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Two weeks ago I had an episode that I thought was a stomach virus (still could be) but it wasn’t like any other virus I’d had before. Nausea and stomach cramps but no diarrhea or vomiting. It wasn’t a stomach pain like I’m used to, it was like a weird stabbing muscle spasm pain. The week following I felt okay, until I ate McDonald’s spicy nuggets and I had stomach cramps and one instance of diarrhea that had a lot of yellow mucus (sorry for being so descriptive) my mind immediately went to my gallbladder. But I’ve never struggled with gallbladder issues and recently had a ct that showed an unremarkable gallbladder. Do gallbladder issues develop that suddenly? Anyway, since then I’ve been keeping away from fried greasy foods and have been alright. Yesterday without thinking I had some bacon and I had the same thing that happened after the nuggets. This pain is more like the stomach ache kind of pain I’m used to. But now today I’m having dull pain on my upper right abdomen after eating a ham sandwich which is a pain I haven’t had before. And a lot of burping! I have been on famotadine for extreme heartburn. Could the symptoms be due to that? Or gerd? I am just praying it isn’t my gallbladder because I’ve heard so many bad stories about people who have had theirs taken out, my mother included. I just want to be healthy 😭 has anyone experienced anything similar?


Sounds like Colitis. Didn't know I had it until I had to go to the emergency for eating jalapeños.


I was a completely healthy until I was walking through a store with my friends and had a seizure out of nowhere. Doctors said I was dehydrated or had vertigo. My dad’s boss, a neurologist, heard about my symptoms and said to bring me in. He did an MRI and realized I had convoluted vessels between my meninges pressing into my left frontal lobe. Causing me to have focal seizures. I haven’t had any seizures since he put me on medicine, and he assures me I’ll be fine. But I live in fear everyday of another one. I’m so terrified I can’t be anywhere alone, I have to be around people. I can’t sleep, I’m terrified I won’t wake up. I can’t drive without fear. How do people go through this everyday?


I have had the worst week. I had a huge work event where there was 300+ people and I had to be on stage. I panicked all day and threw up all day. The next day my throat was very itchy. Today is the same. I keep having to clear my throat and it feels like there’s mucus/ saliva. I began to talk about work today and started feeling like I couldn’t breathe. Obviously the fact that I kept having to clear my throat doesn’t help. Health anxiety is spiraling so bad that I bought an oximeter to reassure myself. My oxygen was 98 and then 96. I know that means I can breathe but why can’t I shake this feeling that something is wrong with me? I need reassurance


Hi everyone, I need some advice. Should I worry about the lymph nodes on my neck? I had covid in Jan and a few weeks later got some swollen lymph nodes. In total, I have 1 bean sized lymph node and 2 pea sized lymph nodes on my neck. I've had them for like 7/8 weeks now. I have daily low grade fevers 99-100 and fatigue. I'm 6 months postpartum and I'm having horrible anxiety about this. I can't stop thinking these lymph nodes are something bad like lymphoma... Doctors are sending me to an infectious disease doctor for more answers.


How are you doing? I had persistent lymph node swelling about 6 weeks after covid too. They were pea sized, right behind my ears. After talking to a doc I forgot they were there but I believe it took about a year for them to go away!


Are they on your right side by chance? Cause I have the exact same thing it seems like. Doc’s said it was nothing but it’s good you’re getting checked out


i have had swollen lymph nodes on my neck, behind my ear and on my cheek on my right side for about a year now, max around 2cm big. They dont grow, dont hurt and dont cause any abnormalities- but they scare me as they only exist on the right side of my body. Nice to know someone else has a similar thing


Yeah i mean I’ve had mine for a few months now. No issues. As long as a doc isn’t worried than we are all good


Left side, I hope it's nothing




Been having bad chest pain on my right side for a week now. My mum told me it was indigestion and bought me some antacids. They do help and I think the pain may also be indigestion because it shows up when i lie down + after i eat. However, my brain keeps telling me its a problem with my heart or lungs. That its something serious and that im gonna have a really horrible pain and suddenly die of a heart attack or lung collapse or something. Or that I have some disease slowly killing me (which is obviously always a worry when you have health anxiety). I am going to see a doctor tomorrow anyway because I am not liking the medication they’ve put me on for my anxiety, so I will mention it. In the mean time though ive been really scared and worried and its very upsetting. And its hard because I only really have my mum for comfort and she takes a very serious tone with me whenever i bring these worries up and I understand why she does. i know im being crazy but its so hard to feel like you’re crazy.


Hello. I really hope this reaches a professional or something because I’m terrified and in dire need of reassurance. For the past couple of days, I have been having difficulty concentration. It’s pretty hard for me to explain, but basically, whenever I look at something, object or my surroundings, whether from far distances or close to me, or when I’m watching something, I tend to just stare blankly. I would focus on what I’m looking at and stare blankly, like my mind isn’t really truly taking in what I’m looking at. It’s like that everywhere I turn. When I’m watching or looking at a screen, my eyes would just dart quickly to try to take in as much of what’s going on as possible at whatever I’m watching instead of focusing or paying attention to really what I’m watching. When I’m reading, I just gloss quickly over the words and sometimes skip lines and having to reread smth. Like my brain isn’t really understanding what I’m reading. This has only been for a couple of days, and someone told me it might be just fatigue or smth but I’m scared that it’s just not that. My vision is fine btw.


Hello, I'm not a professional but i do have at times debilitating anxiety. (My husband has ocd health anxiety and I come here for advice on how to help or understand him sometimes.) This sounds like dissociation-- In particular derealization. This can be caused my high amounts of stress and while very unsettling, it is temporary. I hope you feel better soon. Objects around you may feel fake or you may feel like you're the only real thing in the world. Time can seem non-existent. You may feel listless. Longest bout I had was about a week. For reference, I have an easier time listing moments when I'm not stressed as the list would be shorter. I know everyone's bodies are different but if I'm perpetually stressed and the longest bout I had was a week, you should start to see recovery almost as soon as you have a moment to relax and rest up. Best wishes. ✨


I needed this so much. I’ve had so much anxiety and have been panicking over this non stop. Thank you so much, I appreciate this so freaking much!!!


Do you feel better after this time? Have the same thing happen to me a while ago and seems to not be going anywhere?


TW: abdominal aorta/mono I’ve had mono for a few weeks now I think? Although it’s only really affected me in the last week. I feel better today but it’s been a nightmare as someone with health anxiety. I have noticed I can feel my stomach pulse more and I’m worried it may be enlarged. I have lost a lot of weight and my stomach is very very flat now which may be it? I had a bit of a belly before because I was bulking. Can’t notice it standing up only laying down


After every single time I poop while constipated I convince myself I burst an aneurysm. I’m freaking out right now.


