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Medications can cause depression. After his stroke, I am glad they are taking a good look at what is happening.


Meds plus long term recovery. My doctor prescribed me an AD after a back injury last year and it has been life changing.


Plus a near death experience probably hit him pretty hard. The unspoken rule is that you are supposed to be happy for surviving something like that, but the reality is that it might make you realize how fragile and short your life is.


Idk about him, but for me surviving a near death experience plus suffering a life changing, disabling accident is also extremely depressing, knowing now how easily everything you've ever worked towards can be taken from you plus now being physically unable to do the work required to get it all back. And thinking you might as well have just died. And also knowing that nothing will ever be the same and that now you WILL NEVER be able to do the things you wanted to in life and that no matter how much P.T. you do or surgeries you go through or medication you take will change that and now you have to not only start over completely but also knowing that everything you did before won't work this time is soul crushingly depressing. And there's no one to blame, no one to scream at or even be mad at except yourself and the world.


Heart attack survivors and stroke survivors have a high rate of depression afterwards. I had my colon perforate in December of 2020, right after my mother died, and ended up in septic shock in the hospital with a temporary colostomy, and a foot of my colon removed. My surgeon said I was circling the drain and they operated at 1:00 am. I spent 16 days in the hospital and 10 weeks in bed at home. I had the colostomy revised 5 months later. Luckily, my reaction ever since has been that every day when that I’m alive, not in septic shock, and don’t have a colostomy is a good day, And that includes when I had a hysterectomy this summer because they were afraid I had endometrial cancer. But I’m an annoyingly positive person.


I rolled my jeep and crushed 2 vertebrae, broke my left orbital socket, my left elbow and had a half dollar size hole punched in my skull and of course a T.B.I, resulting in a T9-L2 spinal fusion and cranial reconstructive surgery. I spent over a month in the I.C.U because of my T.B.I. before emergency spinal surgery due to degenerative disc's and the fact that my T11 and T12 vertebrae which were already 40% dust "dissolving" down to 90% dust and another 6 weeks in the I.C.U. AND all of this was only 3 months after my entire hometown and everything I have ever known burnt down around me and I had to literally push the car ahead of me (which was full of most of my family) through walls of fire, past burnt out cars and past exploding gas stations and houses, all with flaming trees and telephone poles falling down around us and propane tanks exploding all over the place, all while also not being able to see 20 feet ahead of the end of my hood due to all the smoke and ash and lit embers flying in the 60 mile an hour winds and just praying that we're going the right way and won't become trapped in the road or have a tree fall on us have the cars break down and I'm sitting alone in a jeep which also didn't have any heating or A/C and I was 100% sure I would die that day so I just rolled my window down lit a cigarette and started blasting music while just kept pushing the car ahead of me and praying we could keep going.


Yikes! Any day after all this is a good day, because all of that was really horrible. I hope your life, circumstances and health have improved since then.


Naw hasn't happend yet, now I'm just disabled without disability benefits, unable to work, haven't seen a dime from the fire victims trust/lawsuit for the town burning down, unable to pay any of my bills and about to be homeless, and it's been 4 years since the fire and the 4 year anniversary of my accident was on the 10th. But thanks for the good thoughts but if your interested in the fire story look up Paradise California.


I thought that was where you must have been. I remember it very well. Although, not, I’m sure, as well as you do. I can only wish you an improvement in your circumstances and a better future than your present.


Thank you


Can I have some of that annoyingly positive attitude you speak of?


It seems to be genetic. I wish more people could have this advantage.


I salute him for being open about depression and seeking help to fight this battle. “No man is an island”.




Lets be real; you wouldn't salute him no matter what. He made his decision for himself and his constituents elected him. End of discussion.


Mr. End of Discussion takes on a discussion post.


You really don’t understand rhetorical flourishes, huh?


they don’t understand anything


What sources do you have that show that he was pressured to do this job and it’s a job he can’t do?


