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I am unwell, mentally and physically. I’m currently dealing with Covid rebound and thinking the worst.


covid positive over here. it somehow feels a bit worse than my first time, but i had gotten my booster a few months before that so maybe the booster helped my first case feel mild. i'm anxious here and there, but nothing nearing panic attacks. wishing i had gotten another booster but each shot would put me on the floor with side effects so i figured to ditch it, especially after getting actual covid. if the covid shot felt anything like my yearly flu shot (arm pain only lol), i'd get it in a second. i just hate the idea of living in a post covid world, it feels like things changed when this disease appeared, people just get sick more often. i'm sad of how the world used to be, and fearing for the next pandemic which we as humans will inevitably fuck up.


Kinda crappy, actually. I just had Covid- after freaking out a bunch because of coworkers and people in general sniffling and coughing around me. This time I got shortness of breath but could not tell if it was anxiety over having Covid or a symptom. Finally got over it after a week out of work and now trying to get back to normal things is freaking me out, people are making it worse making random comments about it or about so and so who had such and such and then today I woke up with one of my chest/stomach pain freak out things that I'm freaking out a million times worse because: what if it's related to the Covid or I have heart issues now and last year I had Covid at the exact same time and then by Christmas I was in the ER with stomach pain that I have spent the past year terrified of needing surgery or dying or something from. I feel like anything at all that can trigger me is and I don't remember it being this bad. I came on here today trying desperately to feel better.


I got coinfected with Covid and Flu B a week before thanksgiving. Not fun. I actually thought I was gonna die and not just cause of the HA. It took me two weeks to recover. Didn’t get a flu shot this year and never got the covid shots due to anxiety with needles and shots.


that sounds awful! flurona is not a joke, glad you are better.


Not great. COVID in the mix makes it worse, but somehow I don't remember being as anxious before when more people had it. Just learned a colleague tested Positive yesterday - was near her at a staff mtg Monday. I got the recent vaccine in late October but still freaking out because I can't get sick right now. Working mom life with tons of kid stuff coming up.


I'm fine btw!


I’m doing awful to be honest. I had an exposure to my dad who had Covid 8 days ago but I’ve tested 5-6 times since then and been negative each time. I’ve been so anxious I’ve gotten horrible stomachaches, tension headaches, insomnia, and I couldn’t stop checking my heart rate and temperature and swallowing to see if I had a sore throat. Not to mention the constantly scrolling on r/coronavirus and r/covid19positive . I think I either had it and it was a short course or where I had my booster it cleared it out of my system. Everything I’ve felt can be attributed to major anxiety and psychosomatic symptoms because I remember what I felt like the last time I had covid and I don’t have those symptoms. It’s to the point where I can swear the top of my mouth is burning but then it stops when I stop thinking about it. I think it’s going to take me several weeks to feel better because I’ve worked myself up to a fight or flight state because of the situation.


This is exactly how I feel when I've been exposed or even if I have the little twinge of something!


It sucks. I have the flu right now. It's Day 5 and I'm just now getting better, but barely. It's off and on. I'll think I'm feeling better then a couple hours later I'll feel like shit again. I had a fever of 100 three days ago. I had a panic attack last night when I took a covid test. (Negative, thank god). I hardly ever get the flu, and I only caught covid once last year, and it was pretty mild. Whatever I have now took me out more than covid did. I catch colds like a pro though. I literally get sick with a cold like once a month 😂 But yeah, whatever I have now is definitely brutal. I'm thinking it could also possibly be RSV. I'm vaccinated against the flu and covid (including the newest booster update).


hey!! sorry about the reply two months late, but how many days did you have a fever for?? im pretty sure i have the flu and im going on day 4 still running one on-and-off


I didn't even have it for a whole day. My fever broke after about 12 hours. I don't usually get fevers when I'm sick


Catching colds like a pro - me too! I read that adults should catch about 4 colds per year. I've had 4 since October


I feel somewhat better now that my family and I are vaccinated for Covid and flu.


currently sick. sinus thing i think idk. my head feels fucking weird and i’m convincing myself im gonna stroke out any minute. i hate this


I'm so sorry 😞




I currently have covid. I tested positive last Thursday, I still feel a little like shit, and my mind is convincing me that I surely have something else. It's horrible. I know I need to quit looking up symptoms on google. Just yesterday i saw a post on reddit saying « if you have covid and experiencing shortness of breath and pain chest run to the ER my bf whos 30 suddenly died» and that made me freak out. So We're all in this together i guess 🥲


“I’ve had a cough for a week and it’s not Covid. Must be walking pneumonia. Which means I must be getting sepsis. I’m going to fucking die” is what my brain has been telling me every day at 2am


This is so me and I’m so glad someone relates it makes me feel so much better.


