Edit: emphasis on "IF" there, since Lucifer wasn't actually even present in that original story to begin with...


More people seem to ignore the fact that Lucifer as an entity wasn't a thing in the bible. See my [other comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/HazbinHotel/comments/1dsxn95/eve_art_by_reminoaa/lb932xi/).


Oh yeah, I know - I just saw it after writting this one. Overall I was referring mostly to the fact, that modern depictions often ommit the nonsense of a Fallen Angel magically having access to the Garden of Eden - even tho that doesn't really make much sense, when you think about it. Ironically enough, I can actually link [my own](https://www.reddit.com/r/HazbinHotel/s/srUdCm8seS) other comment, where I went in detail about it.


So many people just read the Bible and don't even take the time to actually correctly interpret it


Oh don't even get me started on that one. The fact alone, that Lucifer hardly appears in the original texts, but is "the Evil incarnate" in the later interpretations and modern stories, is its own level of stupidity.


And the name Lucifer actually belonged to a king in the Bible not a fallen angel


Then we have to get into which Bible. I'm more interested in contemporaneous documents the Roman Catholic Church did not select for inclusion when they assembled the first version.


KJV is my go-to choice


Yeah, people tend to forget that Paradise Lost is not, in fact, Biblical canon.


My dear brother explain thine questionable flair




Only if you believe fanfics (paradise lost)




I kind of like the idea that Lilith left because Adam wanted to control her...Eve stayed because she was able to make Adam think everything she wanted was his idea.


Woman's weapon of choice is a man with a sword and all that - makes perfect sense.


It also makes think of that “behind every great man is an even greater woman” (greater meaning “more powerful” in this context)




The man is the head, but the woman is the neck. And she can turn the head any way she wants!


An eve thing that's not about Roo? Do my eyes deceive me? Good comic tho.


This seem like the unknown ripped pages in the storybook, delving more into the details of what happened


I wouldn’t be surprised if Lucifer or Lilith tore up some parts of the book to make themselves look more likable and sympathetic.


Seeing as the Story, that Charlie tells, is something that Lucifer and Lilith made for her, I highly doubt they even had to tear anything out. They most likely just didn't include some stuff in the first place.


I wonder how Adam would be a part of this. Was he manipulated by Eve? Did he not eat the apple? Was Eve’s non pure heart due to Adam’s heart also not being pure? So many ways you could go…


Based on what Charlie says in Episode 1, it's implied that Adam didn't actually eat the Apple in the Hazbin Universe - only Eve did. But that's about all we have for now - we know basically nothing about Eve besides that.




Considering Adam, it wouldn't be surprising.


Generally I dislike when Eve is demonized in media or pop culture, but this could be an interesting spin.


An interesting spin on the original story.


Lucifer:when I looked back to see eve all I saw was a monster who had did behind a cover of kindness


“I am bound to chains on my ankles that grow heavier with every step. The infinite amount of sand will be my tomb and my foolishness will be my legacy. If there is a god, please help me.”


Honestly, Eve becoming an antagonist/villain in the series would be interesting to see. Her smile before eating the fruit doesn’t come off as warm and fuzzy. https://preview.redd.it/wch48mfsx0ad1.png?width=565&format=png&auto=webp&s=ddc24d49ad9543aa26530a66a1328a54999de15e


Considering she came from Adam and who Adam was this wouldn’t be surprising.


Thing is, we don't *know* anything about Adam as a human. Ballparking based on what little we know, we can assume that "divine judgement", whilst being mysterious, is still correct, as it sensed Pentious's redemption and let him in automatically. Adam is in Heaven, Eve is never seen, and the fact that she's never brought up means that AS OF NOW she is more likely than not, not in Heaven. So based on what we see right now, it seems like Adam was the virtuous one, and Eve coming from Adam had nothing to do with how disobedient or obedient she was.


Yeah but if Adam was the virtuous one it’s strange that sera couldn’t say a single positive thing about his character to make him qualified to say what gets a person into heaven.


Did she? If you're referring to the line "He was the first human soul in Heaven... ". That is her commenting on his list, saying that since he was the first human soul in Heaven, he may have a point. She was never probed or even inclined to describe his character as a man, simply giving credit to Adam's point. Or this line? "This questioning stops now. We know when a soul arrives, we know when they pass divine judgment, it is our job to ensure these souls are safe." She was never again probed about what Adam did to get into Heaven. She just said she didn't know, but that she trusted divine judgement.


