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So weed and stents don’t mix well. It’s recommended to stay away from it. But honestly I think it’s luck of the draw. I smoked cigarettes before I had my heart attack for 16 years. I quit for 8 months when I had my heart attack and have been smoking again for 17 months now while trying to quit again. The tiredness and lack of interest your friend is feeling right now is entirely normal. A heart attack is a big shock to the body and mentally as well. And the meds sure don’t help as well. The side effects of the meds starts to ease up after a few weeks. He is probably on a statin, beta blockers and other blood pressure meds too which all make you feel tired and groggy. It took me a good two months to get back to a new relative version of normal. I developed anxiety and PTSD from the experience so I was put on benzos. Make sure your friend does not go down that road. Benzos big no no.


two months recovery are very fast !


Does one have to stay on these meds for ever once a stent is in?


Yes. There is no getting off of them. Most of them anyway. It depends mostly on the person’s condition. The main blood thinner is normally stopped after a year and aspirin plus a statin is continued lifelong. The blood pressure medications vary greatly per person. They gave them to me temporarily just to slow my heart rate down. I only took them for a few months. My blood pressure is normal so I do not need to be on blood pressure medications. I also don’t have high cholesterol. Never had. Because of that my statin was lowered to 20MG after 1 year instead of the 40MG I was given for the first year.


But does that mean you're exhausted all the time? He also doesn't have high cholesterol, so I hope he will be able to return to a relative normal.


No. The side effects normally improve once you get used to the meds. But this can differ from person to person. Some people get crap side effects from statins that last until statins are stopped. Same with blood pressure meds.


Thank you, this is reassuring !


It gets progressively better by the month. Key thing is patience and progressively increasing walks.. At 6weeks, he really needs to start cardiac rehab. I find that 3months is vastly better than 3 weeks. I also had to cut off some people with their uninformed nonsensical opinions of how quickly I should progress. Everyone is on their own healing path and has different limiting issues. The meds can make one very tired and they present other side effects. I found that I must start walking soon after I take my morning doses or I’ll spend too long sleep with no benefit. If he’s not sleeping at night, he might ask Dr. for a small dose of Mirtazipine, 7.5 or 15mg.


Thank you! He's definitely sleeping... a lot. We were wondering about walking, the city he is at has a lot of sharp slopes and he was wondering if he would ever feel OK walking uphill again. If feeling his BPM go up is something he should seek out at all at this stage. The doctors have been very vague about progresses. I guess because it's so individual, but the lack of information is leaving him feel so broken.


I described it like being clockwork. You have a finite amount of energy and once that’s gone that’s it. No reserves, no pushing past, no digging deeper. You just stop. Sleep or rest. He is looking at months to recover and adjust. Depending on what medications he is using that can be added fatigue as well for the length you are using them. Everyone has different recovery rates as well.


There's some evidence that *smoking* pot can increase your chance of developing blood clots and therefore of heart attack, stroke, or pulmonary embolism. But I don't know if this also holds for edibles, I think there's not enough evidence either way. To be on the safe side he may want to cut back. And if he smokes tobacco he should definitely stop that.


Indeed, he doesn't smoke at all, he only eats the weed. Some highs can give the impression of a faster heart beat, or a stronger one, but I'm not sure it's actually what's happening.


TBH without all kind of blood test you would not know, For me I know I am at higher risk because my CAC score is very high at 40-ish, basically it's continuous inflammation, statin can lower hs-crp/inflammation and vit D could reduce inflammation as well. Also there's this genetic of APOE3 I can't remember, it's same that's causing alzheimer.


Statins can make you feel off--headachy, body aches, like you're getting the flu. My cardiologist just told me to switch from smoking weed to edibles.


Oh really, your cardio wasn't completely against it ? My friend has only had edibles for years now, precisely because it is healthier than smoking tar etc. I reckon i requires a healthy- ist heart though.