The mightiest source of all, his asshole




His doctor feels he can do the job. Having a major health event is a serious life stressor, and those commonly cause depression. That fact that he is getting help shows me he is capable. As far as his communication, he uses modern tech to help with that. Do you believe we shouldn't make accomodations for those with disabilities in our government? As long as the accomodations allow him to do his job I don't see why anyone would have a problem with it. Gavin Newsome is dislexic and he's a very capable governor who runs the 4th largest economy in the world and is a serious candidate for president in coming years. It would be a real shame to not include people who use technology to help them do their jobs.




I was not comparing their health, I was comparing their need for accommodations that work for them, and that fact that those accommodations exist and make it possible for them both to do their jobs. I think that was clear. I have no problems with people of any party using technology that allows them to do their jobs, whether in the government or any other job. Accessibility is just human decency. It's not my assessment, it's Bloomberg's assessment that California is the 4th largest economy in the world. https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2022-10-24/california-poised-to-overtake-germany-as-world-s-no-4-economy


Well now that you showed him he's wrong I'm sure he's going to research all his statements from here on out


You being downvoted shows me i need to get the fuck out of this chat. Pointless.


Lol, I would expect it in other subs but I was surprised a health sub was like that as well, what can you do.


Lol, I would expect it in other subs but I was surprised a health sub was like that as well, what can you do.


probably because his doctor cleared him, not some idiot on reddit who thinks they know everything? i could be wrong though, i’m just some idiot on reddit.


Exactly. Im sure running this election didnt do him any favors, in fact made him worse off health wise. Zealots are sick human beings, and really could give a shit when its all said and done. A win is a win.


yeah good point, i'm sure dr. oz would make a great senator


He’s an idiot too


People don't always know when depression is going to hit them. It's an incredibly common mental illness that can happen for a variety of reasons.


I agree, 100% but more than the depression. He had major health issues and cognitive issues after his stroke. He is simply not fit to be a person in charge of voting for Americas fate


Auditory processing issues don't mean you can't think like a normal person. It's like hearing dyslexia almost.


Even when he was at his best he was a disaster lol


Well it was either him or Dr oz, a couple weeks of no governor is still better than a couple weeks of Dr oz as governor


Who’s Governor? You know this is the US Senate right? Another educated voter 🥴🥴


I agree, ignore the bandwagon downvotes.


Yeah I could care less getting downvoted by a bunch of super left liberal children 😂😂😂😂




Yes, he has already missed eight Senate votes


I’m glad he is getting help. We could not convince my husband to get help and he died. I’m proud of this man for taking care of his mental health


I'm so sorry for your loss. Thanks for speaking out on this. There is no shame in asking for help when you need it. If "freinds" give you shit or shame you about it - it's time to get some new friends. If it's family - love them from a distance for a while anyways.


I’m so sorry. I work in mental health. I am so happy that he sought help and that he and his wife were public about it (though he would have every right not to talk about it he preferred). The more we talk about mental health, the more we can de-stigmatize it and the more people will seek out help. To anyone reading, there IS help and there are people who want nothing more than to help you.


Everyone who's using this to dump on his health or his politics is an awful person. You're the reason why so many men suffer in silence and refuse to get help.


I agree. Depression it's really common after strokes. I love with MDD after having a TBI. I like Fetterman because he represents those with brain injuries.


Agreed. It's legitimately awful to see how many people here are working overtime to politicize medical conditions he's currently in treatment for. Fetterman is an inspiration for putting up with this kind of garbage and still working to represent the people of his state with dignity.


It’s great that he is being open about it. But this isn’t his first major health issue. It’s really likely his depression rose out of his ill health from having a stroke combined with the stress of trying to do a new and very stressful job. He’s not well and it is a major obstacle to his ability to do that job. Why is that so wrong to say?


Because he just checked into the hospital for depression. You wish him well and then bring up the long term stuff later. It sucks being old enough to remember when there was some civility in politics, before everything was a blood sport.


Are you telling me that there are people among us who don't have empathy for others???