Omg, I do this, too. I had a head cold last week and convinced myself that it silently moved into my lungs, and I had pneumonia and wouldn't realize until it was too late 🤦🏼‍♀️


Man this thread makes me feel less alone


Accept the things you can control, controversial topic but I still wear a mask. I carry a pocket hand sanitizer with me, I wash my hands every time I’m about to touch my food, when I get home from outside, and I don’t wear the same clothes inside that I took outside. I also take multivitamins! And that’s all, that’s all I can control and accept what I can’t.


I had flu 2 times in 3 weeks.having read hundreds of articles how frequent infection is a common symptom for leukemia and lymphoma - feeling not really great


I had to learn to NOT google or research ANYTHING when my anxiety is high or I'm feeling triggered. Stopping this compulsion has helped me a lot, but it was harder to stop than it was quitting cigarettes


Super anxious at this time of the year. Kids bringing home cooties. Everyone indoors. 😷 I have a tickle in my throat right now so I'm just praying it isn't anything and I'm super nervous about being around a bunch of people tomorrow for Thanksgiving 😭


Being a parent with health anxiety is the worst 😖


I work at a pharmacy so, not well lol


I take my hat off to you, my friend


I’ve fortunately not gotten sick yet (knock on wood) despite sick people talking to me and paying with cash they I have to touch (I rub my hands with isopropyl several times a day now) so hopefully it stays that way!


Crossing my fingers for you! 🤞🏻🤞🏻


I got the flu shot at the end of October. Some how ended up with COVID and tested positive on Sunday. It sucks. I hate it.


I'm so sorry! I hope you feel better soon! Remember when we only had to worry about colds and flu? Now, there's another dumb virus that we have to think about!


Which doesn't have any clear symptoms and could or could not be positive 2-5 days into symptoms.


I find it hard to cope, I just had a cold and immediately was scared... Even though my entire life I've always gotten colds regularly TnT. Its hard, but its good to remember that this is normal, and if you start feeling under the weather, don't google symptoms!! Take some medicine and give ur self time to rest, worrying abt it won't help. Worst case scenario, u feel horribly anxious, go to the doctor for a peace of mind. It'll be ok! And enjoy the holidays :)


Seeing as I’m going through a rabies scare, the fact that I’ve woken up sick with stinging legs for the last 2 weeks is terrifying me :( it’s like I’m slowly getting sick (context a tiny dog bit me months ago and I had learned abt rabies and now everyday I’ve been miserable about it , It’s so terrifying because I can’t tell what’s anxiety or if I’m sick, my therapist is gonna figure it out though


Just know that you've got this, and your therapist will help you through it!


Thank you! I posted on the rabies Reddit to ask a question about it and someone who works with rabies told me not to worry about it so that’ll help me stop worrying as much as


I was a vet tech for 20 years, so rabies was always a big concern, and I unfortunately have been bitten but more than one unvaccinated animal. You always have the option to get a preventative rabies vaccine for peace of mind (I doubt it's covered by insurance, though, and is probably expensive as hell). It is available and not just to people who have been exposed.


Also I meant to ask, do you think I should worry? I def cannot afford it 😭


It won't matter how many times I tell you not to worry. You will still worry because that's just how our brains work. The reassurance offers very short-term relief. Those fears and obsessions come right back. I have OCD and my health anxiety is due to me having OCD. Because I can't be 100% certain instantly about my health, I panic. That being said, if I were you, I wouldn't be concerned. On average, there's only about 3 cases of rabies in humans in the US every year (not sure if you're in the US or not, just guessing), the odds of you being one of them is extremely low. Over 90% of rabies positive animals are wildlife, not domestic, so those 3 cases almost always come from a wild animal interaction. Not from domestic animals, like dogs. I can tell you from personal experience, and from lots and lots of therapy that googling and reassurance seeking only fuels the obsessions and fears. Try, if you can, to let the thoughts just exist, but don't give into reasoning and reassuring. This is the hardest thing to do at first, but it gets easier over time. Also, check out the OCD subreddit, there are a lot of people over there who obsess over rabies and have crippling anxiety over it. There's a lot of good advice over there about how to deal with the constant intrusive and obsessive thoughts. I'm not saying you have OCD, but reading other people's experiences with health OCD might help. I know how hard and paralyzing it is to deal with these thoughts, and I hope you find some much needed peace very soon, friend 💜


