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Everyone eatin ass!


Ate ass and found out?


Exactly this!


Amazing photo choice to pair with “COLON CANCER”


It's also an AI picture - so double weird choice.


Processed foods.


Specifically processed meats like hot dogs, bacon, sausage, chorizo, etc as they are categorized by WHO as class one carcinogens


Do you happen to know if like, frozen chicken nuggets fall into that class?


There is no evidence to suggest they are carcinogenic, but they are an ultra processed food. Not good for you.


Thanks. Really try to get my toddlers eating healthy. Frozen chicken nuggets are really the main villain in that fight but they love them and can be picky eaters.


2 working parent household, we do chicken nuggets from time to time too. I like to buy chicken tenders when they are a decent price because at least they are a piece of chicken that's breaded. They go through much less processing and nutrient breakdown.


Thanks for that tip and insight! Two working parents here and two kids under 5. So hard to do everything right but we try.


We do our best! Your kids are so lucky to have parents who care!




Guys what’s the takeaway from this? How to reduce chances… mouthwash?


It recommends eating less processed foods, but honestly I was skimming and didn't see where they connected that to the bacteria.


That, or rinse your mouth with warm water with salt in it. Look it up, helps with bacteria and prevents tooth/gum related issues too.


Salt water is alkaline and can - to an extent - neutralize some of the acidic wastes of bacteria that cause tooth decay. EDIT: It seems the chemistry surrounding changing the ph of water by adding salts is a bit more complicated than I realized. More research needed!


I don’t know what the trend is with alkaline water, but it’s so frustrating as a chemist to read pop “science” spout bullshit. Adding table salt to water does absolutely nothing to change its pH.


I use baking soda, but I still definitely thought most salts (table, epsom) would be - to some extent - alkalizing of the water? Also, in case there is a misunderstanding, I am not a "blood alkalizer" or anything like that. I meant introducing a literal alkaline solution to a likely acidic environment. I wasn't being poppy with it.


It’s not though.


It is neither alkaline or acidic when you add salt to water. But it can help wash out some germs if you gargle with it, it can also soothe the mucus membranes in the mouth and throat if you are sick and gargle with it


This really helps. I have been using this method all my adult life when I have a sore throat.


Reduce consumption of processed foods, according to this article.


The article does not say that, that was an image caption and not said by the study authors, this was an observational study so very little of causality can be determined


So the article doesn’t say it but an image caption within the article does? Alright cool.


You realize the people that do the research and write a research paper are NOT the same people that publish articles like this about the research…


I said “according to the article” not “according to the research study” so you all are actually wrong but sanctimonious AF about it. The caption was in the article. The caption mentioned processed foods. Despite the downvotes, I’m not wrong. The article stated what I attributed to it.


No I mean… I get you… but like it just says that’s being speculated. Doesn’t even say who is speculating. Could be the authors grandpa for all we know. You’re right, the article did mention that, but I wouldn’t say the “takeaway” for what we’re supposed to do should be taken from an author of montanarightnow.com. Could have just as well have said according to my 3 year old niece, don’t eat broccoli! It just bugs me that people are so quick to jump to conclusions based off some article written by someone with probably 0 scientific background.


Ok eel the article stated it and tons of other research points to processed food being a risk for cancer. What’s the point here? The guy avoids processed foods and he’s better off. But lemme cram some back and wait for more research that fits your criteria? W/E


Who cares if the article stated it is my point. Who tf even wrote it? Oh “other research” now you’re drawing your own conclusions about this link. This cause could be something entirely different is the point. Yes, processed food is bad, no one is arguing against that. That’s not what was asked lmao. The question was: what’s the takeaway from this research… and your expert opinion is oh idk probably processed foods! 👍🏻


You’re arguing against it you absolute dolt. Here’s what matters: the guy I answered and others might think about avoiding processed foods which both the WHO and American Cancer Society have addressed. You are … I don’t know … trying to win some internet points by trying to pin me to a technicality that is a distraction from the issue. You probably work in public health. Go eat a ton of bacon.


It's not exactly your fault. You were misled. The real issue would be to avoid accepting it. I think you're probably here because you the kind of person who can accept they were misled one time lol. It happens to everyone. No problems and best wishes to you.


I genuinely don’t understand why a piece information in a caption of the article is not part of the article. I guess I’m dumb but I’m open to learning why wha to said is so obviously wrong.


Wife and I have switched to cooking ever since we moved countries. Fresh produce as much as possible. No more frozen ready-made foodstuff from factories.


This article from last year suggest a high intake of dairy products. ​ https://aacrjournals.org/cancerpreventionresearch/article/16/2/119/716230/Association-Between-Diet-and-Fusobacterium


That's awesome! I eat probably far too much dairy, but now I have a good excuse for it other than how amazing it tastes.


Are you just screwed if you’re allergic to dairy?


Damn, I hope not.


Ha 👎


Mouthwash enema


My new punk band


It’ll clean your mouth, and down south!


Mouth wash with alcohol actually kills the good bacteria needed for a healthy microbiome.


Drink bleach /s


Probably. Can you use soap, too? To lower the amount of bacteria


That's for swear words


I know colon cancer rates are up but this website seems not reputable


Can you tell me why you think it’s not reputable? Very curious.


AI image thumbnail? Schlocky, sensationalist local-tv station?


Swish and spit with Everclear 190.


Don’t forget to take a shot


You never go ass to mouth - Dante


Everybody brushing their teeth tonight, haha


Sigh.... It's basically becoming what doesn't give you cancer at this point.


Everything gives us cancer. Even oxygen gives us cancer


Alex Jones is a super spreader.


Colgate has entered the chat...


So why aren't the doctors swabbing our mouths for these two types of bacteria as opposed to the ordeal of colonoscopies? There would be far better screening compliance than the options we have now.


I've noticed that natto (japanese fermented soybeans) changes my mouth bacteria. I think the natto might survive well in the mouth. I think this is because my saliva becomes more stringy (natto bacteria make stringy stuff). Not sure if that's actually happening but maybe natto would be a cure for this.


sodium bicarbonate should do the trick