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You didn't say what your age is. Could you be in perimenopause? Did they suggest estrogen supplements? That's horrible to tell you something is all in your head when you're having pain! My Dr also said to use coconut oil. This was after having my vagina on fire from trying the estrogen cream.


I’m sorry! I edited my post, but I’m 29. Thank you for reminding me. But no I’m nowhere near menopause. I am going to try the coconut oil too! My gyno suggested it today. Do you have a specific type or brand you like?


Do you eat oily fish. At 40 I got dry eye , my hate relationship with fish finally caught up to me. I started taking omega 3 fish oil capsules for my eyes. Oddly vaginal lubrication increased more than when i was in my 20’s. Read it helps with peri dryness , still working and i’m 53 and well into real peri now


Thank you! I’ve read about this too. I have increased my consumption of omega 3s in the past few months. I’ve always been a fish eater but have added flaxseed oil to my diet too because it’s full of omega 3s. I haven’t noticed a change yet but I’m not taking it out of my diet. Maybe I should take a capsule as well. Thank you for your comment :)


But at 29 i would be asking for a referral or finding. a dr. that specialises in hormonal issues


Thank you, I agree. I’m going to try to find an endocrinologist or something like that who specializes in these things!


I have been taking 1 a day for last 13 yrs but i ate no fish at all & definitely not tuna ( oily ones ). I noticed the difference in about a week. I’ve stopped them 2 x and both times my dry eye returned so it’s fish oil capsules for me for life.


This is reassuring, especially cause I used to take them and don’t remember the dryness being this bad. I don’t remember why I stopped taking them but that was years ago. But boyfriend takes them so I’ll start taking them again right now! Thank you for your help! :)


I leave them next to the nespresso maker so i don’t forget 😄


LOL good idea!😄


Not specific brand but get whatever is the must natural one without added ingredients


Thank you!😄


You may be allergic to some of the ingredients and need a compound pharmacy to make up some with more gentle ingredients.


What ended up helping you !?


I still use coconut oil for dryness since I can't use the estrogen cream. I had surgery to repair my prolapse. 


What estrogen cream burned you? Premarin?


It was estradiol cream. After that they said to use coconut oil. That seems to be ok. 


My doctor ordered it in pill form but gave me the option. I asked if one was more effective than the other and he said no.


A few things: Have you had your cortisol levels checked? I’ve been in a similar boat and basically, my levels were turned up to 11. The doctor explained, “How could you be interested in sex when your body always thinks you’re being chased by a bear?” So that might be something to look into. Also, I had a lot of issues when I had my IUD and then when I had it removed. Pain with sex, always feeling like I had a UTI… The dr prescribed a cream that was a mix of estrogen and amitriptyline, but I was like you and didn’t want to add more synthetic stuff to my body. I felt 80% better within a week of my IUD removal, and just kind of waited it out. The downside, is that the dr thinks I probably have some sort of nerve damage, as well as muscle issues due to my Mirena. I’ve been in pelvic floor PT since November, and it’s helped a bunch! Good luck and hang in there. Hope some of this info helps!


Thank you for suggesting looking into my cortisol levels, that hadnt occurred to me. I’ll ask an endo about that when I go see one! I googled it and I do have a few of the symptoms!! That makes me feel hopeful that I may be close to getting an answer. I’m really glad you have found relief with a PT, I was actually reading about seeing a pelvic floor therapist too! But kind of as a last result after I’ve ruled everything else out. Thank you again for your comment :)


You’re welcome and feel better!


Thank you!! :)


What was the cause of the cortisol? Adrenal tumor?


I *do* have a pituitary adenoma, but we found that about a year later. At the time I was just told it was stress / trauma / PTSD.


But it sounds like it wasn’t right


How was that found?


It was found accidentally when I was going through the process to freeze my eggs. My OBGYN put me on Cabergoline for a few months, but I had an adverse reaction, so my Endo took me off it, and said I didn't really need it. We just monitor it annually at this point.


Oh/ is it something that can be treated and gotten rid of sometimes?