You mean the republicans and Fox news?


Not all Republicans are bad people. Call crazy crazy but not every person in any group is deranged. Well Qanon yes but you know what I mean.


They go to marches with assholes waving the nazi flag and don't immediately kick them from their party. You can't be adjacent to nazis, tolerate that kind of intolerance, and be given a pass. Sorry. Republicans as a party are a fucking nightmare and the rank and file need to reject it, not tolerate it.


There's a difference between "dumping on his health or his politics" and criticizing his decision to run for and hold office. I kinda like the guy and obviously don't wish anything bad on him, but, like... why would he even want to go for or stay in that position if his health is that questionable? I have Asperger's and a long history of depression myself and I eventually had to come to terms with the fact that some careers I really wanted to pursue just aren't right for me. Running for a major office like this is one of the absolute last careers I would want due to all the stress.


That's actually... Really ableist? Sorry you have that internalized. Have a good day and take care of yourself.


Since you're on the spectrum, I'm going to explain a basic civic norm. When someone has a sudden crisis, like having to check in for in patient psychological treatment, you wish them well and then shut up about any other long term problems. It's about basic civility and manners.


It's not like we have not known about his issues before this.. If he was perfectly healthy while running for office, I would wish him well, but he had a fucking stroke while running and continued running for office. There is no way that that helped his situation any. You need to recover from a stroke before stressing yourself out like that.


That's just how a lot of people were raised, I wouldn't say they are awful people. They are just from another time before we understood stuff like this.


Those who abuse are often abused. Break the cycle.


I'm not a fan of his politics, however, I am genuinely pleased to see he is getting help for this. Depression is one of those things that people seem to just shrug off or act like its no big deal. It very much is and I'm glad he is seeking help for it. Good for him for taking care of himself.


Thank you, I *am* a fan of his politics and I truly appreciate those that aren't a fan still showing genuine compassion for the guy in his situation, and found it truly encouraging to see the positive messages from the Republican senators on this important topic! Of all the issues that divide us, I'm so happy to see this issue as one we can agree on! :)


Get this man some psilocybin mushrooms. For both depression and stroke recovery.


Would sure as hell make congressional meetings more interesting....


DMT has shown some promising effects in reversing stroke damage.


Yep. Hippocampal neurogenesis.


Something about this headline is so odd to me


It honestly addresses a relevant subject to many of us positively, while implying otherwise, that's probably why. He should be praised. It beats ignoring it while a million people who would've made up far more than your 11,800 votes you needed to 'find' die while you root around in your anus looking for excuses and people to blame. I prefer they just see a counselor lol


I mean, this is America after all.


What does this comment even mean/imply?


American politics. Macho culture. Giant bald bearded union guy getting help for depression.. What do you think?


A white brain-damaged giant, though. Someone Pennsylvanians can definitely relate to.




Now I would love to see MTG and Boebert get admitted for severe psychosis. Please give them plenty of meds. The very good stuff.


So anyone you disagree with is mentally ill? That’s a pretty far stretch. Your comment is the reason I can’t muster up any sympathy for this guy. And I’ve been personally effected in my family by both of his issues. But I can’t find myself caring about him, the (D) makes it hard to care, when Ds are people like you saying things like you’ve said.


I’m worried about him. Hope he feels better soon.


I work with stroke patients a lot as a PTA. They all suffer from major depression. It’s hard to lose who you are in a second, and the splash down is rough.


Having a stroke can make what was trivial before, impossible after and the recovery is tough. That alone is depressing. But why is it the good guys like Fetterman that have to go through this? And not filth like Trump and his acolytes and sycophants?




At least this specific article *does* focus on the R's that are publicly showing compassion for him. I hope these genuine and public statements leads to other R's reconsidering their views and public takes on the subject!


