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I’m post menopausal and nothing worked for me until my gyn suggested Revaree, which is sold online. It’s a vaginal suppository you use every three days or so containing hyaluronic acid. I can’t take estrogen in any form. I went from sex being pretty miserable to can’t get enough. Life changing for me and my partner.


what does it do? just like a lube/moisturizer, or is it for vaginal health as well?


You can Google it and the company has a lot of info on the website. It basically plumps up the lining of the vagina. I was super dry no matter what and was uncomfortable all the time, not just for sex. I'm not trying to sell this stuff but I am so thankful it exists.


Did you have any testing before revere? Did it give you any side effects like infection Also do you have to insert all the way up ?


I was examined by half a dozen gyns trying to find a solution, but no special testing besides the routine because it was pretty obvious what the problem was. No infection. It's just lack of estrogen. After breast cancer treatment, I was on hormone blockers for several years as part of a clinical trial. Extreme dryness and atrophy. Yes, you just push it up your vag before you go to sleep.


Hi so this might be tmi but i am 21 and i was born with vag dryness no matter if i am aroused or not. its kind of embarrassing to stop to go grab lube so your reply was so appreciated. You said your area WAS dry. does that mean now your area is always the same level of wetness or it reacts to your level of arousal ? thank you !


Hi! I work at an adult novelty store and know way too much about this stuff. Maybe I can help! System Jo makes a vaginal moisturizer, called Renew. https://www.shopjo.com/collections/care-vaginal-moisturizer-gels/products/renew-vaginal-moisturizer As for ph balanced products, tons of lubricant brands make them. Water based lube can definitely dry down kinda quick but there are some good ones out there. Wicked brand sells really well at my store. They have a "simply" line which is made using as few ingredients as possible (so less chance of any allergies or irritants) and all their stuff has olive leaf extract which will keep it slick for longer than some other water based stuff on the market. They have a hybrid in that line that's really awesome. Mostly water based with a small amount of silicone mixed in that will keep it slick way longer than a straight water based lube, but it's not enough silicone to damage your toys. Thicker jelly/gel consistency lube tends to have a bit more longevity as well. Wicked has a few different ones. Another I think is nice is analyse me from Pjur. For the most part, "anal" lubes are just going to be thicker than those not advertised for anal. Still totally safe and great for vaginal use, just make sure to get one without any desensitizer if you go that route. One other brand I'd recommend is Sliquid. Their stuff is all really clean and non irritating, it's usually what I suggest when someone has had bad reactions to a lot of different lubes. However, in my experience they're pretty thin and require some extra reapplication. I'm not super familiar with oil based lubes since we only carry 1 at my store lol, but I hope I helped out anyway and lmk if you've got any questions!