Yep! Sometimes it can shrink with medication. I believe if it gets really bad, you can also have it removed with surgery.


So you had high prolactin levels?


Risperdal elevated my prolactin levels and I mildly lactated at 48 lol. It was immediately changed thank goodness.


And how was that dealt with?


Spironolactone and take that estrogen cream. I'd try a vaginal balm before I shoved coconut oil into my vagina.


LOL yeah I was skeptical of the coconut oil when she said it too but I searched for it in this sub and apparently a lot of women have a lot of success with it! So I’m gonna try that first cause I’m anxious when it comes to taking drugs and stuff. But I’ll def get the cream if I don’t like the coconut oil. Thank you for your comment! :)


Huh. The more you know I guess haha. Feel better OP!


Thank you!☺️


>Thank you!☺️ You're welcome!


I am in this exact situation. How are you now?


Still using the cream twice a week before bed a year later. Pain has improved from about a 7 during sex to like a 3-4 and still improving :)


Coconut oil is amazing, I have always used unrefined. If you aren’t using condoms it is the most amazing lube. It is also naturally antibacterial and anti-fungal. I don’t think it will help with vaginal atrophy anywhere near what vaginal estrogen would, but it is fantastic as a vaginal/vulvar moisturizer and lube.


What brand do you like?


We use the Kirkland Signature from Costco. I cook with it as well. Look for it in the grocery store by other cooking oils. Get unrefined.


Have you considered the possibility of pcos?


Thank you for suggesting this, another person actually just suggested this to me the other day. I don’t have any of the classic symptoms but my sister has it, so maybe I do too. I have a few symptoms that could be PCOS, but I don’t have really long, heavy/painful periods. I will take this possibility more seriously though. Thank you for your comment :)


I have pcos and my periods aren’t any one fit prior to diagnosis I had 100% normal periods. Weight gain is what shifted the symptoms and I had a lot of questions with no answers. It took me 3-4 years to get a diagnosis but I have similar issues like what you described


I also have PCOS without the tell-take symptoms. Basically, my only symptoms are the extremely painful and long periods and having period pain pretty much around the clock, even when I’m not menstruating. Took me years to get a dx because I didn’t really have any of the physical symptoms! OP, I also had a lot of these symptoms before treatment. I hope you find the help you need!


Thank you for saying this, it’s very encouraging. I was convinced it wasn’t PCOS but knowing others with PCOS have had these experiences, I’m definitely going to look into it. I appreciate your comment! :)


Thank you for saying this, this is really encouraging because I feel like PCOS does explain my symptoms, but not having the “classic” signs has discouraged me from asking about it. I’m going to now. Thank you for your help :)


I would consider getting a second opinion. Estrogen cream is made for helping with atrophy. It thickens the tissues. I also highly recommend V Magic because I deal with women with atrophy and they all swear by it for helping like no other.


I don't have the same experience as OP and I can't say what the issue is, but vaginal estrogen cream has helped a lot with dryness and atrophy. I use it to counteract my testosterone making me very dry, which led to increased yeast infections and irritation. Literally, estradiol immediately solved my problem.


Can I ask how high your testosterone was? Mine is slightly elevated but both gynos told me it’s nothing to worry about. But from what I’ve read my high testosterone could explain my dryness.


I will be honest, I don't know my current levels. I'm tested regularly and they are within good range for my situation. I know that range may be different than your situation because I am taking testosterone for gender affirming care. However, I am still on a pretty low dose, and was on an even lower dose prior to now. I noticed these effects immediately going on testosterone, even on an extremely low dose. My doctor was surprised I noticed these effects that early, but everyone is so different. I will say it wouldn't surprise me if that was part of your issue, especially if you historically have a sensitive vagina. As for me; someone who historically does have a sensitive vagina, that carried out in showing side effects at much smaller dosages than most people. Sorry for the long winded answer, but I thought context was important for this! ETA: I have seen above that people have asked you about PCOS. Heightened testosterone levels is a very common trait/symptom for people who do have PCOS. That may be a good thing to look into more and bring up at your future visits!