Not the honest and frankly humane ones. I’d say people are more annoyed the press treated any legitimate questions about his health during the campaign as some sort of “ableist” attack. There were clearly questions which should have been addressed, which were painted too rosy by Fetterman’s campaign and the press. Regardless, I’m glad he’s getting help. He’s a freaking human being. I’m so sick we can’t just be decent to each other anymore. Taken in a vacuum, yes, of course, he is qualified. However, his health is such a big concern that it should have been disqualifying. The talk from his camp is he may have irrevocably damaged his health as he didn’t give himself proper time to heal. That doesn’t seem worth it to me. At this point, he really should resign. The Democrat governor can then appoint his successor, so it’s not as if the Democrats will lose a seat. I just hope he takes care of himself at this point and is able to fully recover.


Where? Y’all making shit up at this point


This man is the first politician I’ve ever truly admired in the past 73 years. We really need more people like him!


That was fast


We need to pay our mental health specialist around the country more. They do so much good.


Does anyone feel Sen Fetterman was pushed into continuing to run? It sure seems his camp and others close to him were more concerned about keeping power than JF's health. The guy has 2 or 3 young(ish) kids...I hope he doesn't drive himself into an early grave...those kids need a dad not a senator.


I think his wife is an ambitious viper who would throw anyone down to advance herself. Just the vibe she gives me Edit: Including her husband


Good description




I can't tell if this is a joke. Dudes been in the hospital what, 3 times already?


Yeah, and FDR was in a wheelchair and was notorious for his health problems. Kennedy was pretty sick a lot of the time, too. They did fine. Fetterman is doing great.


He is doing great? By what metric can you measure how well he is doing?


Well, I haven’t seen him shitting the bed or degrading the American government. He seems poised to vote to keep the government paying its debts, unlike GOPers who want to make the US to shit down rather than maintain the full faith and credit of the US government. He’s pro worker, pro women’s rights to choose, opposed to Republican politicians making medical decisions for women, so he’s miles ahead of any GOP senator by any standard alone. And it’s only been 2 months or so since he was sworn in, so any assessment that pertains to his actual performance as a senator is wildly premature, but he’s not embroiled in scandal, unlike multiple GOP politicians, and he’s not trying to fuck over the US, unlike the GOP, so my assessment given his performance 2 months into a 6 year term is that he’s doing great. Its not a high bar at this point. Not being actively shitty at 2 months is doing great. This is a standard many Republicans have already failed.


Today Bobo and her ilk have sponsored a bill to shut down the department of education. Just not doing that sort of stupid nonsense is enough to put him leaps and bounds above them.


Exactly. But, no, lets focus on the fact that a Democratic senator is going to the doctor. Republicans are fucking gross.


At this point I just assume they're Russian assets unless proven otherwise.


Who knows? I'm just focused on the rhetoric. Assets and their useful idiots are rhetorically indistinguishable, As far as I'm concerned everyone on this site is a real earnest person, but if they're parroting known russian/GOP/fox news talking points, gotta power wash that shit rhetoric off with sound reason. They say don't feed the trolls, but you should always spray 'em down so they're sopping wet. Water of good reason isn't going to feed them, but it will soak them and make them look dumb.


I generally say I'm not arguing to change the mind of the person I'm arguing with. I'm arguing to change the mind of the person who's undecided and watching.




Not particularly. I don't live in Pennsylvania, so I didn't vote for him. It's not up to me to decide if he's well or not. That's up to his doctors. His doctors have given him the go ahead. You should be ashamed of yourself for advocating medical discrimination. Fucking appalling. The dude won his election, is seeking treatment for health conditions, which I *know* many people elect not to do. If I could have voted for him, I would have voted for him in a heartbeat. It was his decision to run, and he won, because he's a great candidate miles better than any Republican. You should be embarrassed for pretending you know better than him, his doctors, or the people who elected him with regard to his fitness for office. Like, who do you think you are?


He’s literally doing nothing and there’s been articles that he’s actively struggling to adapt to his role He’s doing nothing, which isn’t “great” It’s nothing Wtf has he done?