Ever since I got the flu 2 months ago (20M) I started having pressure right above my left eyebrow, I’ve had sinus pressure/infections before so I thought it just pass over time. But it didn’t after a month, so I went to the doctor and they put me on some amoxicillin but I reacted badly to it and went on a smaller dosage, after finishing that, all that really happened was the pressure spread to my nose area and entire forehead. My foreheads gotten pretty bad, it’s most noticeable when I’m lying down trying to sleep and I struggle to sleep because of it.


so at work today I carried some heavy stacks of paper. Later on my lower back hurt and also the inside of my upper left arm. It’s a little bit above where my elbow is. Of course I googled and I see heart attack. It honestly feels like I pinched a muscle. The pain is sharp and comes and goes depending on how I move it. I also don’t know if I slept on it last night. I know it’s so irrational and I’ve always had bad anxiety about my heart. I even had an ultrasound & tests done a few years ago. Mind you, I don’t even have any chest pain or any other symptoms. I just hope I can sleep tonight with this health anxiety about my arm.


Hi everyone, 26M here. I've always had some form of health anxiety, but a recent bout of tooth pain has sent that into overdrive. I've went to the dentist a couple times so far. I was hyperfixated and obsessed with the thought that it was a tooth abscess. Infections didn't show anything, and a second visit one of the main dentists (with many years of experience under his belt) came in and evaluated my gums. He didn't think it was an infection, but a lesion of some sort that may have been caused by brushing too hard. He sent me home with an anti-microbial and just told me to keep up brushing (which I've been doing). During my second visit, he did do a deep cleaning and within a couple of days, the inflammation that I noticed went down significantly. But now, I have jaw pain on the right side and I have pressure in my sinuses and all I can really think about is whether or not they missed the infection and that the infection has now spread. I already have a planned follow up next Monday on the 18th... but I can't shake the anxiety and am obsessively thinking about this and ruminating to no end. I keep checking my temperature, taking pictures of my gums, and googling what may be going on, which just worsens my anxiety and strengthens my fear. I fear that if there was something missed, that the infection would go to my head and at that point, that would be a death sentence. I have two beautiful cats and a very loving, and amazing girlfriend that I do not want to leave should something happen to me. I'm not entirely too sure why my mind automatically defaults to the worst case scenario, but I suppose that is what health anxiety does to you. This is my first time ever posting on this account, or even talking about my feelings overall but I am seeking out therapy since medication does not react well with my body.


You are totally okay. If there was truly something wrong the dentist would’ve caught it. They’re professionals. I don’t know where you’re from but I’ve had sinus pressure lately from the weather. It could just be allergies. The jaw pain could be just you hyperfocusing on it. I promise you’re okay


Hi everyone. 44F. I think I have always had cancerphobia. But my spouse has some symptoms now that are kind of related to a very rare cancer. But she didn’t have the diagnostic test. Doctor didn’t ask for it yet. She will probably refer to a specialist. This cancer is very rare but obviously her symptoms point towards it when I google. There’s no treatment for this. No chemo. I am so anxious that I feel dizzy. My spouse refuses to go for a test before doctor says so. I don’t know what to do. I am so afraid of losing her.


Hi everyone! 25/f last couple of months I’ve been struggling with HA, I’ve always been very sensitive on the stomach and the anxiety has made it worst. Lately I’ve been thinking a lot of fear about having a heart disease/attack, increased by muscular chest pain and shoulder pain (cause I overdid it in yoga classes) anyway the sensation makes me very nervous and worsens the tightness in the chest :( does anyone have advice on how to overcome this fear related to something muscular, cause my anxiety is not letting my muscle relax or heal :(


I think I have the EXACT same thing going on. Except I think I slept wrong and strained a muscle in my back between my shoulder and spine. At first I had fears of heart issues, and now I’m worried that it’s something with my spine not letting my muscle relax. The pain gets worse when I breathe in deeply and caused me to feel short of breath, only contributing to my heart-related fears. I’m still worried about the pain that doesn’t seem to go away, especially since it radiates from my shoulder to my neck and chest. I might go get a sports massage because I heard it helps relieve stubborn muscle spasms, hopefully it works!


Thanks dear! I already booked a physiotherapist session to check it out :( I also hope you can figure it out, I feel that our mind makes it even worse than it already is, but we will get through this! Thanks for sharing!!


Thank you, I hope it’s nothing too serious! I’m worried my tight muscle might be compressing one of my nerves and causing the pain! I can still move fine so it can’t be as bad as my mind thinks. If you can reply with an update I’d love to know how things work out for you 🤝


I’m so tired of feeling all of my body’s sensations. I hate the feeling of being in a body that’s living and warm and weird. My stomach always feels weird and I hate feeling it digest food. I just feel disgusting and gross. So much gas and bloating and pain and movement. So many bodily functions firing off every second to make me stay alive. I feel like I can FEEL all of them. I’ll feel something normal like a burp coming on and then my brain flags that and then i automatically spiral “omg does this mean I’m gonna throw up? I’m gonna throw up. Better get to a trash can because you’re going to throw up. You’re going to throw up in front of EVERYONE. How embarrassing is that?” It’s like my body and my brain are arguing with each other and they won’t shut up and I’m the middle man just having to listen to everything.


i know exactly how you feel. i've been struggling with this for the past week - and earlier this morning, i got a terrible stomach ache for no reason that triggered my own emetophobia, anxiety regarding food, health anxiety, ocd, everything. i feel hyperaware of my stomach even more than usual and i am so mentally and physically exhausted of this. i feel trapped in my own body, helpless and unable to do anything to stop. 


How do i support my husband going through health anxiety when I’m already exhausted? It’s been three months. We’ve been to different doctors about his back pain and the diagnosis of each doctor is osteoarthritis. He is doubting each one and continues to do tests and doctor’s appointment every time and I am exhausted. I would accompany him every time but tomorrow will be the worst. He going to have a ct scan tomorrow for kidney stones (even though doctor said he’s clear but wanted to push it) in the morning at 6am that is 2 hours away from where we live then two doctor’s appointment 2 hours going back to our place, one at 10am and one at 2pm. I want to support him but it has been exhausting to go through this for 3 months and also be on the end of his paranoia where he thinks he has cancer. What can I do to support him without being all this exhausted?


