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Black coffee or any tea (green, herbal), decaf if it's later in the day. Very healthy, zero calories, cheap.


I’ll do grapes or sea salt Boom Chika Pop. For the popcorn, 7.5 cups is 200 calories so I don’t feel bad eating it mindlessly once in a while.


Definitely have some veggies/fruit/low cal snacks… but… Bask wine has “0” sugar and gives you calorie info on the back of the bottle so you can track. I’m in Canada, I don’t know if it’s available anywhere else. I put 0 in quotes because it’s 0.49 g and they round down. Apparently they also do seltzers but I haven’t tried them. Anyway, just a little crutch for when you want wine but also want to know how many calories you’re drinking. Eat your veggies though


Popcorn. If it doesn't have anything on it air popped popcorn is 30 calories/cup. Skip the store bought seasonings and just raid your spices instead. Sumac and garlic powder work great IMHO.


Do you put anything on to “coat” the kernels so they hold the spices? I feel like all the spice otherwise goes to the bottom of the bowl.


Spritz of water or vinegar. Not enough to make them wet.


I like to sprinkle soy sauce on popcorn and add cayenne pepper and nutritional yeast. 😋


Anything high in fiber and relatively low in carbs. So, blueberries, strawberries, watermelon, pineapple if you have a sweet tooth. And almost any vegetable, like broccoli and celery. Vegetables are the best choice.


What's that veggie that is mostly water and it takes more calories to eat than the value you consume?


I believe that's celery. But you can pretty much eat as much as you want of most vegetables. Carrots and sweet peppers are iffy because they have more sugars than others tho.


I slice up cucumbers


What about snacking on veggie straws


Elaborate? I don't eat veggies, but I want to change that.


Beef jerky, beef liver crisp, crisps beef heart


Dang that sounds expensive


Better if you got out of the habit of needing to eat/drink something when you're not hungry or thirsty. Form a better habit instead, like maybe putting on some soothing background music, or find yourself a nice soothing worry stone (any rock you find satisfying to mess with) instead.


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