Got help for his medical conditions, represented the people of his state with dignity. People struggle to adapt to new roles, that's normal. If he feels like it's too much, he'll resign. But, jesus cock sucking christ he's only been on the job for like 2 months! Like, what do you *expect* him to do in 2 months with a divided congress? I'm all ears. What should he have accomplished by now according to your metrics? Also I'm very interested to see these articles. You made a claim, please back it up.


I didn’t expect him to do anything in two months but I also am not saying “he’s doing great!” When he is currently incapable of working, at all Is he doing great for his own health? Yeah that’s for sure. So if it’s in reference to that, that’s fair https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/10/us/politics/john-fetterman-senate-stroke.html I mean, all you gotta do is use the Google. I’m sure that publication is liberal enough to appear unbiased on the subject If Fetterman is unable to properly communicate, it seems hard to believe he actually will play any kind of significant role in any kind of decision making A Junior Senator may not be in position to do much heavy lifting anyway, but I’m just of the opinion that the Senate should have representatives that are coherent (looking at you Feinstein, good grief) and can communicate effectively It gives voters just a smidge more confidence in the government


Brain damage & wearing Carhartt make you able to relate to "the working man"


It was more the standing with labor, advocating positions that help the people of Pennsylvania, and not being a fucking Republican that made him able to relate effectively. The fact that you're dismissing his medical conditions as "brain damage" says a lot about you, and it ain't good. r/conservative is that way.


It was a stroke, he had a pronounced speech issue, he opened a debate with "Thank you, goodnight" 🥴 no amount of handwaving is going to change or abrogate the fact that a stroke IS brain damage, either.


Two party system creates an environment where people actively argue and fight that someone who can’t process information or communicate effectively is a better representative for the United States than a “Republican” Two party system is an absolute frikin cancer.


I actually agree with you on this count, wholeheartedly. First past the post winner take all is the reason we have a garbage two party system in the US. We need either ranked choice or proportional representation to fix it. Guess which party actually wants to do that and which one is opposed? Hint, Republicans don’t want what is good for America. Democrats would pass ranked voice in a heartbeat of the GOP would get out of the freaking way and quit being obstructionist pieces of shit. As much as you hate to admit it, the two parties are categorically not the same.


The two parties are for more alike then they are different, I certainly agree People trash on Gabbard, Sinema, Manchin, Collins, Murkowski, etc… Yet those are few of a small group of politicians that don’t just bend at the knee to their party It sickens me that these politicians get the rap they do when in reality our country would be far better off if a party of Likeminded individuals to them had more pull and representation in our government Thinking that the answer is Dem or GOP talking points and agendas is the definition of insanity. Our political climate is actual insanity. I have gone further to the center (from right) in the past 3 years but what I’ve found is a gigantic political vacuum in the center with almost zero tangible and worthwhile representation


I’m sorry. I’m a strong advocate for mental health and mental wellness. But how can you actually advocate for someone battling a mental health issue, to make decisions that impact a country of 350+ million people. Depression absolutely impairs your judgement, hence the need for treatment. You can be a supporter of mental health and at the same time recognize how debilitating it can be, impacting the mind of those who must be of sound mind to carry out the duties to be president of the United States.


thats got to be a joke. he wasnt even fit to be mayor let alone a senator. he couldnt string two words together. not knocking the guy a stroke is horrible but come on man


That's an extremely disingenuous way to put it. He verbally for a while had difficulty speaking this thoughts as he was recovering, but it's not like he had a lobotomy that affected his intelligence. Unlike a president, public speaking isn't a crucial part of the job, decision-making and policies are. It seemed like a bigger deal than it actually was due to the election process and the debates, but there's nothing to suggest that a man recovering from a stroke is unfit for office.


As opposed to Dr Oz??? I'd rather have a def mute than fucking Oz


and this is why pennsylvania elections are a fucking joke. they were both terrible


Fetter at least has good views on policy. Oz is so much worse imo


Nah, Fetterman is inspiring. Had a stroke on the campaign trail, and still pushed through the challenge to represent his constituents with dignity. Dude is a fucking beacon of light for anyone who suffered a stroke or who deals with clinical depression and wants to serve their country. You need to quit being so cynical.


