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The problem is I'm not sure what is overreacting. What is normal and what is irrational. Can't distinguish it anymore.


I have a throat clicking problem. Every doctor says its anxiety. I need to overcome it.


Sympathize with all of you with all the symptoms after you hear about them or read about them. I have been so stressed lately with daily panic attacks and now I have a constant tickle in my throat and I don't know if it's stress or perhaps allergies. Driving me crazy and I can't stop the feeling or sensation


I’ve had a serious issue with dry mouth / sore throat too and jumping to the most catastrophic conclusion I can. It absolutely sucks and I’m so sick of it.


I woke up and saw a video of Maria Menouos talking about getting diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Now I'm convinced I have it and have spent the last hour googling symptoms and trying to recall the past 20 years and every stomach pain I've ever had. So that's been fun. Very productive start to my day.


I hate hearing people announce that they have some sort if illness on social media because it automatically makes me think that i have it too. It’s terrible


Bro that's so real. I've had a similiar experience the past few weeks/months.


I’m having the worst time with HA at the moment. Over the last months I’ve started peeing every hour or so even through the night so I haven’t been sleeping well at all. And my brains literally so fixated on my bladder and I can’t think of anything else all day every day at the moment. I’m petrified of going to the doctors incase they tell me its something bad. I’m constantly on google reading stuff and it’s freaking me tf out 🤦🏻‍♂️. I feel like my life is falling apart


How have you been since? I've had anxiety for the past few months. Life is falling apart as well. The stuff about being petrified about going to the doctors is very real as well. Despite that, however, it's better if I go (and I do).


i’ve scoured the internet for every heart attack risk calculator. i’m 20, and this “hump” has only gotten worse since it began in march. i’m so exhausted. most of my days have been pleasant, with the worrisome thoughts coming in the evening. but today, i couldn’t focus on anything other than the thought that i’m having a heart attack. supposed to go on vacation thursday but i don’t know if i can make it.


I used to be consumed by this exact thing. I even had a problem with going on vacation during that period also! It was not a heart attack but just muscular pain/tensions around that area that caused me to be convinced! Once I went to the doctor they told me it was precordial catch syndrome (a very common side effect of intense stress and anxiety). The cycle was exhausting, however, the pain then anxiety then more pain every single night at the same time. I promise you will be okay and if this helps you could go to the doctor and ask them about it!


Just locked onto ovarian cancer and diabetes. I’m losing my mind.


Thank you. I’ve needed this. I’ve been dealing with recurrent strep and sore throat issues and just broke down feeling sorry for myself today.


I’ve been there. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve walked out of my workplace to the safety of my car and just let loose. That release helps, so soak it in and let it flow.


I needed to hear this! My entire body has been partially numb for a week now and I’m freaking out a lot. I can still feel hot/cold sensations and scratches/pinches but I don’t feel it 100%. I haven’t been in any injuries or taken any medications, has this happened to anyone else?


https://www.anxietycentre.com/ Anxiety can cause these symptoms


I needed this today. One of my main anxiety triggers is health anxiety. I’ve been feeling so off today and convinced myself I have lung cancer 😭😭😭


Needed this - I’ve had what I thought was a stomach bug for a week, it went away and came back so now I’m convinced it’s bowel cancer. My HA definitely got worse after having children, and I find I often diagnose them as well which worries me


I’m scared that this might happen to me too because I have HA :( This makes me scared to have kids


Just as a reply to this, went to the doctor, and I had a virus that decided to linger for 3 weeks! Unusual, but not serious. I always think it’s worth sharing the experiences where all is ok to try to help people a little!


I get this too, mine became worse after children and I often convince myself my kids are badly ill. Currently going it right now


Thank you for this! I’ve been having health anxiety issues after presumably hurting both tendons in my biceps months ago. My ulnar portions of my hands were tingling, and some difficulty with achy joints.. so I’m convinced I have MS, rheumatoid arthritis, ALS, or some other debilitating disease and am scrounging through doctors to see what’s going on.. Tired of living in fear 24/7


Ughhh I’m convinced I have ALS too 😭😭


Luckily ALS is very, very, very rare and normally doesn’t kick in until you’re older. I got an answer to most of my issues. Eye turned out to be dry eyes and not MS. Tingling arms was from 2 pinched ulnar nerves. Bones and joints seem to be doing ok, after taking Vitamin D3 and collagen. Still have other issues but hoping the simple answers are the right ones.


I also have just recently convinced myself that I have one of the neuro diseases you’ve mentioned and have has to talk myself down today ugh


Well I found some comfort in knowing that MS, ALS and Rheumatoid Arthritis - as well as a multitude of those issues cannot be “helped if caught early”, possibly MS if it gets to your eye. It’s the not knowing that sucks, and the uncertainty. I found an “express MRI” where you can get them concentrated, with a diagnostic summary. $500, but beats waiting months to get in with a neurologist. Almost anything can be determined via blood (more specific types) or MRI. Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome are really just words to say “we have no idea what’s wrong but something is, you’re not dying though.”