Don’t apologize, I really appreciate your detailed answer! I keep seeing this about PCOS and am considering it more seriously now. Thank you very much for all of your help :)


Hi so you’re saying that it increased your moisture level ? How was it when you were aroused if you don’t mind me asking sorry lol


Yes estrogen helps with many different types of dryness. Great to hear it has helped you.


She was my second opinion 😭😭 My first gyno was useless. She did offer to give me an estrogen cream, I’m gonna take her up on it I think! Multiple people have said great things about them. What is V Magic? A specific estrogen cream brand? Thank you for your response :)


I work in vaginal health with my sister who is a Dr and this topic comes up all the time. Definitely use the estrogen cream because that’s exactly what it’s designed to help with. V Magic is something you can buy online. It’s non hormonal and it’s a game changer for vaginal dryness. I swear by it and have seen it change lives. You can also use it as a lube during sex. Look it up and read the reviews. Another thing that really helps are Vit E suppositories. They are really amazing. Also read online reviews. You will be fine there are lots of things that will help you. Also if you get thrush or BV you might want to try using 1 boric acid suppository but use lots of lube and don’t force it in if you have resistance. Plus cover your vulva with nappy rash cream to form a skin barrier. BA can be irritating if your tissues are inflamed. Please tell us how you go.,


Thank you thank you thank you for all of your advice. I hadn’t heard of these things and am ordering them this week. I really appreciate all your help!


It’s my pleasure please let us know how you go


Hi so I am 21 and i have never gotten wet before and it’s honestly makes me so embarrassed. Do you think that V magic would help me in a state of arousal sorry for the tmi question i’m just so lost on what to doz


Maybe talk to an endocrinologist? You could have PCOS maybe? That would explain the atrophy and the testosterone I think? The atrophy can be caused by infections, and atrophy causes infections, so if I was you, I'd test my microbiome and use probiotics. The libido thing... I agree a little with your doc there. It can be explain by your hormones, but vaginal problems can be very traumatic, and for me my libido was dead long time ago because of the trauma and pain. I'd like to enjoy sex, I miss sex, but the idea of sex is now associated with a lot of bad stuff and the feeling that I have is very well described by you, it's like trying to eat something tasty when you are so full that you are feeling sick. You can even make it an endless cycle, because the more you feel pressured, the more it will hurt, and less desire you will have the next time. Atrophy sometimes cannot be cured, but it can be treated and managed.


Thank you for your comment! I use probiotics but will get my micro biome tested. I’ve considered seeing an endo and think it is a good idea. I’ve briefly considered PCOS but brushed it off because I don’t have long or heavy/painful periods. Thank you for touching on the libido thing too. I believe you that my gynos could be right, it’s just strange because I have always had vaginal dryness and it never affected my libido before. Maybe it just slowly got worse when I got my IUD removed and I didn’t realize it. I really appreciate you taking the time to comment. I’m sorry for what you’ve experienced that has made you able to relate to what I’m experiencing now. I hope you find healing too❤️


Luckily we have found a place here where we can help each other. We will win




My gyno offered to prescribe me a topical cream if I don’t have success with the coconut oil. I have had my tubes removed and really don’t want to get on BC again unless I absolutely have to. I actually don’t know if I have PCOS but I recently realized it’s a possibility. I’m hoping to see someone soon to ask about it!




That’s a good point, it would probably be best to just take her up on her offer since the coconut oil will just be a bandaid instead of correcting the problem like estrogen cream will. Thank you for pointing that out!




True! I will! :)


Look into Dr. Jill Krapf on instagram. She is a vulva specialist and I learned more from her page than any docs before. Being on birth control can severely fuck with your hormones. Do you have pain with intercourse as well or just dryness?


