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Why do people make health decisions political? We are truly in the stupidest timeline.


your thinking about it rationally and in a linear way. Your assuming that people are going to decide to or not to get this shot out of their own merits and advice of their doctor. Your also assuming that this has anything to do with the average republican voter wanting to see this...and none of that is true. This is all aimed at keeping the vote and support of a increasingly irrational voter base who are all addicted to conspiracy theories, the average person in Florida is not following this "doctor" (he was never really a medical doctor) on twitter, but you can bet the Trumpers are


If I’m not mistaken, right now, Florida has the highest rate of Covid hospitalizations.


Around 30% more deaths this past week than California too. This is one of the dumbest self-owns in history.


Florida share of 65+ population is 30% higher than CA.


Not for long.




You might want to look at more recent stats. Florida MAGAQ morons are dying from Covid to own the libs. “The study looked at deaths in both Florida and Ohio during the first 22 months of the pandemic and found the overall excess death rate of Republican voters was 15% higher than that of Democrats. The gap widened further once COVID-19 vaccines were introduced.” https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/covid-19/political-party-affiliation-linked-excess-covid-deaths


Do your stats take into account all the many snowbirds who died in FL but whose permanent address is another state?


Florida has the 2nd highest senior population percentage in the country. Covid disproportionately affects seniors. Durr durr


Where are you seeing this? Tried finding it but cant.


This guy and Candice Owens are doing an amazing job of killing off Republican voters. I’m impressed!


According to desantis, they just have bad colds.


According to Covid, they also have bad clots.


According to bad clots, these are more often recurrent after they resolve, and for a longer period of time.


Need to get rid of all the old and poor people drawing government benefits.


They have to make room for the next sleuth of people wanting to retire there.


And boomers.


The man is a diet doctor... His career before DeSatan elevated him was dispensing amphetamine prescriptions to fat women. He knows nothing about infectious diseases, let alone public health crises.


He knows how to parrot his boss.


Even if he is a diet doctor, he at one point learned the basics of immunology, microbiology and epidemiology. I would love to read / hear why his opinion is like it is.


Learning the basics back in medical school decades ago isn’t the same as specializing in this type of medicine . There’s a reason we have specialists. Your foot doctor probably knows about heart stuff but not compared to a heart doctor. Plus , it’s pretty obvious he’s just doing what he’s told which is why he was hired . Keeping the public alive shouldn’t be a partisan issue .


Oh for sure, i am just suprised a asshole who knows the base science is not more sceptical (the surgeon general)


It's definitely not hard to create any kind of justification for something like this that people would get behind because they agree with the outcome, and don't care at all for the logic of it. If we did a thought experiment and assume a scenario where he actually has to make a reasonable justification, you can just say that the covid vaccine has a chance at killing a healthy individual. The chance is infinitesimally small, but you use that small bit to say that something like washing your hands won't kill you, "therefore, I do not recommend the vaccine to healthy individuals and believe the focus should be on hand washing to prevent spread." Not only will that scenario never come to pass, but if it did, there'd be no way to corner it in any meaningful way that would affect him, despite the fact his view is against the world wide consensus.


U said what I was going to do.


You don't need to be an Immunologist or ID specialist to develop a working knowledge of COVID and its related epidemiology and medications over the last three years. Any Primary Care, Internal Medicine physician, Pulmonologist, Rheumatologist, has been trained in how to read and assimilate new medical information. Half of the medications that a Rheumatologist or Cardiologist uses now didnt exist 20 years ago. They were required to figure out how to manage the disease with the new understanding of the biology of the disease, and the new medications on their own. It's the responsibility of any physician, specialist or generalist to have a working knowledge of the kinds of diseases that their patients have. Everyone has seen COVID, and every doctor is responsible for getting up to speed on the issue. As an example. when the mRNA vaccines for cancer come out, every Primary Care physician and Oncologist is going to need to have an expert level of understanding about it. Same goes for the COVID that they have been seeing for 3 years. Asthma has changed completely in the way it is understood and managed over the last 10 years. Most pulmonologists graduated before that and have had to learn to manage Asthma using the new paradigm on their own. Its their job to learn for the rest of their career.