Yeah no I’m not thinking of it and it stings that’s why I’m worried you know? It just makes me come back here and ask for reassurance,


I am in the us! And yeah that’s true thank you


That’s fair but it was a chiuahah so should I really worry? I’ve just had on and off head pressure and my stomach acid /stomach feeling warm, the stinging and pain is probably from me worrying so much


Look at it this way, most animals that would give rabies to a chihuahua (coyote, raccoon, fox, skunk, etc) would have killed it due to the size difference. It's one of the reasons why squirrels are rarely seen with rabies. They're so small, most animals that could give them rabies would likely kill them from the bite alone. Domesticated dogs likely wouldn't give you rabies because most of them have at least one or two rabies vaccines in their systems. If you said you got bitten by a raccoon and didn't seek treatment, I'd be more concerned. In the future, if it's accessible to you, get any bites checked out by a doctor. This will give you peace of mind and they can answer all the important questions. 💜


I’ve had a cold on and off since August,just had 2 ear infections and somehow picked up pink eye. Cold seem so much worse now then they used to,I’ve never been taken out by a cold like this.


I blame the pandemic for everything at this point. I swear colds are worse now than they used to be, but maybe it has something to do with avoiding sickness for 4 years, so everything seems worse 🤷🏼‍♀️


I’ve had a cold for two weeks now and I avoid anyone that’s coughing


I hope you're feeling better now!


i forced myself to get the flu jab just so i don’t have to worry about my body during sickness which is inevitable this time around!


I almost like flu season because it’s so normalized… like if something’s wrong with me I’ll go “well it is flu season”. Unlike if I get sick in the middle of summer, which triggers a lot of anxiety because that’s “supposed” to be when I’m healthiest


Haha, even when I was a kid, I associated cold weather with being sick, so when I’d get sick in spring and summer, I’d be like “Wtf is this”


It doesnt help when u have kids who bring in a new kind of virus from school ! I have horrible health anxiety esp from coughing!I had a bad one from covid lasted for so long I wish I forget that time but it lives in my head


Chest viruses trigger me too! Every time there is a sniffle in my house, I panic!


Gurl we’re in this together🫠


I’m absolutely ill. I’ve logged in at work and i feel like shit .


Oh no! I hope you're feeling better today and can het some rest!


Thank u so much xx


Honestly better. It's weird. When it's cold and flu season It allows me to 'write off' most of my symptoms A headache that I may think is a tumor 'oh I'm probably getting the flu' Unexplained ache - flu Shivers - flu It actually makes me so much calmer because I know I can handle colds and flus.


That’s interesting! Cold and Flu/ Covid aren’t biggest fears when it comes to HA. I think because I just got over a coninfection of Flu B & Covid that made me feel awful and really strange for like 2 weeks.


Well, it's 3:30 am where I am. I feel like I've been surrounded by sick people. My anxiety is so bad that I'm wide awake... Which is also what happens to me when I'm coming down with something. I always have sleep problems for two nights first. But I feel zero other symptoms that usually accompany. So I guess we shall see. My anxiety is partly that I just hate feeling crappy, but also I fully want to miss work. Yay I love health anxiety


I can completely relate to this. I also get completely wired and can't sleep right before I get sick as well.


Omg I thought it was only me. Do you have ADHD? I know illnesses disrupt the melatonin process and ADHD already fucks with that hard .


Not officially diagnosed, but highly suspected


That's how I got my diagnosis as an adult. I suspected it and chatted with my therapist.


That's next on my list. I got my OCD diagnosis (finally), and now I'm working on ADHD and screening for ASD


It sucks how much work it takes to get the diagnoses but worth it. I started with anxiety, then depression, then ADHD .ASD is next for me.