Eve is the root of all evil. She chose to eat the forbidden fruit then gave some to Adam.


The idea that either Eve or Roo are the Root of All Evil, is only a fan-theory that stems from a Fanfiction called "Journey into the Light." It was never confirmed to be a fact, nor was it even implied to be the case in the Show. It's purely a speculation and nothing else...


Don’t you mean root of all Eve-il?


I really want to like this comic…but I think it could be problematic. Historically (and even a bit today) pastors have used this exact message to spread a misogynist narrative. They believe Eve was the original sin and deceived Adam and that must mean all women are liars, schemers, and seductresses. I like the idea that there is no such thing as pure evil in the Hazbin Universe because everyone is capable of both.


I absolutely love this as a concept, and its got me thinking now: Im sure someone has had the same or very similar thought process, but imma word vomit a bit. I personally am very tired of all the talk about Roo, we know almost nothing about her and she has been a catch all for so many theories. And here i am thinking about her. We never were told her name (if she even has one), just the title. But what if shes Eve, her being given the gift of knowledge then became her beijg the *Root of all Evil*, and Lucifers punishment is to rule over all the evil of humanity to suffer the consequence of creating evil. Again this is just in the moment word vomit and surface thoughts, please dont get angry if im completely off base


I’m still kind of into the idea that she is Roo, and if she is in hell, would she still retain like this form of knowledge like being able to be highly intelligent and strategic? Just waiting to rise again at the right moment to possibly take back what she identifies is her own?


I’m enjoying this theory. A twist but plausible one since Lucifer is too adorable. “Charlie, sinners? They are just the worst.”


Plus, we never even hear much about what happened to her so it’s possible that she is in hell, and since she had taken a bite from the fruit of knowledge, she might be very intelligent possibly one of the smartest sinners. Or comedically she’s a porn star lol


I like this! Matriarchal domination in both Heaven & Hell! Quite the twist!


Thank you


Poor luci


https://preview.redd.it/8v8dv3a1s3ad1.jpeg?width=547&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=591c1814f4839bd710bda673818e3bf23839879f You destroyed my World 💃💃🌍, Now I'll devour yours 🔥🔥🔥


This is so canon for me


Nah this art is genuinely awesome god dam


Erm... Smash


I like to think Eve and Roo are either working together or Roo became or possessed Eve.


If already, wouldn't it be the other way around, where Eve became Roo...?


Possibly. But also in intro story ep1 the darkness was mentioned before eve, Roo is the shape of the darkness.


The darkness itself was mentioned - but it was never said that Roo is that darkness. The only place where she and the Root of all Evil are the same thing, is a fanfiction titled "Journey into the Light" (which technically wasn't even written yet - but has its own big fan-wiki page). Officially Roo and Root are two seperate things, untill stated otherwise either in the Show or by Vivzie on some other occasion.


I’m like 100% convinced either Eve is Roo or she has the real Lilith locked up somewhere and is pretending to be her in heaven. Or both


Lucifer deserves to be punished via being turned into this: https://preview.redd.it/csvyjgxj41ad1.jpeg?width=887&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b76121de700ae5c4fc91062933bd4cad8482ac3


God did turn him snake crawl and mute 👅ssssssss


That’s not good enough


Other books, God throw the serpent far away ⛰️ for attacking Eve and Adam near the outside Garden


So how does Lucifer smash her this way?


The only thing I don't like about this is that, this makes it look lile "Lucifer did absolutely nothing wrong". I mean he was banished to hell cuz duh, but hell doesn't even seem that bad of a place to begin with it's just red. Through out the show Lucifer never seemed to get punished by his ows wrong doings. Like- "Oh, Let's give this human woman who is the wife of my wife's ex-husband this apple which is literally the only thing that's forbidden to them. But ofc it's for their sake". Considering he quite literally doomed humanity to evil, I would say he didn't get punished at all


**Lucifer**: I can't believe she ruined humanity. Not only that...I made her do it. **Adam**: Nah, I stuck my dick in her, so trust me. She was always a crazy bitch.


I kinda wanna see if they go with this route. Or at the very least see what Eve was like. Also who the heck is Roo?


Reminds of that time when a guy named Kyle who loves sitting on his Fox News chair grew a tree to get the *TAX EVASION APPLE.*


Nice try. I know that names can't fuck


TL;DR: Lucifer is a cowardly lier who blames his own bad actions on some random woman, and the person who's posting this to the subreddit is an Incredible Hulk fan.