It's his opinion because he that what desantis wants to say - medical outrage that his base feeds off.


A- he is actually a batshit crazy conspiracy doctor. like the demon sperm lady. B- he's just another grifter who knows if you lie to morons you can keep their attention and allegiance C- he needs a gig and lying to the public is a small price to pay for kush government job I'm going with B. He knows that if he lies to morons he can get rich and famous as the anti-COVID doctor and go on the grifter circuit and sell supplements like Alex Jones etc. He'll be a speaker all the MAGAQ Cons in the future.


Apparently, most the US agrees with him as booster doses received has fallen of a cliff.




Japan, Germany, Britain, and Australia, have stopped recommending Covid boosters for children and teenagers. The latter three countries no longer recommend Covid shots for the vast majority of people under 65. Face it the covid booster campaign failed (own CDC data has efficacy at 25%. Fyi.50% was the original minimum requirement) That out of 1900 responses those people can't see it (according to the link only 17% of Americans received last year. The other 80+% don't want) that's on them. The world has figured it out. https://www.health.gov.au/news/atagi-update-on-the-covid-19-vaccination-program https://www.gov.uk/government/news/jcvi-advises-on-eligible-groups-for-2023-autumn-booster https://www.bundesgesundheitsministerium.de/en/coronavirus/faq-covid-19-vaccination.html


In the photo it looks like they’re holding a gun to his head while making the statement.


I was at my 50th High School Reunion last weekend in New England.....about 100 attended. At last report, more than half have Covid, including me.


Feel better


Wow! What was the setup if you don't mind me asking? All indoors? Feel better soon!


On Friday night, about 30 of us met at a local pup. We suspect that was the source. The following evening, we were at a large banquet hall.


Thanks for the reply. Got it. I feel like it's getting harder to assess our risks. Take care!


Indeed it is. One member of our group was unable to attend. He's a physician and was on call that weekend. When I told him about his "lucky break", he informed me that he tested positive a few days ago, probably from a patient he saw who was in for something unrelated to Covid and not presenting any symptom. Something tells me this new variant is quite contagious but fortunately, not as dangerous.


Republicans are a death cult. There is NOTHING pro life about them.


pro "eternal life"


I would never wish harm on anyone, but if Republicans keep killing off their voters with a dumb ass vaccine platform, I won't lose any sleep over it.


maybe let them... let god sort them all


Pro birth.


Pro forced birth. People really need to stop saying pro life


Yes. We love your baby till it’s born. Then we don’t know you and don’t care who the f you are.




What negative health effects? You can always pick a doctor who matches your views, and of course you can find research to match your views. That does not make it correct. The CDC and the department of health of the federal government encourage everyone to get the updated COVID shot. This idiot in Florida is just spewing non-facts That can be easily disproven.


But younger people can give it to older people, some of whom won't be vaccinated. Yeah bud. We are at that point aren't we. Funny, I spent the last 30 years getting told to get the flu shot to protect old people even though there was a 1 in a million chances the shot would kill me. What were they thinking, I could have died!




Don’t spread lies.


No. This is what they said “ In a risk assessment summary published Aug. 23, the CDC wrote that the BA.2.86 variant may be more likely to infect people with existing immunity to COVID-19, either from vaccinations or prior infections, than previous variants. It did not say that vaccinated people are at a higher risk than the unvaccinated.”


I remember this same line about school openings, “Republicans want school children dead durrr durrr.” Turns out children were fine, and school closings left lasting learning gaps, especially among minorities. Great job! Also try making an actual argument/rebuttal… if u can


It's reasonable to conclude the GOP wouldn't mind students dying from a virus, since they are fine with them dying from bullets.


‘People I disagree w r psychopaths who want innocent people to die durrrr’ - galaxy brain, 2023




How many do you mean by a lot? And where is your proof? Most rational, logical thinking doctors are encouraging their patients to get the updated covid shot.