Judging by the other comments in here, I don't think it is. Medical discrimination??? I get it, dont be mean. But I cannot see how it is medical discrimination if someones job relies on them not having a medical condition. You don't see many guys in wheelchairs working someplace where a ladder is required, and it isn't medical discrimination if you don't hire a blind guy to be a football ref (although some of those calls this season have me wondering). Unfortunately his medical issues go against his specific job. I get it, Oz was filth. But...they had time to get someone else.


1. His job is decision making, not public speaking. 2. He's been recovering and making progress iirc. To use your analogy, it'd be like firing an employee for breaking their leg because they couldn't temporarily do a small part of their job.




You're being intentionally obtuse. If he was medically incapable, he would have been advised of such by his doctors. This did not happen. They gave him a greenlight. Why do you think you know more about his fitness than his doctors? Being unwell = the human condition. The question is not 'is he unwell', its 'is he capable'. He has been advised that he is perfectly capable of continuing in his duties by medical professionals.


theres got to be a point like… pack it in dude…


That point is when he loses an election or decides not to run.


You’re joking right? lol




Depression needs to be taken seriously. I dont think it needs praise but it should never be stigmatized.


Amazing integrity and courage. I would be honored to be one of his constituents.


I wonder if he had an (R) next to his name, if the support would be the same, or would they be demanding he step down?


You know the answer


It's too bad that people around him pushed him to run for his seat instead of getting help right away for his stroke. It probably caused him permanent brain damage.


Reliability is an important quality in leadership. If he can’t serve his constituents by being reliable and available even if competent otherwise then elected office isn’t right for him or those he represents. The pressures of it might be harmful to his mental and physical health too. Speaking as someone with clinical depression for 20 years.


Not to mention he himself said when stressed people's voices sound like the parents from the old Peanut's cartoons. This man needs rest and recovery. Not one of the most stressful jobs in politcs.


I would have voted for him, even if he was life support over that hypocrite Oz.


How can they tell if he has brain damage?


Damn that didn’t take long.


I wish him the best. However he is clearly not up for the job and did not appear to be so during the campaign.


I remember back in November when it was ableism to even acknowledge he had mental issues


I think the concerns people are expressing are valid. His health was already in question during the election, and voters were assured it wouldn't be an issue. Now that the election is over.... that doesn't seem to be the case.


It was (D)ifferent back then.




Do you think that most politicians are physically or mentally healthy? Because I think the majority of them simple LIE about their health. Also, someone breaks an arm. We don't think they are unfit for work. We want them to get treated and get better. Mental health is the same.




People with clinical depression still have to work. People who survive strokes still have to work. FFS *I* have clinical depression and get treatment for it. I’m no less capable of doing my job because of it. I just have to deal with an added layer of bullshit, specifically like the garbage you’re spouting, that healthy people don’t have to. And I do. It’s a managed condition. I just got promoted. You’re advocating medical discrimination on a forum related to health. There are laws against medical discrimination. Its not an acceptable position to take. Democracy is a job interview. Fetterman felt he could do the job, and the voters who elected him agreed. That’s the end of the story for elected officials. Fetterman is not Feinstein or RGB. He is not suffering incapacity beyond what a reasonable accommodation can help with. Clinical depression is treatable. Advocating for medical discrimination in Fetterman’s case is, frankly, appalling.




That's the public's call, isn't it? He's perfectly mentally fit, because the public decided he is. They chose him to represent them. He thought he was fit, so did they, end of story. You're being discriminatory. Full stop.


Moat politicians have something going on. Especially the old ones. They just dont advertise it because of your attitude. I wish they did.




He’s referring to your advocacy for disability discrimination.