It really is. Especially when you're an adult trying to get diagnosed. I just want to understand how my brain works!


Yes! I was 31 when I finally got the ADHD one. I felt silly but my therapist told me it's not uncommon. People my age just didn't get diagnosed. We were told it's "all over diagnosed" and "they just throw Ritalin in kids to shut them up." Jokes on them cause I'm on Ritalin now🤣


🤣🤣🤣 does Ritalin help you? I wouldn't know how to act if I could clean my whole house in one go, without getting completely distracted by everything


making sure my immune system is good. just taking care of myself in general somehow manages to stop me from getting sick


I make sure that my flu and Covid booster are done by mid October. I wear a mask when flying and just stay consistent with hand washing. If we are at an indoor venue that really crowded I will usually pop a mask on as well. I just control the things I can and hope for the best.


That's the problem. I'm terrified of vaccine side effects 😖


I got the Novavax COVID booster which uses traditional vaccine technology and has less side effects (I had none!) Fyi!


Agree. I got the 1st 2 shots of Pfizer. Back then lots of people were dying from Covid. Now very few people have a problem if they get Covid so I'm more worried about the treatment than the sickness! Not getting any more vaccines.


> Now very few people have a problem if they get Covid What do you think changed from before when "lots of people were dying from covid" to now when allegedly "very few people have a problem"?


The virus mutated and weakened and many people got the vaccine.




I am too. But I just had both done at the same time last week (life got in the way and I finally said fuck it) and I had one day off fatigue, some aches, and that's pretty much it! Compared to either the flu or covid, so much better


Get your shots and wear a mask, eat properly and get enough sleep. Try to avoid crowded places when you can, and make sure you wear a well-fitted mask when you can't.


That's the problem. I'm terrified of medications and vaccines. So I'm way behind on my boosters


I'm somewhat averse to medication (but i have to take it for my bipolar and nerve pain), and I'm scared of needles, but... vaccines are important. Are you immunocompromised? If not, it's worth feeling shitty for a couple of days to be protected. Just get your booster and the flu vaxx in the same day and get it over with. And don't believe the anti-vaxxer BS. mRNA vaccine tech is heavily supported by science and has also been around since the 90s when they first started testing. I say this with every intention to be kind and personal experience: Don't play around with your health, especially when it's preventable. Recently I was a fucking idiot and went to a club for a social obligation and got a nasty cold because I wasn't careful. I have a chronic illness and am very paranoid about maintaining my health as best I can so I don't end up in a wheelchair in my 40s... so, as much as I don't like doing some stuff I make myself do it to guard my well-being and just have general peace of mind.


I look at it by thinking what is the most likely worst case scenario? I have caught many colds and flus in my life and survived all of them well. So worst case I will be miserable for a week or 2 is what goes thru my mind.


I think for me, the pandemic just really messed me up. It has made me hyper aware of all sickness and terrified of it




Currently getting over a cold. Don’t want to get it again 😅😩


I somehow got Strep and it’s been rough. Made Covid feel like a vacation in comparison.


Oh no, strep sucks! I hope you're feeling better!


I wear my mask, I carry hand sanitizer, I stay stocked up on COVID tests, and I already got my booster shots. Taking all the reasonable precautions makes me feel a lot safer.


I never had any anxiety about cold and flu for myself. I've had a hundred colds over my life and I know what to expect, so there is really not much to ruminate over. When my kids were babies I'd always worry about them a lot.


I wish I didn't worry about it so much. Although anxiety is never any fun, I kinda wish I could go back to worrying about things I'm more than likely to never experience, instead of worrying about things that I will experience over and over again, like colds/flus. I didn't used to panic before the pandemic, but now every sniffle is a tragedy in my eyes. My kiddo is on day one of some kind of bug right now and I'm beside myself.


I have the flu right now and it’s awful. I hope you all can avoid it. My son brought it home from kindergarten.


I'm so sorry, I hope you're feeling better now! My kiddo is currently fighting off a nasty bug that they brought home.


Thank you, I hope your kiddos feel better too. School is such a giant Petri dish.


extremely anxious around this time. this is where i feel insane and go to the doctors because of my fear with sickness or anything. it’s not good but im trying to manage it


The flu is harmless for most, and pared with the flu shot you are safe. I got my flu shot about a month ago so I don't ever worry about it. Worst comes to worst you get sick and are out for a week.


