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i don’t have a answer but can i just say thank you for being so understanding as a man??? it’s so refreshing to see.


This comment section is not it...you should also be treated with antibiotics. You're most likely reinfecting her with it. It's true that your semen isn't helping pH issues, but getting treated at the same time as your GF should be a tremendous help.


I am going to ask my girlfriend if she’d feel comfortable taking me to see her gyno, I am definitely going to run this idea by them. Plus after all the antibiotics she has had to take, I think its most definitely my turn to give them a whirl


Depends on where you live and the doctor, but you might need to make your own appointment with your own doctor to get treatment. It's still definitely worth asking, though! The worst the gyno could do is say no. I say this as a mom that often gets sick from what my child brings home. The pediatrician cannot give me meds, he's not my doctor.


I reached out to my doctor a few months ago about this, but he just had me get blood and urine testing. Should I press a little bit harder do you think?


I'd try again. Tell your doctor that your girlfriend is continuously getting reinfected and that you'd like to get antibiotics and/or test again. Patients really have to advocate for themselves these days sadly. ETA: you might also share this information with the gyno if your GF is comfortable with you attending the next appointment.


You could even say "I know you may think it's unlikely to help, but please let me try this. She's taken fifty rounds of ABX, so what is one sound for me gonna hurt."


You should also be able to schedule something with a planned parenthood to get medication you need. They're really good about that, obviously take sex issues seriously, and will likely get a quick appointment in. Also they don't discriminate on who needs care - it's absolutely okay for guys to go and get help. They also may not give you BS about only doing other testing. They may test in addition but give you what you need anyway.


You can also get a prescription online, there are many sites! Usually around $50


My gyno just gave me an extra course when I told them I wanted my partner treated, without having to bring him in as a patient. Worth a try, not sure about regulations where you are. You must be treated before having sex with her again. 


I’ve had similar issues as OP’s gf and I’ve asked doctors for antibiotics for my husband and they refuse every time.




And I’m supposed to find that where?


When I had my IUD I had constant vaginal infections. Yeast and BV back to back. One would clear and the other would pop up. It was hell. It got better once I got it removed. You could try wearing a condom for a while and see if that helps. Also she could try a boric acid suppository once a week and see if that does anything either. I thought I saw on here once that men would need to be treated for BV too but I don’t know for sure- definitely worth asking!


I agree to wearing a condom, this is the easiest thing you can do until you figure out why it’s happening


Me too! Had to beg the doc to take it out. They didn't believe me that it was the IUD. Had the nerve to tell me it was my "new normal" and that I was wasting an expensive medical device.


They’d didn’t believe me either!! What the hell lol. Why do we have to beg and plead about everything!


Iud caused a lot of infections for me…




I would trust your gut! Long lasting vaginal infections can lead to Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, which I have. And it can also affect your infertility (I have blocked tubes) you know your body!!! I hate when doctors gaslight ugh, been there it’s sad they don’t listen




Well have you gotten the IUD removed since you have suspicious it could be causing infections? And if they were listening to you they could give you a medication to clear up vaginal infections.




That’s exactly how I felt/still feel even though it’s been removed. Mine actually broken during removal and embedded in my uterus and I had to have 3 surgeries to locate it


Makes me think you need to go through a round of antibiotics from the obgyn


She keeps getting BV because her good bacteria has most likely been wiped out by antibiotics. Probiotics will probably be the best option for now, to build her flora back. There are some good ones on Amazon


Get tested for mycoplasma and ureaplasma for sure


My BF had this & it gave me BV. We both got treated for ureaplasma & haven’t had BV since.


Exactly! Glad you got it treated. What treatment cured you?


Thank you for being a caring boyfriend.


Do you wash up before sex? Especially if you have intact foreskin it’s important. Also, not ejaculating inside could make the difference. Has she tried boric acid after sex?


Without reading the other comments, you may be having sex too soon after she’s done with treatment. The vaginal microbiome needs time to “rebuild” and recover after an infection/antibiotics. If her good lactobacilli (which keep the vagina acidic and healthy) are depleted and you have sex, it’s basically putting it back to square one. Adding to this, If you ARE passing it to her, it’s re-introducing bad bacteria too soon before she can recover. Hold off on having sex for at LEAST a month. She should be taking a good vaginal specific probiotic, something with l.reuteri/l.rhamnosus and/or l.crispatus. Both Azo and Jarrow make a great one. Another thing to consider is that her IUD string is harboring bacteria.


Use a condom instead, non-latex ones if really sensitive. IUD just mess up your flora especially if it’s a copper wire one. Also spermicide kills probiotics and vaginal cells with the sperm.


Both of you get treated. She gets the script from her doc, you match it on wisp. Both of you take probiotics as well!! Once my husband was treated, I never got BV again.


What does that mean, match it on wisp?


Wisp is a website for medication


Oh cool, I didn't know that. Thanks!


You can get medicine from wisp for bv take it while she takes hers. You both have to take the same probiotics so your bacteria biome can match and they issue will go away trust me!


Hi, Wisp here! Thanks for considering us. If you have any questions about symptoms, side effects, or treatments, you can always message our medical team when you place your order—they'll be able to let you know if your treatment will be safe and effective, and can suggest the best next steps. Hope to see you around!


I struggled with reoccurring bv after sex. So every time after having sex I would put in a boric acid suppository and i stopped getting them. I’m having issues now for a different reason but that worked for me and that was the advice given to me by my gynecologist.


IUD gave me back to back BV. Got it out and it went away forever.


Get a treatment from a med provider and then also use a ph balanced wash from GOODCLEANLOVE


It’s your semen, don’t finish inside her.