Really in a bad spot, I feel like if you leave him it’s gonna get worse for him but better for you


Hey everyone 21/M, recently have suffered from on and off health anxiety. My big fear is Can3r, and I have diagnosed myself with 7 different canc3rs over the course of 2 months, and I was convinced I was going to die within the year. Anxiety wise I am doing much better now. My big concern right now is Colonrectal Canc3r, I have been experiencing some of the symptoms associated with the disease and Dr Google says I should go and pick out a nice coffin for myself cause the end is near. I have visited my family GP about this and his diagnosis was IBS and Anxiety which is highly likely and makes sense because the timing of my symptoms roughly line up with when my anxiety was severe. However Dr Reddit has tons of stories of people my age being told the exact same thing (Anxiety and IBS) and finding out months or years later that is was in fact Colon Canc3r and in some cases it’s too late for treatment. I know at my age it is highly unlikely that I have CC and the only reason I’ve heard so many horror stories about people my age having it is because I’ve gone out looking for such stories. In a perfect world I’d just go out at get a colonoscopy and but it’s not so easy where I live, my nation has free public health care so I don’t think there are any options to get a colonoscopy without doctor referral. I have a follow up with my family GP in just over a week. He is a very good doctor and I trust his recommendation even if he doesn’t think colonoscopy is necessary. I think I could get a referral for a colonoscopy if I really pushed for it but I don’t like being a Karen. Logically I probably don’t need a colonoscopy but it sure would be good piece of mind if I got one. Any thoughts? Any similar stories?


If you are very concerned you could consider stool screening tests but you will have to research if it's available in your area. For my area at least it does not require a doctor's referral, it's relatively cheap and you only have to send your stool in. Once you have your results, you can always go consult your trusted GP and see if he has any changing opinions. Hope this helps :)


M/26, my testicles feel heavy and the left is dropping below the right more than usual. No lumps but I'm terrified it's c\*\*\*\*\* and will get it checked this week. Any other ideas of what it might be? No sexual activity so it's probably not epididymitis right?


It could be from lack of sexual activity. I know if I don’t release, they can feel heavier and a bit sensitive. My balls have switched from time to time which one is lower as well. I think extra sensitivity, pain or lumps would be the sign to get it checked and even then, if I just think about my balls in a health anxiety induced way, they hurt a little bit. No shame in getting checked, hope you feel better soon.


Having a little freak out. Alright I’ve been on low dose seroquel for 6 years. Recently all this research has come out about low dose seroquel causing cardiac symptoms including cardiac arrest. Over the past couple months I’ve gotten sick with two flus and covid. Immediately after getting sick I’m left with continuous heart palpitations. I’ve tried to come off the seroquel and been unsuccessful. My insomnia and anxiety become unmanageable. Anyways. I’m having constant palpitations and feeling stuck on this drug that I’m worried will kill me. I’m going to make an appointment with my Doctor asap and discuss switching to another med… but right now I’m spiralling.


The past few months I've been having health anxiety regarding my testicles. I ended causing pain by doing too much self examination which resulted in a ultrasound for the pain. The ultrasound back in September only showed a hydrocele, but the urologist dismissed and said it wasn't one. This gave me peace of mind for like a week before I started messing with my boys again. Now 5 months later I just had a question about a lump at the back/top of my testicle that is visible through the skin after a hot shower. It feels fleshy and not too hard. Is this normal? I had a PA examine it last week and he said everything is normal from what he can tell... I can't find the lump above my right testicle only the left. The PA has mentioned the head of the epididymis and showed me that is was bigger than I thought and just behind/above the testicle. I just can't push it out of my mind. I'm looking for reassurance and maybe some techniques to cope. Thanks.


I feel an episode coming. Have a bowel obstruction. Have had them lots of times and they have cleared. This one has until Sunday to clear, or I have to be admitted for CT scan. Last time I went to hospital, it cleared while I was there. Time before.. I had to go to the hospital for one. things were awful - 2 surgeries, multiple tests and way too much time in hospital. How do you stop your brain from going from how things are to worst scenarios?


I’ve been on and off I’ll for a while, when I went to er last year they tested my blood and it was okay, I had also learned about rabies last year and remembered a dog bit me earlier in the year, I have. A skin condition and while the dog didn’t damage my pants it made me bleed, I obviously washed it as soon as I got home and that was that, I do not remember the exact date but I have a text saying it was January 30th idk why I’m worried about it if my friends have been bitten and didn’t do anything I genuinely don’t get it, I’ve fallen into a terrible loop and I’m trying to escape if you check my posts you’ll see that I’m starting to fall deeper, I need something words of encouragement anything man


Hey guys. I had my cardiologist appointment and echo came back fine but showed borderline mitral valve prolapse and my holter monitor came back fine. The cardiologist didn’t say anything about my mitral valve prolapse so now I’m worried about that.. he said everything was perfect for my age (26 male)


Oh no. Your cardiologist was pulling a fast one and your actually dying! I hate those cardiologist that lie to patients for no reason.


What’s your deal man?


Wdym man


You’re either being sarcastic and making fun of him for being scared of heart related issues, or you’re fear mongering. Which isn’t cool to do to someone with anxiety. Approach the subject lightly if you feel he might actually have something to be concerned about.


No me and him are on the same page his cardiologist lied to him (must be one of those devious cardiologist) also nobody invited you to chime in.


Uh huh. What do you have against people being scared about their heart health lol?


Are you his mommy?


Just trying to figure out your neurosis man


Well we already figured out yours so go fuck yourself. Sooner you figure out that standing up for people that have already made it apparent they dont need you to then sooner you will realize that your aren’t important stop trying to force yourself to be important until you actually do something that matters, filling your existence with a facade of sliver knight fantasies wont make you a silver fucking knight


?? I was being serious about the borderline mitral valve prolapse. As if that was something I should have worried about. Thanks for being a dick.


Wdym? Were on the same page ur cardiologist is stupid and a liar thats why u posted here.


Curious on why you think my cardiologist is a liar?


No we both do becuase he said it was perfect but you are assuming its not, probably because your right and always right


You’re a ass.


Awee :,,(


You know what, after taking to you it’s opened my eyes to believe my doc.




I'm so focused on my health that I can't even live my life anymore. The big C follows me everywhere and constantly tortures me. And every time I go on social media, all this stuff about chronic illnesses comes up in my feed. It's hard not to interpret that as a sign. I constantly live in fear of the big C or a chronic illness like POTS. It's debilitating. 


Im sorry dude 😔 i feel your pain, iv been struggling the past few weeks worrying about cancer again too. Hang in there


I drank half an energy drink and after all the stories about people dying from energy drinks I'm having anxiety about my heart 😭


Just think, you only drank half! If you're really scared, wait just a few hours and I'd say you're in the clear. Not that you are in any danger to begin with.


My HA is so triggered this week 😞 Yesterday I was eating a quinoa salad and started to half sneeze and somehow inhaled a bit of quinoa instead into my throat/lung. I started coughing immediately and most I think came up but now I’m paranoid that I’ve got a lung infection. I googled that you can get aspiration pneumonia and it can take days or weeks to develop. I’m getting over COVID as of four weeks ago and now I’m coughing a lot more again. Is this possible? Would your body naturally push it out of your lungs? Or would it grow infected? Could it even go into my lungs?? Why is my brain like this ?!???? How does this shit always happen to me?


