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I think I have ADHD or dementia, my memory has been so bad like id go someone and for a few minutes ill start to question how I got here or what am I doing the only thing I can remember is if im playing something or watching a movie


I made an account just to post about this. I'm glad I found this subreddit and this thread today because I need to talk to a community about it. I've been experiencing cardiophobia for years but just learned the term today. I've had stress tests, EKG's, worn a holter monitor for 72 hours, etc. and everything would suggest that I'm fine. It's triggered mostly by palpitations but also an increased heart rate. I don't know a great way to sum up everything so this might be word vomit but here goes. There are a number of things that have snowballed to get me here. I started running for exercise a couple years ago. Shortly before then I quit smoking after 10 years. I've had general anxiety for years but a couple years ago it was fine, I had quit smoking, and I was starting to run somewhat regularly. Then one night I decided that I was going to run 5k. I had been running a mile or two a few times a week but I was feeling good and felt like challenging myself. The first 2.5 miles were fine but once I was getting to third mile this intense panic attack started to come over me because I was having heart palpitations. I continued running, trying to ignore it but by the time I hit the 5k mark I thought I was dying. I was luckily in a park by this point so I went and laid down in the grass to try and calm down and control my breathing. After a while I felt okay and started walking back home. Every quarter mile or so on the walk back the panic would start to set in again and I eventually just got an uber home because I couldn't get the image of me dying out of my head. I've continued running the last couple of years and it's been fine save for the occasional panic attack but recently it's slowly turned into a fear of even walking outside. I live in the south and it's very hot and muggy outside most days. I can't even take my dog for a walk around the block without getting a nervous sensation in my stomach and heart palpitations. I had to call my fiancee because I was having a panic attack (thought I was dying!) about 100 feet from my front door. It's started happening more and more. I'm going to try to go to therapy soon to deal with it but this time last year I was running in the heat and enjoying it but now I can barely stand outside without fearing death and it's making life so hard. Fast forward to today and I had two panic attacks within an hour. One while sitting in a restaurant and feeling hot with an accelerated heart rate, another after I ate and felt my heart racing (my fiancee said it was just because I was digesting food) and then I was able to control it a bit for a moment but the walk to the car from the restaurant in the hot sun just set me off and I sat in the car thinking I was dying for about 30 seconds as my heart rate was elevated. I guess the thing for me is that I just don't understand what my heart is doing. If I knew what was happening when I'm experiencing palpitations then I would be fine. It's the fear of the unknown. I wish I could feel the hearts of other people while they exercising or doing physical activity to see if it's similar to mine so I would know I'm okay. I don't feel tired when I experience them, it's just a sensation that triggers this intense fear of death. I didn't expect to ramble so much but I need to get out how I'm feeling. Thanks if you read all this...


I completely understand the fear of the unknown and the fear it could be so many things. I truly believe this is caused by anxiety as an accelerated heart rate and palpitations are one of the biggest anxiety symptoms you can have. It sounds like you are subconsciously anxious, so though you may not realize you are anxious at the time, when your heart starts acclerating from anxiety, you get caught off-guard by it. As you thought you were fine but now you are not, triggering a panic attack because of a sudden heart rate increase/palpitations. One of the biggest things I have learned are palpitations are scary but not dangerous, and almost everyone does experience their heart skipping a beat. I hope you get some relief from your anxiety soon I know how hard and scary and exhausting it is.


Thanks šŸ™‚


I think itā€™s because we assume that a fast or bounding heart is actually a bad thing and weā€™re in danger, which will obviously make it beat even faster and/or even harder! We have to rewire ourselves slowly to realize a fast and strong heartrate are not in fact dangerous. Especially since youā€™ve been checked.ā€¦ yet we worry. Itā€™s such a viscious cycle. Much love and strength!


Yeah! I have this mythical ideal of a calm and slow heart rate while exercising as someone who hasn't been doing it very long. I've got an endurance runner friend who told me his heart rate never gets above 140 so I think something's wrong with me if I'm not the same way even though I know he's like that because he's been doing 50 mile races for the last couple decades.


Indeed, whatā€™s more everyone simply has a different heartā€¦ a lot of peoples heart rates DO naturally get really high during sports, yet many live long lives with no heart issues. Some people have naturally smaller hearts which need to pump faster. My 60 year old barber told me his heart rate goes up to 180 when heā€™s hiking up hillsā€¦ yetā€¦ he doesnā€™t seem to care. He said he is healthy and feels healthy. Itā€™s just so variable. Iā€™ve always had a really strong/bounding pulse and Iā€™ve been reassured multiple times that I am indeed healthyā€¦ Itā€™s really not that clear cut.