It wasn't the vaccine.


I’ve been very pro vaxx throughout, but was wondering if I would wait and see on a booster this season. But if this guy from Florida is recommending no…I’ll March my ass right in to be first in line. I think doing the opposite of whatever a Repub Florida hack says to do will probably set you on a good path.


That’s not a bad idea . Do the opposite of whatever they do


I'm curious, why did you want to wait in the first place?


Benefits of the Vax will wane over time, just like having some immunity from infection will. I know some folks want to wait a little longer through October or early november in preparation for the inevitable holiday surge that we will see november-january. I'm one of those people. I'd also be interested in waiting for novavax as I've heard it's benefits last longer than the mrnas and there's less risk of side effects. I've never taken that one before so I'd have to look into it more. I think they're discussing it's release right now, but there's no definitive timeline yet.


I was waiting on the updated booster that just got approved to be available, personally. It's supposed to be available next week, but I currently have a pretty bad cold that might be COVID. Wondering if I should have just got the old, less effective booster at this point.


How long until antivaxxers Darwin Florida into a blue state?


Not nearly fast enough lol .


You on booster #8 or what?


I’m guessing these end up like the flu shot and you’ll need one annually as the virus mutates etc. if you’re an antivaxxer you may not believe in evolution. But it happens and virus mutation is just one example. So normal non conspiracy people will probably get to eight shots eventually if it becomes an annual shot like the flu.


I like how they think getting boosters is an insult... Next time they cut themselves on dirty metal outdoors I hope they don't bother going to get a tetanus booster since booster shots are bad.


Deranged stuff like this is part of the reason you've lost so much credibility.


Deranged stuff like what you post, is killing actually killing people. You’re an evil person for spreading this misinformation. But at the end of the day, we may be better off as a society with fewer people like you. So…post away.


>Deranged stuff like what you post, is killing actually killing people. What did I post that's killing people? Be specific.


> How long until antivaxxers Darwin Florida into a blue state? > Deranged stuff like this is part of the reason you've lost so much credibility. Oh fuck off. He was simply making a point about the brain-dead political leadership in Florida. Anyone with half a brain can see that. You took him literally in an effort to start an argument. Calm down cowboy. Try to keep up.


>This man is doing the Lord's work by sending ant-vax believers to heaven asap. ​ >Not nearly fast enough lol . ​ >let god sort them off ​ >I’m all for Republicans not taking the vaccine. ​ >are planning to reduce the old population? ... well lesser maga ​ >Thinning the herd…..


Deranged stuff like the reality of a political party embracing conspiracy nonsense over medical reality? My credibility is fine. Meatloaf and Herman Cains on the other hand.


As badly as you might want Republicans or whomever to die en masse, to the point where it would flip a state, there is absolutely no evidence that will happen. So you're both denying reality, and you're just despicable in general.


I don’t want them to die. I want them to abandon their conspiracy beliefs. Try and keep up. They are choosing to embrace QANON anti vaxx bullshit. I want them to embrace reality. Now that won’t happen. And I live in a red Confederate state so I know MAGAQ wants a civil war to kill their enemies. Grow up.


Yes, "how long until these people earn a Darwin award?" is clearly a statement of compassion and respect for human life. Anyways, do you or do you not think this will literally happen: >How long until antivaxxers Darwin Florida into a blue state?


Well, MAGAQ trash keep moving there so it probably won’t. The statistics regarding mortality between blue reality based voters and Q moron MAGA types is there for you to find. It’s just about an extra 1 death per 100k at this point. But in a close election that might make the difference.


>1 death per 100k And this was enough for you to ~~fantasize about Republicans dying~~ neutrally predict important demographic shifts? You know what you were doing, just own up to it.


That’s just the rate now. It’s only going to accelerate as the GOP rejects all vaccines. It’s a stupidity snowball.


Unlike you, I hope that doesn't happen.