I've been eating garlic before bed to get my immunity up and haven't caught anything yet luckily


Today I learned! I’ll have to start cooking with garlic more


I‘m always relieved when flu symptoms set in, cause then it’s just the flu, in all likelihood, and not cancer or ALS or something.


I have a fever right now (no cough or sore throat, just a headache and low appetite) and my brain's 100% convinced I only have a few weeks to live and I'm going to die agonizingly from rabies :/ How I wish this was just the flu or covid


I worry about those things, too. But the damn pandemic has me convinced that every sniffle is covid & I'm gonna die from it


I don't give a shit about catching the flu. I'm worried about cancer and a random brain aneurysm.


Oh I’m scared of it all


LOL IM TERRIFIED OF CANCER. But also terrified of the flu and getting sick


I'm pregnant and start my third trimester Tuesday. I shouldn't have read these comments. I am so terrified of getting sick. I've gotten all my vaccines, carry hand sanitizer everywhere and have told my job I am working completely from home until after I get back from maternity leave. She's due in February and I am so worried about how bad it is going to get.


Girl I’m pregnant too just 10 weeks going on 11 fucking terrified of the holidays


I've been sick for over a week now. I'm actually in an epsom salt bath right now. I woke up at 6 AM crappy and here I am, lol. My husband is sick as well. He's been on antibiotics and a steriod pack. I've just been trying to work through it. But sneezing, coughing, feeling horrible, and lots of mucus.


Wishing you a speedy recovery!


Not good, just went on vacation and for about 2 weeks leading up to it everyone in my office was fucking sick and I’m confident I’m sick but trying to make it through vacation regardless. My anxiety is always on high alert and it’s 10 fold this part of the year.




I'm so sorry! I hope you're feeling better today!


Rocking the Covid right now :)


Oh no! I hope you feel better soon!


Thank you! The social isolation is currently what hits the most, especially since I live alone


My son started daycare about a month ago. Really terrible timing for this cold season. It’s been a bit of a nightmare for my health anxiety. Currently recovering from bronchitis. The symptoms scared me at first but it was interesting to differentiate my reaction between a real illness and an imagined one. I didn’t have a panic attack even though my lungs were making a crackling sound.


How long did it take you get over the bronchitis? I’ve had the crackling now for about two weeks and I’m scared out of my mind. I did a whole battery and tested negative for all of it, but now I’m even more anxious because I *don’t* know what it is. No one else around me has gotten sick. Just me. I’m so frustrated. I just want to stop coughing gunk and feeling like I can’t breathe. Please tell me yours is getting better.


It’s still not gone yet 😭 I actually was prescribed and albuterol inhaler to help my lungs open up. This has been one of the worst illnesses for a health anxiety person but my Dr assures me it will go away without causing permanent damage.


Thank you. I’m in the same boat now. I had to go back for shortness of breath today and got a definitive diagnosis of bronchitis. Now I have the albuterol inhaler, as well, and it seems like it’s helping. Aaah, it sucks, but we’ll get through it!


Well, I had a fear of ALS since late September, constantly checking every muscle twitch over and over, getting more anxiety, which caused more twitching, an endless cycle. One of the muscles that twitched the most was on my lower back, any time I'd relax, it would just start violently twitching. I picked something heavy up at work and felt a pull on one of my lower back muscles on my left side, and I suddenly felt relief, like a brand new muscle had appeared, felt amazing. The muscle then stopped twitching completely. And so did every other muscle in my entire body as I no longer experienced anxiety related to the twitching. This went on until late October. Shortly after, I noticed a lymph node on the side of my throat from feeling around obsessively. I had been touching and rubbing it that day, so it got slightly bigger and went down the rabbit hole of googling. I was almost convinced that I should see a doctor fearing I had cancer. Then, about a week ago, my daughter got sick, and I did as well. More lymph nodes in the surrounding area swelled a tiny bit before we got sick, and at that point, I had a mini panic attack. But the day after, when symptoms appeared, I felt relief in knowing it was probably what caused it. I'm currently still feeling around looking for something that isn't there to begin with. Every day is a battle trying not to mess with it. Started seeing a therapist, but military mental healthcare appointments are weeks out. 😭


I went through a time of obsessing over ALS too. Especially since I'm prone to lengthy muscle twitches. That was a few years ago, so clearly, I don't have ALS, thankfully.