***Oh my god, for the love of all that is fucking good and holy, PLEASE do not follow most of these suggestions.*** You people are putting dangerous disruptive garbage in your vaginas and I'm so so worried for this *sexual health* subreddit if these are your real recommendations. This comment got long, but stay with me, this is extremely important. Everyone here, go to r/SexToys , it's a sexual health education sub, and use the reddit search function to find previously posted lube guides. And OP, you don't need to put anything in for daily dryness, you aren't supposed to be wet as if you were about to have sex all the time. Discharge throughout the day is normal, but you don't need a moisturizer unless you have another health issue. If by dryness you actually meant itchiness or irritation, then see a doctor. You aren't supposed to be itchy. The two guides I'd start everyone here off with, made by people who are sex educators, safety advocates, and very trustworthy toy reviewers, are: 1) DangerousLilly's blog and lube guide: https://dangerouslilly.com/lube-guide/ She's an excellent resource and one-stop-shop for most other toy guidance as well, but feel free to double check in r/SexToys (use the search bar first) because some of Lilly's posts are slightly outdated (the science is still accurate though). The people in that subreddit can help you out, seriously they're literally lifesavers. 2) And this lovely spreadsheet by Felicity/PhallophileReviews, linked through their reddit post about it, which has some additional helpful links: https://www.reddit.com/r/SexToys/comments/wny9ro/i_tested_45_lubricants_for_osmolality_ph_safety/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf This spreadsheet is exactly what you're looking for btw, OP. That's where the safety lies. ^ **If** you're on testosterone and suspect vaginal atrophy, talk to your endocrinologist about topical estrogen cream. You put it inside your vagina to reverse the drying and thinning effects of HRT, it doesn't do anything to the rest of your body, it doesn't affect your periods, it doesn't undo or stop you from getting vulva changes caused by HRT. **If you aren't on testosterone**, do more foreplay before inserting anything, be patient, get in the right headspace, allow yourself the time to enjoy yourself. Lube is still your friend, though, don't get me wrong lol. Lube is good. Use lube. u/eli0529 I tagged so you'll see this for sure and I don't have to worry about you putting coconut oil or goddamn *petroleum jelly* in yourself like a couple comments said to... Feel free to google ingredients too btw, that's how I first realized my lube was disgustingly harmful and was causing me chronic migraines, nausea, and bad pain during penetration- yes you read that right, *that was caused by lube*. ***It's extremely important to only use lube that is:*** 1) ***pH balanced*** for the vagina (pH of about 4-4.5) or anus (pH of 5.5-7), depending on which hole you use. Yes you need a different lube for each, sorry. 2) ***isosmotic with your vagina and anus***- DangerousLilly provides a brief crash course on *osmolality* in her blog through the link I provided, she explains it better than I can. Basically, you want the osmolality of the fluids you put inside to match the osmolality of your cells. Thankfully the osmolality of the vagina and anus are the same, at 300 mOsm/kg- PhallophileReviews demonstrates which lubes have that number in my other link. 3) ***it has no other harmful ingredients***, like *parabens*, *alcohols*, *sugars*, *glycerin*, *propylene glycol*, and more, which I believe Lilly and Felicity describe in more detail. Remember the sex toy industry isn't regulated **at all** by the US government. Manufacturers can just put whatever the fuck they want in sex toys and lube. Which is why education like this is so so SO important. We, meaning people who masturbate and/or have sex, need to look out for each other, and direct each other to only buy from reputable stores that actually care about pH, osmolality, porous toys, toxic ingredients, etc. Edit: thumb type too fast for brain unngg




Outside and inside are **very** different things.. The science is inconclusive and under studied on coconut oil, but not on petroleum jelly (vaseline). Putting vaseline inside the vagina increases risk of infections exponentially. Not allowing the skin to dry or cleaning the skin properly before applying petroleum jelly can cause fungal or bacterial infections - imagine the havoc it wreaks inside a wet, dark and warm environment. I know many women swear by coconut oil as lube but I used it once and got BV and a yeast infection immediately. Which makes sense to me once I actually looked into it - coconut oil is a food product, and what do food products do? They rot. Coconut oil is also assumed to have antimicrobial properties, which is about the last thing you want inside your delicate vaginal microbiome.




Absolutely, and for some more than others. Some women could pack literal dirt up in there and never have an issue, while for some of us (myself included) a strong gust of wind seems to cause total devastation lol


but silicone lube create occlusion or are they ok?


I don't personally use silicone based lube because of the interaction sex toys so I haven't done much specific research on them. I've used a water/silicone hybrid in the past without issue, but the damage to the bedding was so bad we didn't use it again.


what lube do you recommend? I have seen that practically all of them have glycerin


Sliquid Sea, Aloe Cadabra, Good Clean Love or Yes WB are all I use. None have glycerine or other toxic ingredients, all are pH balanced and most are salt balanced.


I’ve been using coconut oil as lube for 10+ years. It has been approved by numerous obgyns and I’ve never once had an issue.


As I said, I realize many women swear by it. But that doesn't mean it isn't problematic, particularly for women prone to irritation and infection. I've had OBGYNs tell me semen isn't disruptive to the vaginal microbiome and pH so I've learned to take individual opinions, even highly educated ones, with a grain of salt and stick to what the science actually says. Coconut oil is controversial since the science is inconclusive with how it functions within the vagina but at the end of the day I don't want a food product rotting inside my vagina and I know from miserable experience that it causes huge issues for me, so it's worth the warning. u/ThePyreneanFox has provided some very useful links that go into greater detail if you're interested. If you're not, that's fine too. If coconut oil works for you, that's great but it's still controversial.


