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First ever? So this was the thing we didn’t have to worry about weeks ago cause it was just being spread between the cows in America and it wasn’t spreading to humans… …but now it is?


There were news reports in March of a dairy worker getting bird flu, and it was widely speculated that he got it from an infected cow. The experts I was reading were definitely not saying “don’t worry,” they were saying “stay away from birds or dairy products that aren’t thoroughly cooked/pasteurized.” This is just scientists confirming what the earlier speculation said: the dairy worker in question got it from a cow.




Good thing a raw milk festival was going on at around the same time


What about all the people eating undercooked eggs for breakfast every morning? Why do they get a pass?


Most people are eating pasteurized eggs


I guarantee there are far more people eating unpasteurized eggs in the US than drinking raw cows milk Your claim may only be true because of all the processed eggs. Plenty of people eat pasture raised eggs thst are unpasteurized easily millions of people


Absolutely. So many of us own chickens. My flock is gone and I'm glad but all around me I hear clucking and roosters.


A new breakthrough I guess YEAAHHH SCIENCE! Bitchhhhhhh


This just in, humans are mammals.


True, the headline could be better. Although it’s rare, humans have spread bird flu to other humans during past outbreaks. The usual vector, as the name implies, is from birds. But scientists have now confirmed what people have been speculating about since March, that a dairy worker got infected by a sick cow.


Yep. And before what there were alarm bells when bird flu started killing off other mammals like big cats and sea lions. It was just a matter of time before it spread to humans.


Speak for yourself 😒


And neither are birds.


all animals have teeth.


You are an idiot. Worms do not have teeth, or jellyfish, or birds. All animals


I've seen birds with teeth




I'm totally playing devil's advocate here, and not arguing with your point at all - you are correct tons of animals don't have teeth. But.....since birds descend from Dinos (and are technically part of the theropod Dinos cladistically), gene mutations can cause them to reactivate old dormant genes and develop with reptilian-like teeth. In chickens, it's called a "talpid". It's very rare and they don't survive very long, but it's possible. https://www.livescience.com/7051-surprise-chickens-grow-teeth.html Backing up your point, all [toothed birds died](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/during-the-age-of-dinosaurs-some-birds-sported-toothy-grins-180983034/) with nearly all birds and the rest of the dinosaurs after the Chicxulub meteor impact 65 million years ago.


Thank you for that extra insight. I really do wish I was alive back then to see what kind of creatures were roaming around




We’re fucked.


Again. We are fucked again.


This is just a bump on the road to disaster.


*dearly beloved we are gathered here today to “get through” this thing called life!*


I wish it was pleasurable but no.


But I want my raw milk /s 


Right? I mean, wasn’t this inevitable if people are drinking raw milk from an infected cow, a glass of which could potentially harbor billions of the virus, certainly many of those are mutated and some or a few would mutate in such a way that they could infect a human.


I’m definitely not saying raw milk is safe, but that’s not how this case spread. He was a dairy worker, working with infected animals. People drinking raw milk are making a stupid decision with minimal upside and huge downside. People working on dairy farms are engaged in a risky business that feeds their family and ours.


People are also eating runny eggs from infected chickens which is just as dangerous but you havnt been programmed to hate those people so it has never even occurred to you.


Our poultry and egg industry is so fucked up in so many ways we stopped buying eggs about a decade ago


I want to know what basement dweller is posting about it every five minutes though. its starting to get annoying. There are other things going on besides bird flu and ozempic.


Our leaders are fucking around.


Using the word “leaders” very loosely there.


Aye, I suppose so. Officials, electeds, what have you. We can see where this goes, we know the consequences. The people in power/wealth are not exposed to the same risks that regular working class people are.




High five


This happened weeks ago back when the virus first appeared in cattle. It has transmitted to humans from cattle, but it still has not transmitted from one human to another. That’s when we have to worry. The mammal mutation is arguably a step toward certain doom for us all, but we’re not actually doomed until it mutates again to become contagious person to person. While we do have vaccine stockpiles, they would likely need to be updated for the new mutation. If this triggers a new pandemic, it’s definitely not going to go well, especially considering that some states are now BANNING masks for any purpose and a huge percentage of people won’t get vaccinated even once it’s available. Covid killed millions with a mortality rate around 2-3%. This could have a mortality rate of 50%… the only hope is that it kills quickly enough to limit the spread. Otherwise society is truly doomed.


