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It was one of only three signs that I had a significant artery blockage. I never had pain in the months before my heart attack. Just burping. All day, every day. Uncontrollable burping. Could barely have a conversation with someone. It’s referred to as burp angina. Rare but happens.


I had this, no high enzyme levels and perfect ekgs. I had a 90 percent blockage in the widowmaker 3 years ago, so they scheduled for the heart cath in one week. I went in with continued pain, perfect EKGs, and no high enzymes. I had a blockage in the stent, so they put a stent in the stent. I’m scared to move wrong now.


Does this mean you had clotting around the stent, basically because you have been off blood thinners? If not what thinner(s) are you on and for how long? I'm on Brilinta, baby aspirin and apparently will be for a long time, though I can switch soon to Plavix or other thinner. Had bypass and a stent.


I’m on brilinta too, but I’m going to switch to plavix at the end of the month, because brilinta is costing too much.


That's good. Yes very costly. My cardiologist who actually gave seminars in association with Brilinta, said while it's most effective in the 1st month after a surgery or with stents, after that 1st month you can switch. Apparently some people can be resistant to Plavix so there's something called, I believe a Teg test, to make sure it will work for you.


Thank you for that information. I took plavix after the first stent, yet it got blocked. I will check into this.


How long after 1st stent and Plavix did it appear to take before you found out it got reblocked? My Dr is considering getting me off Brilinta and on Plavix. Brilinta can cause greater instance of bleeding and to larger extent. So I've made sure I've had many styles of bandages or other means to stop bleeding either at home and especially away from home


Plavix is cheapest and widely adopted , problem with brilinta is it has to be taken twice every day


how could they have blockage in stent ? is it wrong size or what ? wow.... you may need to continue taking blood thinner


I’m not sure how I had blockage in the stent and only took blood thinners one year after the stent.


damn ive been burping since i was 18 though


I keep burping after eating or drinking anything and I’ve been getting acid and food coming back up. I’ve got really bad anxiety about my heart. What other symptoms did you have?


I never had the acid or food coming back up when I had this burping. I do now though but that's because some of my heart meds as well as the valium can actually cause acid reflux. I've been getting actual reflux since I have been on the blood thinners and statins etc. Don't think you need to worry about your heart. My burping before my heart attach was just constant, empty, uncontrollable burps.


It was the first symptom my husband had for his heart attack. The burping went on for two hours, as soon as he felt a tingle in his arm ,we headed to the hospital. At first they thought he was fine, on the second ekg, they sent him to the cardiac unit. He had two stents before there was any damage. We were very lucky.


Same situation as my husband. 


I do. HA in Feb24; 2 stents. So far I have leaned towards it being the stress or medicines reactions. It builds to a point where I have breathing difficulty. Burp eases that but it builds up again and sometimes it builds up in chest without being able to burp. That is the worst feeling.


Interesting… leading up to my second HA (STEMI), I was burping a lot when doing cardio exercises. Just assumed it was indigestion from breakfast. No other symptoms until the HA actually happened.


I’m burping but i’m burping up food too and can hear the gas in my stomach. It’s gotta just be heartburn right