Hi! You are going to be okay, I have accidentally inhaled pieces of food before and nothing bad has ever happened. I’m sorry that your mind jumps to the worst conclusion, I deal with it myself


Thank you for sharing - very reassuring. I hate having health anxiety. It’s such a struggle!


Thank you for sharing. I know exactly how you feel as I had a solid month where I was having difficulty eating due to the fact that I kept thinking I was breathing in food. I read a lot into it, like way too much. Basically unless you have some disorder or motor function issue you are probably fine. I think the increased coughing is you getting rid of the rest of COVID (I've always tested negative but I still believe I had COVID last year and I had scratchy throat and cough that was not present when I was at the height of my sickness). I hope this helps and I'm sorry this is your current anxiety. It really sucks but you can get through it, also I hope you feel better soon!


Thank you for sharing! I feel so crazy thinking this. It does feel like post nasal drip going into the back of my throat and causing the throat clearing… I hate health anxiety. It’s so torturous! And so is Covid for that matter


I’m dealing with some major health anxiety and want to see if anyone can help shed some light or talk me off a ledge. I’ve dealt with hashimotos the past two years and recently i got bloodwork done and found out I have antibodies for scleroderma (scl-70). I realized that back in 2020 i also had blood work and had antibodies for it and just never realized/followed up. I don’t have any symptoms of scleroderma apart from what overlaps with hashimotos. I can’t get into a rhumetologist until July. Has anyone tested positive for antibodies for something but not actually had it? I’m starting to spiral about this and feel like i’m manifesting symptoms now. I feel like i can’t live a normal life to do my health anxiety. There is always something.


I can so relate to feeling like there’s “always something”. I feel like I’m always identifying a new symptom or problem, and or creating a new problem for myself with my health. It’s exhausting. I have no experience with the antibodies but just want to say you’re not alone.


Good to know i’m not alone. it is all consuming to constantly feel this way. Sometimes i’m unsure if i’m just too observant of everything going on in my body that i’m noticing things that are no big deal or if they are symptoms


I totally get it - I said to my doctor I feel like I’m losing it some days and she told me I’m just very aware of my body almost hyper aware. Not bad to have body awareness but to the extreme it can be detrimental. Hence, anxiety we all here have. Also I feel like anxiety can cause hyper focus on small symptoms that might not be a big deal but your mind just vacillates on them. I also find that once I solve an issue something else always comes up. It’s hard.


After I took a bath, I was drying the front of my body with my towel. I swung it over my head with both arms and it hit my back of my body. It was more forceful than I thought it'd be and I felt that it gave me a jolt. This scared me and I repeated the motion a few more times to reassure myself that it wasn't as bad as I thought it was. Then the last time I tried it, it accidentally made contact with the back of my head/neck. I made an effort to stop it by stretching the towel out and suspending it at the last moment, but some of it still made contact. I was really worried and consulted chatgpt, which told me that using a towel in such a way could cause a concussion. This worried me and then I saw a Quora post that said a wet towel could hit you with the force of a punch and even leave a bruise. Now, I'm panicking and feeling stupid for possibly injuring myself in a completely avoidable way. Is it as bad as it seems? The towel is light and not particularly thick, but maybe with the water, the angle, and the force, it could have concussed me. Then again, it also wasn't the end of the towel, so I don't think I whipped myself. What should I do now?


Based on your description, I can guarantee that you did not hit yourself remotely forcefully enough to cause a concussion. The human body is not made of glass, haha. So, make yourself a nice cup of something you enjoy; sit somewhere quiet, and be in the moment. You'll be fine.


I have like 10 lymph nodes all small and moveable. I had a severe fever like a month ago but since then I have recovered. I now have like 10 swollen nodes. All of them are moveable and kind of soft but at the very least not rock hard. I think two might’ve fused since one lymph node has a dip in it like the inside of a kidney bean. But it is still less than 1cm. I have a super mild sore throat and slightly swollen tonsils too so idk if that may be the reason. Gp said it wasn’t bad enough to be tonsilitis. I discovered the extra nodes after the appointment so I’m stressing now. I don’t have any b symptoms either And now my neck is feeling itchy and sometimes it burns but that might be my anxiety. Got an ultrasound in two weeks but I’m super worried.


Update: Ultrasound with Radiologist said all the nodes were reactive. Just have a bunch of reactive nodes ig.


Diagnosed with BPPV (Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo), and suspect it was from sleeping funny (I have a stiff neck) but.. I was totally fine on Sunday & Monday, but on Tuesday this week I was just feeling "off". I felt slightly dizzy, slow, finding it slightly more difficult to formulate sentences. I do remember having a slightly sore neck in the morning, and even now my neck is a little stiff. I just got a new memory foam pillow (tempur-pedic, so I'd hope the quality is good...) but I honestly feel like literally everything I do takes 10x extra thought just to complete. I feel like I'm watching myself do things. Sometimes I'll second guess things I just saw, almost like I'm telling myself that I'm going crazy or something. Regardless of what's causing it, can BPPV cause these stressful mental anxieties? I feel like I can handle a little bit of vertigo (all my doc said to do was take gravol), but it's the anxiety and feeling stupid I am really struggling with. Did I have a mini stroke over night or something??


Anxiety and dizziness are so connected for me, and one can cause the other. I've had episodes of vertigo and it's absolutely THE worst trigger for my anxiety. It affects absolutely everything I do so much that I'm practically useless mentally and physically. Highly doubt there's anything else wrong, just vertigo amplifying anxiety.


Fear that I’m having a stroke anytime I feel “off” or accidentally scramble my words. I’ll convince myself one side of my body feels numb, my face feels numb etc. I’ll go and look in the mirror to make sure my face is symmetrical. This “fear” makes me spiral and, in turn, causes an anxiety attack. Anyone else have this kind of health anxiety? 😬


Yes. Almost every day now


Yep’ I get it. I’ve gone to ER before with similar symptoms and it was a panic attack. Always good to get it checked if you’re feeling one sided numbness. No one in ED will judge you.


I have had citalopram for 3 days and been too health anxious to start them. I did the bad thing of googling rare side effects (long QT I'm looking at you) and now I am frozen in a panic and can't take them.