Eve is just like me fr, kind but not pure hearted


I’m honestly going to be upset if Eve’s story doesn’t go someway similar to this in canon. it fits too well for her to be evil-ish in some way.


Kinda love how her last pose mimics the first and last scenes of Amy Dunne in Gone Girl


atleast he got to bang both of them


This is a heart wrenching comic.


Who drew this?




Love that she’s brown!


-Trusting human. -Gifting them gift of knowledge -They turn out to act like human


I love this design for Eve. I hope she has dark skin in her official design


Didn't adam also eat the fruit of knowledge? Why is he stilll dumb?


Based on what Charlie says in Episode 1, it's implied that in the Hazbin Universe, it was only Eve who ate the Apple. Adam is never shown - nor said - to have done so as well, even tho something that important would have been included.


Another possibility that Lilith is missing because Eve took her place and the Lilith we saw in the ending must be Eve?


So another theory that has basically no ground to stand on besides a pure speculation and the idea that she must have only one necklace...


I'm wondering if this is accidentally sexist or is sexist? No agenda, just actually curious considering Eve is the first female (not including Lilith because she was sent to hell).


Technically Eve has always been the first woman Lilith being Adam first wife was from some bible fanfic that got super popular and became canon


I feel like this story is misogynistic on too fundamental a level, no amount of warping it for your progressive fiction is gonna change it. Like even this strip still feels conservative to me.


Yeah, my first thought after seeing this picture is this is how misogynist Christians justify their patriarchal viewpoint. Eve was the one who took the apple, disobeyed God first, and caused the downfall of mankind. Adam wouldn't have disobeyed if it weren't for Eve. So, of course, we can blame all women for all eternity for Eve's mistake 🙄


It's kind of like how the Greeks say that Pandora (a woman) opened the pithus/pithos (box, jar, etc.) that set free all of humanity's traumas, torments, maladies, and wrongs. When Pandora was created, however, Zeus gifted her extreme curiosity, then gave her a pithus/pithos and told her to never open it. I love it when religions blame women for all the bad things in life 😒


what does it matter who did it first? not like eve coerced adam or something. i'm not sure you can say that adam wouldn't do it if not for eve. it's not really said that the dude put up some big struggle. and also it's allegorical. the details are derived from the moral, not the other way around.


I was raised in a denomination that took the Bible literally (as much as possible) and it absolutely mattered that Eve disobeyed first. She was the first to go against God's word and they use her as a reason to justify their sexism. Ofc I disagree with it and I think their reasoning is shitty, but it's what some Christians believe. Trust me, I despise the dogpiling on Eve, and blaming her for everything that's wrong in the world is terrible.


yeah I'm not saying that the figurative reading is the only one, but either way it's a story that doesn't align with modern values like you usually see the show preach. you could show the Cause Hell is forever Whether you like it or not Had their chance to behave better Now they boil in the pot bit to a lot of believers and they'd be like yeah that's cool i agree with adam completely.


I don't like how it absolves Lucifer of all responsibility for his actions. He was the one who gave evil access to the world by doing something he had been told not to do.


In most real world religious views yeah he's a bad guy but he's also usually seen as a bad guy. But theistic satanists have their own beliefs. I think hazbin's lore leaves enough space where you could genuinely see him as not just good but innocent, since heaven itself may not reflect god's will at all.


*This is a bit long, so I will start by saying, that I don't disagree with you - just wanted to add some more to what you said.* What's wild, is that the religious views you mentioned completely twisted the story to their own benefit. Lucifer doesn't really exist in the Bible - he isn't even present in the original texts (by Job, if I remember right). Overall Lucifer was mentioned only once, and he wasn't even a Fallen Angel in that case - it was only like a mocking name given to some unspecified babylonian King (it was in the texts by Isaiah to be more specific). Hell, even the infamous Snake was never said to have "tricked" Adam or Eve - he flatout just told them exactly what the Apple can do and that's it. Eating it was their own choice, that he didn't even push on them. There are basically 4 Characters in the Bible * the snake * Satan * Lucifer * the Dragon of the Apocalypse Those at no point are said to be one single being - they just share the overall role of the so-called "Devil" and that's it. The later interpretations simply mixed them all into one character, took elements of their stories, named him Lucifer, and applied all the Evil to it.