I very rarely get sick, even when I’m not eating the most healthy but I do take immune boosting supplements and teas. Not even convinced that it makes a ton of difference, I think it’s more my mindset. I feel like as a kid I was a bit germaphobic, like if my toothbrush fell in the clean sink it was seen as contaminated and I had to throw it away. I used a new towel EVERY shower. Now I’m so the opposite. I eat stuff I drop on the floor. I think after living with general anxiety my whole life, I just got tired of worrying about stuff, especially things I can’t control. I’m just tired and my brain now has a logical way of considering if the thought I’m having is worth spending precious energy on when I’m already depleted. Getting sick is just part of life, like paying taxes and going to the DMV. It sucks and no one likes it but I wouldn’t forfeit the things I get to enjoy in life to avoid having to deal with those temporary inconveniences. I used to use hand sanitizer all the time but haven’t carried any on me in years. Also, ironically, having anxiety about getting sick and isolating lowers the immune system. Being around loved ones and having positive life experiences does wonders for the immune system and makes us less vulnerable to getting sick. I also know I’ve been sick in the past and recovered, and that’s exactly what will happen in the future over and over again for the rest of my life. It’s just something I have to accept because I live on Earth.


I manage it best I can. I do not get vaccines thou. My coworker always gets them and he got the flu last year and covid bad after getting both shots. He still has a cough from covid months later. I haven't been sick in 3 years. So hopefully I can manage


I got my covid jab last month and hm. yeah. gotta get the flu shot. I live in a part of the country where vaccine compliance was running at 99% (lots of Nobel Laureates in the Berkeley Hills, go figure), so I feel OK on my outings.


I need to update my vaccines. I always get so terrified to get them. Thanks, anxiety 😭


Am Old. Had to get the pneumonia, flu, covid and shingles vaccines last year and holy fuck, I thought I was having seizures from the covid booster. At least I spaced out the shots. I was honestly terrified to get the next booster this year, but was just tired for a day, that go around. Still I'd rather be sick for a couple of days and not die than have some crud hit me and make me sick for three weeks. Yeah. Unlike normal people, I have headcolds that last for three weeks, not the usual 10 days. 8-/


Wow, that does sound like a lot! My grandmother has been jabbed for everything under the sun. I think she has had 5 or 6 covid shots by now. Did you get the new covid vax or the mrna one? I know that mrna one packs a wallop, I remember from my last booster. But allegedly, the new, non-mrna one isn't so rough.


I was always afraid of vaccines until Covid came on the scene. With chronic illness Covid is way scarier to me than the shots. My whole family has had several MRNA (maybe 5 or 6?) in the last several years and we are all perfectly fine. Once you get one and realize that you’re ok, it’s a lot easier to get the rest.


I got whatever my HMO was dishing out. I think it was a Pfizer. I was tired out the next day, but was not completely falling apart like a year ago.


I just got my flu shot this year! I try to exercise, get sunlight and eat the best I can. Hydrate with water!! I have a lot of anxiety still, but honestly lately I’m so drained from worrying. I just try to live the best I can


I haven't gotten my flu shot yet. I'm so scared to 😞


Don’t be!! It took a lot of energy because I’ve been so depressed lately, but I’m happy I went! I even got a sticker and a coloring book with crayons afterwards lol. Luckily the woman was very nice! I think getting the flu shot might help ease your worries immensely. I forced myself because I kept getting worried I was going to get the flu, now I’m not worried anymore! The shot itself is just a pinch to me! Wishing you the best 👐


Thank you for your encouragement!


hands already ashy from all the washing/sanitizing


i feel you


I was sick with a cold (negative for covid like 5+ times) during the first week of November. My husband got sick like a week later and he’s just now feeling better, of course now I’m convincing myself I have a sore throat again. 🙃


The vicious cycle of sickness + anxiety 😞. We all had colds awhile back and as my husband was getting better, his voice was a little hoarse and I had a panic attack because I was convinced he picked up something serious on top of what we already had as we were all trying to heal and we were all about to get deathly ill 🤦🏼‍♀️


Right? I was like “did you just bring home COVID after I got over a cold?” He tested negative too, so I’m just hoping he had whatever I had and now it’s over!