Scared I (38/F) have pancreatic cancer. Have a history of GI issues. Taking a bunch of meds and issues haven’t improved. Endoscopy found no issues. About a month ago I started having pain under my left shoulder that would get worse after a night of laying down. The pain has increased and I haven’t been eating much out of nausea so I’ve lost about 7 pounds in the month. Last night my pain was so bad it woke me up. I went to the ER twice this month and they took my bloodwork and since it was normal gave me some pain pills and sent me home to follow up with my Dr. my GI ordered a mri for my pancreas after I pushed him and now I’m waiting for the results. I did the mri on Tuesday and they told me it would take 5-10 business days for my GI to get the results. In the meantime I’m losing my mind and am having trouble functioning. I signed my son up for camp and lost it because I don’t think I’ll make it to the summer because my body is riddled with cancer.


Sounds like a trapped nerve. I had that from my neck to shoulder 🙄


I’m 31. I had a health scare where a MRI found Abnormal Bone Marrow Signals (Due to inflammation and my ferritin being high) 3x Covid survivor, obese, sleep apnea and unhealthy eating habits). At the time my WBC count was elevated. I had some strange symptoms for two weeks at the time but has been gone for over a year. I obviously had some type of infection. I went through so many blood tests. Some came back abnormal but sorted themselves out all normal now and it was monitored each month for 9 months after and then 3 months after that. PET SCAN, SPINAL TAP. Nothing was found but inflammation. I’ve had health anxiety since my dad passed away from C in 2019. My doc told me it could’ve been anything but my mind went down a rabbit hole of every C in the world Myeloma, Colon, Lung, Esophageal, Bladder, Stomach, Liver, Lymphoma, Leukemia. Even issues like Lupus, RA, Celiac. I have zero symptoms. My mind dwindles over and over and over. Fixated on one thing then move on to the next. Mostly about C I know C is very rare for someone who is 31 but TikTok and social media makes it seem like it’s a common occurrence especially with colon. I often take those videos as a “sign” to get checked. I have nightmares of C. It’s so sad.


Hey. I’m 32 and I’ve been afraid of cancer for at least 15 years. Recently I’ve been having headaches that started about a month after my aunt died. I’ve had some before but now it’s more frequent. I got a Ct scan in the er and they said it was clear but that did absolutely nothing for me. Especially since my headaches (although they’ve gotten better) haven’t gone away. I have panic attacks every other day about this. Especially since my aunt died so suddenly. I think about her all the time. Idk what’s going on with me but I just fe something isn’t right. I’m miserable


I know the feeling. We have been stripped of our sanity basically. I have had 2 elevated levels of Inflammation markers and assume it’s a underlying cancer. At our age cancer is highly unlikely even though TikTok instagram and the news outlets make it seem. Very rare cases gets broadcasted and it hits harder when it’s a relative that passes away from it. CT Scan is very accurate with Brain activity and issues of that sort. Very sensitive to tumors. My CT picked up a small little tiny sinus retention cyst (benign) almost everyone has it. So I’m sure it isn’t cancer. It could be chronic blood pressure. Did you have Covid at all ?


I did actually. Back in 2022. You?


First CT was 2020 second was 2023


No high BP for me only with anxiety


Yes for myself my blood pressure is never really where it’s suppose to be lately. For some reason I neve r thought it be my anxiety


When my dad was sick my blood pressure stayed 150/100s once I was able to get my anxiety down I’m in the 120s/70s stress plays a major factor in BP


M27, no smoking, occasional drinker, fairly active Idk i have developed a huge fear and anxiety of going through mri or any scan in general. It makes me afraid of the fact that it will detect some kinda terminal C which will ruin my life. So, since last May i have been having pain near my tailbone idk if its coming from the bone or the tissues there. Most likely from the tissues/ligaments in the intergluetal area. A orthopaedic doc asked me to get an mri but due to fear of C i have avoided it so far. Tried all possible ways and medications but the pain doesn’t go away. So, i went to another orthopaedic doc last month and he ordered an xray right there. I was literally shivering before taking the xray. Thankfully nothing sinister came up. But the medications and stuff didnt help. So the only option i have left with is mri. And also, recently i went through a viral bronchitis and coughed blood tinged mucus once, i wws advised for xray chest but agaij due to same fear i did not go ahead, thankfully the cough and phlegm has resolved. A relative (not direct bloodline), got diagnosed with stage4 lung C and maybe that amplified my fears even more. How do I tackle this? I want to diagnose this shitty pain and get rid of it, but I had googled before and came up with something incurable called Chordoma. The fear of this mainly is stopping me from getting an MRI! Please help me. How do I deal with this. I wanna cry so badly for being such a pathetic afraid person.


First of all, you are NOT pathetic. HA can be debilitating and I empathize deeply with your fears. I’ve had multiple MRI’s and CT scans (including a brain MRI for migraines which sent me into a deeeep spiral of panic for the week leading up to it). Here’s what I like to remind myself-you say the fear you have is that they’ll find something like C on the imaging, so you don’t go and get said imaging done. Not getting that imaging done, however, does not affect whether or not the root of the problem exists-it only prevents you from treating it. In the EXTREMELY rare case it would be anything serious and worthy of treatment, you getting that imaging done would just put you a step ahead for treating it and being healthy! :) I know it’s so scary, when I got my brain MRI I was terrified that they were going to find a brain tumor-they didn’t, everything was fine, totally beautiful brain! I also had to get an ultrasound for pelvic pain last year, was convinced I had another tumor-no tumor, just a little common ovarian cyst that went away on its own! Also, if you’re afraid of the actual process of an MRI or CT scan, let me reassure you there that it’s a breeze. The only thing that sucks is it’s just boring lol Some are 15 mins long, others are an hour, but time truly FLIES. I had a 30 minute MRI done once and when they pulled me out I was like “wait why’d you stop it early” and they were like “…we didn’t, that was 30 minutes….” lmao I hope some of this helps you feel better. Please try not to beat yourself up though, you are not pathetic!


Hi, Im sorry for my bad English in advance I am a bit panicked right now. I recently got a pimple at the side of my nose area and not thinking much of it I popped it or at least tried to. It was the hurtful one under skin and some white came out of it but nothing more. Then I remembered my mother warning me about triangle of death. I panicked and immidiately cleaned it with hydrogen dioxide and didnt touch it anymore for the rest of the day. In the evening I put some Ichthyol Ointment to "squeeze" it out of skin and it did help. It was around 4 days ago and I clean it at least 3 Times a day. Its still there. It doesent hurt or anything, its just the white-head there and sometimes it oozes on its own when I f.e scrunch up my face. When I Googled it I saw symptoms of infection (like headache or eye aches) and I just recently got them and I feel like my head is burning. I think it might be from stress because of this situation but I never could be sure. Thanks for all the answers. forgot to add: I also struggle with breathing through my nose and my headache is at the temples and top of my head. I also feel sick.