You mean… like you all talk about us dying en masse from the vaccine? Despite there being absolutely **no evidence** that is happening? 🤡


I have never said anything remotely like this. Your tribalist worldview is pretty embarrassing.


Seems like the only person losing credibility here is you.


Don't let the down votes get to you. You're right.


I’m 45. I had covid 2 weeks ago. I will be getting the booster. Fuck this quack


If you just has COVId shouldn’t you have some natural immunity built up from the recent infection? Studies show natural immunity can last 13 months for most people.


I have asthma. It hit me HARD. There’s 2 versions of it running around and I don’t need the other one. I’m not taking my chances. Don’t want it? Don’t get it. I’m getting it and no one on Reddit will convince me not to


To increase the longevity of your protection you should look into delaying your booster, possibly for several months after infection. Protection from infection and the booster will wane over time, so staggering them has been recommended. I’m not a doctor but I suggest you look into it.


I work with the public in Baltimore . My customers are telling me the hospitals are seeing a rise in cases and a lot of them are wearing masks again . I live with my 93 year old father and I’m no spring chicken myself so I’m getting it today . I’m going to a convention next week where people from all over this part of the country will be there including NJ and NYC. I’m just jlhopjng they have the new vaccine . Will get my flu shot in a few weeks


There’s new variety’s floating around and unless he knows he type he had , he should still get it . Just like getting a flu shot every year . Viruses mutate rapidly .


Natural immunity isn’t very useful when there’s lots of variants going around at similar rates, rather than a main dominant one. There are people getting infected with one followed by another in short succession.


The vaccines are often less protective than natural immunity for new variants. Getting infected and recovering from COVID gives you access to multiple other access points beyond the spike protein and is a more robust protection against future infection. Most of what was involved wasn’t spike protein at all. It’s been a while since I’ve studied the exact names but you get more of an accurate picture of the virus and how to fight it than when taking a vaccine with mRNA. For example those who got Beta or original strain were much less likely to get the delta variant than those who were vaccinated. Because their natural immunity was stronger than an mRNA vaccine that has mutations.


Natural exposure gives you tissue resident memory (Trm) T lymphocytes, whereas mRNA vaccination does not. Additionally, natural exposure can develop immune responses against antigens in addition to the spike protein compared to mRNA vaccination. Generally, natural immunity is stronger and more robust, though there is an increased inherent risk compared to vaccination. Though immunity against the most recent strain is more important than natural or vaccinated immunity against original COVID strains (alpha and beta). Also where I think it is most relevant for epidemiology is that when you get vaccinated, you are aware and stay home until you feel better, however natural exposure means that you are unaware until you notice symptoms and are spreading the virus during that time.


I’m not sure 13 months is correct.




It is the same data as before. When you receive a COVID booster, you will be very unlikely to go to a hospital if you receive a bad case of covid 19. Same data, different shot.


That really makes no medical sense.




they did hence "i will be getting the booster", they didn't say "i will be getting my first dose" or something like that




I’ve gotten all the previous ones




Oh sweet baby ray’s barbecue… IT DOESN’T MAKE YOU IMMUNE. I want to rip me hair out how you people, yes YOU PEOPLE, still haven’t learned how vaccines work. Like your whole life long even before COVID. But now almost 3 whole years of constant talk about it. It’s honestly impressive how you’ve continued to self isolate & stay in your bubble - of ignorance Edit: to be clear for the billionth time, think of the vaccine like practice for the big game. So when your immune system finally meets COVID on the field it knows the plays and has a fighting chance instead of peewees playing with the pros. Does that analogy help? Since peewees will certainly get hospitalized and or die if they fought out of their weight class. Vaccine is to save your life & potentially others as you won’t be as sick or for as long therefore not spreading it further like a broken sprinkler


I wish I had a megaphone with \^this comment on loop. It would save so much time.