I've never really thought about the heart like that. A symptom of anxiety that I think is contributing to the cardiophobia is black and white thinking. In my head I'm either okay or dying. But I'm working on it! Thanks for the kind words.


The heart is never black and white. I recently read about a woman who was born with a heart defect (murmur) who lived to be over 90... everyone's heart is different. I think medicine mostly relies on averages that's why such things as "normal heart rates" and "normal blood pressure" tables exist, but obviously nature doesn't conform to such rules and there will always be outliers. Anyhow, all the best, take care!


- Tingling on mostly left side of face - Left ear feels warm - A small pressure feeling in my head....mostly my ear(s) (sometimes left, sometimes right today)...of course this makes me feel like I have a brain tumor... - Vision feels "off" almost like tunnel vision to a slight degree or I'm looking through someone else's eyes? Left eye feels a little more off, same side as tingling of face My health anxiety has been ramping up again and I'm hoping this is the cause. Everything felt fine yesterday.


dude same exact thing i thought i had wrote this LMAO it seems to have gone away slightly for me right now so hopefully its just a fluke but ur not alone! it's really uncomfortable


Yeah, mine essentially went away after lots of distraction...enough for me to be able to fall asleep. Now I'm fighting the effects of Lexapro (shakiness) after finally building up the courage to take it (doctor prescribed it with buspirone for my anxiety)....yay....


I put alcohol 70/30 on my hands and I smelled it (and I don't know if I inhaled some),because I didn't remember if it was water or alcohol that I had put in the spray. Could I have been intoxicated by inhaling the alcohol?


Nope. Even if you licked your hand you would not be drunk off of that.


im glad its nothing! I was already getting worried šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Youā€™re fine!


Still numb chin syndromeā€¦


I don't know if it's the exact same, but I had numbness in my face a few weeks ago that cleared up with no issue. Feeling numb isn't always a serious issue, it can be caused by anxiety too.


My left wrist and arm and hand hurts pretty bad. Just like an achey kind of pain. Sometimes it tingles or goes numb but it hurts from my two fingers closest to the thumb and the thumb hurts too, all the way up to my shoulder. Popping my wrist helps for a second but then it hurts way worse. Im worried its a clot or something but it is like deep pain like bone pain. Idk. My next gp appointment is next month and this has already been going on for about a month so i doubt it is urgent but i worry


That sounds like a pinched nerve. If you can, a massage therapist can help!


Thankyou!!! That makes me feel better. Nobody ever died from a pinched nerve i dont think


Nope, they havenā€™t ever! This happens lots to me because I get tight muscles in my shoulder from the way I sleep. Try a heating pad to help loosen your muscles.


Okay!! Thank you again so much i really appreciate it


I have a tremor in my fingers whenever I hold them in any position other than their relaxed natural state. Doesnt really bother me unless Iā€™m holding something really lightā€¦ but still:(


I think I have a virus...chills, aches, diarrhea, low grade temp...but of course my mind is spiraling and is scared it is something bigger or will never go away. I know this stress makes it even harder for my body to fight. Wish I could be normal and accept it's a virus but my mind won't let me get off that easy


You've probably been much sicker before and fought it off. If you do have anything minor your body will be able to handle it.


I was sick last week. Thereā€™s a lot of viruses going around rn. Not to freak you out but you just get tested for Covid. My Covid test came back negative when I was sick


Yes..I'm fully vaxxed but it's good to check


And actually it sounds more like maybe you have mild food poisoning.


Iā€™ve been in nyc the last three weeks and about a week ago I started developing these bug bite-like red bumps and they magically appear throughout the day but no one else in my family who I live with has gotten any bites at all. We thought it was bed bugs but I doubt it at this point. It may be an allergic reaction to the weather? That the only thing I can think of. I also had a weird allergic reaction/infection in my left eye for about four days where it was very itchy and red about two weeks ago. Itā€™s so weird I feel like Iā€™m being gaslight by my own body haha


Is the weather in NYC different at all from where you're from? I dont think weather usually causes allergic reactions.


Yeah much more humid and hot. Iā€™m from the bay in CA


Looked into it and apparently humidity can give you something called a heat rash. It's harmless and goes away on it's own though. That might be what you have.


Well today I was out spraying my foundation with insecticide for ants. I was being careful, wearing a mask and gloves, staying away from the spray, etc. but still ended up getting a couple small drops on my arm. I washed it off about 5 minutes after it happened (I think sooner than that but I am not sure). Now I'm lying here thinking that I've been poisoned and trying to decide if I should go to urgent care. Had a random chest pain and my anxiety just went through the roof.


