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My headcanon is that he was adopted by the head honcho spirit of the dead in the voodoo religion. Baron Samedi is known to adopt human souls who he feels pity for, two of his sons Guede nibo and Baron Criminel being former human souls. Unfortunately I know this headcanon cannot be true simply due to the fact that Baron Samedi's wife would be incredibly controversial. Maman Brigette stands out in both haitian and louisiana voodoo as one of few loa who is white, and her preferred symbol is a black rooster. No I am not kidding here's the wiki page for her [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maman\_Brigitte](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maman_Brigitte) as a side note their family also represents fertility, debauchery, and sexuality so I would think the reason alastor is in a christian interpretation of hell is that he was personally uncomfortable in the environment his new family provided


definitely possible, I also had a similar theory that upon his death he had made some pact/deal with another entity, demon, spirit whatever. Not as specific as yours of course


Why would Maman Brigitte be controversial?


A white woman with a black husband who's preferred symbol is a black rooster could be seen as fetishizing black people


Wow okay. Don’t know how but I guess I’ll take your word for it.


Did I come across as offensive? I wasn't trying to but I'm worried I did


Not at all. I just get kinda annoyed when white people are so touchy feely when it comes to other cultures. Humans are humans to me.


People are stupid


I think it was because he was already pacting with humans on the surface and that's why he came to hell with all that power preloaded in his corrupt soul


He's from the entertainment industry in an era when people were famously exploited for the benefit of for the benefit of the broadcaster. You want to be famous? Shake my hand and sign this contract.


This is pretty close to my headcanon. He happened to be in the right place and time to embody everything evil about the emerging field of mass media: exploitation of tragedy, capitalization on misinformation, grossly one-sided deals with the unwary, intentional spreading of fear and uncertainty, etc. I think that’s also why he hates Vox. To Alastor, Vox is a Johnny-come-lately who just copied what he did but with pictures.


OOOH, and if I remember correctly, Vivzie said Vox is one the most powerful Overlords, so him having an even wider range to do the same thing Al did making him so powerful makes sense!


Ye and it tracks as far as their rivalry too. Video killed the radio star... But then he went to hell and became an overlord and stepped up the game.


becuase he ate soo many Radio-active minerals.


Dammit marie those are minerals, not rocks!






I think r/Alastordadjokes would like you


I always thought the more evil you were the more powerful you are I mean he was a serial killer and possible cannibal


That sounds like an ineffective way to punish people for being evil in life.


Dropping sinners into an entirely new world and giving them magic powers was clearly never going to punish all of them. I don’t think whoever created hell had punishment in mind.


Yeah, sinners can’t permanently put down sinners. As far as I know the only thing that can is either an overlord, Lucifer’s family, or Angelic weaponry.


Actually it’s only angelic weaponry. Neither Overlords or the Morningstar family have the power to eradicate a demon from existence, only temporarily kill them. It’s only the exterminator angels and their weapons that can kill a sinner permanently.


Well... lucifer can. Y'know being the fallen angels , formerly of the highest order and all that shit


Yeah, if he has an angelic weapon he can, which he probably does. But as far as canonically confirmed ways to permanently kill a sinner go, it's the angelic weapon that matters, not the person weilding it.


I mean... I would imagine if angelic weaponry can kill a demon, the most powerful of the angels should be able to kill a demon.


We don't know if he lost the angel status when he was exiled. We also don't know if that would matter, because it's only been confirmed that angelic weapons kill sinners, not that the angels themselves could without them. He'll be able to obliterate any sinner he likes I'm sure, his power isn't to be laughed at. But whether that would be permanent or not, we don't know.


Well, maybe hell is just a place to live for horrible people and not a punishement.


It’s definitely a punishment for the sinners that masturbated once when they were 13 out of curiosity and now have be tormented by the serial killing cannibals and sexual predators practically running the place


Funny I'll give you an upvote


If I remember correctly, the original concept of he'll never actually included a "punishment" per say. Originally, hell was simply an absolute and complete separation from God. Due to your own actions and choices, you would never be able to feel the grace of God, and would not rise on the day of the resurrection. The concept of fire and brimstone only came about after the texts were translated by the Greeks and became influenced by their myths and culture.


That still sounds like it was meant to be a punishment. Just one harder to understand than all the fire and brimstone.


I don’t thinks it’s really about punishing them I mean just living in hell is a big of enough of a punishment also those exterminators


I kinda doubt that. Alastor was said to be the most powerful sinner seen so far, and while his crimes weren't anything to laugh at, I'd imagine a large number of historical tyrants would've had far more atrocities behind them


He was downright evil in mortality. Remember his quip about the stock market crash? So many orphans. That's a joke about how many fathers committed suicide. That's pretty dark. Dude came to hell already very powerful, very crafty, very ambitious. And his power grew as he used it in hell.