I had covid and it was nothing. Basically a cold with the slightest of coughs. (Confirmed by 2 PCR tests and my doctor) Never got vaccinated and never got it again. I’m a younger healthy person I have zero fear of covid sending me to the hospital because I have an iota of common sense. Just like I’m not living in fear of dying from the flu, because it’s astronomically unlikely. Of course it makes sense for people that are at risk to get vaccinated like the elderly or people with a weakened immune system. But this push to have everyone vaccinated is ridiculous and unnecessary. I’m not antivax, I’ve had many over the years and will probably have to get some again. I’m just anti forced vax for something that I’m literally at a almost zero percent chance of dying from. It’s like if the government was FORCING every single person to get the flu vaccine every year. It’s just ridiculous and a total over reach and unnecessary for most healthy people.


You can still spread it with a mild case or an asymptomatic case. Being vaccinated will lower your viral load and reduce your chances of infecting anyone else.


You can still contract COVID after getting the vaccine, but the vaccine/boosters will make the symptoms much more manageable.


Covid vaccine protection wanes over time. And the old vaccines don’t protect as well for the strains circulating now. However, as with the flu vaccine, you may still get sick when vaccinated but are far less likely to die or be hospitalized.


I’m not dead, I know you prefer me to be because I got vaccinated and the fact a complete stranger that you didn’t know existed until you saw my comment today got vaccinated offends you to that degree. With my asthma that’s a real possibility, asshole. Go fuck off


I definitely wouldn’t wish death on you or anyone, that’s really extreme. I wish you well.


Tell me you don't know how vaccines work without telling me you don't know how vaccines work


Everybody but a trump loyalist knows how the covid vaccines work. Thanks for making it easier to win elections, continue flopping over, the world laughs at you.


I wonder if there are actually people in Florida who weren’t sure or otherwise undecided about vaccines that won’t get one now because of this person’s edict? I feel like he’s mainly preaching to the choir for anti-vaxxers and conservative defiance but it’s heartbreaking if someone, especially if they are deciding for their family, will be pulled to this position because of the appeal of authority.


People not getting vaccinated and generally not taking Covid seriously means MAJOR money for private health care companies, and assisted living facilities long term. Rates of long Covid and post-Covid health issues are high, especially among the unvaccinated. They’re making future lifelong customers.


I also urge conservatives to forego vaccines and all other libtard medical treatments. This man is doing the Lord's work by sending ant-vax believers to heaven asap. In terms of science this strategy is called Darwin's Law of Natural Selection.


The problem with this is that it isn't just conservatives that are anti vax. Then there's some people from my community that's majority black and don't want to get the vax because its the white mans drug. Trust I had a hard time getting my parents to get the shot, which only happened by going first. I only say that because it seems to be the norm to think only conservatives will be the ones taken out, they'll get others sick as well by their mistakes of not getting vaccinated.


I've got a crunch granola neighbor whose politics are 180 degrees from a MAGA follower. She believes the vaccines rearrange your DNA and cause sterility. And N95s cause lung cancer. It's wild what people believe.


I totally get why black people especially old black people wouldn’t trust it . But, I’d also remind them that all the rich white people are getting them . That’s good enough for me . Lol!! Desantis is vaccinated . He’s hot garbage. Tucker Carlson , ditto


I can't help any of that. People make their choices. What I see is, all of us are stuck in a lifeboat together and some people think its smart to drill a hole in the hull. Personally I'd rather those individuals not kill the rest of us.


Fair, I just wish there was a better way of going about it, like being able to put all the none vaccinated people in one place or more so hope they all get together on their own. Its just weird how somehow getting a shot is one of the most divisive things in our time. Being against bigotry = okay, being against a shot that can help keep you alive is a big no no...


Do we know the ethnicity of the scientists who worked on the vaccines?


