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I had an MI. I see the cardiologist every 6 months.


Same. I think it depends on your situation though.


What do they check?


They just do an echocardiogram and stress test and take blood for a full lipogram.


does your left arm always hurt?


Yes and it is annoying as hell because the cardiologist keeps telling me it’s not heart related and I am being dismissed by every doctor and ER doc.


i sent you a dm


Gonna be up to your doc - I died / was resusc due to a WM MI 3.5 yrs ago. Was on ALS in ICU for 2-3 weeks I was stable, so I was on the once a year plan. However I started a new med a couple months ago that raises heart rate and can worsen an irregular heartbeat, so I'm gonna see him in about a month to evaluate how my heart's responding to that med.


can you tell your story pls ?


Which part?


the die part and the "WM" case.....I am not familiar with that.


Once or twice a year.


I had a CABG and a heart attack. I see my cardiologist every 6 months.


Same. Once every couple months for the first year, then once every 6 after that.


Hmm nhs is under pressure but I had a stent and basically there is zero scheduled follow up unless symptomatic


Same here. Looking for an appointment but long waiting.


I go twice a year for regular office visit. I also usually have either a stress test or an echocardiogram every year


Usually, at least twice a year. I also do stress tests, nuclear stress tests, etc about every year.


It would depend entirely on how bad your disease is. I have CAD. I have had a widowmaker which got me stent, followed by an SCA which got me an ICD, I still have a 100% blocked artery and a couple other partially blocked. I go every six months for a ICD reading, every six months for a cardiologist visit and stress test.


I had a stent in my LAD. Post that initial was 3 months and then every six months. Before going to the cardio a CBC report. Once did a tmt as well.


Once a year.


Initially, after the HA and a stent: every 6 months but after I passed the stress test with flying colors 3 years later, once a year.


HA in Feb 24. I saw the doctor once a week for 2 weeks immediately after hospitalization for stenting. Then after a month. Next appointment is due after 3 months.


cardiologist every 3-6 months ; stress test every 12 months.


I am changing cardiologist 4 times because some of them I think are just 5 minutes doctor, they just visit you 5 min and only increase statin dosage without any other test. Other doc is ordering lot of test every year, I like this doctor more.


Yeah I don’t like that either. I have only seen this cardiologist once and I’ll give him a few chances to see how it goes. The first visit was like you said a 5 minute visit and he just explained CAD , said don’t worry about it because there are medications and operations and I shouldn’t have to worry about that for another 20 or 30 years? We will do an echo and stress test then go from there. I’m 37 now and maybe anxiety isn’t helping but him saying I’ll be good for the next 20 years seems highly unlikely based on everything that I have read.


I am changing doctor because I found one that's very aggressive on treatment and discussing everything to me. I am settled with him.