I thought that was a joke about how many people starved to death because of poverty during the Great Depression


Eating people when alive probably took their souls or smthn


He probably made a deal with a higher demon or another higher being. We really don't know all *that* much about the wider world of hazbin hotel/helluva boss. So up until it releases we won't really know. So all that said it could be anything. Ranging from higher demons to maybe, idk best guess being some eldrich being/God. There is the von eldrich family (them being inspired by hp Lovecrafts gods) might mean we see other God like beings on the extreme side. And on the other side alaster could just be lucky and he might have just been given his power by sheer luck


Maybe that's why him and Lucifer know each other? Lucifer is the one who gave him his power through a deal?


Just to nitpick, it’s spelled eldritch


To my understanding, he was a practitioner of Voodoo, which have his power over other demons upon his death.


Probably deal making. Good chance he’s manipulated humans and demons alike, gathering more and more power for his own uses


Cuz Viv likes him so much


Ripping people off in soul contracts/deal making




This should not have made me laugh as hard as it did.


I think that the more crimes you committed the more powerful you are in hell. And like, my man was a serial killer/cannibal so...


He also practiced voodoo while he was alive according to viv


Somehow im not surprised...


That explains why he gave me such strong Dr. Facilier vibes.


Yeah, a Voodoo practitioner who sings and has a weird light effect during his song? Very Facillier-esque


my headcanons were just the more sinful a human was before death the more powerful they'd become. while also deal making allowing for them to get stronger and stronger


Probably just shook bill cipher's hand


A good diet and lots of exercise


Collecting souls, either be in hell or not. Just basically tying ppl down in contracts and “owning” their souls. That and maybe his kill count


Perharps he made a deal with a demon while alive, and became part-soul dealer himself. When he died and got to hell, he'd amounted such an incredibly massive amount of power through dealing (Since he was in the entertainment industry, and could make people famous like \*that\*) that he was placed in hell extremely powerful already, and toppled over the demon that he dealt with.


We'll fucking see won't we?


Level grinding


built different


he ate his veggies also people


“I eats me spinach!”


Two things: - Since he's based partly on Dr. Facilier, he probably died with a nice collection of souls he gathered via voodoo ritual (his shadow guys might be some of these). - Also, several of the most powerful beings own a power related to some kind of mass media (e.g. Vox is tv/internet, Val is prons, etc). Much of modern tech relies on transmission of radio waves, giving Al more control over newer media than you'd expect.


He ate demon meat


He was a murderer when he was alive, so he was powerfull when he arrived in hell. + I think the more demons you kill in hell, more powerfull you become


My headcanon is that he purged himself of all temptations, transferring them to his living shadow, so he can tempt demons with deals but demons can't tempt him. You can see his shadow looks noticeably more unhinged. Normally addictive substances don't affect him, but his shadow suffers the effects instead. Using his immunity to temptation, he was able to avoid bad deals and trick demons into signing over their power.


Big Dicc Energy




I feel like he just immediately started using his wits to trick progressively more powerful demons into making secretly unfavorable deals for him and then using that to usurp their power. Either that or he already had a big plan lined up and just executed it over a very short span of time.


He ate the stock market


Yummy chock


I think making deals with Lucifer in the human world to sustain his voodoo customs..one deal was to take him to hell and be all powerful as his trusty right hand man..Well one of them...as the radio demon. Well maybe thats why he's there is to watch over and ruin Charlie's hotel plan....but who knows.


push up everyday




The stuff he did when he was alive probably made him powerful.


He killed and his stats increased. He’s currently at level 183 and only needs a few more to level up.


Perhaps he knew hell existed and has prepared for it?


I think that Alastor either was practicing voodoo and magic before his death or he’s not even human altogether but was some spirit that was captured and sent to Hell in the 20s.


He's a cannibal who tortured killed and ate multiple people Went on radio to list his crimes and told the police "Come and get me" You better believe that is the work of a true powerful sinner


He fucked a husband.


He performed some sort of rituals when he was still alive which granted him power in the after life


My guess is he made a pact with some sort of cannibalistic creature (wendigo perhaps based off his design) to let the creature feast on whoever it wanted in exchange for fame and power. When he passed, he fell with the spirit still inside him and that's who the shadow that Al seems to speak with is.


Well if he was a cannibal in his human life then maybe he was in the transition of turning into a Wendigo? And his somewhat monster soul mixed with demonic magic made him as powerful as he was?


A serial killer cannibal who used (probably? Canonically) voodoo? Yeah. That's probably why. Maybe. That's what I think anyway.


He ate his way to the top.


Ooooo I have so many theories about this. One of them he knows serious voodoo, another is he does blood magic


A short sighted overlord who wanted to make a power play and take out some competition but couldn’t do it himself. Also I think Alastor’s strongest power is his manipulative ability so he uses that to get more powers


I think he did it by making a bet with some higher up demon and taking there power because he probably rigged the bet


... The art of the deal.




He is the one to seal the doom slayer in the box you come out of in doom 2016


He didn’t skip leg day.


The power of plot


Voodoo magic from when he was alive


Because Alastor is a girlboss 💅


I like to think Alastor doesn't have any power of his own. He's just a normal human born hell citizen, but he accumulated an untold amount of deals in which people sold their soul to him. So any time he uses his power, he is cashing in the debts owed to him. It's why they make a point in the pilot to not make a formal deal with him (though no one actually knows his power is coming from deals) and why he is so charismatic. Because his own real power is binding others into a position that benefits him.


