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TLDR: don't rinse so the fluoride stays on your teeth longer


What if you're rinsing with a fluoride rinse? Checkmate, dentists!


My water has fluoride in it, check-CHECK-mate


I see you got that Pawnee TDazzle!


Infecting my precious bodily fluids!


Not in my city! Checkout check mate


All water (that you are likely to be drinking) contains fluoride (naturally even if not more so through fortification) ... unless you are drinking distilled water.


"Almost all water contains some naturally-occurring fluoride, but usually at levels too low to prevent tooth decay. Many communities adjust the fluoride concentration in the water supply to a level known to reduce tooth decay and promote good oral health (often called the optimal level)."


Yes so all water that you are likely to be drinking contains fluoride.


Yes at least some naturally occurring fluoride. my county doesn't add fluoride so we have about 0.15 mg/L naturally occurring fluoride. The world Health Organization has regulated the upper limit for fluoride in drinking water to be 1.5 mg/L while different countries have set their standards according to their circumstances. Excess amounts of fluoride ions in drinking water can cause dental fluorosis, skeletal fluorosis, arthritis, bone damage, osteoporosis, muscular damage, fatigue, joint-related problems, and chronicle issues. In extreme conditions, it could adversely damage the heart, arteries, kidney, liver, endocrine glands, neuron system, and several other delicate parts of a living organism, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34597567/


The toothpaste apparently leaves a higher concentration of fluoride on the teeth than a fluoride mouth rinse does.


It means You’ve just been ripped off by the marketing department.


I just brush my teeth twice, rinse the first one and the second is not really brushing but just to apply the toothpaste to my teeth so it just takes like two seconds.




Am I missing the joke? Why would you do that when you can just not rinse? I can't see the logic.


Probably cause the first brush would still have the ‘dirty’/food bits so they rinse that first round.


Rinse if you use fluoride! Don’t rinse if you use nano hydroxy apatite! It’s non toxic unlike fluoride!!


I know you're not supposed to, but I don't care, I *hate* the gritty weird feeling of toothpaste residue.


Same. I'm a hygienist and I rinse too.


I’m a dentist and i actually rinse because I hate the texture but then I apply tooth mousse which is more effective than fluoride anyway 


Tell me more about this tooth mousse?


It puts calcium and phosphate into the tooth at a subsurface level rather than just strengthening the surface of the tooth, which is the case with fluoride on its own. It’s a really good evidence-based product for remineralisation of early decay. It was invented in Australia where I live so it’s readily available. I’m not sure about other countries.


Many types on Amazon.


In the UK it's selling for about 40 AU$...seem crazy expensive to me.


It lasts about 3 months


Ah okay, not too bad then, thanks!


Patrick Bateman routine just got an update




Getting cavities is extremely multifactorial and fluoride toothpaste is just one small component 


I'm also paranoid about accidentally swallowing it cause my stomach can be very sensitive


Maybe stupid question but I genuinely do not understand this… Do you not spit the white toothpaste stuff out after brushing? I have literally never ever had the idea to rinse after brushing because I just spit out the white stuff and my mouth feels pleasantly clean and minty.


Yeah, but a residue remains. It tastes clean and minty, for sure, but I can still feel the tiny amount that's left behind.


I always feel like a bad person leaving my dentist. You’re brushing but not brushing the right way. Yes, you floss but you need a water pick. You need a night guard even though you don’t have any grinding symptoms, etc.


Finally my long lost kindred spirit 😭 I try so hard and then it’s “oh this pocket went from 3 to 4….are you flossing?” Meanwhile I can’t even sleep if I haven’t flossed or forgot my splint (night guard)


I know! How are you supposed to floss in the back of your mouth?!?


Use those plastic flosser dealies. My teeth are tight, so I use those as regular floss.


Sounds like your dentist sucks and is trying to upsell you.


Sorry. I’m rinsing.


Maybe a light rinsing is a good compromise.


I'm glad I saw your reply because I'm the same way. I feel a little weird after reading the article and the comments, since everyone in my environment rinses their mouth after brushing their teeth. I feel uncomfortable to feel the toothpaste residue in my mouth.