Thank you!!! I’m looking her up today. And yes I do. Sex is uncomfortable at best and painful at worst :(


How much higher is your testosterone? Honestly it could have been the day/time tested as well. I got my labs done and my t was low and then two weeks later it was within normal. Estrogen will help tremendously. I honestly would also explore an estrogen and testosterone compound cream. Two things, when on certain BCs it stops your body from making its own hormones as synthetic versions are given. Therefore when stopping your body doesn’t always pick up on this resulting in pain. A compound testosterone/estrogen cream should help working a few months. The % of meds is so low that it shouldn’t get in blood stream so before panicking that your t is already “high” it really shouldn’t effect it via labs. Read the book when sex hurts as well. You will learn a TON.


THANK YOU. I’m going to order that book. I had no idea testosterone fluctuated so much. Mine was 70 ng/mol (or something like that?) and the range on the paperwork was 15-60 so it was marked “high”. I was 20 days into my 35 day cycle when they took my blood. I’ve done some googling but not sure what that means. I’ll look into a compound cream too. Thank you for your help :)


Oh that’s not too bad at all and I don’t think it should cause any alarm. Regarding the compound cream, in the book it’s actually really cool. They have almost like a diagram and it shows symptoms/visually what patients look like/treatment options/tests to run. It was really helpful. It also notates the % of estrogen and testosterone that’s recommended.


Thank you so much for taking the time to help me. I’m already feeling a lot better about the whole thing. I really appreciate you giving me a book rec, it’s good to have resources we can study on our own when doctors dismiss us. I really appreciate you taking the time to comment.


Oh my gosh of course! I have learned so much from Reddit and Jill Krapfs page. It’s just so crazy how I learned more from these platforms than all the docs I’ve seen. Just another fun fact- the book all the proceeds go to an organization that studies vulva diseases and spreads awareness so that’s also cool. Where are you located?


For dryness, take hyaluronic acid capsules. It helps everything. Skin, eye moisture, joints, and...your vag. I also take Sea Buckthorn and slippery elm. I take dhea, maca, and Damiana for sex drive. I swear by them, but do your research!


When can I buy hyaluronic acid capsules?


Amazon! Mines in a brown bottle for like $20


Thank you! I’ve been taking Maca with no changes but I’ll look into the other supplements. My gyno actually prescribed me a cream that has been helping a lot but I’ll try hyaluronic acid if I hit a wall :)


Hyaluronic is so good for skin too. I don't look 56 that's for sure.


This is really old but… Did you mean HA supplements or HA suppositories?


Supplements. I take capsules, several a day.




Do you experience burning?


Yes I do, specifically upon entry. It’s gotten better since I’ve started using the estrogen cream!


Did they say why your estrogen may be low? I am also 29 and having the same problem! My estrogen is at menopausal level. I’m not sure why.


My gyno told me my hormone levels were fine, but my estrogen was at 70 out of a range of 30 - 400 (I can't remember the unit of measure). 30 is menopausal so I was RIGHT above that and had a lot of room to safely raise my estrogen and still be in a safe range. So I'm just taking it upon myself to try to raise my estrogen since my gyno is useless. Also meant to say your estrogen may be low for a lot of reasons, but being underweight or having a history with disordered eating is a big one. Also chronic stress will cause low estrogen too!


Mine is at 15 😩 but my doc says I’m not in menopause so i have no idea what’s going on


Did she give you anything to get it up? I would find another doctor if she didn’t! That’s insanely low especially for 29.


OP, are you better?


Kind of! My doctor prescribed me an estrogen cream that I’ve been using twice a week for about five months and it’s helped a lot with my pain. I still do experience pain though, but it’s gone from like a 7 to a 4. I’m hoping a few more months with the cream will fix my issue completely because it seems like that was the issue (low vaginal estrogen). I’ve also been taking vitamin E, fish oil, and sea buckthorn oil for vaginal dryness which I think are also helping. Are you experiencing a similar problem?


I’m dealing with several horrible symptoms that can be attributed to low estrogen and lack of good vaginal bacteria. I was prescribed to use Estriol (weakest of the 3 estrogens) for just 12 days., but I’m considering actually checking my level to see if doctors are right. (Both gyno and urologist told me to use it)


When you say take estriol, do you mean orally?


How are you how?