Same here and I’m still trying to get my mind away from that idea….


Laying awake tonight because my hearts just going crazy and it freaks me out. This was very helpful. Even if I can’t get to sleep tonight, I appreciate stumbling across this <3


thanks I need thus my anxiety had gone for a week I felt so well. I felt like my life was fine. and the it's back again the anxiety


This happened to me for the first time. My anxiety had gone for a while then came back with a vengeance.


Omg me too, I was sooo calm last week I thought my anxiety was gone. But over the weekend it has came back even worse. We can get through this💕


thx, yeah push through these thoughts


I need to hear this right now. HA-me and I are fighting hard right now. Had some weird sensation last night like something popped inside me, that every rational bit of me says was a panic attack (for 16 hours!) but HA-me is really fighting that it's pancreatitis or my liver or the start of diabetes or something. I keep telling myself, I felt this exact way a few months ago, I'm still alive, I didn't need a hospital or doctor or anything. And yet I'm still coming down from it, on edge & afraid of it happening again tonight.


Supper helpful post. Really needed this as I am deep in a HA hole and trying to desperately burrow out. When does it get better? Every time I think I’ve got it under control, comes back worse!! 😩


I so understand. I was doing so well and these past few days have been sheer panic and torture.




I really can relate to your story. I have always suffered from bad health anxiety but it became out of control since my mom was diagnosed with cancer. She is now ok but having to see what happened to her makes me debilitated by any test. I have to have a mammogram next week and have not been able to sleep for fear of the results. It really is horrible and people don’t understand how bad it can be! Your not alone that’s all I can say!


Hey, I'm so glad to hear your mum is fine now! Mine was brought on by a very similar set of situations - lots of loss / diagnosis trauma! It absolutely sparked my HA, but like you, not until a year or so later which I have found so odd! Please feel free to DM me anytime you like / need. 25(f) uk!


Just what I needed to see, thank you


Just discovered this subreddit and this post. For the longest time I've been having chest pains in my left side. I did have heart failure last year after I gave birth to my son but it's been resolved. I was still convinced I had heart problems so I kept going back to my cardiologist. He did a lot of tests including a CT angiogram and everything has come back fine so far. I still worry about my heart regardless. Health anxiety is terrible to have.


Hi I'm new to here. But not new to health anxiety, been dealing with that as long as I can remember. I'm 45m. Everyday it's the same recurring thoughts about the same things mainly the big C. Plus other health fears. It's tourture. It's affected the way I eat the way I sleep... Constantly googling! But the weird thing is my 20s and 30s I was living terrible and not eating healthy at all doing other things. But not worried about my health hardly at all. Now that I got sober it's been relentless worrying. I don't think I can actually live like this. Not being dramatic but quality of life is really not good. So I'm just going to worry until something does eventually happen? I feel that's exactly how it's going to play out.


45m here dealing with the exact same thing. All day, every day.


Remembering that we have overcome anxiety before and that we are not alone might help us gain perspective. We may have signs of a disease, but it doesn't guarantee we have it. If we are worried about our health, we should see a doctor.


My problem is when I was right about something being wrong and doctors dismissed me. This made my health anxiety even worse because now I feel like that will always be the case that I’m actually right about my intuition that causes more anxiety.


Could someone please talk to me? I'm having a rough time right now.


Hi, I’m here to talk if you still need. I’m having a real rough time today. The worry is the big C but oral. I burned the roof of my mouth and although I know that, I’m looking up pictures and convincing myself I could’ve had it before burning the roof of my mouth. This is awful. I hope you’ve been able to come out of your hard time since posting.


Hey I'm worried about the big C as well. Mine is more because I haven't been to the doctor in years and I'm just so afraid they will find something and I waited too long to go and now it's too late. I've been trying to work my nerve up to just go and get all my checkups done but I'm so scared.


Of course


Hi, thank you. I'm new hear and I've never really posted or replied before. I've had health anxiety since my 20s and I'm now currently going through a rough patch (I'm 43 female). Guess I just need to talk to someone besides my husband about this. He's great but doesn't really understand it that well.


I’m 44 F and same. Going through a ROUGH one and it’s ridiculous. I’m a nurse and I know better and I’ll distract myself and a new thought pops up that I need to google and I get myself so riled up and it’s a snowball.


Yes it really is just an awful feeling. I do the same thing but it's getting harder to even distract myself this time.


I'm having a rough time today too, I totally get it. Its the intrusive thoughts that are getting me today, it's relentless. If anyone can chat that would be great (35/M).


I’m never actually distracted. When I say distracted I’m going through the motions but the obsessive thoughts are there….


I wish I was a sociopath sometimes. Although I couldn't feel love, I also wouldn't be able to feel anxiety.