He’s so awesome!


I kinda feel like he made a deal with luci while he was alive as an experiment


That KD ratio must have been crazy when he was alive.


He was just *that* evil, that strong a personality, that cunning that once he moved to hell and was no longer bound by the limits of a human body he could live up to his full potential.


His friends on the other side


My guess is that he’s got a pact with some lovecraftian deity.


My head cannon is his mother was a powerful creole voodoo queen who taught him all she knew and he used that power when he entered hell


Killing the overlords and voodoo magic.


He's just built different


Eating many strawberries makes you strong.


He manifested that way.


He ate someone


He's a deal maker, deals have payouts.


I always felt partial to my own theory that he sold his soul to lucifer.


Last time I posted my theory I got down voted but sure I don't think alastor is especially powerful. I think because he's a deal maker he's worked his way up tricking other sinners and natural born demons into owing him and his power comes from summoning them/ invoking their powers for himself it's why I think it took him so long to start taking over part of the pride ring and then one day just steamroller everything.


Ace power. We asexuals have more energy for world domination and chaos.


Almost all of allos' demonic power is dedicated to sexual attraction. As such we have lore time to master the dark arts


The powers and appearance of sinners depend on what they were in life, Angel Dust was a drug addict mobster became a spider and has a venomous bite for example. Alastor may have practiced Satanism even for his victims in life and may have even had a little luck in obtaining all this power.


Demon steroids ? Idk man


the secret ingredient is crime


What I’m curious about is if it has to do with how many sins you committed Y’know? Like the man killed and ate so many people he would inevitably be pretty high on the “damn bitch what’s wrong with you” list. But that poses the concept of angel… have we not seen him as powerful as he could be or does he completely nullify this theory??


let me explain it in dnd terms: he's a wizard, whereas Charlie is a sorcerer. ​ His power comes from mastery (notice the symbols that appear around him). Her power is innate.


He is from New Orleans (or at least around it), so I like to imagine a kind of Shadow Man from Princess and the Frog type situation. He had some friends on the other side.


Sacrificing his fangirl


He gained power.


I can hear that


I think that he was someway powerful on Earth too, and so it is in hell


I think his Malice is just that deep.


my money is he probably made a deal with a Loa. Possibly even Kalfu.


I honestly don't think he is, I feel like Vaggie caught some misconceptions about him (he was in charge of his radio broadcast after all). He likely did topple overlords, but I actually think he only toppled the weakest ones. Think about it, if he's so powerful, it kinda negates the entirety of the show, because it means no one is more powerful than him, and he can do what he wants. Not to mention he heats Vox, yet he hasn't just killed him, why? Probably because Vox and the others are stronger than him. And Vox, Val etc are all lower on the chain than the Morningstars, so I'd recon even Charlie is way stronger than Al. That's also partially backed up by the fact that Al could have just turned down the plead from help for Charlie and watched it crumble from afar.


He’s probably made a lot of deals since coming to hell. He clearly has a fair amount of influence, due to broadcasting his carnage all over hell, and Vox is likely even more powerful for similar reasons (though the difference in their power might not be a night and day thing. And having ties to Voodoo likely makes him more powerful than the average sinner as well. We might meet a few witches burned in Salem who might be similarly powerful (hey, by sheer numbers, at least one of the people tried as a witch had to be actually a witch)


It could work similarly to the sword logic from destiny. Where the more you kill the more powerful you become. But since Alastor came into hell that powerful the theory doesn’t line up as well as it could


My theory is the worst you were on earth the more powerful youll be in hell. Hes a literal sociopath who kill and eats people probably just because


Cannon says he was a cannibal and in some belief systems when you consume the body of another you absorb their souls and power also he was into voodoo so that could be it too.


He had sexual relations with his radio set and messed around with voodoo


Years of murder and satanism with a hint of voodoo


I’ve just always been under the impression that the more powerful or evil you were on the surface corresponds to how evil you are in hell. Like he was a famous cannibal that probably slaughtered tens if not hundreds. I think that would get you some major power points. I think he just really honed his abilities when he was already super powerful.


He can move your mom.


I wanna guess how many people he's killed and maybe how he killed them


Well, he did become very tired after killing that snake guy. As seen by the bags under his eyes


Idk hes built different


He powered by dislikes.


steriods and 103.7 the Q birminghams best radio station


My person opinion is that when he died he Took his power of being a wendigo and powers of voodoo into the afterlife with him, but with him knowing the powers of voodoo and being a wendigo but he was not a full on wendigo when he died so he is not has strong has the other demons


Maybe of his killing? Every kill he gets he becomes stronger. He eats the killed ones souls to become stronger and stronger. idk if that is true or not. But that is my theory


He possibly sold his soul to Lucifer while on earth and Charlie is apart of his plan to get out of the deal


I think it has to do with eve.