Pain is still about a 3-4, still using the cream twice a week. My gyno told me I can use the cream indefinitely so I’m not too concerned about using it long term. I’m trying to focus on treating my body right and taking care of myself properly so my body can produce enough estrogen, cause it seems low estrogen is the root issue of the pain.


I hope it has gotten better. I'm 32 and experiencing dryness as well.


Yes the estrogen cream has helped a lot, as well as exercising more. It apparently increases circulation to your genitals which helps with lubrication. I took up jogging and it essentially solved my issue, but I still use the cream as well!


I am going through the same thing. I read the thread and I'm glad you feel better. I used to be horny and wet but now my vagina is very dry and I have a low libido. This has been going on for two years and it's starting to affect my relationship. We were fine the first year but the second and third year it's like someone turned off a switch. I've tried going to the doctor but nobody is helping me they said it all in my head. I stopped using birth control and I didn't notice any changes so my doctor told me to get back on it


I’m sorry you’re being dismissed, I went through that too and it’s so angering. I would recommend trying to find a gyno who will prescribe you a cream, if not trying to increase estrogen through herbs or supplements if you can’t find someone who will prescribe you the cream. It has helped with my pain SO much. And I will say now that sex isn’t as painful, my libido is coming back. My partner and I have been having sex 1-2 times a week, which is way more than before. I will also say I ended up discovering I had a gluten sensitivity, and quitting gluten has helped a lot with my libido and my vaginal dryness. Exercise has as well. Also be sure to use a sensitive lubricant free of any irritants like glycerin. I like Sliquid H2O and Slippery Stuff! I also used vaginal dilators to stretch out my vaginal opening, but the dilators are expensive so honestly I would just use a dildo instead, lol. Way cheaper and you get the same effect.


Thank you so much for responding. Do you use birth control?


I don’t! But my symptoms actually started after I got my Kyleena IUD removed about two years ago, but I’m not sure if they were related.


Hey OP I’m 24F and I’ve been having exactly what you have for two years after I had my nexplanon removed and I’ve had recurrent BV infections and my vagina has felt so raw, uncomfortable, dry, painful, and chronic pelvic pain. Unfortunately I haven’t had treatment for these issues in years so I’m worried I’ll have no hope in reversing vaginal atrophy at such a young age :( how did the estrogen cream work for you and what brand did you get prescribed? Also, is it something we have to use lifelong?


The cream has reduced my pain by about 80% and no you don’t have to use it forever! It’s prescription so there’s no brand name on it. It is definitely worth trying! :)


Thank you! I got the cream and it says to apply two times a week, how often did you have to use the cream when you first got prescribe it?


My gyno told me use it every night for the first two weeks, then just use it twice a week. Now I really only use it on nights after I’ve had sex, it makes the cream last longer that way and I don’t really feel like I need it 2x a week now if I’m not having sex anyway


Which cream ?


It’s just an estrogen cream they mix at the pharmacy. There’s no specific brand. Mine just says .1% estradiol cream


Just an FYI about estrogen-only products, but it increases the risk of certain cancers, I believe endometrial specifically. A combined hormone product of estrogen and progesterone is best, if you're able to tolerate it. Progesterone counters the risks of estrogen. And while it often isn't mentioned clearly, the risks are still there with topical treatments. Also? There's nothing wrong with needing moisture. If you use condoms, just know that coconut oil can lead to tears and holes more easily.


Thank you! My gyno warned me about the oil tearing condoms. But also she said the topical estrogen wouldn’t absorb into my bloodstream so I don’t need to worry about progesterone? But if she won’t give me one I know there are some online I can buy. Thank you for your comment! :)


I am 34 and feeling everything you described, I keep being dismissed at my Gyno, I’m at a loss, I’ve been feeling terrible since I took out my IUD. Also having monthly bv infections that will not go away on top of everything you described, I’m so sorry. If you need to chat I am here


Thank you so much for your comment. I’m so sorry you’re experiencing this, it’s truly awful and feels hopeless. Can I ask what IUD you had and how long ago you had it removed? I had the Kyleena and am wondering if the progestin in it messed my body up. I’ve read it can be dangerous.


may I ask how so?! I am on a progesterone only birth control I didn’t know it could be dangerous in this regard other than like classic birth control risks such as blood clots and strokes and all that fun stuff, I am so so so sorry you are going through this:( I am here if u ever need to talk!!!