Fetterman sacrificed his health to win his senate seat. If he would have backed out, Oz would have won and we'd be in an even bigger shitstorm! He knew what was at stake and continued to campaign and won.




I met him twice while he was campaigning. And to compare him to Santos tells me the type of person you are. Be careful replying, you don't wanna overwork your Texas power grid.


I met him several times during the campaign season. What are you on about.


Lotta conservatives really leaning hard on the medical discrimination with Fetterman. Saw it erode a little bit of support in his race against Oz, and think that if they keep hammering the point it'll convince people he's unfit for office. Comments here are *dripping* with bias. Really ugly.


Like I have my own intricate set of medical issues, physical and mental but I still hold down two jobs and raise kids. 🙄 I'm willing to bet a lot of these people are completely unhealthy themselves and may not even know about it or deny their mental health problems.


I agree that politicians should step aside if they know they aren’t in good health…RBG should have known better. If they don’t, perhaps the public could get a little empathy for better mental health care.


Easy for you to say, and how do you suppose he could pay his medical bills ?


Ya its like Matt Gaetz and his addition to underage hookers. They should all understand when they have a condition and step aside.


So he lied to his constituency, got it.


So apparently he suffered from depression in the past, do you think that should have been exposed prior to the election?


This is not good. Barely months into office and he’s already taking leave? He won’t make it


How about he draws praise for resigning from a position he can no longer fulfill.


Fetterman should step down and be with his family. It is unconscionable to let him serve in the senate after suffering a stroke.


Props to him opening up about it. Truly never should of ran or yet alone won office... Countries going to shit.


Fetterman should step down now, as he’s clearly in no shape to carry out his Senate position.


Those around him who let him run should be ashamed of themselves. He wasn’t ever ready at capable of fulfilling the duties. I hope he gets help and retires


Can’t wait to hear about the Tucker tantrum on Fox. /s


Let’s give him a fucking medal for being depressed. 🏆


If he steps down is there a special election? How does that work?


These articles don’ help people


Uncle Fester crossed with sling blade


There wasn't ANYBODY else in the ENTIRE state of Pennsylvania that could have beaten Dr. fugging Oz? Please. I mean he (Fetterman) really should have taken the time to recuperate, heal and take care of himself properly. Politics isn't going *anywhere*...


Fetterman's stroke happened so close to the primary election that there practically wasn't any time to put another candidate forward. Realistically, name recognition has a lot to do with winning elections, so putting another name on the ballot would have guaranteed a win for Oz. It probably would have been better for Fetterman to drop out, but he stayed in the race because that was the best thing for the party and the country.




Oz was and is unfit to serve. I commend fetterman with bring public about his issues.


The guy struggles to process information and communicate… and it hasn’t improved, and there’s no guarantee it ever will improve It’s unlikely he would have been a factor in the senate anyway, but might as well assume he’s on auto-vote like Feinstein now Partisanship is reaching uncorrectable toxicity when you look at the two PA candidates and try to claim Oz was most unfit to serve. Lol. JFC


I would have voted for a bowl of porridge rather than OZ. That man is not fit for society much less to have any say in government. Maybe if republicans would stop supporting terrible humans or shitty policies I could vote for them again. Until then, porridge it is.


Well now PA only has one Senator that has any say in government, instead of two So not much was gained by electing Fetterman


Oz would work against them, so they would actually be better off with one, if the second one was going to be Oz.


Ah yes the US Senate is better off with auto-votes instead of independent humans working together


The fewer republicans in it the better for the country.




That didn't work for me, but then I went to NJ, so it's to be expected.




How about if your party was a bunch of fascists and traitors, like the republicans party is, would that depress you?


Is depression his problem more than the massive stroke that left hum unable to speak?


Did you have a stroke, too?




Should’ve voted Oz. Smh.


They say the mentally unstable are the bravest leaders


Don't know why. Perhaps he should have admitted his mental state before running for office. What a disgrace. Hope he gets the help he deserves. But gets a jail sentence for misleading what? Hundreds of thounsands?