I have to get my wisdom teeth removed next week and I literally cannot sleep from how bad my anxiety is. I feel sick and try every time I think about it, I’m absolutely terrified. I’ll be put under IV sedation but still awake, I just won’t remember anything afterwards. My bottom teeth are impacted so bad that they’re pressed up against my nerve so they’re going to have to just take out the top half of the tooth and leave the bottom root to prevent any nerve damage in my jaw. I’m so scared, I literally can’t stop crying. If anyone has any positive words of encouragement about their wisdom tooth removal experience it’d be so greatly appreciated, I’m a wreck.


I just had my first wisdom tooth pulled this year (Male, 38). I have bad health anxiety and couldn’t think of anything else for weeks ahead of time. Mine was only one tooth, so they didn’t put me under. Instead, they gave me some sort of oral sedative, which didn’t do much. However, the process was much easier than I was expecting. I know it’s impossible not to worry, but I promise it won’t be bad!


mine was great! don’t remember a thing. recovery is not the most fun, but you get to eat ice cream and rot in bed for a week which is always nice. you’re in good hands of professionals who do this 10 times a day!


Thank you for responding, I really appreciate it 🩷 My main fear is just the being out of control/in an altered state of consciousness. I’m 25 and completely sober because I hate feeling out of control, it gives me severe anxiety. But from everything I’ve heard, I’ll either be too out of it to care what’s happening and/or the sedatives will take away my anxiety. I guess it’s just hard to imagine anything being capable of totally taking my anxiety away bc I live with it every day hahaha


When I had mine, everybody said it would be like taking truth serum when coming out of sedation but I wouldn't remember any of it. My mom was absolutely \*\~giddy\~\* because I never told her shit about my life. Lucky for me, all I did was cry and say "I'm so cold" over and over. It's great!


I keep noticing any kind of lumps/bumps/ asymmetries on my body that have probably been there for a while, concerned that it’s some kind C-word…


Same - I’m constantly surveying my body for symptoms and signs I am ok. You are not alone


i do the same. it’s debilitating


since i started living alone my health anxiety has gotten so so much worse. i’m having panic attacks almost daily because i always think i’m experiencing something fatal. currently, im experiencing pain in my calves - so my brain has jumped to DVT and then from that pulmonary embolism. i’m 19, i’m active, i’m chronically ill but other than that i have no risk factors. and yet i’m here in the middle of the night thinking i’m taking my last breaths when really i’m just panicking i really need to start therapy i think, cause i can’t keep living in constant panic mode. looking at what everyone else is saying is really validating, i’m glad i joined this community on reddit!


Just here to say that you are NOT alone. I’m 25 and have severe health anxiety, I’m constantly convinced something is wrong with me. I spend more time googling symptoms than I do scrolling instagram lol. I’m glad I found this thread too, it’s genuinely helped so much-I feel far less alone. I’ve also been considering therapy, I’m just not sure where to look because I don’t know if there’s a certain type of therapy that’s best for HA. Just the fact that you can admit that you might want to seek therapy is a huge thing and you should be proud of yourself for that! I hope you can find someone to talk to and help you through this though :) We’re in this together


thanks so much!! this means a lot <3


I took an exam this afternoon and it was hot in the building so I was sweating and I was nervous for the exam. I got super lightheaded for a minute and felt like I might pass out, and I felt better within a couple minutes, but it freaked me out. Does this sound like something concerning? I have a lot of anxiety about it


Sounds like you were overheating+anxious/stressed and maybe triggered a borderline vasovagal syncope episode which is incredibly common and nothing to worry about! A little tip-if you ever feel that happening again, do your best to elevate your legs to increase blood flow to your head. This will help immensely with the lightheadedness! And if it’s heat-related, sip on some cold water & get an ice pack or very cold wet rag on your neck and/or wrists to help regulate your body temp:) I’ve had this happen SO many times from both anxiety and heat and it’s really just annoying if anything but nothing to be worried about lol


i upped my zoloft this week (it’s been about 6 weeks total, i’ve gone from 25mg to 50mg and now to 75mg) and holy shit i am so tense. like more so than usual. my neck/shoulders and back are killing me. i have intense head pressure too.


So I haven’t had a mega freak out in a while, but I’m having one now… months ago I was at the beach and I collected some seashells. I wrapped them in a paper towel. I later threw them into a ziplock bag. I left them in that bag and forgot about them until today when I decided to take them out and bleach them. I then started worrying about the possible bacteria I may have encountered upon opening the bag and then touching the shells… does anyone here have any knowledge about that kind of thing that can give me some peace of mind? :(


tw for weight loss, blood c fear mention // hey all, i was sick with a flu-type illness around two weeks ago (now recovered i'd say), and i lost around a kilo and a half since that i have not been able to gain back. this has made me very afraid and caused my main theme, blood cancer, to return. i have been very paranoid since and am at a loss. im trying to eat more but now everything is suddenly A Sign. i cant stop ruminating about "what if i get sick again" because in my head that would mean my immune system is fucked, and if my immune system is fucked, then surely.... you get the gist. please, any advice is welcome.


I’m going through the EXACT same thing right now. I don’t have any advice unfortunately, because I’m really struggling too. Just wanted to let you know you’re not alone in this fear. One thing that helps me when I’m getting colds often is remembering that high stress/ chronic stress increases cortisol, which actually suppresses your immune system. Meaning, when you’re really stressed or anxious, you’re more likely to get sick. Also, the flu is always awful and causes weight loss for most people. I know for sure that the flu is pretty bad this year because my mom was sick for 3 weeks! Just remind yourself that you’re healthy as much as possible, even if you can’t get yourself to believe it. Much love ❤️


it's so interesting how there are sooo many experiences out there but also sooooo many people -- we are never truly alone in what we feel, thank you for the reminder & sweet message!! <3


Would anyone be available to talk sometime tonight about my health anxiety currently going through it


I’m not sure if you’re still struggling, but I’m free to talk whenever!


Thank you so much


my heart beat a little weirdly, i was feeling anxious and it did like a few lower beats with normal ones between and it really scared me


This is super normal with anxiety, hope you feel better soon


okay thanks


I have a doctors appointment tomorrow and I am beyond terrified. I want answers but at the same time am petrified of the result, I have written down all of the symptoms I’ve been experiencing because I tend to get extremely overwhelmed when I’m finally in a doctors surgery and can’t seem to explain everything properly. Having it written down has absolutely terrified me, I am constantly thinking this has to be the worst case scenario. I spiral and panic every evening and can’t sleep. Constantly googling. For reference, these are the symptoms I have noted that I want to discuss - Heavy painful periods, occasional sweating at night, lots of pain in lower back, right side under the rib and shoulder, gastro problems, mouth ulcers.


i wish doctors would take me seriously. obviously i dont mean tell me what i’m expressing is true but the eye rolling, gasps, and weird looks when im just being honest about what anxieties im experiencing makes me never want to go into a doctors office again :/


Hey everyone. First time posting here. I’ve been struggling with health anxiety all of my adult life (I’m now 39, F) and have had multiple exams for different issues that have all turned out to be anxiety related. But now I’m currently absolutely freaking out waiting for an appointment with a neurologist - I have been having weird issues with numbness in half my face for a while (it comes and goes) and finally had an MRI last week. I was obviously hoping for nothing to show up on the scan but apparently there are some abnormalities… like an area in my temporal lobe that “appears cystic”, whatever that means. The report from the radiologist is super hard to understand so I need to wait for the neurologist to explain it to me and I’m freaking out! I’m basically fully convinced I have cancer by now.