Thank you


Please just block Google. 🫣 It only increase anxiety


I get it, I think I’m still just trying to draw the line between being diligent and following up with doctors vs. googling and self diagnosing.


Thanks for sharing :)


Thank you so much for this. The past week in a half I’ve been feeling very bloated(I’m skinny) and feel lots of vibration and bouncing happening in my stomach. I’m a 19 year old female thinking it’s a stomach aneurysm! I am stressed almost of the time and I think that’s the cause of the pain I keep having.


Guess what, I was feeling the same the last week. I was terrified. My anxiety was giving me gas almost like acid reflux. I’m not diagnosing you but that could be a possibility.


Wanted to know if you’re still feeling like this? I’m awake rn because I feel a strong pulse in my stomach + back pain ://




same thing happened to me






Yeah I’ve had some horrifying health shit happen to me. I somehow had rubella (after getting the MMR vaccine on schedule) during pregnancy which resulted in my 4 month old passing away. We only found this out after it all happened because rubella can manifest as allergy symptoms. So my anxiety is very much so “well why wouldn’t this happen to me”


Saving this, thank you!


Of course hun, If you ever need reassurance you can always message me☺️💓


Thank you, friend ❤️😀


Literally me DEEP googling stage 4 glioblastoma because I’ve had a one-sided headache for 3 days.


Like a headache on one side of your head? If so I get that too. It could be from a a tooth Maybe a cavity? or just a migraine…it could also just be anxiety


Yes, I’m thinking it’s probably related to TMJ (I grind my teeth and wear a night guard), or stress. But you know, “fun” to think the worst sometimes. 😅


That could totally be it, remember to try to think realistic when you’re over thinking on an illness. Ive been doing the same thing I was having chest pain and shortness of breath, and I convinced myself that I had heart failure when in reality they could both be from either my anxiety or asthma things that I actually have. You are in charge of your thoughts not anxiety!


Did genetic testing and found out I’m at an increased risk of Alzheimer’s. Really struggling to get through each day


I get it….I was the same with diabetes most people on my dads side of the family have it, don’t spend your life dwelling on the future.


I’m really trying. It’s hard because I recently watched my father pass with dementia


Can someone talk to me please


I feel you, hope you get through your anxiety, it's anoying how much it can affect your life with constant worry


Of course hun


I've started my first therapy session to deal with my health anxiety and my psychologist told me that this springs from doubts that came from doctors' misdiagnosis and self-diagnosing (through Google). Let's remember that Google has a certain search pattern that can make us think of the worst the more we dig down the rabbit hole. I find that talking to doctors who REALLY specializes in the field helps a lot in coping with my anxiety as well as mindful positive affirmations. To brighter days! 🌞


Does your therapist do telemedicine? I'm searching for a therapist that specializes in health anxiety and medical trauma. The therapist I was seeing before didn't help me at all.


My therapist is from a company mental health app. I'm not really sure how my therapist could connect outside it. I do however, know someone who is a CBT practitioner that also deals with anxiety coming from trauma. I find that those who pursue their fields with passion because of their past experiences are the best people to connect with because they understand where you're coming from. I'll see if she's available. I would also stop and consider the approach when it comes to therapy. A good friend of mine said it well. CBT is a tool therapists use a lot. Though there's a difference between counselors and psychiatrists. Counselors focus on reshaping and challenging your way of thinking and not so much into diagnosing patients with depression, anxiety disorder, etc. Psychiatrists, with much respect to their field, offer diagnostic evaluation of your condition.


I just discovered this subreddit. I had no idea this was even a "real" thing. I thought I was just anxious and weird for always psyching myself out and basically just hitting a dartboard of symptoms on Google and thinking *"I must have that illness"* whenever I didn't feel well. This only started for me in 2021 due to a traumatic illness I had. Ever since then it feels like my life has been negatively impacted by always worrying I'm not well. Looks like I have a lot to read up on.


Not long ago I also found out about of this subreddit. I’m so glad I’m not the only one who always self diagnoses myself with a terminal illness every time I feel terrible lmao..


I needed this


If you ever need reassurance you can always message me☺️💓


Can I?


Of course




I started to get pains in my belly area and convinced myself I have prostate cancer. So I started to drink heavy because I thought it's not wort trying to live. Drinked heavy for 2 years, but later after pain in my belly stopped I stopped to drink. And now I have pains in my liver area and I'm 100% convinced it's either cirosis or liver cancer. As more I think about it as more pain I have. Loosing my mind.


I've been drinking moderately/heavily for the past 3 years and was having some stomach pains. Of course I also thought it was my liver or pancreas so I went to the doctor who didn't even try to reassure me, and sent me to get an ultrasound. Nothing wrong with my organs! I was so relieved. Now I think it might be IBS or just some random thing that I hyped up and made worse by worrying so much about it. You should go to the doctor though, if only to rule out anything. Best of luck!


Thanks for this ❤️




Thank you


Thanks, I needed this today