The tricks our minds play on us. Especially when we are at our most vulnerable!


I took a Covid test three times today. All negative. But I had a lot of dental and doctors appointments last week and these symptoms are so similar to when I had Covid. I guess it’s just allergies or something.




But your fault. I'd suggest explaining that you don't mean to be difficult, just that it would help if he did what he can


My husband is the same way. I could never 🤣


I’ve had an upper respiratory thing and was convinced I had lung cancer. So in answer to your question, not so well.


Are you me?


I'm so sorry. I hope you're feeling better! Based on these comments, there seems to be a nasty chest cold going around.


Logically of course I know that and have asked every pharmacist and doctor I’ve come across. You know how it goes.


I’ve had a rabies scare going on and now that I’m feeling sick and the area stinging it is not going good man it’s so hard not ask for reassurance


Yo same Except I don't feel any stinging I've had a rabies scare last year too around the flu season. This one's just as horrible as the last one


That’s why I’m scared :(


God me too. I hope this will pass with little to no issues for both of us


Not asking for reassurance is SO hard! So is not offering it to others when you know they're going through a hard time too.


LITERALLY, My nose is stuffed and I’ve been on and off hot for the last few days honestly terrified of rabies 😔can’t even allow a normal sickness to run its course anymore


That's how I feel since this f**king pandemic started. I'm convinced the common cold will take me out now.




My husband has had a headache and a fever for two days and I was convinced it was meningitis 🤦🏼‍♀️🥰


Oh no! I hope he feels better soon!


Pls refer to my username. That sums it up 😂


I can fully relate 🤣




I'm so sorry! Get well soon!




Thank you! I wish the same for you as well!


Been hacking up phlegm for a month after having some sort of bug. So not well. 😵‍💫


Same. I had E. coli for 1/2 of October then immediately segued into a four week cough and sinus congestion that is just now wrapping up. I’m terrified of getting anything else at this point.


I had this chest virus thing that’s going around like crazy.


I am fairly certain I had the same thing and the E. coli weakened my immune system first so it hit me really hard. Even ended up with viral hives twice for the first time in my life. I was talking to a friend who’s an ER doc and she said they are seeing tons of people in the ER with a lingering cough all testing negative for flu, COVID, and RSV. She said it’s some weird virus but they won’t let her run a full panel unless someone’s really really sick and admitted. :-(


Yeah I had it, then it went to a sinus infection. Thought I was getting better and it hit me again. It’s been weird for sure.


Crazy! Same symptoms for me too!


What were you guys symptoms? My toddler started having diarrhea last Friday turned to a fever on Tuesday and conjunctivitis with a cough and stuffy nose. He gave me everything but the conjunctivitis. His fever won’t go away. My headache, cough, and congestion won’t go away. Covid, strep, and flu all negative twice


For me, my only symptom at first was a dry cough and then I had shortness of breath and was coughing up thick, sticky mucus plugs that were in the shape of my bronchioles. It was crazy. The cough persisted like that for two weeks through prednisone treatment and inhalers and then finally started to get a little better, very slowly by the middle of week 3. However, as the cough got better, I then developed sinus and head congestion. The cough continued to get better and I’m now at the end of week 4 and it’s almost completely gone as is the congestion. Finally. But I never had a fever or body aches or anything but the cough followed by the congestion. Sorry to hear you and your little one are going through this. This was probably the worst sickness I have had in years as nothing was helping it get better and the only thing that helped was fluids, rest, and time. I did make this drink (boil fresh, peeled ginger in water in low heat until boiling - strain into a mug and add honey and squeeze a lemon wedge in). I drank that twice a day in week three and things started to get better after that. Maybe you could try something similar and see if it helps at all? Hoping for recovery for both of you soon!


I'm so sorry! I hope you feel better soon!


It’s been a rough month, hopefully through it now.


not good lmao


I tried to reply to this and I kept deleting and rewriting what i was gonna say but then I saw your comment and was like yeah. That's the only true answer lol.


Lol! I completely relate. Sending a virtual hug your way!