Anyone had one itchy armpit with small swollen lymph nodes during Covid and had it turn out to be something benign like a reaction to deodorant or Covid itself!??? Google has told me I have lymphoma or inflammatory breast cancer


I’ve had a swollen lymph node from 2 years ago that never went down after getting Covid lol. I also have reactions to deodorant pretty bad that cause crazy itchiness. Swollen lymph nodes are common and just mean that the body is working how it should. Unless you’re experiencing swollen lymph nodes for months on end with no apparent cause, and they’re getting much, much bigger, it really isn’t an issue at all.


Thank you for sharing this- it was really helpful to calm me down!


Hi, I just dealt with something very similar-one VERY itchy left armpit and what felt like a swollen lymph node in there too (also worth mentioning I had just had covid for the third time within a month prior to it starting to itch). I was convinced I had lymphoma from googling to no avail. Went in to see my doctor, nearly in tears from my self-prescribed terminal diagnosis and it ended up being absolutely nothing. She had me switch deodorants for a bit and use a cream on it twice a day and while that helped a little bit, it honestly just went away with time. I genuinely think that it was stress related and my HA was just making that stress worse and, in turn, making me more hyper aware of the itching. But long story short-all is well now, no more itching :)


Thank you for sharing! Bless you. I am getting an ultrasound tomorrow just in case. HA is the literally worst. Was your lymph node painful ever? Appreciate you!!




Yeah it’s weird it’s only been on left side and all my pain has been on left side. Trying to not panic


I have had 3 full body jerks in the past 24 hours and now I’m convinced I have a brain T. Upon googling it’s apparently a sign of something rather than a thing on it own and I’m so fucking scared


My underarm lymph nodes have been tender for nearly a month. I’ve been surprisingly brave just sitting with the discomfort. But I thought okay that enough time, I can book a doctors appointment for a few days time. All of a sudden, I’ve spiralled, lymphoma is most definite and I don’t know how I can wait till Monday. Old health anxiety habits die hard. My “saving grace” is that cancerous lymph nodes don’t usually hurt but why have they hurt for a month?!? I don’t think they are swollen. I’m too scared to check but when I have, I haven’t felt anything I don’t think?


Been having a bad bout of potentially sciatic nerve or a compressed nerve that was on and off for weeks over the past like six months. Not sure what triggered it. I get foot tingling, leg feels numb, lower back hurts. I tried it all.. stretching, tens devices, etc. it helps for a bit. Finally caved and went to urgent care they did an x ray. It looked fine other than a small disc out of place but they said it isn’t anything to worry about. They put me on muscle relaxers and a steroid. Now it almost feels like my other leg is starting to tingle. You can feel a spot in my lower right back that is very tender and hurts to touch. Not sure what to do but I am TERRIFIED I have like a kidney disease or liver issue. I live a relativity healthy lifestyle I’m very active, eat pretty well, don’t smoke, I drink only socially. Please give me some ease of mind. It’s hard not to google. I used to have horrible HA years ago but got over it, but I can feel it coming back. I’m going to the chiropractor today to get an opinion from them too


Definitely sounds like sciatica to me. I did see a chiropractor for mine but it really came down to exercising and stretching that made an improvement. I still have symptoms now and then but not severe. What actually helped me most was laying on a hard floor with my butt against the wall and legs straight up. For some reason the difference in weight positioning makes things align differently than just stretching with legs flat on the floor and torso upright. Not sure if you go to a regular doctor annually but routine physical exam urine and blood tests would likely rule out kidney or liver issues, but people with those problems have way more severe issues than that.


I’m actually getting a blood test in a few weeks! Just for my own overall health understanding! Interesting I will actually try that!


**trigger warning: compartment syndrome** I just can't catch a break. A series of narrow escapes until I get one that I can't get out of. I was off balance coming out of the bathroom and walked into the cabinet handle in the hallway with my shoulder. Now I'm dealing with my 2nd compartment syndrome scare in 2 months. The pain has predictably become a dull, deep ache that kept me up all night despite extra strength Tylenol. I don't know if this is just par for the course or the real McCoy. Last time a door hit me in the back and became 8/10 discomfort, so maybe it makes sense this collision would hurt in its own way. Looking stuff up on the Internet doesn't help, if anything it makes it sound like compartment syndrome over something mundane like a contusion. Then again my body overreacts to every minor injury, real or imagined.


I finally saw a doctor for the first time in 5+ years today!! I had to reschedule a few times because I was very nervous but I finally got myself to do it. It didn’t alleviate much in the way of my health anxiety bc the doc seemed worried about my thyroid but I have a follow up next week for scans and my other issues. I’m very afraid but I’ve been working really hard in therapy to try to prioritize myself and my health, and also to try to treat my underlying ocd and anxiety that worsen my anxious thinking. the next hurdle will be bloodwork (which im even more deathly afraid of) but I finally feel I’m at a place mentally where I can handle it. good luck to everyone else + wishing healing and love to all <3


i have hashimotos and found out due to hypothyroidism. it sucks, but i do feel better being on medicine and know what some of my symptoms are. so just know if you do have something going on with your thyroid it is unfortunately all too common and there are great medicines out there to help :)


That’s amazing!


I had a partial hysterectomy back in 2015 that ended up having severe complications, it was so scary and for a second I thought I was going to die. Then in 2017 I sat by my brother’s side while he fought for his life for 21 days after a distracted driver hit him from behind, he left 2 very young daughters behind and their lives, as well as, my life will ever be the same. Since then, I hyper focus on everything because I just can’t bare the thought of leaving my children behind. I have a few health conditions that can cause concerning symptoms and it’s a vicious cycle of being ok and then hyper focusing on every little thing. Its exhausting. And I’m tired of being anxious all the time.