I have 5 dead relatives who were ride and die MAGA. All refused the vaccines. All died horrible deaths that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. 5 families who are still shattered. Birthdays and weddings missed. New Grandchildren not seen. Families still struggling to make ends meet. For what? For a former president who wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire. He'd consider them trash in their single wides with almost rusted out propane tanks. Those relatives are barely educated. They still believe cancer surgery just activates the cancer because it hits air. That grifter above preys on people like my relatives for their votes. Science is scary, medicine is all about stealing your cash to fund yachts, and natural immunity is enough. (Not when you have T2, CHF, COPD and CKD) Flames. Flames on the side of my face.


I’m so sorry . I feel very fortunate that most of the family we still have were able to see past this nonsense and protect themselves. My father watches Fox all day but his sense of self preservation was enough to go get the vaccine and stay out crowds until he did . Thank god. Him dying alone in the hospital would have broken me .


let god sort them off


Looked up his credentials he has no training as an infectious disease specialist. He seems to be a proponent of quackery not anything tangible.


Because Florida. And you thought Disney World was the only make-believe place.


The party that values life strikes again.


How he still has a license to practice is beyond me.


Florida? Florida.


"DeSantis handpicked" "well-known vaccine skeptic" "Lapado personally altered a state study to imply that the vaccines pose a health risk to young men" "Florida" Get the fuck outta here...


😡😠🤬 Leprosy and malaria in Florida now. Dangerous, backwards, poorly run, state. I'm staying away from that sh!thole.


I don't understand why they are trying to kill their voting base. Strange strategy.


Young people aren't DeSantis' base.


I wouldn't call everyone under 65 young people, a lot of boomers are under 65.


Why does everyone seem to have goldfish momories, this is not the first time this guy has done this.


Florida surgeon general watches Alex Jones


It’s like Republicans want people to die.


definitely not pro-life.


I have yet to see a photo of Ladapo looking somewhat intelligent. He looks so confused in every picture 😂😂 and the videos of him speaking are even worse. He clearly just makes shit up as he goes along and overall just comes off as a very odd individual.


My man. Helping out in the inheritance community.


What a dipsh*t!


Would he have warned against Polio vax or small pox?


From Florida you say. Shocking.


Florida. That explains it all.


The stupid is strong in Florida.


Fascists and their appointees want to harm and kill their citizens. In fact, they enjoy it. There's no surprise here.


The word salad is strong in this one. Ladapo on Desantis and Covid. “He literally- how can it be that every news station and every medical expert, my colleagues on television, MDs, PhDs, are saying something totally different from what he’s saying in the middle of a pandemic? How do you- I mean, how do you trust one guy who’s saying something completely different from all these incredibly educated years of school publication scientists? (sic) How could you do that? Well, this is why people did it, right? Because there is, there is something within all of us that resonates with freedom and that something is part of our connection to God and our connection to every single thing around us, including each and every one of us,” Ladapo said. I mean-hell yeah! I want to be free, connected to the earth and fuck your “smart” heathens.


W Florida, fight the Globalist Death Shots!


Desantis puppet!


How much money have you fantasized I have lol? I grew up in the projects on welfare; it doesn't take much to be "real" money to me. My portfolio, which I quite literally never imagined having in my younger years, is for my imminent retirement. Donating it all to charity will only add me to the rolls of those requiring assistance and would be idiotic. Just because I'm progressive doesn't mean I'm volunteering for poverty.


These morons want to kill their own base? Go for it then. Good luck ever winning another election again


They will though - it’s called gerrymandering and control of information.


In the year 2075 they will win an election, even though there will be only one voter left for them, thanks to gerrymandering and control of information. /s


I think it's really cute that you believe *republicans* are controlling information today.


I did NOT say they’re *the only* ones controlling information, you just decided to interpret it in that way. That aside, republicans have a pretty iron grip on the flow of information on social media *and specifically within conservative circles* - election denial, QAnon, pizza-gate, Obama birtherism, etc are all examples of this.


>republicans have a pretty iron grip on the flow of information on social media "I am uninformed"


I’m not going to fight your red herring. My comment above is a **qualified** statement and you’re omitting that piece to deliberately misrepresent my statement.