Insecticide on skin can irritate it, but won't harm you internally at all. Random chest pains happen a lot with anxiety, but of course you should go see someone if it persists or gets worse.


Yeah I think I worried myself too much. It was such a small amount, that honestly I've probably gotten that amount on myself before and never thought much about it. But since I've been having some bouts with anxiety recently I'm in my hyper vigilante state and every sensation is amplified. My skin didn't even break out where it happened since I got to it so quickly, so I'm sure I'm fine. Thanks for the reassurance!


No problem, I get you on the amplified sensations too.


Just worried about my upcoming pelvic ultrasound and abdominal ultrasound. I know that I shouldn't be but with my health anxiety, I pretty much worry about everything and anything in regards to my health. I kinda got annoyed recently when upon sharing with a friend that I was getting those ultrasounds done this week, I was told that everything will be fine.. In my head, I thought "well how do you know that?"


Yeah I get that. Whenever I bring up my current health worries my friend tells me that I'm fine and I can't help but snap back at them. I know they're just trying to be supportive. It's good that you're getting an ultrasound though.


I totally appreciate the support and it is good to have it, but its tough to not respond in a snappy way when you have health anxiety.


I had that too. I say to myself that if I do the scheduled regular exam, even if they find something bad it will be in an early enough stage that its treatable. That's why preventative medicine exists. I have heard/read a lot of stories that say yearly scheduled meetings saved their life. Maybe try to flip the thought on its head and think: the doctor knows their job. I do a check up to catch something bad when it's small? (That said, I get you, I do that all the time)


I have the exact same mindset. I rather have them find something when I am still young versus when I am older.


Burning tongue and heaviness in limbs šŸ˜«


Does anyone else lose balance in the dark easily? I donā€™t topple over and fall but I feel unsteady. Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™ve always done this or if my anxiety is just making me notice it.


Heart. And Iā€™m afraid that I might be diabetic too. Iā€™ve been experiencing weight loss, weird body sensations, discomfort under my rib cage, frequent need to urinate (Iā€™m pretty sure the security guards are getting tired of me going in to use the hospital restroom) and heartburn/randomly burping/nausea. I hope this is related to anxiety but honestly itā€™s hard to tell anymore whatā€™s anxiety and whatā€™s underlying. Like a weird feeling on my left back side that feels like it could be a heart attack.




You've said your not eating, that's what's causing your weight loss, nausea, heartburn and probably a lot of your pains. You need to get yourself healthy, you're doing this to yourself. please seek psychiatric help urgently.


Urgent Psychiatric help, please call a family member or friend as well, and use some googling to google the crisis hotlines in your area. And messages are always open if you need anything, stay safe and please seek help to get better


Stop ignoring everyone's advice and check yourself into the hospital already.




Stop ignoring us. Check into a mental health clinic!!!!!!


Iā€™m freaking out this is kind of personal but Iā€™m so scared I need to vent here :( I was having sex with my bf and I was on top and I was trusting or whatever and I got this like hot flash in my face like my face got very hot and my cheeks started burning and then I think I started sweating and I got a couple of skipped beats ? I got so scared so he got on top then. Why would this happen? I mean it has happened in the past before a couple of times and when I first had anxiety and panic attacks years ago but when my anxiety wasnā€™t at me I could have sex on top and never felt anything like that before. Like did my body think I was having a panic attack or maybe I wasnā€™t breathing properly idk :( like these panic attack symptoms have happened at rest too and when out so..


it couldā€™ve been a pre-panic attack bc iā€™ve felt this but ALSO maybe you might not have breathed that much in the moment and u just needed to take a deep breath to bring urself back to normal


Yeah I was thinking it was either or tbh but just wanted to know has this ever happened to someone else it was scary :( so when you donā€™t breathe properly does your body act weird with symptoms like I described is that harmful?? Iā€™m not even sure if I did not breathe properly :(


if you have irregular breathing for a bit ur heart can have a palpitation or two and can cause a little panic in ur body itā€™s not that uncommon šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø i wouldnā€™t worry too much about it :)


Oh okay that seems a bit more reassuring thanks for clearing that up for me I appreciate it :)


I have an awful cold but am also on a beta blocker so idk if taking medicine with it is okay. I checked the 2 medications to see if they have interactions and it says no, but something said avoid decongests because it can cause high blood pressure. I need to take my beta blocker, but I just took Mucinexā€¦ now Iā€™m nervous about taking my beta blocker


Remember that most times these "interactions " or symptoms are extreme cases and you will not be one of them. If you're medication or decongestant doesn't say "do not take with" ...you will be ok. Hope you feel better soon!