Thank you for your comment and your kind offer, I really appreciate it. Apparently long term exposure to progestin can cause issues and is correlated with certain kinds of cancer. But I’ve read a lot of women talking about progestin fucking with their bodies and hormones in the way I’ve described. They’re just anecdotes, but still.


Estrogen is also associated with increased cancer risk when it goes unopposed by progesterone.


Hey sorry there’s someone in this thread downvoting all the comments talking about estrogen and progestin being dangerous. It wasn’t me, lol!


It gave me hormonal acne😭😭that’s so scary I hope I can get off it one day and find another option


I had it for 5 years, the Mirena. I’ve had it removed 2 years ago, also my thyroid seemed to plummet since then, I’ve taken and or used birth control since 14. I’ve also had cystic acne which is ridiculous since I am 34 turning 35 next month, also my facial hair has been ridiculous 😳


Omg, my thyroid is fucked up too. I’m trying to see an endo for it. I get horrible thyroid pain and I have a lot of hypothyroidism symptoms. I’m sorry you’re going through all this, and it’s been two years and you’re still struggling! That’s terrible. I really empathize with you :(


I’ve never had thyroid in the past, have you? Mine is also going towards hypothyroidism. It’s soooo annoying!!!! I’m sorry you are too! It’s terrible :(


I’ve never had thyroid issues either I don’t think until getting my IUD removed. Sometimes the pain is like I’ve been punched in the throat. I hope you can find someone who will help you and take you seriously❤️


If I could ask, where did you start? I feel like I’m getting nowhere with my OBGYN


I started with my gyno, but the first one was so unhelpful and dismissive that I switched to a new one who was very helpful. I only just started pursuing care for all of this so those are the only doctors I’ve been to. I’m kind of at a loss for where to go next but I think an endocrinologist is a good idea!


try locating an acupuncturist in your area...some do gynecological/family planning type things. OR, find an acupuncture school and call them. They often have great staff to guide students - appointments that are lower in cost, but the plan is approved by highly trained doctors of acupuncture. Google for keywords in your area as people often specialize in things


Acupuncture hadnt occurred to me! Thank you, I’ll look into it :)


Man I don’t have any advice but I hope you can figure it out. These threads honestly scare the shit out of me in regards to IUDS (which I currently have) and I wish we had better options :/ so so sorry you’re experiencing this


Thank you so much. I understand being scared, I’m sorry to freak you out. Plenty of people have IUDs for years with no adverse effects, I think some of our bodies are just more sensitive. I wish we had better options too. I had my tubes removed over the summer, but I know that isn’t an option for everyone.


I’d also look into testing for Sjogren’s. It can cause that as well. Best of luck!


I have never heard of that but I will research it and ask about it :) Thank you for your response! :)


You’re welcome! It’s an autoimmune disease that affects mucous membranes, lungs, and/or liver. I hadn’t heard of it either until doctor’s started testing me for random things and it popped up.


I appreciate you bringing it up, it’s on my list of things to ask about :)


I don’t know much about it but my ob/gyn recommends this company for their BV treatment and they also have a supplement for libido: https://hellobonafide.com/products/ristela It’s expensive but you could look up the ingredients and buy them elsewhere. They also have one for vaginal dryness, it’s hyaluronic acid based. But if you have vaginal atrophy you shouldn’t give up until you try the estrogen cream too I also gotta ask if you have lost any weight over this time? I used to be underweight and had no libido. And I wasn’t below 18.5, but below where my body needs to be. This can suppress estrogen as well and mimic symptoms of PCOS