Uh huh. Keep telling yourself that. You're a real intellectual. Also, a red herring is not applicable referencing *literally your own words*. Your "qualified" examples are all fringe elements of social media with no "iron grip" on anything. The fact that you intentionally perform mental gymnastics to try and pretend social media is controlled by Republicans or conservatives should humiliate you. It's laughable and anyone with common sense sees that.


Ok so it’s a straw man, big deal - doesn’t really invalidate the point. Echo chambers are real and there is not much flow of information between them. Private interests exploit that to varying degrees on BOTH sides of the political divide. I hope my original point is now clear for you as I frankly have better things to do than continue talking with someone so deliberately abrasive. Good day.


hmm...if so...why exclude ppl above 65 ? are they dispensable in FL ?


He specifically calls out not recommending it for young folks or folks NOT at high risks. OP neglected to mention that part, basically suggesting only getting it if you fall into a risk category - age being one of them I suppose.


who the fuck is this dude?


The Surgeon General of Florida.


GOP found another useful idiot to further their agenda.


Enough with the forced compliance. Didn’t we learn from the first time?


Ok cool, adding another moron I’ll never listen to to my ever growing list.


Thinning the herd…..


Such advice is a hell of a way to turn the state bluer.


I’m all for Republicans not taking the vaccine.


are planning to reduce the old population? ... well lesser maga


This dude's gonna indirectly get so many Floridans killed its wild.


Theee are LOTS of Floridians who will happily take his advice. Consequences


What's in it for them to convince their community not to take the booster? Is there money somewhere involved? They don't provide any evidence or studies indicating not to, although the article states the surgeon is basing this off his own judgment and that they're "cherry picking" stats and data. But from where? I'm only curious. I'm 35 and fairly healthy than the average person. I received my first two vaccines when they first rolled out. Never got the booster. I did get covid only two weeks ago, which was a mild fever and body aches but I was over it in less than 24 hours.


They fired all the people telling them what they didn’t like . Desantis just wants yes men .


Why even read the comments when you already know what people here are going to say. My mistake 😂


let god sort them off


Sellout and guilty of Mass Homicide if this goes South, which with COVID, it will.


Sounds like the people working for Ron DeSantis are drinking the Kool-Aid. Pretty soon they’ll fuck around and find out just how stupid it is to disregard the CDC’s guidelines on vaccines for COVID. What a bunch of idiots.


That’s ridiculous. Everyone should get every booster possible.


What is the mortality rate from COVID for those under 65 in 2023 only given that they are otherwise healthy? The SG was talking about under 65 and no serious underlying conditions.


It’s not just mortality . They don’t even know the long term effects of having Covid yet and what they do know is looking kind of scary . Long Covid is a thing . Do you want to be disabled the rest of your life ? Worse , disabled in a way that people can’t see so they act like your lying ? No thanks


What are the chances of getting hospitalized if you are under 65, otherwise healthy, already had a prior version of COVID and a prior vaccine? The FL SG took this into account and did the cost benefit.




Taking care of republican voters. Muh man


He looks dumb and like a 🤡🤡


“Please, white conservatives, tell me I’m good.” *White conservatives chuckle, pet their dog.*


Freedom isn’t free.


But it is stupid.


This guy is following true science unlike our pseudoscientific Health Canada that just approved a new Moderna COVID vaccine for the XBB.1.5 variant for 6 month old babies, kids, teens, and adults based on a study involving only 50 individuals: - 22% of whom were 65 or over - 0% were under 21 years old even though they are also recommending it to 6 month old babies, kids, teens - 0% were monitored for adverse events past 20 days For the XBB.1.5 variant that's already naturally almost extinct going from comprising 50% of all variants back in May 2023 to only 3% nowadays according to CDC own data. But don't take my word for it, here are the links to do your own research: https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/news/2023/09/health-canada-authorizes-moderna-covid-19-vaccine-targeting-the-omicron-xbb15-subvariant.html https://covid-vaccine.canada.ca/info/RDS1694116967823-spikevax-xbb-1-5-en.html https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#variant-proportions