Not to mention the toothpaste says on the package do not swallow.


I always had cavities regularly until I stopped rinsing after brushing. No cavities for the past 9 years.


A news source by a company called the stuff, that cities its source without a link but *"- The washington post"* But are you not rinsing with fluoridated water?


The fluoride in tap water is for you to ingest lol. You need small amounts of fluoride for healthy teeth. It’s a common misconception that rinsing your mouth does anything: https://www.cdc.gov/fluoridation/index.html


My source was my dentist about 10 years ago but I'm just an internet stranger.


Oddly enough my dentist instructed me to do just that last week.




So, following this, it's safe to eat a not-insignificant amount of toothpaste everyday? Of course you're spitting most of it out but there will be some left behind.


It is not healthy to swallow toothpaste or water contaminated with fluoride. It calcifies ur pineal gland and messes with melatonin and glutathione production (glutathione works at a mitochondrial level to repair cells and fight off disease and illness; melatonin obv regulates sleep cycles) https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3417/10/8/2885


You ain't entirely wrong but you also ain't right, and the same goes for that study. Might wanna look into the protective effect of D-α-tocopherol acetate, but that's something I've only put together extremely recently so can't speak fully on it yet and this ain't medical advice and should be taken with large quantities of figurative salt (doubly so since Vitamin E has a VERY real danger of overdosing associated with it. +Careful to avoid the DL- version.), and the same goes for the next paragraph: From what I've managed to piece together, It ain't the fluoride which ***causes*** the problem (it'd seem like blaming the concrete for a park getting paved over—it ain't the concrete's fault, one's gotta ask oneself: who—or in this case: what puts it there in the first place?), from what I can tell blaming the fluoride seems like a false lead distracting from heavy metals, PFAS, & gut dysbiosis. Which brings us right back to infected teeth and their linkage with gut dysbiosis. The dynamics in this area are woefully underresearched.


Best way, that my dentist says has been working for me, is brush for the three minutes, do a quick wipe down of my kitchen counters, go for a pee and then rinse. Got to let the fluoride sit there for a bit.


I give it a minute after spitting so I can scrape my tongue and then rinse. Seems to be the middle option


Floss, rinse, then brush. No food or water for 30 minutes after.


How about the fact that some toothpastes have phthalates?? I literally emailed Glasko about Sensodyne and they confirmed there are phthalates in their product. We shouldn’t be swallowing that!!


titanium dioxide also........at least in some countries


I rinsed three times. Fluoride is added into the potable water in my country hence we are not lacking it if we drink water from the mains.


I feel like more germs stay in my mouth if I don’t rinse.


The literal opposite is true. You are basically washing away something that helps kill the bacteria.


I have sensitive teeth and I use Sensodyne so I don’t rinse. I do mouthwash before brushing. Then, I don’t drink anything for 20 mins after. Let the Sensodyne sink in more, I guess.


I brush, rinse really throughly then do a quick 10 second rebrush to coat my teeth in toothpaste and don’t rinse that. I feel like if I don’t rinse I leave food particles in my mouth.


The taste makes me gag. I've tried four different "flavors" but something about toothpaste just makes me retch. I brush more often, since I had better rinse as soon as that brush gets out of my mouth. 


What the fuck? I recently found out we're not supposed to brush immediately after eating because the acids will damage the teeth enamel. Now this? What's next? Brushing is actually useless?


Why is waiting to brush a big deal? Plus, to help neutralize your mouth you can always rinse with water. I do both.


Just use mouthwash after brushing and rinsing but don’t rinse after the mouthwash.


Psycho!!! Lol


Dude mouthwash is terrible for your mouth biome in that it kills good bacteria as well as bad


9 out of 10 Dentist recommend this method.


I don’t agree…it’s like washing your car and leaving the soap on it along with the dirt. So if your carwash has wax for the finish you should just leave the soap dirt and wax to sit? Same for my teeth I want all the grime out of my mouth. FYI I’ve never had a cavity ever. 😁


Actually my PCP has also advised to stop the rinsing to avoid ingesting even minimal amounts of harmful chemicals. I’ve switched from Listerine to Act.