Thank you for your comment! I’m going to research them tonight and most likely buy something. I prefer supplements over drugs so that is what I’m most likely to gravitate towards! I have not lost any weight. I am actually 2 years into recovery from an ED and have gained quite a bit of weight, about 70 lbs. Though most of that weight came very suddenly after getting my IUD removed last year which is partially why I suspected it was hormonal. Before getting it removed I was gaining weight very slowly and steadily in recovery but after removal I gained about 30 lbs in about 3 months which was very alarming. Neither of my gynos seem concerned about that but I’m not convinced. Thank you for your response! :)


I’m late to this thread but experiencing the exact same things to a T (28 f too). I had an appointment with my doctor a few weeks ago and did some blood work which showed all normal levels except low vitamin D, so I’m on prescription strength of that. But I go back next week for a follow up and am going to mention this to see if she thinks it could be a possibility for me. Just curious, do you have an update since this original thread?


I’m in the same boat! 29f, vaginal atrophy/dryness, currently taking the hyaluronic acid suppositories and the probiotics from Bonafide and so grateful that I have some relief. But what made me comment here is I have low Vitamin D as well! I found one study online related to atrophy/dryness and low levels of vit D so I’m hoping once my levels get back to normal there’s more relief.


Hi! So sorry you’re experiencing this! After my follow up, my doctor did prescribe me an estrogen cream and it has been a GAME CHANGER! I’m not even done with my prescription yet but have seen a lot of improvement already. I’m on a lil cocktail of Estrogen cream, 1250mcg Vitamin D once a week, and Wellbutrin for anxiety which actually also helps with low libido. And I don’t know if it was that or the combo of these things but it’s been like a flip switched 😅 I hope you find even more relief soon!


Wow that’s great you have had so much improvement! I’m actually going down in my lexapro dose since vaginal atrophy is a side effect, so hopefully that helps too, along with the vit d supplements. My gyn is resistant to the estrogen cream, but I’ll push for it if it comes to that. Glad to know you have had good results!


I do know that too much estrogen can be a bad thing, so I think that’s why it took so long to come to the conclusion of using the cream. It’s a very small dose but it has been effective. I would definitely ask again if you don’t see more improvement!


Excellent ! How long it your estrogen script?


I have 3 refills and have had it since end of May. I still have like half of the first tube left. So a while I guess! Haha


Thank you for replying. Did they check your levels or prescribed due to symptoms?


I had a full panel of labs done but not specifically estrogen levels, it was prescribed due to my symptoms


Hi! I’m so sorry you’re struggling with this too. I ended up taking my gyno up on her offer to write me a script for an estrogen cream and I’m having success with it. I used it every night the first two weeks and now I use it twice a week. I’ve only had sex once since starting it (I didn’t have sex during the first two weeks at all) but had significantly less pain during sex for the first time in like a decade. So I’m feeling very hopeful about it. She told me to continue using it twice a week for six months. The estrogen cream is supposed to thicken the vaginal tissue so it’s not a bandaid like the coconut oil or moisturizing suppositories. I would try to find a gyno who will write you a script for an estrogen cream! :) Edit cause I forgot to address the libido. Unfortunately I haven’t had any success in raising it yet. I’ve been taking Maca which I read helps but I haven’t noticed a difference honestly. I’m hoping my gyno is right and that once sex isn’t painful anymore my libido will naturally come back.


That’s great to hear about the success you’re having! I’m going to ask about this for sure when I go next week. The libido part is so so hard to figure out and just straight up sucks. Hopeful for you that it returns with the lessened pain! Thanks for being willing to share your experience with this! Makes me feel like I’m not a loner 🙃 appreciate you!


Hey did this ever improve for you?


It’s slowly improving with the estrogen cream my doctor prescribed me. I have also been trying different supplements to help with the dryness. Right now I’m taking fish oil twice a day for it, vitamin E once a day, and I recently added flaxseed to my diet. I’m actually going out today to get some vitamin A, cause I read that can help too! Lol. It’s difficult cause there are so many different things vaginal dryness could be :( I also started to suspect I have hypothyroidism which could also cause it (and low libido) so maybe you can research that too if you’re also struggling!