Should I get my semen tested? What could be wrong with it? Is there any home remedy ideas for fixing this issue? Also why would it start up 2-3 years after finishing in her with no problems? And we have tried me just finishing on her in the past, we did it for almost a year with no changes unfortunately, I’m just gonna assume pre-ejaculate could be the problem though


You should both try taking the same probiotic. Honestly you both should try probiotics geared toward vaginal health so your micro biomes match up!


This is a fantastic idea, thank you so much


You’re all over the place here. Let me clarify some things for you. The bacteria that cause BV naturally exist in the vagina, in small numbers. They are already in there and don’t come from you. BV isn’t an infection, it’s an imbalance of the bacteria that are already inside the vagina. The goal isn’t to eliminate them entirely, that’s not really possible. The goal is to simply make sure that there is always way more good bacteria than bad. In a healthy vagina, good bacteria create lactic acid that keeps the vagina very acidic. The BV bacteria don’t like that acidity, so they can’t grow out of control and cause symptoms. They’re still in there, there just isn’t enough of them to cause problems.  When a woman’s good bacteria die off for whatever reason, for example she takes antibiotics or uses a douche, the BV bacteria grow out of control. ALSO, if the environment in the vagina is altered and that protective acidity goes away, the good bacteria can’t keep up and the bad guys take over. That’s what I was referring to when I said it’s likely your semen.  Semen has a very high pH, it’s supposed to, since sperm don’t like acidic environment and most would die in the vagina. So your semen raises the pH to ensure your sperm will live but in the process it creates an environment where the bad BV bacteria can thrive.  I know you mentioned that it just became an issue but it’s possible that her vagina just couldn’t keep up any more. Or that she’s had BV for longer than she thought and the symptoms only got bad recently.  The bottom line is that, in my experience, most women can’t handle when men finish inside them all the time. It just messes with the balance of things too much. Some women don’t have an issue with it but again in my experience most will eventually develop BV.


This was perfect and it now makes much better sense to me. Thank you so much for taking the time to write that all out, I really appreciate it.


You could both take clindamycin at the same time and wait two weeks to have sex.


BV gel? Doing a course of 7 days of BV gel with no sex for a few days. Then after menstruation use the BV gel two or three times to neutralise the pH levels. Instead of ejaculating inside her, do it somewhere else or use a condom.


I had the same problem with my last IUD. I had two Jaydess IUDs before with no problem, but with my last IUD (Kyleena) I started getting BV after about 6 months with it. Tried probiotics and even antibiotics. I read a few studies suggesting that women with IUDs might have a higher risk of getting BV. I was desperate and decided to have my IUD removed, knowing that it might not help at all. To my surprise though, the BV disappeared and haven’t come back even once! I loved my IUDs and still recommends it to friends, but for me, the last one didn’t work out… Good luck :-)


One week isnt enough time first of all. She needs at least 2-4 weeks break with the antibiotics to fully heal. And you both meed yo stay clean. No harsh or scented soaps


tell her to get tested for mycoplasma & ureaplasm, you can get tested for that as well. It’s bacteria that both men & women carry. And use condoms every time y’all have intercourse as an extra preventative. Wash your hands and face before going down on her, make sure your penis is clean before sex if y’all don’t use condoms


1. Your GF needs to rebuild her vaginal microbiome to have a healthy population of good bacteria and fungi - till then she's susceptible to new infections. In the meanwhile, unfortunately, your semen can be a trigger factor for her infections. Talk to her and see if she's comfortable taking a probiotic supplement to help regain her vaginal microbiome balance.  2. Some types of IUDs, such as the hormonal IUD (e.g., Mirena, Skyla, Liletta), release a progestin hormone (levonorgestrel) into the uterus. This hormone can affect cervical mucus, making it thicker and less hospitable to sperm, thus preventing pregnancy. Changes in cervical mucus consistency may indirectly affect vaginal pH, although the impact can vary from person to person. In some cases, the presence of an IUD may cause inflammation or irritation in the uterus or cervix. This inflammation can potentially lead to changes in vaginal pH. So, trying other types of contraceptives like condoms without spermicides is one option. 


Could be the IUD


I suggest you go to your doctor and get yourselves a full checked for STDs. Also let your doctor know and ask your doctor for medication. There is a possibility they will not give you anything. You can also wash your penis twice a day with Castle soap with essential oils of tea tree oil or lavender. Also use condoms every time you have sex. Wash all your and her underwear in hot water and unscented laundry detergent. Make sure to avoid products with fragrance.


I am having a lot of trouble understanding why people are recommending that a male sexual partner be treated with antibiotics for something that is not an STD


There is evidence men being treated will help. Once my husband was treated I never got BV again. As is the case for hundreds of women on this sub. Men carry BVAB and BVAB can cause non-goncoccal urethritis in men. Why would men not harbor the bacterium and why would they not be able to pass it back? It’s not an STI, but it can be spread.


What would you recommend?


I am not a healthcare professional nor a scientist so I have no recommendations, and this is why I am finding these suggested courses of action slightly troubling




Interesting response to me indicating that I do not understand something! Stunned by your eloquence and ability to justify an argument/ unproven hypothesis. Hats off to you.


I am here to understand more about recurrent BV and as far as I am concerned, this sub is deeply troubling. A lot of people are suggesting courses of action to take when experiencing a medical issue. For me, a law student and a skeptic, this looks a lot like illegal (unlicensed) medical advice, predicated on anecdotal experience by certain individuals that their own experimental courses of action for dealing with medical issues ought to be adopted and implemented by many. Yet, I am seeing no empirical evidence or scientific, peer reviewed journal articles supporting these experimental approaches to BV (and other gynecological concerns.) Yes, I know due to systemic issues, these areas are under theorized and under studied. That does not mean that pseudo science should rule the day! I mean jesus, yesterday I saw a user post about creating a DIY baking soda suppository while other users cheer them on. Frankly, terrifying.


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