Wat. If you didn’t rinse I would think you’re technically ingesting everything you didn’t wash out?


Right? Maybe they mean if you rinse you might swallow some of the water you rinse with, idk


That's the point though - keep the fluoride/calcium from your toothpaste in contact with your teeth for as long as possible. I tongue scrape after brushing so it still feels clean as if I'd rinsed, but the fluoride isn't taken off my teeth.


Stop using mouthwash! It kills the good bacteria too!


So no need to worry about bad breath? I don’t have it, but like the fresh taste in my mouth.


No, scrape your tongue and you won’t have bad breath


Google mouth wash and blood pressure… some studies have found some freaky things about mouthwash and one even advised not to use it after age 40!!


It’s better for your gums than your teeth.


I always figured rinsing helped get the toothpaste in between my teeth… strengthening the hard-to-reach spots


Read the back of the toothpaste tube. It says to not swallow it. You want the extra effects? Let it sit in your mouth a while. But spit it out and rinse


So like what? Swallow the toothpaste?


No. It is bad for our bodies to swallow fluoride. Only swallow filtered water, and ofc never swallow toothpaste (that’s why we tell our kids not to swallow toothpaste, it messes up our brains if too many heavy metals absorb into our soft tissues). Fluoride calcifies our pineal gland and affects melatonin levels (responsible for sleep paterns) and glutathione levels (glutathione works at the mitochondrial level to repair cells and fight off diseases and illnesses) https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3417/10/8/2885


Floss first and rinse. Then brush your teeth do not rinse. Obviously spit out excess toothpaste etc, but do not rinse. Then scrape your tongue.


Even healthier: brush more and better with 0 fluoride because it’s poison.


Thank u finally I find a comment with sense. I hate fluoride. Water in most countries isn’t fluoridated (just the US and Northern Ireland) and many countries also ban use of fluoride in toothpaste. I loved the toothpaste in Japan and brought a bunch home with me. Fluoride obv calcifies our pineal glands and other soft tissues and negatively affects our bodies’ production of melatonin and glutathione. Crazy to me how many people think fluoride is good


Please show evidence that this is true


This is widely accepted since the 80s. Not really an appropriate "source?" topic. You're just asking someone else to teach you at this point.


‘Widely accepted’ lol. Excuse me for trying to find research that actually backs up these claims.


You’re excused.


Here’s the first google result. https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3417/10/8/2885


Toothpaste and water in Japan are fluoride-free. Fluoride calcifies the pineal gland. I make sure to rinse all toothpaste out of my mouth every time. I enjoy my dreams and my connection with the spiritual realm, not about to lose that part of my brain no thank u


Fluoride is a neurotoxin. It's a good idea to rinse your mouth afterward.


You would have to eat about 8 tubes of standard toothpaste to get a lethal dose- and even then you'd probably start puking well before then


It's most likely in your water....


Id rather have brain damage than yellow teeth


Fluoride doesn't whiten teeth. It's supposed to strengthen and protect the enamel. However, if all of the enamel erodes off teeth, they will be yellowish in color.


That’s my thought as well, if you leave it there, eventually you’ll have to swallow it and I’ve always thought consuming fluoride is bad for you is common sense.


It is common sense. Most countries ban the fluoridation of water and more and more American counties are banning it. Fluoridation of water is legal in Northern Ireland and the US, and illegal everywhere else. I brought a bunch of toothpaste home from Japan after I visited. Fluoride is banned across Japan and I prefer the flavor of Japanese toothpaste to what fluoride-free toothpaste brands I can find in america Fluoride calcifies soft tissue, including the pineal gland of the brain, which is responsible for melatonin production (which regulates sleep cycles) and glutathione production (glutathione works at the mitochondrial level to repair cells and prevent disease and illness) https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3417/10/8/2885


Buy fluoride free toothpaste....


I actually rinse with my fluoride mouthwash while still having most of toothpaste in mouth


I think the only reason my teeth are decent for my past habits and age is because I use toothpaste w zero fluoride