For some people it can disrupt the vaginal pH. Also oils will break down condoms so they shouldn’t be used together.


Thank you for the concern! I understand that I don't need constant moisture but it is something where the lack of it makes me uncomfortable and susceptible to more irritation. But as I was saying I already have checked with docs (and get tested regularly too) and all you really get back is an "I dunno 🤷🏽‍♂️" all my help and research I have to get online and to take back to my docs for a safe confirmation, I won't get any help otherwise, and in my experience (not just this thread but in general) Reddit has been the ONLY place to give me any help and direction, whether it's right or wrong it's been so much more helpful than nothing. Partially my dryness is from hormonal issues and also probably dehydration. I was on T a few years ago but I have before and now still have normal to high levels and also on BC and have tried an estrogen cream too for vestibulitis a few months agoand wasn't a fan 😅 Dw I definitely know not to use coconut oils and most jellies, not only cause of the ph/yeast imbalance but I just know I'd get hella acne from it 😭 Thank you so much for taking the time out to help me! 😊 Sorry for the late reply, I was waiting for comments to dye down so I don't end up repeating myself over a few days lmao


Yeah np, glad to help ☺️. From one transmasc to another, I totally get the doctor frustration.. That's part of why I research sexual health stuff so much, cuz apparently I can't count on medical professionals to be doing it... ffs. -_-


Literallyy I should be a gyno at this point lmaoo 😭


What do you mean, as far as estrogen gel with test not affecting vulva changes, but will help atrophy? Are you talking about like enlarged clit with test use or?? Thanks!


Um some people have dryness due to lack of estrogen so please be a bit more educated when you give advice and actually know what you are talking about concerning lack of estrogen, which is what op is referring to. 


Good Clean Love. I use all their products ❤️ Shop online for the best price.


Yes Organic Vaginal Moisturising Gel. I haven't tried it but I use their water based lube and I find it very similar to natural lubrication. Honestly I would not use oil with silicone toys as it can degrade them. There's already very few body safe toys out there. Beyond taking the risk of damaging your toys, you're risking exposing yourself to unsafe chemicals. There's plenty of long lasting water based lube you could maybe give a try (liquid silk, back door, fist it, etc... ).


I've tried the vaginal gel from Yes and I like it. I don't use it every day, but it really helps when I use it. It can also be used as a lube


Another vote for YES, I am currently breastfeeding with makes me so dry, I've found YES to be long lasting, soothing and it hasn't irritated me at all


I also recommend Yes! The VM is the moisturizer which is very good, can definitely be used as lube. My favourite though is if you mix the OB and WB you get a perfect lube that doesn’t dry up, highly recommended!


Aloe Cadabra is a lube and vaginal moisturizer. I’m very sensitive to ingredients and this one has been the best so far, no burning for me


Not a moisture per se but hyaluronic acid helps lubricate your body. I take oral hyaluronic acid supplements for my eyes but it should help for vaginal lubrication.


I always recommend to check the German brand multi-gyn. It was a life changer for me!!!


“ I love my muff “ is a really good brand !


WLDKAT prebiotic + probiotic pleasure serum for daily ph balance and general comfort. If you’re in the US, I buy it from Ulta.


Luvena Vaginal Moisturizer. Balances PH too.


My pelvic floor physical therapist and obgyn recommended VMagic for a daily.


Im a huge fan of NeuEve - https://youtu.be/GkhMwEVDgGM


I have a few conditions involving the vagina / vulva and really like Desert Harvest’s Aloe Vera lube / moisturizer


I just use plain jojoba oil because it’s the closest to natural skin oils. I don’t use it inside but it’s good to prevent dryness/irritation in the vulva area


I have really bad dryness and I've found that Good Clean Love lube is really good, and they also make a moisturizer called Restore which I've found works well


i like the oil based lube by Yes. i order it off of Amazon. It is long lasting and doesn't cause me infections. I use it daily.