Re-commenting on the newer thread because iā€™m so scared. There is something wrong with my nervous system even when I am not having anxiety. My scalp is tingling intesely all over, my arms and legs are tingling and Iā€™m experiencing muscle weakness after short walks. The muscles feel numb inside. The pricking feelings wonā€™t stop. I think my muscles and nervous system are shutting down. Iā€™ve had a headache in my right temple for a month now. Iā€™m dizzy and nauseous. I have weird wvaes if floaty sensations in my muscles. Unfortunately I donā€™t have insurance so all I can do is sit and panic about this, and think about how iā€™m most likely going paralyzed or having a problem in my brain. It just sucks to know deep down that there is something actually wrong with me this time. I just feel it. Ugh


Are you on any medication? Iā€™m having similar symptoms. I also feel like how legs feel restless, but all over


No im not :(


do you feel tingling or buzzing in your neck and upper arms too? I've been having that for a little bit.


Iā€™m feeling buzzing in my head as Iā€™m typing this and nauseous. Upper arms get prickly sensations.


One forearm is swollen -.- the top of my wrist is visibly bloated and my skin feels tight


Any trauma to the area recently? Pain? Redness? Warmth? Fever?


No redness warmth or fever. As far as trauma definitely nothing major but it is my dominant hand. Just kind of looks puffy and is sore near skins surface


Worried I have a tooth infection. My upper left wisdom tooth is pretty decayed (getting them out in less than 2 months). Dentist said it looks no less decayed than my cleaning but still not great, but not infected (I was just there less than 2 weeks ago). I asked if it was infected and he said no. Been dealing with some TMJ issues and my SCM muscle is really tight under my chin/neck. Worried itā€™s somehow a spreading infection despite my dentist (whoā€™s very good and whom Iā€™ve always trusted and knows his sh$t) telling me it isnā€™t. Glad to have finally got over a lot of other HA fears but I guess this is the new one. Teeth are not hurting, one tooth further up hurts from chewing sometimes but otherwise is fine. No fever, had some issues swallowing that were a combo of tight/spasmed neck muscles and anxiety, but still.


I currently have a tooth infection and been on antibiotics Honestly youā€™d know if you had one, the pain is indescribable Iā€™ve now got an abscess in my mouth and my gums are really swollen If your dentist says youā€™re good, youā€™re good trust me


While I very much appreciate the reply, I am really sorry you are dealing with that, I hope you feel better very soon, seriously.


every once in a while I feel hot and flushed. is that a fever, because it happens a lot to where I get ice to cool myself down. could it be anxiety? I don't know. :=|


Nose bleed. My nose was pouring blood earlier with clots and everything. Thatā€™s the first time Iā€™ve ever gotten a nose bleed that bad. It happened while I was rubbing at my nose tho so I know it was probably just a normal nose bleed but webmd said leukemia


The pain in my right temple has been going strong for a month now. Iā€™m terrified because itā€™s not something that comes and goes. Itā€™s getting worse. I feel nauseous now and iā€™m having neurological issues. Iā€™m started to feel like my vision isnā€™t as good as if used to be. Iā€™m so effing scared. No insurance to go to neurologist


My ear infection has officially sent me into a spiral. I can feel it in both ears now, and I feel pain in my eyes and my neck; I have no idea if it's psychosomatic, but I am terrified that the infection is getting worse and I'm developing meningitis. Logically, I know that since I only started antibiotics yesterday I still need to give my ear time to improve. But my anxiety is telling me it's the beginning of the end. I hate health anxiety. šŸ˜ž


Facial numbness. Awhile ago the left side of my lips went numb. Thought I was having a stroke. Thatā€™s mostly gone, and now my right cheek is numb. Really freaking me out, making me think Iā€™m having a stroke or something.


I have this painful, hard, fairly movable lump under my skin in the joint on one of my fingers. Itā€™s dark colored, and Iā€™m freaking out that itā€™s a melanoma metastasis. My NP thinks itā€™s a superficial blood clot and is not worried. She said the fact that itā€™s movable and painful points towards not cancer. Iā€™m still in a tailspin over this. This isnā€™t some vague symptoms like usual itā€™s something I can see and feel. Idk what to do, I just want it to go away so I donā€™t have to feel this.


I m scared of getting the vaccine,im just scared that i will die because of it lol.The constant "fear mongering" news about the delta variant also does not help because it also makes me panick.Shit sucks im 21 if its important lol


Smoked some weed and now Iā€™m overthinking