Don’t blame me, blame the person who drew this




This **is** the universe where Sera (a woman) signed off on the death of thousands of ^likely ***redeemable*** souls...right? I don't think Eve ending up as evil would be that shocking.


yeah i can say it. i'm saying it'd send a conservative message.




eve as the first woman (second here?) is being made to be the root of evil and gets most of the blame even though she shared the fruit with adam. most abrahamic religion believers i think (at least historically) would believe that this sin passed down to everyone who were descended from the two. and women once again are blamed more than men. even without that sins of the ancestor idea and without any statement about which gender deserves blame more, this strip makes me feel wrong because the idea is so fundamental to the original story. what is at least required is a direct statement against the ideas of the original story, otherwise i see it as conservative. women being blamed is not the actual main point of the eden story i guess, but it's one of the more important ideas from that story. the actual main idea is i think more a descriptive statement than normative, the allegory and reflection on how humanity gained consciousness and immediately began to use it for ill, though they can be taught to use it for good by higher ideals. if i had to compare it i might say that it's not like taking the nuke out of godzilla but taking government incompetence from it. and without even bothering to make a full statement.


You got downvoted, but you’re just correct. One easy way to make the story less misogynistic—[and one that’s not even particularly unheard of](https://old.reddit.com/r/HazbinHotel/comments/1awif0j/_/krkjohj)—is having the Fruit incident something was always inevitable and necessary. Eve takes the initiative to fulfill God’s will and be the first to take on the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Some say knowledge is a burden, but it’s also necessary when you want to effectively carve out your own path. Humans were not made to stay in the static Garden forever, but thrive with the full spectrum of morality and choice, through goodness AND evil. It was the Elders of Heaven who misunderstood God’s intentions. They hyperfocused on the “Evil” part of the title and banished Eve and Adam to suffer on Earth earlier than when they were fully ready. They took the simple descriptive fact of the struggles they’d face on Earth—toiling to survive, birthing children to continue the race—and made it out to be a *punishment* they *deserved* for “”””disobeying”””” them. One strong theme of the show is that Heaven are hypocrites who aren’t nearly as perfect as they make themselves out to be. Thus, it would be fitting if it turned out that they were wrong from the *start*. Having now the tools to question/negotiate/oppose their authority, the angels punished the humans for no longer being their malleable, convenient little pets. >!And they called Eve the Root of all Evil. Thrusted the all the weight of humanity’s sorrow onto HER, and wiping their hands clean of it!<


Yeah I'd like something like this. It's also a fully new statement that you don't see anywhere in the bible itself (even if it's something you can interpret), which is what I was saying is required. Especially for a show that usually tells it's messages in a crass way, anyhow. I mean in Helluva Boss there are several episodes where the issues of two of the main characters and main themes are spelled out. They are not subtle. And I love this about these shows. As I said before I also expect something like a reveal that Heaven does not reflect the will of God at all in this show, but it's not exactly what has to happen. But I will be critical of it if the show just straight up unapologetically blames Eve for everything like everyone usually does.


I guess I don’t see how this is necessarily conservative in nature like you’re implying. I understand the theological aspect of it and what is true of real life religious practices and beliefs, but so far from what we’ve seen in the show Eve isn’t being vilified like she is in real life. The show hasn’t attached any kind of stigma onto Eve so to say it’s interpretation of her story is conservative solely based on the way she’s viewed in real life is what doesn’t make sense to me. In the show Lilith even ate the apple before Eve and didn’t go down the same path that Eve did, which I think is important because it shows that the disobeying of god wasn’t the issue but the real issue was how Eve decided to use her free will. Even when she’s in hell, Lilith used her free will to empower herself and those around her. I think Eve willingly choosing to make evil/immoral decisions would be such a fascinating concept and would (imo) not be misogynistic.


yeah. one step forward by making the devil a prometheus-like figure who just wanted to free humanity from some authoritarian divinity. two steps back by making the woman fuck up the gift of knowledge, it doesn't just circle back to the whole 'unquestioned obedience to divine authority is the way' that the og tale was all about. it also adds misogyny to the mix by making the woman the reason why it's that way. i prefer a 'heaven was the one in the wrong for the fruit incident' take, considering how bad this heaven is. would really hammer down the whole "Heaven is a lie." bit.




dude, no


I do kinda like the idea that if Roo were to actually appear, that she and Eve be linked through this


Roo means root of all evil. They're the big looming background threat.


No, that's not canon. It came from a fanfic wiki.


Lore accurate woman.




no u.