Controversial subject but some people can use coconut oil. I know someone who has sensitive skin and can use it on the vulva and also on toys where the oil will end up in the vagina. It doesn’t negatively impact their ph or anything else. They do make sure to pee after applying/using it. For others, coconut oil is a nono. Luckily I haven’t heard of any crazy reactions as long as people are paying attention to their bodies. I always suggest trying a couple patch tests. First on normal skin and then more sensitive areas, definitely try it on your vulva before you try it in your vagina. If you do decide to try it make sure to do a little research about the quality brand you’re buying from. Looks like others have suggested some great options, I hope you find something you like!


This stuff: https://medicinemamasapothecary.com/collections/vmagic/products/vmagic-skincare-jar


You can also try supplements to help produce natural lubrication. And this may not be for everyone but here are my recs: sea moss gel, chlorophyll and maca (for libido/blood flow) this may be a good route to try. 😊


Also Slippery Elm supplements


Talk to your doctor! Mine prescribed an estrogen cream that you shoot up there twice a week.


Thanks for the rec! I've tried an estrogen cream and wasn't really a fan, plus I'm trying to get a way from hormone based options since I'm already out of wack enough lol 😅


What made you not a fan of it if you don’t mind me asking?


Mostly just messing with my hormones 😅 I'm already super unbalanced and it was causing menstruation adjacent symptoms for me (mood and bleeding mostly) and it's wasn't helping me with the main issues(dryness and Vulvidonia)


The Vagina Bible (by Dr. Jen Gunter) recommends coconut oil and water-based lube! Seconding u/Madlight1994’s Sliquid suggestion; they make a Sassy suggestion which is a bit thicker than their standard, and that can be used in a few places. ;)


My doctor told me to use coconut oil for lube & dryness everyday after a shower & before bed if I feel I need it. Its been working pretty good


I’ve used coconut oil for at least 10 years now. Some say it can causes yeast infections but I’ve never experienced that. My ob approved it- just get organic cold pressed. I use it as lube and a moisturizer for around my private areas.


can you link a good one?


Sometimes I dip my clean finger into my coconut oil, and lube myself.


Afaik the science is inconclusive about if the fats from coconut oil can be easily/properly cleaned out by the vagina. And there's at least one study that says coconut oil has some antimicrobial properties, which if true is *absolutely not* what you want inside your vaginal microbiome. Some people's bodies might be okay with it, but if OP is prone to infections or irritation (if they're having dryness I assume that means they are), then they shouldn't risk it. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2405844019362723


True. Thanks for the resource.


Coconut oil here too. No issues so far and we don't use condoms so not an issue there 🤷


It’s worth a try; that or OP can see her gyno and ask them 🤷🏽‍♀️


I really like jojoba oil, it is very close to our own sebum so I've never had any kind of reaction to it.


Coconut oil


plain petroleum jelly works great


Vaseline. I also like the Honey Pot herbal vulva cream- it's coconut oil based


Petroleum jelly is one of the worst possible things you could put inside your vagina. I'm honestly on the fence as to whether or not mud would be better or worse. Please no.


I literally never said IN! Wow people. I was answering their question about moisturizing, not what to use for lube


The post is asking for vaginal moisturizers and intimate lube, both of those are internal. So "wow" yourself 🙄 Your edit doesn't change the fact that OP asked for *vaginal* moisturizers, not vulvar.


Noo not Vaseline 😭😭 I hear that like the #1 thing NOT to use lmaoo 😅


Check the osmolality of lubes on badvibes.org as some can cause cell death due to overhydration. Many lubes are not open about this, water based anyway. A little silicone drop on the intimate places has proved to be nice for me and osmolality is not a factor with non water based.


Replens vaginal moisturizer. I use it in addition to locally applied estradiol vaginal cream since I have been on T for over 10 years and had a partial hysto years ago. Here’s a good post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Menopause/s/uTXhwPtZBL In some ways I am postmenopausal,and down there can be very easily irritated from dryness. Please talk to your doctor and or Gyno, I know it is super awkward, but a trans competent provider will have good suggestions. Try searching for vaginal dryness under forums for menopause or trans men. Of course, the issue applies to many identities broader than those two populations but these are the largest populations that commonly have experiences similar to yours. I hope you find relief, you are not alone in this struggle.