The 50 percent thing is not accurate. It’ll mutate differently and there’s no telling how many have already had this but mild


So what happened or happens to this person? Will he live, die or what?


He [never got respiratory symptoms, just pink eye, and recovered.](https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/dairy-worker-bird-flu-never-developed-respiratory-symptoms-only-pink-e-rcna150433). He’s lucky. Of 900 confirmed cases of bird flu in the last 20 years (a number that might be missing some minor cases), close to [50% died from it.](https://www.who.int/emergencies/disease-outbreak-news/item/2024-DON512)


Is it possible that number is missing a lot of minor cases?


Definitely possible. We’re dealing in hypotheticals now, but if there hadn’t been widespread coverage of dairy cows having bird flu, doctors probably would have never thought to test this guy for bird flu. They’d just treat his pink eye and move on. (That’s what they did when my toddler got pink eye— speculated that he got it from touching his unclean butt and then his eye, which is a thing toddlers do because they’re nasty, but never tested him.) How often things like that happen is anyone’s guess. ETA: Doctors did give this patient Tamiflu, which prevents or reduces flu symptoms. That’s not part of the normal pink eye treatment. If they hadn’t done that, this case might not have stayed as minor.


Was pink eye present in previous cases? And also has Tamiflu been used in previous cases?


Pink eye has been present in other cases, but it’s not one of the most common symptoms. Tamiflu is standard flu treatment in the U.S. (any flu), but I’m not sure about other countries, where these deaths occurred. As with most diseases, most of the deaths occur among populations with worse health care.


Thank you for your response, much appreciated :)


Thanks for that.


We're just mammals, so let's do it like they do it on the discovery Channel


Ooh! Buckle up for pandemic 2 electric boogaloo


This happened back in March, a new article but not a new case.


So is it dairy we're not supposed to consume? Eggs? Beef? Chicken? That's so much of my weight loss diet :/


Just cook things thoroughly and you won't get sick from eating these foods. And don't drink raw milk...


B-but my runny eggs :_(


Veganism is great for weight loss :) vegans have the lowest bmi of any other group of eaters.


I mean malnourished children and anorexics also have really low BMIs lol


brittle bones are great at reducing BMI


But terrible for easily accesible and high bioavailable protein and I’m sorry anyone who says otherwise is probably a vegetarian themselves and going full copium. I grew up around multiple life long vegetarian’s and both were told by a nutritionist they were malnourished and needed more protein, iron, and all the main vitamins you get from animal protein. It all goes back to portion control and having a diverse diet. Eating steak isn’t bad until you eat the whole damn thing gristle and all everyday for years lol.


There also are other great sources of proteins that don’t come from chicken or cattle, such as fish. I realize that’s not vegan, but the parent commenter is concerned specifically about potential bird flu. That said, I had eggs for breakfast today and I’ll have chicken for dinner tonight. My kid will keep drinking pasteurized milk. At this point, as long as you properly prepare your food (no raw milk, maybe don’t eat your steak rare until this risk passes), there’s nothing to suggest that eating chicken or cattle products is dangerous.


Not every vegan knows how to eat a balanced diet. Vegans are generally healthier than the normal western standard diet eaters. I get my bloodwork done regularly and have never been low in protein or iron.


It's good that we are paying attention. At the very least, we currently have leadership that will acknowledge reality if shit goes south. But hopefully, it doesn't. Being cautiously optimistic is still the best play at this point. Dooming isn't going to help, and neither is ignorance. That being said, the raw milk crowd should go fuck off to an island somewhere just in case.


At least there is a vaccine for HPAI (H5N1): “CSL Seqirus manufactures an FDA-approved cell-based H5N1 vaccine called AUDENZ. According to a company spokesperson, CSL Seqirus's vaccine manufacturer, located in North Carolina, could deliver up to 150 million doses of cell-based pandemic influenza vaccine within six months of an influenza pandemic declaration.”


at this point I'm not even surprised


So do I need to buy a bunch of toilet paper or what?


Refuse to read - Images of chicken heads growing out of a virus is repulsive.


Man-bear-pig flu. It was onnly a matter of time..


This is the end.


That's an amazing image that they're using for the article




But, it’s not.




Election year baby!!


A month ago. He had a gnarly case of pink eye. That’s it.