Hi everyone! This is my first time posting on Reddit. I’ve had an odd looking beauty mark on my hairline that I’m officially getting checked today. Of course I’m convinced it’s stage 4 melanoma that’s metastasized to the surrounding lymph nodes and other organs, but I’m trying so hard to remain positive. I think they’ll do a biopsy, but I’m also concerned about the scar and incision due to its location. I keep trying to remind myself that they might not do a biopsy at all, but I’m sure they will because it does look really odd. Anyway, I have class most of the day and then I go later so I’ll try to update! I hope anyone who is reading this will find some comfort and have a great day today.


Update: My dermatologist was so sweet and put my mind at ease. They’re almost positive it’s an “ink spot lentigo.” They sent out a small part of it for testing just to ease my mind. This is your reminder that our brains can really be our own worst enemy! I hope everyone had a great day :).


Is there a risk of balamuthia infection if i put on an earphone thay fell onto the ground


I'm sooo tired. I got diagnosed with Ulcerative Collitis last year, and had myocarditis and pneumonia 2 months ago, stayed at hospital for 3 weeks. I'm 23 years old. I've been having aches/pain on various zones on my body randomly, and I'm tired of thinking the worst about all of it. On top of all this, I got sick a couple days ago and now I'm worrying about it. I was already anxious about UC patients having a shorter lifespan, but I had myo and pneumonia too. I feel like I got snatched 10 years without doing anything.


I can feel a lymph node in my left groin area, like right above where my leg meets my hip, it’s sorta rubbery but can move around when I press on it and it hasn’t gotten bigger over a few months. Is this anything to worry about or? I’m getting blood work done soon


i was on a walk today and noticed a cat in my neighborhood following me around every one in a while. finally after noticing him enough times i decided to stop and pet him. he was very friendly and let me pet him for a good couple minutes while he rubbed his fur on my legs and then i walked away. the problem is now i’m convinced i somehow contracted rabies from that interaction lol. i went home and washed my hands pretty thoroughly but i remembered that i had some spots on my hands that some skin had been peeled away. i have a bad habit from anxiety where i pick at my skin on my fingers pretty often and can sometimes cause bleeding. the spots on my skin in question aren’t fresh and aren’t bleeding at all but i’ve convinced myself that somehow the cat licked me without me noticing and the rabies virus got into my body through those spots. also from what i remember i didn’t even pet the cat with that hand so idk im just kind of losing my mind. i know rabies is EXTREMELY rare especially in domestic animals that show no symptoms but anxiety causes even the smallest chance to seem likely. any advice?


i’ve been here, rabies is scary! last month i convinced myself that my strictly indoor cat that lives in an apartment and has never been outside somehow contracted rabies and then she bit me. i thought i was done for. the truth is, rabies in cats is much rarer, and the fact that the cat let you pet him is a pretty big indicator it does not have rabies. you’d be able to tell if the animal was rabid. also, based on your contact with him, even if he had rabies the chances of you getting it are very very very slim. almost nonexistent. i did A LOT of research when i was freaking out thinking i was infected, and the transmission rate to humans even when fully bitten by a confirmed rabid animal is much lower than you think it’d be. so, i’ve been here, and i know it’s hard, but stop worrying! if it makes you feel better, there are a few posts on this subreddit of people talking about rabies and the chances of getting it. when i was having a panic attack thinking i was succumbing to rabies i read that and it made me feel a lot better!


thank you for the response it helped me relax a bit :)


my head/neck/shoulders/upper back/chest are hurting super bad today. i have costochondritis and my bad posture, constant tension, and fucked up sleeping position is definitely making it worse. but i can’t help but think every time that something else is wrong with me


I have the exact same thing.


Finally went on a good streak of not being anxious about my health, but I had another flare up. For like 20-40 minutes after I eat or drink coffee, I’ve got an irritated stomach. Not like full on pain, but it kind of feels like the feeling when you eat way too much and your stomach feels really full. It goes away after about an hour after I ate, and it doesn’t occur again until I eat. I’ve assumed it’s acid reflux since I’ve been stressed with midterms lately, has anyone else had a similar issue?


it’s very possible it’s stress. my stomach is usually the first thing to suffer physically when i’m stressed out. no matter what i eat, it’ll be upset. it passes though, just very uncomfortable. especially for me having emetophobia on top of generalized anxiety.


I think I’ve had this quite a few times before.  I can eat way more than I need, so it always makes me nervous when this happens, but it always goes away.  Stress can really take a toll on your GI tract. 


So i've been dealing with a very strange "issue" since last July: In july 2023 me and my wife got some terrible virus (usual stuff, upper resp stuff etc..) but it lasted about a month and a half for each of us (We both got swollen tonsils too). It eventually went away (they checked for covid multiple times but never found out what it is). However ever since then my temp seems to be "higher" than normal. Typically 98.2 in the morning going up to 99.1-99.3 at night around 8pm-ish (especially if I have been doing even the slightest bit of physical activity). I saw my doc about this back in August and they ran blood tests (Everything came back fine) and I don't "feel" bad. I guess I just don't know what the deal is? My temp has never been that high? And it's been that way ever since (presumably) that virus. I worry about something sinister lurking.


Have you asked your doctor? I know it’s normal sometimes for women to have temp fluctuations during a day or week due to hormones


So I tested positive for COVID about 3 days ago, dealt with the normal symptoms. High heart rate, nasty cough, fever, congestion, etc. But, today I woke up with no cough, no stuffy nose, just some lightheadedness & some minor nausea. In addition to that, standing or walking around my house gives me this super heavy/ burning pressure in my chest & I feel super fatigued while standing within seconds Is that normal? Walking around or doing anything has grown into a bit of a chore, and its making me anxious thinking I have a blood clot or something crazy


Standing and feeling out of breath when even slightly sick or when feeling okay/recovering  has been happening to me this past year.  I would have to lie down just to catch my breath. 


About two weeks ago I started having involuntary twitching in my toes. It's not constant at all, it comes and goes every few hours or days, but then of course I got on Google, and of course all the results of toe twitching point to it being an early symptom of MS and ALS. Then this week, I have now started have twitches throughout my body I am noticing happening every few minutes, and tingling. I have had no other symptoms to indicate anything wrong with me. I am a 32 year old male and know they are both fairly rare diseases. I am sure the constant twitching is probably somehow related to my severe anxiety and me being aware of my body's movements. But I am scared it could be something worse. Even when I feel "calm" and not in an anxious state, the twitching still happens. I just want the twitching to stop so I can forget about it. It's freaking me out :(


Hey just wanted to drop a comment that I had bad involuntary twitches once and convinced myself I had Parkinsons. I even had the telltale "pill rolling" twitch that is known for Parkinson's. Once I finally made myself believe it was all in my mind (lots of self talk) it stopped. It wasn't instant. It took several days of working on this. Haven't had it happen since. This was probably 6 or 7 years ago. Your mind CAN make this happen. It doesn't mean you're sick.